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  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Exhibit 8 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 F NONE NONE BHIX Consent:Y Y WTCKOFFREIGIFTCMEDICALCENTER EMERGENCT ROOMRegistrationForm ENG ER ACCTS: WO0503693700 Admit Date: 05/06/10 Mat:WDO2157352 A D? NCNE ROOm/Bed: Adnut Timr: 0324 F/C: HCDEMO HPA? Y Type: EMERGENCT(T Loc/Serv:NSEDA SSf:xxx-xx-9999 BMP? ADMSRC: SED EMER PATIENTADDRESSINFo: IPATIENTDD400RAPHICS SANTILLAN,RAUL I008: /63 LTDSC: 33-05 90TH ST 4B IAas: 54 ADMSC:SED JACKSONHEIGHTS,NY11372 Isexa M NTLNG:ENGLISH HomePhone: IRace:0TH INTRP: N IReis ORDNR: CNTY: QUEENS IM/S: S EPANEX SER: TATIENT EMPLOYER 1 PERSON70 WMIFY - EMERGENCYofNTACT EMPLOTERATTD4PTEDUNENOVN UNKNOWNUNKNOWN I UNKNOWN,UU99999 (999)999-9999 IH: W: Procedure:HVA NECKPAIN/WYCKOFF Accident Date/time:05/06/18 ISANTILLAN,MARIZA SI ST Arrived 8V:W)0W- AMBULANCE I 33-0590TH 5T 4B Prim Care MD: BAE2,DAYSIX IJACKSONHEIGHTS,NY11372 AdmND: IG• N AT." MD: UDEH,NGOZIHD I ,wn ii.., m. ,uaaw .. .4 4 ,u,u w1,w. m,i l-Lw Im -. ., GUARANTOR IGUABANTOR DtPLOYER SANTILLAN,RAUL SELF IEMPloYERATTEMPTED UNKNOWN 33-05 90TR ST 4B IUNKNOWN UNKNOWN JACKSONREIGHTS,NY11372 IUNKNOWN,UU 99999 xxx-xx-9999 I (999)999-9999 PRIHARYINSURANCE POL1CTNUMBER SUBSCRIBER FIDELIS M30 CARENY MCD RK562717 SANTILLAN,RAUL 5EL P.O.BOX 806 AMMERST NY 1422G-0006 GRP SUBSSN: COVERAGE5: AUTBI: SECONDARY INSURANCE POL1CYNUMBER SUBS;RI8ER NO FAULTMISCELLANEQUS 999999999 SANTILLAN,RAUL SEL GEICO UNAVAILAELE NY 00000 (716)006-8000 GRP SUB5SN: COVERAGEf: AUTH4: TERTIARYI NSURANCE POLICTNUHBER SUBSCR1BER GRP SURSSN: COVERAGEf: AUTBf: COMtENTS/ NOTES ALL LOCATIONS:NSEDA SVC/PVT: LANG: RM/BEDLOC: NSEDA ACCTDENTPLACE: ETHNIC: HIPPA DT: 04 .1/12 HMO:HMO IJtP: HIPPA: N acp: FA*1IER: CCC: ONSETMEDSYMPTOMS/ILLNESS 05/06c18 DIS BY: SIGNEDBY: SNT: N AD DIR: NCNE HIPFA: Y BP: ORGAN: LANG: ENGLI INT: N ALERGYi REVRT.A: COP9{ENT: MONE HOP9tAID: ADMDX: MVANECKPAIN/WTCKOFF 4th INSURANCE POLI SURSCR1BER GRP AUTN FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 RUN DATE: 05/08/18 Uyckoff Heights EDH **LIVE** PAGE 1 RUN TIME: 0201 ED CHART RUN USER: HEDITECH Patient: SANTILIAN.RAUL Age/Sex: 54/M Acet No: V00503693700 ED Provider: UDEH,NG0ZI HD, ATTPHYS Unit No: V002157352 Demographics 33-05 90TH ST 4B JACKSON HEIGHTS. NY 11372 Insurance: FIDELIS HGD CARE NY - HCD PCP. BAEZ.DAYSI X Next of Kin:'SANTILLAN.MARIZA Family Doctor. BAEZ.DAYSI X Relation: SISTER Referring: Phone: General ED Physician: UDEH.NGOZI HD. AT1PHYS Arrival Date/Time: 06/06/18 - 0017 Practitioner: Triage Date/Time· Nurse: Date of Birth. 963 Stated Complaint: HVA NECK PAIN/VYCKOFF Chief Ccaplaint: Priority: Chief Complaint History: Staff History: ED Physician 05/06/18 0422 UDEH.NGOZI HD. ATTPHYS 0024 UNASSIGNED PHYSICIAN, ATTPHYS Practitioner Nurse Orders prWred Order Ordering Provider E-Signed 05/06 18 0109 CT-CERVICAL SPINE V/O CONTRAST UDEH.NG0ZI HD N/A 05/06/18 0109 DILAUDID 0.5 HG/0.5 HL UDEH.NGOZI HD N/A 05/06/18 0109 CT HEAD V/O CONTRAST UDEH.NG0ZI HD N/A 05/06/18 0111 SHOULDER RT -HIN 2 VIEUS UDEILNG0ZI HD N/A 05/06/18 0111 RIBS UNILAT RIGHT V/PA CHEST UDEH.NG0ZI