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  • Anne E. Humphreville CFBO Anne E. Humphreville IRA v. Aeu Holdings, Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Anne E. Humphreville CFBO Anne E. Humphreville IRA v. Aeu Holdings, Llc Commercial Division document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/07/2017 10:21 PM INDEX NO. 652836/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 23 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/07/2017 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ANNE E. HUMPHREVILLE, CFBO ANNE E. HUMPHREVILLE IRA, Index No. 652836/2017 Plaintiff, Hon. Eileen Bransten Motion Sequence No. 001 -against- AEU HOLDINGS, LLC, Defendant. AFFIDAVIT OF LOLLY LEGER STATE OF TEX A ) A „ ) ss: COUNTY OF R ) LOLLY LEGER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am over the age of eighteen (18) years, and otherwise competent to testify, and I make this declaration upon my own personal knowledge_ 2. I am a Member of Defendant AEU Holdings LLC ("AEUH"), a limited liability company that was formed in December 2014. 3. In 2015, Mr. Satler and I began exploring starting a business relationship with David Dennett-Smith ("Dennett-Smith"). 4. On March 26, 2015, IRA Services CFBO Anne E. Humphreville ("Humphreville") purchased a Note in AEUH, in the amount of $1,200,000.00, as part of a transfer of Humphreville's funds to Dennett-Smith via AEUH (the "AEUH Note"). 5. Dennett-Smith signed a promissory note to AEUH for $1,250,000.00 (the "DDS Note"). However, before any money was wired to Dennett-Smith, I secured confirmation from 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/07/2017 10:21 PM INDEX NO. 652836/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 23 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/07/2017 Humphreville that the AEUH Note, the funds from which were being sent to Dennett-Smith, was non-recourse as to AEUH. Specifically, via e-mail to me dated April 10, 2015 (the "April 10 E- mail"), Humphreville acknowledged: "I will not hold AEU liable for the use of the funds from the 1,200,000 note. Anne Humphreville". A true and correct copy of this April 10 E-mail is attached hereto as Exhibit ("Exh.") "H." Humphreville's April 10 E-mail to me copied to Dennett-Smith. Id. 6. On April 10, 2015 I forwarded a copy of Humphreville's April 10 E-mail to Mr. Satler, among others. See attached E)dt. H. 7. On April 10, 2015, I received, via e-mail, a wire transfer confirmation confirming that $1,200,000.00 had been wired from AEUH to Dennett-Smith. A true and correct copy of that e-mail is attached hereto as Exh. "I." On April 10, 2015, I forwarded a copy of this e-mail to Mr. Satler, Humphreville and Dennett-Smith, among others. See attached Exh. I. 8. The foregoing facts are known by me to be true, of my own knowledge. I am competent to testify to such facts, and would so testify if I appeared in court as a witness at the trial of the matter. I make the foregoing statements subject to the penalties of perjury. I ry _,eger S6 Member, AEU Holdings, LC Sworn to before me this 3 day of , 2017 JULIE ROBERTSON Notary ID # 11792100 My Commission Expires July 13, 2020 otary Public 2 2 of 2