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  • Greg Rohles v. Metropolitan Transportation Authority, The New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Capital Construction Company), Judlau Contracting/Tc Electric, A Joint Venture Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Greg Rohles v. Metropolitan Transportation Authority, The New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Capital Construction Company), Judlau Contracting/Tc Electric, A Joint Venture Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Greg Rohles v. Metropolitan Transportation Authority, The New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Capital Construction Company), Judlau Contracting/Tc Electric, A Joint Venture Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Greg Rohles v. Metropolitan Transportation Authority, The New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Capital Construction Company), Judlau Contracting/Tc Electric, A Joint Venture Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Greg Rohles v. Metropolitan Transportation Authority, The New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Capital Construction Company), Judlau Contracting/Tc Electric, A Joint Venture Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Greg Rohles v. Metropolitan Transportation Authority, The New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Capital Construction Company), Judlau Contracting/Tc Electric, A Joint Venture Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Greg Rohles v. Metropolitan Transportation Authority, The New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Capital Construction Company), Judlau Contracting/Tc Electric, A Joint Venture Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Greg Rohles v. Metropolitan Transportation Authority, The New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Capital Construction Company), Judlau Contracting/Tc Electric, A Joint Venture Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 EXHIBIT 1 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 SUPREME COURT OF'THE STATE OF'NEW YORI( COUNTY OF NEW YORK GREG ROHLES, VERIF'IED BILL OF PARTICULARS Plaintffis), Index No.: 157185/2019 -against- METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, THE NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY, METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY (CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, AND JUDLAU CONTRACTTNG/TC ELECTRTC, A JOrNT VENTURE, Defendant(s). x ATTORNEYS: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the plaintiffs, by his attorneys, SACKS AND SACKS, LLP, hereby responds to the demand for a Verified Bill of Particulars by the defendants, based upon information and belief as follows: 1. Plaintiff s accident occurred on March 28,2019 at approximately 10:00 a.m. 2. Plaintiff s accident occurred at construction work being performed on the MTA's L line at l4th Street & Avenue A, specifically at street level in the Borough of Manhattan, Crty and State of New York. 3. The claim arose on the 28th day of March, 2019 at approximately 10:00 a.m. at the 'L' line on 14th Street and Avenue A, more specifically on the street level, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York. At all times herein mentioned the cleJendnnts ov,Ined, operated, managed and controlled the aforesaid premises and further retained numerous contractors including Rebar Steel Corp. to perform work, labor and services thereat. While claimant was lawfully upon the aforesaid premises as an employee of the aforesaid Rebar Steel Corp. he was caused to sustain serious and severe injuries when he was caused to be struck by a CAT 315 excavation machine that was driven in a negligent, careless and reckless manner. The occu11ence as aforesaid was caused solely and wholly by the reason of negligence, carelessness FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 and recklessness of the defendants and its contractors who were negligent in the ownership, operation, management and control of the aforesaid premises. The defendants and its contractors were negligent, careless and reckless causing serious and severe injuries to claimant; further, allowed the aforesaid excavation machine to be backed over claimant without warning; further, failed to have signals, b:uzzerc; further, failed to have men guiding the aforesaid machinery causing same to strike claimant knocking him down causing him to sustain serious and severe injuries; further, failed to properly coordinate the trades; further, failed to have an appropriate waming device when the machine was backing, causing dangerous and hazardous conditions; further; violated Sections 200,240 and24l(6) of the Labor Law of the State of New York, Rule 23 of the Industrial Code of the State of New York, specifically, but not limited to: 23-1.5,23' |.7, 23-r .8, 23-1.1r,23-r.29, 23-r.31, 23-2.1, 23-2.2, 23-2.3, 23-4, 23-5, 23-6, 23-7 , 23-8, 23-9, 23-9.1, 23-9.2, 23-9.3, 23-9.4, 23-9.5, 23-9.6, 23-9.7, 23-9.8, 23-9.9, 23-9.10, 23-9.11, Article 1926 of O.S.H.A. and was otherwise negligent, careless and reckless causing claimant to sustain serious and severe injuries. 