HD N/A 05/06/18 0112 SPINE LUMBROSACRAL 2 OR 3 VIEW UDEH.NGOZI HD N/A Depature Information Primary Impression: HVA (motor vehicle accident) Disposition: HOME - ROUTINE 01 Departure Date/Time: 05/06/18 - 0420 cmw-t: Candition: Referrals: Pt Instructions. Additional Instructions. Departure Forms: Patient. SANTILLAN.RAUL FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Wyckoff Heights Medical Center 374 STOCKHOLM STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11237 (718) 963-7373 Department of MedicalImaging Patient:SANTILLAN,RAUL Unit #: W002157352 Acct#: W00503693700 DOB: 63 Age: 54 Sex: M Report #: 0506-0138 Service Date: 05/06/18 Service Time: 0109 Order #: 0506-0005 Location: NSEDA Admit Source: Attending MD UDEH NGOZI MD Ordering MD: UDEH,NGOZI MD Room/Bed: CAT SCAN REPORT Procedure: CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST Signed HEAD EXAM CT Head Without Intravenous Contrast CLINICAL HISTORY 54 years old,male 920 contusIon head x eye MVA with headache x0a TECHNIQUE: Axialcomputed tomography images of thehead/brain without intravenous contrast. Coronal and sagittalreformattedimages were created and reviewed. COMPARISON: No relevant priorstudies available. FINDINGS: Brain:Asymmetric CSF density is seen In theanteromedial left temporal fossa measuring approximately 9 x 26mm In size suggesting arachnold cyst.No hemorrhage. No signNicant white matter disease. Ventricles:Unremarkable. No ventriculomegaly. Bonestfoints: Unremarkable. No acute fracture. Soft tissues:Unremarkable. Sinuses: There Is a smallcyst orpolyp In theleftmaxillary sinus. Mastoid air cells: Unremarkable as visualized. No mastold effusion. IMPRESSION: No acute findings. FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Name SANTILLAN,RAUL Report Number 0506-0138 Unit# WD02157352 Locatbn: NSEDA This reportwas signed electronically by Christopher Lawton MD «Signature on Flie>> DictatingMD: LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD Signing MD: LAWTON.CHRISTOPHER MD Dictation D/T:05/06/18 0554 Transcription DIT. 05/06/180554 Transcribed By Report #. 0506-0138 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Wyckoff Heights Medical Center 374 STOCKHOLM STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11237 (718) 963-7373 Department of Medical Imaging Patient: SANTILLAN,RAUL Unit #: W002157352 Acet#: W00503693700 DOB: 63 Age: 54 Sex: M Report #: 0506-0139 Service Date: 05/06/18 Service Time: 0109 Order #: 0506-0004 Location:NSEDA Admit Source: Attending MD: UDEH,NGOZI MD Ordering MD: UDEH,NGOZl MD Room/Bed: CAT SCAN REPORT Procedure: CT-CERVICAL SP)NE W/O CONTRAST Signed CSPINE_ EXAM CT Cervical Spine Without Intravenous Contrast CLINICAL HISTORY 54 years old,male, 959.9 Injurynec nos-site nos MVA with neck pain TECHNIQUE: Axialcomputed tomography Images of thecervical spine without Intravenous contrast. Coronal and sagittalreformattedImages were created and reviewed. COMPARISON: No relevant priorstudies available. FINDINGS: Vertebrae: Right laminectomy defectsare demonstrated at C7-T1-T2 from previous laminectomy surgeries.Associated softtissue postsurgicalscarring is seen in thisarea.No acute