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  • Shakanna Scott Individually and as Mother and Natural Guardian of S.S., an Infant v. Tieka GloverTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Shakanna Scott Individually and as Mother and Natural Guardian of S.S., an Infant v. Tieka GloverTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 10/26/2022 02:48 PM INDEX NO. 513488/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 16 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/26/2022 Affidavit of Service State of New York, County of Nassau Melissa Kozarsky, being duly sworn, deposes and says : deponent is not a party to the action, is over 18 years of age and resides at P. 0. Box 9040, 300 Jericho Quadrangle, Suite 260, Jericho, NY. On C)0<-rO~ ~(o-W\ , 2022, deponent served the within NOTICE OF MOTION FOR JOINT TRIAL, SUPPORTING AFFIRMATION AND EXHIBITS upon the attorneys and/or the parties listed herein, at the address designated by said attorneys for that purpose by depositing a true copy of same enclosed in a post-paid properly addressed wrapper in an official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Postal Service within the State of New York. GEKMAN LAW FIRM, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff in Action No. 2 Tieka Glover 1219 Gravesend Neck Road Brooklyn, NY 11229 (718) 934-8777 ~~~ Melissa Koz~ · Sworn to before me this ~+'clay 0~ ,2022. NOTARY PUBLIC Sarah Kennedy Notary Public, State of New Yo rk Reg . No.01KE6290560 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires 10/07 /202r:;_ 2 1 of 1