4. Defendants violated Sections 200,240 and 241(6) of the Labor Law of the State of New York, Rule 23 of the Industrial Code of the State of New York, specifically, but not limited to:23-1.5,23-1.7,23-1.8,23-1.11,23-1.29,23-1.31,23-2.1,23-2.2,23-2.3,23-4,23-5, 23-6, 23-7 , 23-8, 23-9 , 23-9 .I , 23-9 .2, 23-9 .3, 23-9 .4, 23-9 .5 , 23-9 ,6, 23-9 .7 , 23-9 .8, 23-9 .9, 23- 9.10,23-9.11, Article 1926 of O.S.H.A. 5. Objection, not within the scope of a bill of particulars. See CPLR 3043. However, without waiving such objection, the claim arose on the 28th day of March, 2019 at approximately 10:00 a.m. at the 'L' line on 14th Street and Avenue A, more specifically on the street level, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York. At all times herein mentioned the de.lbndttnt,g owned, operated, managed and controlled the aforesaid premises and further retained numerous contractors including Rebar Steel Corp. to perform work, labor and FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 services thereat. While claimant was lawfully upon the aforesaid premises as an employee of the aforesaid Rebar Steel Corp. he was caused to sustain serious and severe injuries when he was caused to be struck by a CAT 315 excavation machine that was driven in a negligent, careless and reckless manner. The occurrence as aforesaid was caused solely and wholly by the reason of negligence, carelessness and recklessness of the defendants and its contractors who were negligent in the ownership, operation, management and control of the aforesaid premises. The defendants and its contractors were negligent, careless and reckless causing serious and severe injuries to claimant; further, allowed the aforesaid excavation machine to be backed over claimant without waming; further, failed to have signals, buzzers; further, failed to have men guiding the aforesaid machinery causing same to strike claimant knocking him down causing him to sustain serious and severe injuries; further, failed to properly coordinate the trades; further, failed to have an appropriate warning device when the machine was backing, causing dangerous andhazardous conditions; further; violated Sections 200,240 and24I(6) of the Labor Law of the State of New York, Rule 23 of the Industrial Code of the State of New York, specifically, but not limited to: 23-I.5,23-1.7,23-I.8,23-1.1I,23-I.29,23-I.31,23-2.1,23-2.2, 23-2.3,23-4,23-5,23-6,23-7,23-8,23-9,23-9.1,23-9.2,23-9.3,23-9.4,23-9.5,23-9.6,23-9.7, 23-9.8,23-9.9,23-9.10,23-9.11, Article 1926 of O.S.H.A. and was otherwise negligent, careless and reckless causing claimant to sustain serious and severe injuries. 6-7. Although actual and constructive notice is not a prerequisite for this action, both are claimed. Upon information and belief, defendants METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITYO THE NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY, METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY (CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY) AND JUDLAU CONTRACTING/TC ELECTRIC, A JOINT VENTURE' retained an inspection firm, site safety personnel, general contractor, site supervisor and/or designated METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, THE NEW YORK CITY FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 TRANSIT AUTHORITY, METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY (CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY) AND JUDLAU CONTRACTING/TC ELECTRIC, A JOINT VENTURE, to monitor the work being performed. Plaintiff believes that either the inspection firm, site safety personnel, general contractor, site supervisor andlor the designated personnel, who acted as agents of METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY' THE NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY, METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY (CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY) AND JUDLAU CONTRACTING/TC ELECTRIC, A JOINT VENTURE, had actual knowledge of the worksite conditions which they were monitoring andlor observing andlor inspecting pursuant to their contract and/or employment responsibilities with METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, THE NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY, METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY (CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY) AND JUDLAU CONTRACTING/TC ELECTRIC, A JOINT VENTURE, to eNSufE contractual compliance with job specifications and architectural drawings. At this time, plaintiff does not know the names of other inspectors, site safety personnel, general contractors METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, THE NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY, METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY (CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY) AND JUDLAU CONTRACTING/TC ELECTRIC, A JOINT VENTURE site supervisors or assistant site supervisors but will supplement this response upon receipt of this information. Although actual and constructive notice is not a prerequisite for this action, both are claimed. Upon information and belief, defendants, METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, THE NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY, METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY (CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY) AND JUDLAU CONTRACTING/TC ELECTRIC, A JOINT VENTURE, retained an inspection firm, site FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 safety personnel, general