fracture. Discs/spinal canal/neuralforamina: No acute findings.No spinalcanal stenosis. Lung apIces: Unremarkable as visualized. IMPRESSION: Statuspost rightlaminectomy surgely invoMng C7-T1-T2 This reportwas electronicallysigned by: FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Name SANTILLAN,RAUL Report Number 0506-0139 Unit# WOO2157352 Location: NSEDA Christopher Lawton MD «Signature on File>> DIctating MD: LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD Signing MD: LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD Dictation D/T: 05/06/180559 Transcription D/T: 05/06/18 0559 Transcribed By Report #: 0506-0139 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Wyckoff Heights Medical Center 374 STOCKHOLM STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11237 (718) 963-7373 Department of Medical Imaging . . Patient:SANTILLAN,RAUL Unit #: WOO2157352 Acct#: W00503693700 DOB 63 Age: 54 Sex: M Report #: 0506-0143 Service Date: 05m6/18 Service Time: 0111 Order #: 0506-0009 Location: NSEDA Admit Source: Attending MD: UDEH,NGOZI MD Ordering MD: UDEH,NGOZI MD Room/Bed: RADIOLOGY REPORT Procedure: SHOULDER RT -MIN 2 VIEWS Signed SHLDRRT2 EXAM XR Right Shoulder Complete, 2 orMore Views CLINICAL HISTORY 54 years old,male; 719.81 Jointdis nec-shoulder S/P MVA TECHNIQUE: Two ormore views ofthe rightshoulder COMPARISON: No relevantpriorstudies available FINDINGS: Bones/Joints:The patientis statuspost rightlaminectomy as invoMng at leastT1 and T2. No acute fracture. No dislocation. Soft Unremarkable. tissues: IMPRESSION: No acute findings. This reportwas electronicallysigned by Christopher Lawton MD «Signature on File» Dictating MD: LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD Signing MD: LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Name SANTILLAN,RAUL Report Number 0506-0143 Unit # WD02157352 Locatbn NSEDA Dictation D/T: 0506/18 0640 Transcription D/T: 05/06/18 0640 Transcribed By Report #: 0506-0143 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Wyckoff Heights Medical Center 374 STOCKHOLM STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11237 (718) 963-7373 Department of MedicalImaging . ._.. .. Patient:SANTILLAN,RAUL Unit #: WDO2157352 Acct#: W00503693700 DOB: 63 Age: 54 Sex: M Report #: 0506-0144 Service Date: 05A)6/18 Service Time: 0112 Order #: 0506-0011 Location: NSEDA Admit Source: Attending MD. UDEH,NGOZI MD Ordering MD: UDEH,NGOZI MD Room/Bed: RADIOLOGY REPORT Procedure: SPINE LUMBROSACRAL 2 OR 3 VIEW Signed LSPINE2V EXAM XR Lumbar Sphe, 2 or 3 Views CLINICAL HISTORY 54 years old,male, 724.2 lumbago lower back pain S/P MVA TECHNIQUE: Frontaland lateralviews ofthe lumbar spine COMPARISON: No relevantpriorstudies available. FINDINGS: Vertebrae:There Is minimaldextrocurvature of thelumbar spine.Anterior osteophytes are demonstrated at L3 and L4. No acute fracture Disc spaces: There is mildnarrowing of theintervertebral disc space at L3-4. Soft tissues: Surgical clipsare noted in therightupper quadrant of the abdomen. IMPRESSION: Mild narrowing ofthe intervertebral disc space at L3-4with anterior osteophytes. Minimal dextrocurvature of thelumbar spine Cholecystectomy. This