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  • Arturo Vail v. Bentsion Gefter, Janna Gefter Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Arturo Vail v. Bentsion Gefter, Janna Gefter Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


INDEX NO. 154216/2017 MSGR DOG lhe Fx: (868) 307-4756 To: Fax: “ i212) 800-5140 Page 2 cREGHIMED 1bYSCEF: 06/06/2017 E SUPREME COURT OF THE, STATE OF NEW YOR COUNTY OF __ a STATEMENT OPA UTHrnORIZATION POR e i (Managing Attorney Autho ng Individual Fillag Agent} 298] I \ \ Leaning Bea, (Attorney? sisteatiqg No. | jam the J managing attorney off attorney in charge of & filing fox S (the “Witm?). Thereby acknowledge and. of the NYSCEF system hereby represent that the attorneys in the firm who are authoziz ed users INSYNC LITIGATION SUPPORT. LLC (“the filing agent”) to utilize his/her authorize at their direction in any e-filed half and NYSCER filing agent [D to file documents on thelr bi ded $a Section, 202.5-b of NYS! CEE, as provi matter in which they are counsel ofzecord through the Uniform Rules for the Trial Convts. in which these attorneys have | : ‘This authorization extends to any. consensual mati exto any mandatory matter in which previously consented to e-filing or may he: reafter consent, in which they authorize the filing they have recorded thei representation, and to any matter . agent to record consent or representation in the NYSCH E system these attoxneys generate and. : ‘This authorization extends to any and all documents authorization, posted once on the submit to the filing agent for filing in any such matter . This are counsel of record, shall be WYSCEE website as to each matter in w hich these attorneys the filing agent on behalf of these deemedto accompany any documentin that matter filed by attorneys, indy make ‘This a izdition also extends to matters of pai yment, which the filing agent any authorized. the Count y Clerk of either by debiting an account the filing agent maintains ¥ vith with the County Clerk of any e-filing county or by debiting an acco’ wnt the Firm maintains authorized e-filing county. continue unt!l the Firm revokes the This authorization regarding this filing agent shall to the B-Riling Resource Center. authorization in writing on a preserib ed form delivered - Dated lb-9-48 : 4 (un Voek NY Code | 6038" Gity, State and Zip és hatte Wiclue 1 Loatos . 91. AKT SISY Phone Print Name : : Q seth Yeon Ue. . co stieam@l atta bw E-Mail Addvess "Firm/Department Kn Dors eduall atte WKS% signe ssn ATI) Street Address ws oF Please send the completed form via email to py fax to (212) 500-5140. Thank you. lof 1