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  • LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY et al vs ACUTUS RX, LLC et al document preview
  • LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY et al vs ACUTUS RX, LLC et al document preview
  • LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY et al vs ACUTUS RX, LLC et al document preview
  • LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY et al vs ACUTUS RX, LLC et al document preview
  • LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY et al vs ACUTUS RX, LLC et al document preview
  • LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY et al vs ACUTUS RX, LLC et al document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/14/2020 02:15 PM INDEX NO. 654092/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/14/2020 Exhibit F FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/14/2020 02:15 PM INDEX NO. 654092/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/14/2020 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ___________________________________________________________________x AFFIRMATION LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY and LM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Index No.: 654092-2019 Plaintiffs -against - KENDON THOMAS, Defendant" "Individual -and- AMRO CARE PT, P.C., LAWRENCE CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES, P.C., NORTH SHORE HOME CARE SERVICES, INC., AVA CUSTOM SUPPLY INC., OPUS PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES P.C., SI ACUPUNCTURE, PC., METRO PAIN SPECIALISTS PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION, PROSPECT CHIROPRACTIC PLLC, CITIMEDICAL I,PLLC, MAURO CHIROPRACTIC P.C., HARBOR MEDICAL GROUP PC, ACUTUS RX, LLC, AK GLOBAL SUPPLY CORP, Defendants" "Medical Provider collectively, the Defendants. ___________-- __- __- __- __- __ -------------------------X Chi Wai Chuck Chang, an attorney duly admitted to practice in New York State, being duly sworn deposes and says: 1. I am an attorney, of counsel, for Burke, Conway & Stiefeld (f/k/a Burke, Conway & Dillon) for the plaintiff Liberty Mutual Insurance Company ("Liberty Mutual") and have been so employed by Liberty Mutual at all times relevant herein. I was assigned to conduct EXaminations "EUOs" under Oath of the Individual Defendant, Kendon Thomas ("Thomas"). I am fully familiar with this investigation based upon my own independent knowledge and also upon my review of the filesmaintained by Liberty Mutual. 2. On September 17, 2018, I was present at the scheduled place and time for the EUO of Thomas at Bee Court Reporting located at 89-00 Sutphin Boulevard, third Floor, Queens, New FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/14/2020 02:15 PM INDEX NO. 654092/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/14/2020 York. Despite proper notice sent to Thomas and his attorney on September 7, 2018, he failed to "no-show" appear and a statement was placed on the records with the Court Reporter. 3. On October 4, 2018, I was present at the scheduled place and time for the EUO of Thomas at Bee Court Reporting located at 89-00 Sutphin Boulevard, third Floor, Queens, New York. Despite proper notice sent to Thomas and his attorney on September 18, 2018, he failed to appear "no-show" and a statement was placed on the records with the Court Reporter. Thomas' 4. On October 16, 2018, notice was sent to Thomas and his attorney scheduling EUO for October 25, 2018. Said EUO was rescheduled for November 2, 2018. 5. On November 2, 2018, I was present at the scheduled place and time for the EUO of Thomas at Bee Court Reporting located at 89-00 Sutphin Boulevard, third Floor, Queens, New York. Despite proper notice sent to Thomas and his attorney on October 25, 2018, he failed to appear and "no-show" a statement was placed on the records with the Court Reporter. 6. If Thomas had appeared and fully testified, itwould have been easier to make a determination regarding the legitimacy and the payment of the claims. However, without a satisfactory appearance, the billing could not be verified. 7. As such, I respectfully join in the request that a Default Judgment be granted and that the Individual Defendants be prohibited from collecting on the billssubmitted because they failed to comply with the policy provisions reasonably requested by Liberty Mutual and appear for Examinations Under Oath as requested in the scheduling letters and as noted on the no show statements that are attached to the plaintiff'smotion. Dated: Mineola, NY May 1, 2020 CHI WAI CHUCK CHANG