reportwas electronicallysigned by: Christopher Lawton MD FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Name. SANTILLAN,RAUL Report Number: 0506-0144 Unit* W002157352 Location: NSEDA < Printed By George Squires on 5/N/2018 3 26 PM Clinical Chart FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Page 2 of I I Wyckoff Heights Medical Center - Brooklyn, NY 11237 Patient: RAUL SANTILLAN DOB: M963 MR #: W002157352 Age/Gender: 54y M DOS: 5/6/2018 00:17 Acet #: W00503693700 Private Phys: BAEZ ED Phys: NGOZl UDEH, MD Reviewed By: NGOZi UDEH, MD 5/6/2018 10:36 Home Medications Wedication Name Last Dose Instructions Taken Date abapentin oral (Strength Unknown/Unconfirmed) Active TN May 6 2018 12:18AM> Reviewed By: NGOZI UDEH, MD 5/6/2018 10:36 Problem List roblem ded Problem Nource t Date 15tatus status Date hpdated pack disorder 53.9 (ICD10-CM) )ED IEroblem ctive i/6/2018 GN May 6 2018 12:19AM> PAST HISTORY Immunizations: Tetanus: unknown ; Pneumonia: unknown ; Flu:unknown MEDICATIONS: Nurse notes reviewed and confirmed. ALLERGIES/lNTOLERANCES: Nurse notes reviewed and confirmed. IMMUNIZATIONS: Nurse notes reviewed and confirmed. MEDICAL HISTORY: No significantmedical history. SOCIAL HISTORY: No significantsocial history. SURGICAL HISTORY: cervical Laminectomy FLOWSHEETS Medication Administration DILAUDID 0.5 MG/0.5 ML IM 0.5 MG NGOZl UDEH, MD 5/6/2018 01:05 Given right deltoid Shani Roberts, RN 5/6/2018 01:22 PROVIDER NOTES HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Vitalsigns reviewed. Historian:patient. The patientpresents with a complaint of motor vehiclecollision.The patientreports pain tothe rightneck. There is/arealso painon the rightextremity shoulder and pain on the rightmid chest.There are no foreignbodies present.minute(s) ago. The pain is characterizedas: sharp, The symptom severity ismoderate. The context and/or mechanism of injury was: carcollision,The patientwas adriver. The type and/or siteof impact was: high speed, The patient was restrained by a lapbelt only.Associated symptoms: (-)bleeding,(-) lossof consciousness, PriorTreatment: OTC medication(s), neck collarThe patienthas the following risk factors:pthad a cervical laminectomy few months ago Printed By George Squires on 5 142018 3 26 PM Clinical Chart FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Page 3 of I 1 Wyckoff Heights Medical Center - Brooklyn, NY 11237 Patient: RAUL SANTILLAN DOB: 1963 MR #: W002I57352 Age/Gender: 54y M DOS: 5/6/2018 00:l7 Acet #: W00503693700 Private Phys: BAEZ ED Phys: NGOZI UDEH, MD REVIEW OF SYSTEMS Except as noted elsewhere in therecord, allother systems are negative. EXAM CONSTITUTIONAL: Distress:Moderate. Patient appears WDWN. Patientisalert. INTEGUMENTARY: Color normal forrace, warm and dry, no rash. MUSCULOSKELETAL/EXTREMITIES: (+) localized spinaltenderness, Tenderness Over: chest,neck, other:right shoulder NEURO: Oriented x3. Cranial nerves II-XII within normal limits.No motor or sensory deficits. EYES: PERRL, lidsand conjunctivae are normal on exam, no acute pathological process. ENT: External inspectionnormal, TM's clear,pharnyx normal, teeth normal. CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm, heart