contractor, site supervisor and/or designated METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITYO THE NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY, METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY (CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY) AND JUDLAU CONTRACTING/TC ELECTRIC' A JOINT VENTURE personnel, who acted as agents of METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY' THE NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY, METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY (CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY) AND JUDLAU CONTRACTING/TC ELECTRIC, A JOINT VENTURE, to monitor the work being performed. Plaintiff believes that either the inspection firm, site safety personnel, general contractor, site supervisor andlor the designated personnel, who acted as agents of METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, THE NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY, METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY (CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY) AND JUDLAU CONTRACTING/TC ELECTRIC, A JOINT VENTURE had constructive knowledge of the worksite conditions which they were monitoring andlor observing andlor inspecting pursuant to their contract and/or employment responsibilities with, to ensure contractual compliance with job specifications and architectural drawings. At this time, plaintiff does not know the names of other inspectors, site safety personnel, general contractors, site supervisors or assistant site supervisors but will supplement this response upon receipt of this information. Notice is not a requisite to recovery in this action. However, both actual and constructive notice is alleged. The name of the person and persons to whom notice was given is not known at the present time and will be provided if and when it is available. Constructive notice is alleged because said condition existed several hours to several days prior to the happening of plaintiffs accident. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 8 Iniuries: LUMBAR SPINE: Disc herniation at L5-S1 with annular tear; Central disc herniation at L4-L5; Disc bulge atTI2-LI; Radiculopathy at L5; Intemal derangement; Restriction of motion; Severe pain; Stiffness; Activation of any pre-existing degenerative changes that were entirely asymptomatic on the date of the accident; Post traumatic arthritis has developed and will continue develop over the course of plaintiff s lifetime. *Surgical intervention may be required in the future. RIGHT HIP: Internal derangement; Restriction of motion; Severe pain; Stiffness; Activation of any pre-existing degenerative changes that were entirely asymptomatic on the date of the accident; Post traumatic arthritis has developed and will continue develop over the course of plaintiff s lifetime. *surgical intervention may be required in the future. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 All of plaintiffs injuries have already required extensive orthopedic care, neurological care, physical therapy and will in the future, require further medical care and treatment including physical therapy, orthopedic care and the need for future surgical intervention. All of the above injuries were attendant with extreme pain and suffering and have affected plaintiffs bodily systems and the skin, nerves, bones, tissues, tendons, muscles, blood vessels and other tissues. All of the above injuries and ill effects there from are permanent in nature exceot those o f a suoerficial nature Further, plaintiff, GREG ROHLES will likely require lifetime medical care as a result of the injuries sustained including orthopedic evaluation, neurological evaluations, physical therapy, pain management, diagnostic tests including X-rays, MRI's, CT-Scans and EMG's of the affected areas above, lifetime medications including: pain killers, anti- inflammatories, sleep medication and anti-depressants, lifetime assistance of aides including but not limited to cane, walker, braces, and other devices, will require lifetime household services in cleaning as well as multiple future surgical procedures to the above effected areas. The full amounts for monies needed for plaintiff s medical care at this date is not known but will be set forth in a life care plan prior to trial. 9. Plaintiff has been confined to bed and home, except for necessary visits to healthcare providers for approximately four weeks in total since the date of the accident. Plaintiff has not been hospitalized to date as a result of the accident. 10. At the time of the accident plaintiff was employed as a Union Laborer with Rebar Steel Corp. and was earning approximately $90.00 per hour in union wages and benefits. Plaintiff has been completely and totally disabled from his normal vocation as a Union Laborer from the day after the accident up to the present time and for an indefinite time in the future. If plaintiff is unable to return to his normal vocation as a Union Laborer, plaintiff will claim approximately $150,000.00 per year and all lost wages and union benefits including but not FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 limited to loss of annuity, loss of wage, loss of family health coverage, loss of vacation pay, and loss of pension or severe dimunition of the same. