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  • Dayonna Howell v. G Aranda-Bernardez, Dream Land, John Doe the name JOHN DOE being fictitious and intended to designate the person operating the automobile of said Dream Land, at the time and place herein alleged Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Dayonna Howell v. G Aranda-Bernardez, Dream Land, John Doe the name JOHN DOE being fictitious and intended to designate the person operating the automobile of said Dream Land, at the time and place herein alleged Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


po = neuen (FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0572372018 12:02 PM INDEX NO. 154787/2017 : NYSCEF DOC. NO. 24 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/23/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY PRESENT: HON. ADAM SILVERA PART_@22 ws Justice Da youna Howell woexno. 15478 7/7 MOTION DATE. @ Aranda Berna des etal MOTION SEQ.NO._COOR ‘The following Papers, numbered 4 to SS _ , were read on this motion #§for semua jelgmae Notice of Motion/Order to Show Cause — Affidavits — Exhibits {Nois)__ 1, 2.3 Answering Affidavits — Exhibits [Nojs). 4 Replying Affidavits [Noje). Ss Upon the foregoing papers, It is ordered that this motion defendant G .| for summary judgment, pursuant to CPLR 3212, is granted on the issue of liability against owned by Aranda-Bernardez. Plaintiff's motion, which contends that she was a passenger in the vehicle Bernardez’s vehicle, defendant Dream Land when the rear of such vehicle was struck by defendant Aranda- Bernardez to raise a has made out a prima facie case of negligence, and the burden shifts to defendant Aranda- 851, 853 (1985). “[A] triable issue of fact. See Winegrad v New York University Medical Center , 64 NY2d nce on the part of rear-end collision with a stopped or stopping vehicle establishes a prima facie case of neglige with an adequate the driver of the rear vehicle, ...[and] shift[s] the burden to defendant to come forward nternal quotations nonnegligent explanation for the accide: nt”. Cruz v Lise, 123 AD3d 514 (1% Dep’t 2014)(i y is outstanding. omitted). Here, defendant Aranda-Bernarde: z argues that this motion is premature as discover “However, defendant’s failure to raise any factual issues to absolve him of liability or even submit a sworn defendant is statement of facts or to credibly explain the failure to do so defeats the need for discovery. Since ], discover y would & the party with knowledge of the fac ‘tual circumstances as to how...[the accident occurred serve no purpose.” Johnson v Phillips, 261 AD2d 269, (1 Dep’t 1999). As such, plaintiff's motion for summary judgment is granted as to defendant G Aranda-Bernardez’s liability. ” Accordingly, it is 2 as against ORDERED that plaintiffs motion for summary judgm ent is granted on the issue of liability i w defendant G Aranda-Bernardez onl ly; and it is further ORDERED that all counsel shall appear for a previously scheduled compliance conference on October 29, 2018 at 9:30am in room 103 of 80 Centre Street, New York, NY; and it is further ORDERED that within 30 days of entry, plaintiff shall serve a copy of this dj E defendants with notice of entry. This constitutes the Decision/Order of the Court. ION ADAM 'SILVERA~ Dated: a C. 4. CHECK ONE: w..cssssessonsnseoon (2 Case DISPOSED Wron-FinaL oS POSITION 2. CHECK AS APPROPRIATE: RANTED. MOTION IS: ([JDENIED COGRANTEDINPART (JOTHER CK S .ssssssscrresosecarnsecorensooenn wonu []SETTLE ORDER IF APPROPRIATE 3. CHE CO sueMit ORDER (JDO NoT Post oO FIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT [JREFERENCE —— en a me ae lof 1