sounds normal, no gallops,rubs or murmurs, no edema present. GI/ABDOMEN: Soft, non-tender, no organomegly, no pulsatilemass. Normal bowel sounds. GENITOURINARY: External genitalianormal, no tenderness or swelling.No testicularor inguinal pain. NECK: The neck is supple,no JVD, thyromegaly, or Iymphadenopathy. RESPIRATORY: Breath sounds clear,no distresspresent, no wheezing rales,rhonchi or tachypnea. Normal rateand effort. HEME/LYMPH: No adenopathy, no palpable or tender nodes. ORDERS Medicine DILAUDID 0.5 MG/0.5 ML IM 0.5 MG < NGOZl UDEH. MD 5/6/201B01DS> Radiology CT CERVICAL SPINE W/O CONTRAST ; REASON: INJURY NEC&NOS-SITE NOS ; VENTILATOR: NO ; OXYGEN: NO ; PREGNANT: NO ; TRANSPORT: STRETCHER ; Order type: V.O. (Read back verified); Ordering physician: NGOZl UDEH MD [Reference: 13310313.00I] < NGOZl UDEll,MD 5/6/2018 01:06> Special Instructions MVA with neck pain CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST ; REASON: CONTUSION HEAD X EYE ; VENTILATOR: NO ; OXYGEN: NO ; PREGNANT: NO ; TRANSPORT: STRETCHER ; Order type: V.O. (Read back verified); Ordering physician: NGOZI UDEH MD [Reference: 13310316.001] < NGOZI UDEH, MD 5/6/2018 01:07> Special Instructions MVA with headache SHOULDER RT -MIN 2 VIEWS ; REASON:.IOINT DIS NEC-SHOULDER ; VENTILATOR: NO ; OXYGEN: NO ; PREGNANT: NO ; TRANSPORT: STRETCHER ; Order type:V.O. (Read back verified) ; Orderingphysician: NGOZl UDEH MD [Reference: 13310320.001] < NGOZl UDEH, MD 5/6/2018 0l:08> Special instructions s/p mva RIBS UNILAT RIGHT W/PA CHEST ; REASON: CHEST WALL INJURY NEC ; VENTILATOR: NO ; OXYGEN: NO ;PREGNANT: NO ; TRANSPORT: STRETCHER ; Order type:V.O. (Read back verified); Ordering physician: NGOZI UDEH MD [Reference: Printed By George Squires on S.14.2018 3 26 PAf ClinicalChart FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Page 4 of 1I Wyckoff Heights Medical Center - Brooklyn, NY 11237 Patient: RAUL SANTILLAN DOB: 963 MR #: W002157352 Age/Gender: 54y M DOS: 5/6/2018 00:I7 Acet #: W00503693700 Private Phys: BAEZ ED Phys: NGOZl UDEH, MD 1331032I.00I] Special Instructions R/O FRACTURE SPINE LUMBROSACRAL 2 OR 3 VIEW ; REASON: LUMBAGO ; VENTILATOR: NO ; OXYGEN: NO ; PREGNANT: NO ; TRANSPORT: STRETCHER ; Ordertype:V.O. (Read back verified) ; Ordering physician: NGOZI UDEH MD [Reference: 13310324.00l] Special Instructions LOWER BACK PAIN S/P mva Prescriptions Ibuprofen 600 MG OralTablet TAKE 1 TABLET EVERY 6 TO 8 HOURS AS NEEDED FOR PAIN. Dispense: 30 Robaxin 500 MG Oral Tablet TAKE I TABLET 3 TIMES DAILY. Dispense: 30 RESULTS Radiology CT CERVICAL SPINE W/O CONTRAST ; REASON: INJURY NEC&NOS-SITE NOS ; VENTILATOR: NO ; OXYGEN: NO ; PREGNANT: NO ; TRANSPORT: STRETCHER ;Order type:V.O. (Read back verified); Ordering physician: NGOZl UDEH MD Interfacedresult received:5/6/2018 12:58 Interfacedresult completed: 5/6/2018 01:09 CT CERVICAL SPINE W/O CONTRAST : REASON: INJrJRY NEC&NOS-SITE NOS : VENTILATOR: NO ; OXYGEN: NO : PE CSPINE_ EXAM: CT Cervical Spine Without Intravenous Contrast CLINICAL HISTORY: 54 years old, male; 959. 