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this response pursuant to the CPLR with expert economic exchanges. 11. Based upon information and belief, all of plaintiffs medical expenses to date have been paid by workers' compensation. Plaintiffs workers' compensation carrier is State Insurance Fund, 199 Church Street, New York, New York 10007, carrier case number: 72011448-127, WCB# 02474561. It is claimed in the future that plaintiff will require additional medical care over the course of his lifetime including doctors' visits, hospitalizations, surgery, radiological exams, and multiple forms of therapy, medications and modifications to his home as well as assistive devices. All the same will be testified to at the time of trial by plaintiffs treating physicians and plaintiff reserves the right to exchange an expert report by a life care plan pursuant to the CPLR. 12. Plaintiff resides at 27 South Ridgefield Road, Hewitt, New Jersey 07421 on the date of the accident and at the current time. 13. Plaintiffs date of birth is ____. 14. Plaintiffs social security number is . 15. The claim arose on the 28th day of March, 2019 at approximately 10:00 a.m. at the 'L' line on 14th Street and Avenue A, more specifically on the street level, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York. At all times herein mentioned the defendants owned, operated, managed and controlled the aforesaid premises and further retained numerous contractors including Rebar Steel Corp. to perform work, labor and services thereat. While claimant was lawfully upon the aforesaid premises as an employee of the aforesaid Rebar Steel Corp. he was caused to sustain serious and severe injuries when he was caused to be struck by a CAT 315 excavation machine that was driven in a negligent, careless and reckless manner. The occurrence as aforesaid was caused solely and wholly by the reason of negligence, carelessness FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 and recklessness of the defendants and its contractors who were negligent in the ownership, operation, management and control of the aforesaid premises. The defendants and its contractors were negligent, careless and reckless causing serious and severe injuries to claimant; further, allowed the aforesaid excavation machine to be backed over claimant without waming; further, failed to have signals, buzzers; further, failed to have men guiding the aforesaid machinery causing same to strike claimant knocking him down causing him to sustain serious and severe injuries; further, failed to properly coordinate the trades; further, failed to have an appropriate waming device when the machine was backing, causing dangerous and hazardous conditions; further; violated Sections 200,240 and24l(6) of the Labor Law of the State of New York, Rule 23 of the Industrial Code of the State of New York, specifically, but not limited to 23-1.5, 23- r.7,23-1.8,23-1.11,23-1.29,23-1.31,23-2.1,23-2.2,23-2.3,23-4,23-5,23-6,23-7,23-8,23-9, 23-9.1,23-9.2,23-9.3,23-9.4,23-9.5,23-9.6,23-9.7,23-9.8,23-9.9,23-9.r0,23-9.r1, Article t926 of O.S.H.A. and was otherwise negligent, careless and reckless causing claimant to sustain serious and severe injuries. 16. The claim arose on the 28th day of March, 2019 at approximately 10:00 a.m. at the 'L' line on 14th Street and Avenue A, more specifically on the street level, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York. At all times herein mentioned the deJbndaLrl.s owned, operated, managed and controlled the aforesaid premises and further retained numerous contractors including Rebar Steel Corp. to perform work, labor and services thereat. While claimant was lawfully upon the aforesaid premises as an employee of the aforesaid Rebar Steel Corp. he was caused to sustain serious and severe injuries when he was caused to be struck by a CAT 315 excavation machine that was driven in a negligent, careless and reckless manner. The occurrence as aforesaid was caused solely and wholly by the reason of negligence, carelessness and recklessness of the defendants and its contractors who were negligent in the ownership, operation, management and control of the aforesaid premises. The defendants and its contractors FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 were negligent, careless and reckless causing serious and severe injuries to claimant; further, allowed the aforesaid excavation machine to be backed over claimant without waming; further, failed to have signals, buzzers; further, failed to have men guiding the aforesaid machinery causing same to strike claimant knocking him down causing him to sustain serious and severe injuries; further, failed to properly coordinate the trades; further, failed to have an appropriate warning device when the machine was backing, causing dangerous and hazardous conditions; further; violated Sections 200,240 and24l(6) of the Labor Law of the State of New York, Rule 23 of the Industrial Code of the State of New York, specifically, but not limited to:23-1.5,23- 1.7,23-1.9,23-1.11,23-1.29,23-r.31,23-2.r,23-2.2,23-2.3,23-4,23-5,23-6,23-7,23-9,23-9, 23-9.r, 23-9.2, 23-9.3, 23-9.4, 23-9.5, 23-9.6, 23-9.7, 23-9.8, 23-9.9, 23-9.10, 23-9.11, Article 1926 of O.S.H.A. and was otherwise negligent, careless and reckless causing claimant to sustain serious and severe iniuries. 17. Objection, not within the scope of a bill of particulars. See CPLR 3043. 