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  • Anne E. Humphreville CFBO Anne E. Humphreville IRA v. Aeu Holdings, Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Anne E. Humphreville CFBO Anne E. Humphreville IRA v. Aeu Holdings, Llc Commercial Division document preview


(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0971472017 10:51 AM INDEX NO. 652836/2017 RECEINED, NYSCRES 09 8/AdW/ 2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/12/2017 Holland & Knight 31 West 52nd Street | New York, NY 10019 | T 212.513.3200| F 212.385.9010 Holland & Knight LLP | Sean C. Sheely +1 212-613-3538 September 12, 2017 Via NYSCEF and Hand Delivery Hon. Eileen Bransten Supreme Court, New York County 60 Centre Street, Room 521 New York, NY 10007 Re: Anne E. Humphreville, CFBO Anne E. Humphreville IRA v. AEU Holdings, LLC Index. No. 652836/2017 Dear Judge Bransten: We represent Plaintiff Anne E. Humphreville, CFBO Anne E. Humphreville IRA in the above-referenced matter. The parties have reached a settlement in principle and are working diligently to finalize the settlement. In consideration of the foregoing, we write to respectfully request an adjournment of the oral argument on Plaintiffs Motion for Summary Judgement in Lieu of Complaint (Motion Sequence No. 001) scheduled to take place on Thursday, September 14, 2017 at 11:30 A.M. This is the first request for an adjournment of the oral argument. Further, we conferred with Defendant’s counsel and have obtained their consent to this request. Accordingly, we respectfully request that the Court grant the above request and adjourn the oral argument to October 19, 2017 or October 26, 2017, or such date thereafter as may be convenient for the Court. We thank the Court'in advance for its consideration of this matter. Should the Court have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned Sincerely yours, Orek oryrert on Yrot'x Seqreret ov! HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP LA adwumel fe Otte 2b TIF at [3a em Sew Gre, ean C. Sheely ce: All counsel of record (via NYSCEF and emai) GO é/\ LiF "ORL EMen EEN DR ae AGER Sad, Anchorage | Atlanta | Austin | Boston | Charlotte | Chicago | Dallas | Denver | Fort Lauderdale | Houston | Jacksonville | Lakeland Los Angeles | Miami | New York | Orlando | Portland | San Francisco | Stamford | Tallahassee | Tampa | Tysons Washington, D.C. | West Palm Beach #53605423_v3 lofl lof 1