9 injury nec nos-site nos MVA with neck pain TECHNIQUE: Axial computed tomography images of the cervical spine without intravenous contrast. Coronal and sagittal reformatted images were created and reviewed. COMPARISON: No relevant prior studies available. FINDINGS: Vertebrae: Right laminectomy defects are demonstrated at C7-T1-T2 from Printed By George Squires on SIN/2018 3 26 PM Clinical Chart FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Page 5 of I I Wyckoff Heights Medical Center - Brooklyn, NY 11237 Patient: RAUL SANTILLAN DOB: 963 MR #: W002157352 Age/Gender: 54y M DOS: 5/6/2018 00:I7 Acet #: W00503693700 Private Phys: BAEZ ED Phys: NGOZI UDEH, MD previous laminectomy surgeries. Associated soft tissue postsurgical scarring is seen in this area. No acute fracture. Discs/spinal canal/neural foramina: No acute findings. No spinal canal stenosis. Lung apices: Unremarkable as visualized. IMPRESSION: Status post right laminectomy surgery involving C7-T1-T2. This report was electronically signed by: Christopher Lawton MD Dictated on 05/06/18 0559 by LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD Transcribed on 05/06/18 0559 by MEDITECH Sign by LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD on 05/06/18 1258 Sign by: LAWTON ,CHRISTOPHER MD CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST ; REASON: CONTUSION HEAD X EYE ; VENTILATOR: NO ; OXYGEN: NO ; PREGNANT: NO ; TRANSPORT: STRETCHER ; Order type: V.O. (Read back verified); Ordering physician: NGOZI UDEH MD Interfaced resultreceived: 5/6/2018 12:58 Interfaced resultcompleted: 5/6/2018 01:09 CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST ; REA5ON : CONTUSION READ X EYE ; VENTILATOR: NO / OXYGEN : NO ; PREGNANT : NO ; HEAD EXAM: CT Head Without Intravenous Contrast CLINICAL HISTORY: 54 years old, male; 920 contusion head x eye MVA with headache x0a TECHNIQUE: Axial computed tomography images of the head/brain without intravenous contrast . Coronal and sagittal reformatted images were created and reviewed. COMPARISON: No relevant prior studies available. FIN DINGS: Brain: Asymmetric CSF density is seen in the anteromedial left ---- . Printed ByGeorge Squires on S/I4/2018 3 26 PM Clinical Chart FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Page 6 of I I Wyckoff Heights Medical Center - Brooklyn, NY 11237 Patient: RAUL SANTILLAN DOB: 963 MR #: W002157352 Age/Gender: 54y M DOS: 5/6/2018 00:17 Acet #: W00503693700 Private Phys: BAEZ ED Phys: NGOZI UDEH, MD temporal fossa measuring approximately 9 x 26 mm in size sugges ting arachnoid cyst. No hemorrhage. No significant white matter disease. Ventricles: Unremarkable. No ventriculomegaly. Bones/joints: Unremarkable. No acute fracture. Soft tissues: Unremarkable. Sinuses: There is a small cyst or polyp in the left maxillary sinus. Mastoid air cells: Unremarkable as visualized. No mastoid effusion. IMPRESSION: No acute findings. This report was electronically signed by: Christopher Lawton MD Dictated on 05/06/18 0554 by LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD Transcribed on 05/06/18 0554 by MEDITECH Sign by LANTON,CHRISTOPHER MD on 05/06/18 1258 Sign by: LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD SHOULDER RT -MIN 2 VIEWS ; REASON: JOINT DIS NEC-SHOULDER ; VENTILATOR: NO ; OXYGEN: NO ; PREGNANT: NO ; TRANSPORT: STRETCHER ; Order type: V.O. (Read back verified); Ordering physician: NGOZI UDEH MD Interfaced resuh received: 5/6/2018 12:59 Interfaced resultcompleted: 5/6/2018 01:11 SHOULDER RT -MTN 2 VZEWS ; REASON: JOINT DIS NEC-SHOULDER ; VENTILATOR; NO ; OXYGEN: NO ; PREGNANT: SHLDRRT2 EXAM: XR Right Shoulder Complete, 2 or More Views CLINICAL HISTORY: 54 years old, ma le; 719.81 joint dis nec-shoulder S/F MVA TECHNIQUE: Two or more views of the right shoulder. COMPARISON: No relevant prior studies available. FINDINGS: Bones/joints: The patient is status post right laminectomy as involving at PrimedByGeorgeSquireson5/N2018326PM Clinical Chart FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Page 7 of I I Wyckoff Heights Medical Center - Brooklyn, NY 11237 IIhlI - Patient: RAUL SANTILLAN DOB: 963 MR #: W002157352 Age/Gender: 54y M DOS: 5/6/2018 00:17 Acet #: W00503693700 Private Phys: BAEZ ED Phys: NGOZI UDEH, MD least T1 and T2. No acute fracture. No dislocation. Soft tissues: Unremarkable. IMPRESSION: No acute findings. This report was electronically signed by: Christopher Lawton MD Dictated on 05/06/18 0640 by LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD Transcribed on 05/06/18 064 0 by MEDITECH Sign by LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD on 05/06/18 1258 Sign by: LAWTON,CHRTSTCPHER MD RIBS UNILAT RIGHT W/PA CHEST ; REASON: CHEST WALL INJURY NEC ; VENTILATOR: NO ; OXYGEN: NO : PREGNANT: NO ; TRANSPORT: STRETCHER ; Order type: V.O. (Read back verified) ; Ordering physician:NGOZI UDEH MD Interfacedresult received:5/6/2018 12:59 interfacedresult completed: 5/6/20I8 01:1I RIBS UNZLAT RZGHT W/PA CHEST ; REASON: CHSST WALL ZNJR1RY NEC ; VENTZLATOR: NO ; OXYGEN: NO ; PREGN) CXR1RIB R EXAM: XR Right Ribs and AP Chest, 3 or More Views CLINICAL HISTORY: 54 years old, male; 959. 11 chest wall injury nec R/O fracture TECHNIQUE: Frontal and oblique views of the right ribs and frontal view of the chest. COMPARISON: No relevant prior studies available. FINDINGS: Lungs: Unremarkable. No consolidation. Pleural space: Unremarkable. No pneumothorax. Heart: Unremarkable. No cardiomegaly. Mediastinum: Unremarkable. Bones/joints: Unremarkable. No acute fracture. Upper abdomen: Surgical clips are noted in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Other findings: The patient is status post right laminectomies involving at - ... ..... .. . . PrintedByGeorgeSquiresonS/I40018326PM Clinical Chart FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Page 8 of I I Wyckoff Heights Medical Center - Brooklyn, NY 11237 Patient: RAUL SANTlLLAN DOB: 963 MR #: W002157352 Age/Gender: 54y M DOS: 5/6/2018 00:17 Acet #: W00503693700 Private Phys: BAEZ ED Phys: NGOZI UDEH, MD least L1-L2. IMPRESSION: No acute findings. This report was electronically signed by: Christopher Lawton MD Dictated on 05/06/18 0645 by LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD Transcribed on 05/06/18 0645 by MEDITECH Sign by LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD on 05/06/18 1258 Sign by: LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD SPINE LUMBROSACRAL 2 