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  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Raul Santillan v. The New World Service Inc., Mana M. Waiba Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/16/2021 09:48 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 67 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/16/2021 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------X INDEX NO.: 519867/2018 RAUL SANTILLAN, Plaintiff, STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS - against - THE NEW WORLD SERVICE INC. and MANA M. WAIBA, FILE NO.1027151 Defendants. ----------------------------------------------------------------------X STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS 1. In this negligence action, plaintiff seeks damages as a result of a motor vehicle accident occurred on Atlantic Avenue between Troy Avenue and Schenectady Avenue, Brooklyn, New York on or about April 22, 2018. Attached hereto as EXHIBIT “A”, is a copy of Plaintiff’s Summons and Complaint. 2. As indicated therein, plaintiff alleges that defendants THE NEW WORLD SERVICE INC. and MANA M. WAIBA, were negligent. A copy of defendants herein’s Verified Answer is annexed hereto as EXHIBIT “C”, dated November 16, 2018 3. Plaintiff alleges as per the Verified Bill of Particulars, annexed hereto as EXHIBIT “B,” that she sustained the following injuries: injuries to cervical spine and lumbar spine. 4. Based on the affirmed medical reports of defendant’s examining doctors, discussed below, as well as plaintiff’s own verified pleadings and testimony, defendants submit that the allegations of injury are unsubstantiated and cannot meet the statutory threshold requirements of “serious injury”, under any of the applicable categories. 1 of 3 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/16/2021 09:48 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 67 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/16/2021 5. The Note of Issue, attached as EXHIBIT “E,” was filed on August 26, 2021, thus Defendants’ motion is timely. 6. Defendant requested Dr. Salvatore Corso, an independent medical examiner for defendants, to perform an orthopedic examination on plaintiff. Dr. Corso found that the alleged injuries to the cervical spine and lumbar spine, are all resolved. Dr. Corso also found that plaintiff did not show evidence of an orthopedic disability, permanency or residuals, and is capable of seeking employment without restrictions. Dr. Corso’s affirmed examination report is annexed hereto as EXHIBIT “F”. 7. The above stated medical proofs and plaintiff’s testimony establish plaintiff cannot meet the serious injury threshold requirement as mandated by Insurance Law Sections 5104(a) and 5102(d). 8. Defendant herein respectfully requests that this Court find that there are no issues of fact as plaintiff fails to meet a “serious injury” within the meaning of Insurance Law § 5104(a) and 5102 (d), set forth in defendant herein’ s Affirmation in Support and therefore grant defendants’ Motion for summary judgment and dismiss plaintiff’s Complaint in its entirety. Dated: Brooklyn, New York September 16, 2021 BAKER, McEVOY & MOSKOVITS, P.C. ______________________________________ YOUNG CHOO, ESQ. Attorneys for Defendants, One MetroTech Center Brooklyn, New York 11201 (212) 857-8230 MAILING ADDRESS 5 Broadway Freeport, NY 11520 2 2 of 3 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/16/2021 09:48 PM INDEX NO. 519867/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 67 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/16/2021 To: RONALD W. RAMIREZ, ESQ. Attorneys for Plaintiff(s) 107-19 71st Avenue Forest Hills, New York 11375 (718) 268-8900 3 3 of 3