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  • Anne E. Humphreville CFBO Anne E. Humphreville IRA v. Aeu Holdings, Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Anne E. Humphreville CFBO Anne E. Humphreville IRA v. Aeu Holdings, Llc Commercial Division document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/07/2017 04:40 PM INDEX NO. 652836/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 12 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/07/2017 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ANNE E. HUMPHREVILLE, CFBO ANNE E. HUMPHREVILLE IRA, Index No. 652836/2017 Plaintiff, Hon. Eileen Bransten Motion Sequence No. 001 -against- AEU HOLDINGS, LLC, Defendant. WHEREAS, Plaintiff Anne E. Humphreville, CFBO Anne E. Humphreville IRA ("Plaintiff') commenced this action by filing a Motion For Summary Judgment In Lieu Of Complaint (Motion Sequence No. 001) on May 24, 2017, which is returnable July 10, 2017; WHEREAS, Plaintiffs Motion For Summary Judgment In Lieu Of Complaint require that answering papers be served 10 days prior to the return date, or June 30, 2017; WHEREAS, Defendant AEU Holdings, LLC ("Defendant"), by and through counsel, seeks to adjourn the return date of Plaintiffs Motion to July 20, 2017, for the purpose of extending its time to serve its answering papers to Plaintiffs Motion For Summary Judgment In Lieu Of Complaint to July 10, 2017; WHEREAS, counsel for Plaintiff has agreed to the requested extension; and WHEREAS, this is the first extension of the return date of Plaintiffs Motion For Summary Judgment In Lieu Of Complaint (Motion Sequence No. 001). 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/07/2017 04:40 PM INDEX NO. 652836/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 12 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/07/2017 NOW, THEREFORE, the parties, by and through their respective counsel, hereby stipulate and agree as follows: 1. The return date for Plaintiffs Motion For Summary Judgment In Lieu Of Complaint (Motion Sequence No. 001) is hereby adjourned from July 10, 2017 to July 20, 2017; 2. This is the firststipulation adjourning the return date of Plaintiffs Motion For Summary Judgment In Lieu Of Complaint; and 3. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts, and copies of signatures transmitted by facsimile or e-mail and e-signatures shall be treated as originals. Dated: July 7, 2017 New York, New York ARENT FOX LLP HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP By: Eric Biderman Shee y Elliott M. Kroll Pauline T. Ha 1675 Broadway, Floor 34 31 West 52nd Street New York, NY 10019 New York, New York 10019 (212) 484-3900 (212) 513-3200 pauline.ha@hklaw.corn Attorneys for Defendant Attorney for Plaintiff AEU Holdings, LLC Anne E. Humphreville, CFBO Anne E. Humphreville IRA 2 2 of 2