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  • Kellie Walker v. Triborough Bridge And Tunnel Authority, D/B/A Metropolitan Transportation Authority Bridges And Tunnels, Victor Muallem, Sharon Gallo-KotcherTorts - Other (Discrimination) document preview
  • Kellie Walker v. Triborough Bridge And Tunnel Authority, D/B/A Metropolitan Transportation Authority Bridges And Tunnels, Victor Muallem, Sharon Gallo-KotcherTorts - Other (Discrimination) document preview
  • Kellie Walker v. Triborough Bridge And Tunnel Authority, D/B/A Metropolitan Transportation Authority Bridges And Tunnels, Victor Muallem, Sharon Gallo-KotcherTorts - Other (Discrimination) document preview
  • Kellie Walker v. Triborough Bridge And Tunnel Authority, D/B/A Metropolitan Transportation Authority Bridges And Tunnels, Victor Muallem, Sharon Gallo-KotcherTorts - Other (Discrimination) document preview
  • Kellie Walker v. Triborough Bridge And Tunnel Authority, D/B/A Metropolitan Transportation Authority Bridges And Tunnels, Victor Muallem, Sharon Gallo-KotcherTorts - Other (Discrimination) document preview
  • Kellie Walker v. Triborough Bridge And Tunnel Authority, D/B/A Metropolitan Transportation Authority Bridges And Tunnels, Victor Muallem, Sharon Gallo-KotcherTorts - Other (Discrimination) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/18/2022 07:24 PM INDEX NO. 160839/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/18/2022 Exhibit D FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/18/2022 07:24 PM INDEX NO. 160839/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/18/2022 From: Kellie Walker [] Sent: Friday, February 7, 2020 10:02 PM To: Cc: Subject: Complaint against Victor Muallem Gwendolyn Harleston Acting Chief EEO Officer & Diversity MTA Bridges and Tunnels Ms. Harleston: I am Labor Counsel with Labor Relations at MTA Bridges and Tunnels. I am submitting this complaint with MTA Bridges and Tunnels' Equal Employment Opportunity Office against Victor Muallem, my immediate supervisor. On Monday, February 3, 2020, I was physically assaulted by Victor Muallem. On February 4, 2020, I filed a workplace violence complaint against Victor Muallem for the same incident. Please see my attached statement, which was filed with my workplace violence complaint, regarding the incident. In my statement, I also detail another incident perpetrated by Victor Muallem against me which took place on January 8, 2020. I trust that your office will immediately investigate these matters. /s/ Kellie Terese Walker Labor Counsel MTA Bridges and Tunnels FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/18/2022 07:24 PM INDEX NO. 160839/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/18/2022 On 2/03/2020, I was physicallyhitby Victor Muallem during arbitration at theAmerican ArbitrationAssociation (AAA) in thepresence of thefullSOBA ArbitratorDan and TBTA's Board, Brent, Christophe Coradin, as wellas the court reporter. It occurred later cross examination of in the afternoon, during my ChristinaLampropoulos (CL), SOBA president.Victor Muallem was to leftand had asked me to ask a certainquestion sitting my of CL.I asked a question of "recollected" CL that used the word when VictorMuallem hitmy left arm so hard I felt the immediate pain of it. I felt such pain, embarrassment and humiliationthat I barelyremember what I did shock, next, but I remember the lookon CL's face as I asked another question. I don't recallthe question I asked her. Just the lookthat registered shock. I remember tonot scream inpain and notrun ofthe room. I remember myself trying cry, out making sit there and be a professional even though I wanted to run and hide from Victor Muallem because he had hitme. He hit me. He hitme!! The hearing ended. I remember I wentinto an room and hid in theclosetof thatroom to call empty hearing my coworker Alexandria Jean-Pierre to tellher what happened. But I couldn't express how I really feltbecause I was afraidI'dbreak down and and have to face VictorMuallem and colleagues/adversaries withtears cry running down my face. I ended thecall with my co-worker and then I realizedI couldnot find pocketbook. I found it. It wasin my another hearing room in AAA where Victor Muallem and the arbitratorwere with counsel speaking opposing Alex Kaminski regarding new hearing dates inthe arbitrationmatter. (I did not even recallleaving my pocketbook inthat hearing room because I was so upset). I engaged on the issue of date selection,but the whole time I was feeling the pain in my arm and shock inmy body and mind. After dates were selected, I could nottake being in VictorMusl!em's presence any longer. I told Victor Muallem that I was ready to leave. I heard myself ask him if hewas going back to Randall's Island.He said,No. I was forced to ridethe elevator down tothe lobby with him. I thinkI toldhim I couldwalk to the car myself. He then said he'd leave the back way out ofAAA. He had never taken thatway before. I walked to the Battery Parking Garage tothe Authority vehicle. I wanted to cry,but couldn't because I feared the smütiüns would overtake me as I drove. I calledmy co worker Alexandria Jean-Pierre. I returnedthe Authority vehicle to Fleet, and was driven back to RMB. I had maintenance drive me directlytomy personal car. I drove around tomy RMB entrance, got out and went intothe building where I clocked out and gotback in my car.I was too upset to go to my office. I started on the way home. I haven't stopped crying except when I picked up my daughter, fed her and crying got her to bed. I'm so hurt and still inshock. I feelsick.I feelscared. The events of 02/03/2020 fc|lowed an incident with Victor Muallem on 01/08/2020 during an arbitrationhearing in which he abusively yelled at me in frontof our clients,the fullSOBA Board and Arbitrator John Sands. Victor Muallem belittledme. He made me feel humiliated. Victor Muallem's behavici was so overt the top that Arbitrator Sands called the atterneys out ofthe room and, putting his hand on my shoulder, mentioned Victor Muallem's behavior. KellieTerese Walker