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  • Mohammed Abu Jafor as Administrator of the Estate of Mahmuda Khatun, deceased v. North Central Bronx Hospital, New York City Health And Hospitals Corporation Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview
  • Mohammed Abu Jafor as Administrator of the Estate of Mahmuda Khatun, deceased v. North Central Bronx Hospital, New York City Health And Hospitals Corporation Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview


FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 03/11/2019 12:50 PM INDEX NO. 24591/2017E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/11/2019 SUPREME COURT OF TEL STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF BRONX INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT PART ,Lr-3P(' X Q,IS-1 (11/4.A (_,(A-vt csv, e. cosor Si' +6 Ind° o. Mo . Cal.No. NJ& ceri\fct 6ccif D te x ogefneer- h pLA_Q, ' IT IS HEREBY ST1PUbraED5AND-aED by and between the w-narned attorney(s) as follows: c...g-c trae, \The\c-L op/ jik-fri f 9 1--Ansv\-- a1 tkAyless 0/o/ Lyn de--;\ no:\ e- \riat \i\npsS -Ce-brnkJQ 14‘ f() tf a won of; eonspi SkoskDS bb ACScfna ipAyyesS an et __ k-i a»*-".12,5seS A‘\ ti Ace c( 471 t,U 1 \ Ices" , AckrktresS - e_a %9_0Vt c1 1 30 aymtm , Date: Man Ia Attome for Plaintiff, Em2.3 _Fat As So Ordered. Attome r Defendant ENTER: ORGE iT SILVER HoN.. Attorney for Defendant SC. NO. 8G Rev. 3/86 1 of 1