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  • Top Drawer Custom Cabinetry Corp. v. 500 West 21st Street, 'Apt 7a', New York, New York, Block 692 Lot 1127 Special Proceedings - Mechanic's Lien document preview
  • Top Drawer Custom Cabinetry Corp. v. 500 West 21st Street, 'Apt 7a', New York, New York, Block 692 Lot 1127 Special Proceedings - Mechanic's Lien document preview


At an Ex-Parte Part of the Supreme Court of the State of New York held in and for the County of New York at 60 Centre Street, New York, New York 10007 on the day of May, 2018. P R E S E N T : Hon. J.S.C. -----------________---------________------------------------------------X In the Matter of the Application of: Index No.: 154738/2017 TOP DRAWER CUSTOM CABINETRY CORP. Lienor, ORDER For an Order Pursuant to Lien Law Section 17 Of the Lien Law Continuing a Certain Notice Mechanics' Under Lien Law against premises known 21" As 500 West Street "Apt 7A", New York, New York Block 692, Lot 1127 ----------------------------------------------------------------------x UPON READING AND FILING, the Affidavit of Zeljko Tomic, President of the 24d' Lienor, TOP DRAWER CUSTOM CABINETRY CORP., duly sworn to on the day of May, 25"' 2018, the Affirmation of Richard Zisholtz, subscribed the day of May, 2018, and upon the Application of Zisholtz & Zisholtz, LLP, attorneys for the Lienor, itis ORDERED, that the Mechanic's Lien filed by TOP DRAWER CUSTOM CABINETRY CORP., in the amount of $10,595.00 and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of New 31" York, on the day of May, 2016, and extended for the period of one year by Order May 30, 21" 2017, against the real property known as and located at 500 West Street "Apt 7A", New York, New York, Block 692, Lot 1127 and more particularly described in the Mechanic's Lien previously filed, which is improved by single family residential dwelling and against the owners, be and the same hereby is continued for a period of one (1) year from the date of granting of this Order pursuant to the provisions of Section 17 of the Lien Law of the State of New York, and it is further, ORDERED, that upon filing a copy of this Order with the Clerk of the County of New York, the Lien Clerk of the County of New York is hereby directed to redocket the said Mechanic's Lien as of the date of the granting of this Order and to make an entry in the books provided therefor of the fact that the said Mechanic's Lien has been continued by virtue of this Order. E N T E R J.S.C.