18. The claim arose on the 28th day of March, 2019 at approximately 10:00 a.m. at the 'L' line on 14th Street and Avenue A, more specifically on the street level, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York. At all times herein mentioned the defbndanls owned, operated, managed and controlled the aforesaid premises and fuither retained numerous contractors including Rebar Steel Corp. to perform work, labor and services thereat. While claimant was lawfully upon the aforesaid premises as an employee of the aforesaid Rebar Steel Corp. he was caused to sustain serious and severe injuries when he was caused to be struck by a CAT 315 excavation machine that was driven in a negligent, careless and reckless manner. The occurrence as aforesaid was caused solely and wholly by the reason of negligence, carelessness and recklessness of the defendants and its contractors who were negligent in the ownership, operation, management and control of the aforesaid premises. The defendants and its contractors were negligent, careless and reckless causing serious and severe injuries to claimant; further, FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 allowed the aforesaid excavation machine to be backed over claimant without warning; further, failed to have signals, buzzerc; further, failed to have men guiding the aforesaid machinery causing same to strike claimant knocking him down causing him to sustain serious and severe injuries; further, failed to properly coordinate the trades; further, failed to have an appropriate warning device when the machine was backing, causing dangerous and hazardous conditions; further; violated Sections 200,240 and24l(6) of the Labor Law of the State of New York, Rule 23 of the Industrial Code of the State of New York, specifically, but not limited to:23-1.5,23- r.7,23-r.8,23-1.11,23-1.29,23-r.3r,23-2.1,23-2.2,23-2.3,23-4,23-5,23-6,23-7,23-8,23-9, 23-9.1, 23-9.2, 23-9.3,23-9.4, 23-9.5,23-9.6, 23-9.7, 23-9.8, 23-9.9,23-9.10, 23-9.11, Article 1926 of O.S.H.A. and was otherwise negligent, careless and reckless causing claimant to sustain serious and severe injuries. 19. The claim arose on the 28th day of March, 2019 at approximately 10:00 a.m. at the 'L' line on 14th Street and Avenue A, more specifically on the street level, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York. At all times herein mentioned the defendtrnls owned, operated, managed and controlled the aforesaid premises and further retained numerous contractors including Rebar Steel Corp. to perform work, labor and services thereat. While claimant was lawfully upon the aforesaid premises as an employee of the aforesaid Rebar Steel Corp. he was caused to sustain serious and severe injuries when he was caused to be struck by a CAT 315 excavation machine that was driven in a negligent, careless and reckless manner. The occuffence as aforesaid was caused solely and wholly by the reason of negligence, carelessness and recklessness of the defendants and its contractors who were negligent in the ownership, operation, management and control of the aforesaid premises. The defendants and its contractors were negligent, careless and reckless causing serious and severe injuries to claimant; further, allowed the aforesaid excavation machine to be backed over claimant without warning; further, failed to have signals, buzzers; further, failed to have men guiding the aforesaid machinery FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 causing same to strike claimant knocking him down causing him to sustain serious and severe injuries; further, failed to properly coordinate the trades; further, failed to have an appropriate warning device when the machine was backing, causing dangerous and hazardous conditions; further; violated Sections 200,240 and24l(6) of the Labor Law of the State of New York, Rule 23 ofthe Industrial Code of the State of New York, specifically, butnot limited to:23-1.5,23- 1.7,23-1.9,23-r.11,23-1.29,23-r.31,23-2.1,23-2.2,23-2.3,23-4,23-5,23-6,23-7,23-8,23-9, 23-9.r, 23-9.2, 23-9.3, 23-9.4, 23-9.5, 23-9.6, 23-9.7, 23-9.8, 23-9.9, 23-9.r0, 23-9.11, Article 1926 of O.S.H.A. and was otherwise negligent, careless and reckless causing claimant to sustain serious and severe iniuries. 20. Duplicativedemand. 21. Please see plaintiffs response to combined demands for a list of healthcare providers. 22. Objection, not within the scope of a bill of particulars. See CPLR 3043. 23. The claim arose on the 28th day of March, 2019 at approximately 10:00 a.m. at the oL' line on 14th Street and Avenue A, more specifically on the street level, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York. At all times herein mentioned the defendants owned, operated, managed and controlled the aforesaid premises and further retained numerous contractors including Rebar Steel Corp. to perform work, labor and services thereat. While claimant was lawfully upon the aforesaid premises as an employee of the aforesaid Rebar Steel Corp. he was caused to sustain serious and severe injuries when he was caused to be struck by a CAT 315 excavation machine that was driven in a negligent, careless and reckless manner. The occurrence as aforesaid was caused solely and wholly by the reason of negligence, carelessness and recklessness of the defendants and its contractors who were negligent in the ownership, operation, management and control of the aforesaid premises. The defendants