OR 3 VIEW ; REASON: LUMBAGO ; VENTlLATOR: NO ; OXYGEN: NO ; PREGNANT: NO , TRANSPORT: STRETCHER ; Ordertype: V.O. (Read back verified) ; Ordering physician: NGOZl UDEH MD Interfaced resultreceived: 5/6/2018 12:59 Interfacedresult completed: 5/6/2018 01:12 SPINS LUMBROSACRAL 2 OR 3 VIEW ; REASON: LDHBAGO ; VENTILATOR: NO ; OXYGEN: NO ; PREGNANT: NO ; TF LSPINE2V EXAM: XR Lumbar Spine, 2 or 3 Views CLINICAL HISTORY: 54 years old, male; 724 .2 lumbago lower back pain S/P MVA TECHNIQUE: Frontal and lateral views of the lumbar spine. COMPARISON: No relevant prior studies available. FINDINGS: Vertebrae: There is minimal dextrocurvature of the lumbar spine. Anterior asteophytes are demonstrated at L3 and L4. No acute fracture. Disc spaces: There is mild narrowing of the intervertebral disc space at L3-4. Soft tissues: Surgical clips are noted in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. IMPRESSION: Mild narrowing of the intervertebral disc space at L3-4 with PrimedBy George Squires on 5 It2018 3 26PA/ Clinical Chart FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Page 9 of II Wyckoff Heights Medical Center - Brooklyn, NY 11237 Patient: RAUL SANTILLAN DOB: M963 MR #: W002157352 Age/Gender: 54y M DOS: 5/6/2018 00:17 Acet #: W00503693700 Private Phys: BAEZ ED Phys: NGOZl UDEH, MD anterior osteophytes. Minimal dextrocurvature of the lumber spine. Cholecystectomy. This report was electronically signed by: Christopher Lawton MD Dictated on 05/06/18 0641 by LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD Transcribed on 05/06/18 0641 by MEDITECH Sign by LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD on 05/06/18 1258 Sign by: LAWTON,CHRISTOPHER MD PROGRESS NOTES Progress: 54y/o male with MVA presenting with headache.neck pain ,rightshoulder pain ,rightchest wallpain and lower back pain allimaging studies arenegative forfracture ordislocation discharge home on motrin and robaxin NU 05/06/l8 04:16 DIAGNOSIS MVA (motor vehicle accident) Neck muscle spasm Chest wall contusion Sprain ofshoulder, right DISPOSITION Nursing Disposition isHome - Routine The patientwas discharged to home. The patientis alert and oriented and is inno respiratory distress. Patient's condition: good . Discharge mode is ambulatory . Patientaccompanied by self. The patient'sdiagnosis,condition and treatment were explained topatient or parent/guardian. The patient/responsible party expressed understanding. Extended patienteducation given to patient/guardian.A discharge plan has been developed. Aftercare instructions were givento thepatient. Discharge done Physician Discharge from ED: The patientis discharged to home. Patient'scondition is stable. The patientis tofollow-up with Follow up with your private medical doctor.3 day(s) from today as needed MANAGEMENTOPTIONS: No additional work-up planned. Prmted By George Squires on 3 14 2018 3 26 PM Clinical Chart FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/15/2022 03:53 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 90 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/15/2022 Page 10 of 1I Wyckoff Heights Medical Center - Brooklyn, NY 11237 Patient: RAUL SANTILLAN DOB: