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  • Li Qun Diao-Tin v. Express Trade Capital, Inc., Michael Rolnick, Kristian Andersen, Llanx Llc, Andersen & Stokke Llc (Nominal Defendant) Commercial Division document preview
  • Li Qun Diao-Tin v. Express Trade Capital, Inc., Michael Rolnick, Kristian Andersen, Llanx Llc, Andersen & Stokke Llc (Nominal Defendant) Commercial Division document preview


NEW OUN 0/0 INDEX NO. 652808/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 56 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/09/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT PART 4/7_ Dia -Ta STIPULATION V INDEX NO. 6 §AF08) Je 7 Express (ade Cop ite| Tac eta MOTION CALENDAR NO DATE 16 }4]16 P uisver| b ths par na’ "7 leewst IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the below-named ato fy(s) as follows: /) Defendant Michael Ro) ace withdraes Wis juradrefer |e te ASOS aad 4 fet h he Sub elf he the wresdi hes 7 to _Cayt 2) De fondant Veshen A Ade ise shel Pridy tG aA le fd ase by PlacshH s yhshccfeal Asta nak Cequey a4 s_hetve CO.) $ { y) Detendont And espa sh sit hy ¢ fess hav dogos> “ ba VSyves Se hay h J \v/ sdicten orth, Ia fo oF VAG Ydrocoa bern @ OA Of hofare tas4 4) Pia nhtt hel! aM eud My Compsla On Gf he fre Why 23 5) the Pas he sh | Set q Aistesery schedule at ha (oA fren ‘) fle pe hey she or Aipees at a stabs Cantt/ou @ 464 Now “EC ¥ at INiga Attomey for Plaintiff Plage fy for ndant K(k © Ange ser So Ordered ry for ndant wl Me TP. Eye de kop | ENTER: O. PETER ERWOOD /5¢ ‘SC-BG (rev 2/86) lofl