and its contractors were negligent, careless and reckless causing serious and severe injuries to claimant; further, FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 allowed the aforesaid excavation machine to be backed over claimant without waming; frrther, failed to have signals, buzzers; further, failed to have men guiding the aforesaid machinery causing same to strike claimant knocking him down causing him to sustain serious and severe injtnies; further, failed to properly coordinate the trades; further, failed to have an appropriate warning device when the machine was backing, causing dangerous and hazardous conditions; further; violated Sections 200,240 and24l(6) of the Labor Law of the State of New York, Rule 23 of the Industrial Code of the State of New York, specifically, but not limited to: 23-1.5, 23- r.7,23-1.8,23-r.rr,23-1.29,23-1.3r,23-2.r,23-2.2,23-2.3,23-4,23-5,23-6,23-7,23-8,23-9, 23-9.1, 23-9.2, 23-9.3, 23-9.4, 23-9.5, 23-9.6, 23-9.7, 23-9.8, 23-9.9, 23-9.r0, 23-9.r1, Article 1926 of O.S.H.A. and was otherwise negligent, careless and reckless causing claimant to sustain serious and severe injuries. 24. Objection, not within the scope of a bill of particulars. See CPLR 3043. 25. Not applicable. 26. Objection, not within the scope of a bill of particulars. See CPLR 3043. 27-29. Not applicable. 30. Objection, not within the scope of a bill of particulars. See CPLR 3043. 31. The claim arose on the 28th day of March, 2019 at approximately 10:00 a.m. at the 'L' line on 14th Street and Avenue A, more specifically on the street level, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York. At all times herein mentioned the tlefentlcrl?t.r owned, operated, managed and controlled the aforesaid premises and further retained numerous contractors including Rebar Steel Corp. to perform work, labor and services thereat. While claimant was lawfully upon the aforesaid premises as an employee of the aforesaid Rebar Steel Corp. he was caused to sustain serious and severe injuries when he was caused to be struck by a CAT 315 excavation machine that was driven in a negligent, careless and reckless manner. The occurrence as aforesaid was caused solely and wholly by the reason of negligence, carelessness FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 and recklessness of the defendants and its contractors who were negligent in the ownership, operation, management and control of the aforesaid premises. The defendants and its contractors were negligent, careless and reckless causing serious and severe injuries to claimant; further, allowed the aforesaid excavation machine to be backed over claimant without warning; further, failed to have signals, buzzers; fuilher, failed to have men guiding the aforesaid machinery causing same to strike claimant knocking him down causing him to sustain serious and severe injuries; further, failed to properly coordinate the trades; further, failed to have an appropriate waming device when the machine was backing, causing dangerous and hazndous conditions; further; violated Sections 200,240 and24l(6) of the Labor Law of the State of New York, Rule 23 of the Industrial Code of the State of New York, specifically, butnot limited to 23-1.5,23- 1.7,23-1.8,23-r.1r,23-r.29,23-1.31,23-2.1,23-2.2,23-2.3,23-4,23-5,23-6,23-7,23-8,23-9, 23-9.r, 23-9.2, 23-9.3, 23-9.4, 23-9.5, 23-9.6, 23-9.7, 23-9.8, 23-9.9, 23-9.10, 23-9.11, Article 1926 of O.S.H.A. and was otherwise negligent, careless and reckless causing claimant to sustain serious and severe injuries. 32. Objection, not within the scope of a bill of particulars. See CPLR 3043. 33. Objection, not within the scope of a bill of particulars. See CPLR 3043. 34. Not applicable. 35. Duplicative demand. 36. Duplicative demand. 37. Not applicable. 38. Not applicable. 39. Not applicable. 40. Not applicable. 41. Duplicative demand. 42-44. Not applicable. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 DATED: NEW YORK, NEW YORK December 3,2019 Yours, SA DAVID H. MAYER, ESQ. Attorneys for Plaintiff 150 Broadway - 4thFloor New York, N.Y. 10038 (2t2) 964-ss70 TO WILSON ELSER MOSKOWITZ EDELMAN & DICIGR LLP Attorneys for Defendants METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY THE NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY (CAPTTAL CONSTRUCTION COMpANyo AND JUDLAU CONTRACTING/TC ELf, CTRTC, A JOINT VENTURE 150 E. 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 (212) 490-3000 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2022 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 157185/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 34 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/11/2022 VERIFICA I, DAVID H. MAYER, an attorney duly admitted to practice in the courts of New York State, and say that: I am the attorney of record, or of counsel with the attorney(s) of record, for the plaintiff(s), I have read the annexed VERIFIED BILL OF PARTICULARS know the contents thereof and the same are true to my knowledge, except those matters therein which are stated to be alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters I believe them to be true. My belief, as to those matters therein not stated upon knowledge, is based upon the following: facts, investigations and pertinent data contained in deponent's file. The reason I make this affirmation instead of plaintiff is because plaintiff(