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  • Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Lm General Insurance Company v. Moshe Zirkiev, Advanced Recovery Equipment And Supplies Llc, Anesthesia Solutilons P.C., Barry Dublin Md, Mlj Chiropractic P.C., Orthocaretech Inc., Protechmed Inc., Quality Orthopedics And Complete Joint Care P.C., Quest Diagnostics Incorporated, Right Hand Medical Assist L.L.C., Robert Malakov, Physician, P.C., Roxbury Anesthesia, Llc, Southwest Nassau Radiology, P.C., Stillwell Chiropractic P.C., Surgicore Of New Jersey City, Llc, Valuecare Pharmacy Inc., Virginia Ferrigno, Lmt.Commercial - Insurance document preview
  • Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Lm General Insurance Company v. Moshe Zirkiev, Advanced Recovery Equipment And Supplies Llc, Anesthesia Solutilons P.C., Barry Dublin Md, Mlj Chiropractic P.C., Orthocaretech Inc., Protechmed Inc., Quality Orthopedics And Complete Joint Care P.C., Quest Diagnostics Incorporated, Right Hand Medical Assist L.L.C., Robert Malakov, Physician, P.C., Roxbury Anesthesia, Llc, Southwest Nassau Radiology, P.C., Stillwell Chiropractic P.C., Surgicore Of New Jersey City, Llc, Valuecare Pharmacy Inc., Virginia Ferrigno, Lmt.Commercial - Insurance document preview
  • Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Lm General Insurance Company v. Moshe Zirkiev, Advanced Recovery Equipment And Supplies Llc, Anesthesia Solutilons P.C., Barry Dublin Md, Mlj Chiropractic P.C., Orthocaretech Inc., Protechmed Inc., Quality Orthopedics And Complete Joint Care P.C., Quest Diagnostics Incorporated, Right Hand Medical Assist L.L.C., Robert Malakov, Physician, P.C., Roxbury Anesthesia, Llc, Southwest Nassau Radiology, P.C., Stillwell Chiropractic P.C., Surgicore Of New Jersey City, Llc, Valuecare Pharmacy Inc., Virginia Ferrigno, Lmt.Commercial - Insurance document preview
  • Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Lm General Insurance Company v. Moshe Zirkiev, Advanced Recovery Equipment And Supplies Llc, Anesthesia Solutilons P.C., Barry Dublin Md, Mlj Chiropractic P.C., Orthocaretech Inc., Protechmed Inc., Quality Orthopedics And Complete Joint Care P.C., Quest Diagnostics Incorporated, Right Hand Medical Assist L.L.C., Robert Malakov, Physician, P.C., Roxbury Anesthesia, Llc, Southwest Nassau Radiology, P.C., Stillwell Chiropractic P.C., Surgicore Of New Jersey City, Llc, Valuecare Pharmacy Inc., Virginia Ferrigno, Lmt.Commercial - Insurance document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/17/2020 07:49 AM INDEX NO. 652678/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 57 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/17/2020 Exhibit K INDEX INDEX NO.NO. 6526 /8/2U18 FILED: NEW FILED: NEW YORKYORK COUNTYCOUNTY CLERK CLERK 11/17/2020 01/06/2020 11:5W 07:49 AM 652678/2018 NYSCEF DOC.DOC. NONO. 57 RECEIVED NYSCEF RECEIVED NYSCEF: : 1/ 06/ 2020 011/17/2020 NYSCEF . 32 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY HON. MELISSA A. CRANE J.S.C. PRESENT: PART Justice Index Number : 652678/2018 INDEXNO. LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE MOTIONDATE ZlRKIEV, MOSHE MOTIONSEQ.NO. Sequence Number : 002 - REARGUMENT/RECONSIDERATION The fe!!owing pa pers,numbered 1 to , were read on thismotion to/for Notice ofMotion/Order to Show Cause - Affidavits- Exhibits | No(s). Answering Affidavits- Exhibits No(s). Replying Affidavits No(s). Upon the foregoing papers, itis ordered that this motion is Dated: , J.S.C. HON. M ISSA CRANE 1. CHECK ONE: CASE DISPOSED ON-FINAL DISPOSITION 2. CHECK AS APPROPRIATE: MOTION IS: GRANTED O DENIED C GRANTED IN PART OTHER 3. CHECK IF APPROPRIATE: .............. SETTLE ORDER ¤ SUBMIT ORDER DO NOT POST O FIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT O REFERENCE 1 of 1