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  • Julie Ayala v. 94th Avenue Jamaica, Llc, Artimus Construction Inc., Hp Jamaica 94th Avenue Housing Development Fund Company Inc, 94th Avenue Jamaica Li Llc Torts - Other Negligence (Premises - Labor Law) document preview
  • Julie Ayala v. 94th Avenue Jamaica, Llc, Artimus Construction Inc., Hp Jamaica 94th Avenue Housing Development Fund Company Inc, 94th Avenue Jamaica Li Llc Torts - Other Negligence (Premises - Labor Law) document preview
  • Julie Ayala v. 94th Avenue Jamaica, Llc, Artimus Construction Inc., Hp Jamaica 94th Avenue Housing Development Fund Company Inc, 94th Avenue Jamaica Li Llc Torts - Other Negligence (Premises - Labor Law) document preview
  • Julie Ayala v. 94th Avenue Jamaica, Llc, Artimus Construction Inc., Hp Jamaica 94th Avenue Housing Development Fund Company Inc, 94th Avenue Jamaica Li Llc Torts - Other Negligence (Premises - Labor Law) document preview
  • Julie Ayala v. 94th Avenue Jamaica, Llc, Artimus Construction Inc., Hp Jamaica 94th Avenue Housing Development Fund Company Inc, 94th Avenue Jamaica Li Llc Torts - Other Negligence (Premises - Labor Law) document preview
  • Julie Ayala v. 94th Avenue Jamaica, Llc, Artimus Construction Inc., Hp Jamaica 94th Avenue Housing Development Fund Company Inc, 94th Avenue Jamaica Li Llc Torts - Other Negligence (Premises - Labor Law) document preview
  • Julie Ayala v. 94th Avenue Jamaica, Llc, Artimus Construction Inc., Hp Jamaica 94th Avenue Housing Development Fund Company Inc, 94th Avenue Jamaica Li Llc Torts - Other Negligence (Premises - Labor Law) document preview
  • Julie Ayala v. 94th Avenue Jamaica, Llc, Artimus Construction Inc., Hp Jamaica 94th Avenue Housing Development Fund Company Inc, 94th Avenue Jamaica Li Llc Torts - Other Negligence (Premises - Labor Law) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 EXHIBIT C FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS IndexNo.: 521818/2018 JULIE AYALA, Plaintiff(s), VBRIFIBD BILL OF PARTICTJLARS -agalnst- 94TH AVENUE JAMAICA, LLC ANd ARTIMUS CONSTRUCTION INC., Defendant(s) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the plaintiff, pursuant to Rule 3043 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules, and pursuant to the demands of defendants set forth the following particulars with respect to the allegations of the complaint herein: l. Plaintiffs date of birth is ,1967. Demand for social security number is improper and will not be provided in any document available in a public file maintained by the Clerk for the within County. See Seelig v. Sielaff, 201 A.D.2d 298,607 N.Y.S.2d 300 (1't Dept. 1993); Bibeau v. Cantiague Figure Skating Club,294 A.D.2d 525,742 N.Y.S .2d 864 (2d Dept. 2002). Please refer to authorizations provided with plaintiff s Response to Combined Demands for the requested information. 2. DATE OF ACCIDENT: March26,20l8. 3. TIME OF ACCIDENT: 11:40 PM. 4. LOCATION OF ACCIDENT: Staircase of premises located at 147-20 94th Avenue, Jamaica, New York. FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 5. That the aforesaid occurrence was caused by the negligence, carelessness, recklessness and culpable conduct of the defendants, their agerrts, seryants, and/or employees in the ownership, operation, mainterrance, management and control of the location and work area, in that they caused, permitted and allowed the work area aforementioned to be, becotne and remain in an unsafe hazardous and dangerous condition; in failing to provide plaintiff with a safe place to work; irr failingto institute arry safety procedures; in I'ailingto adhere to standard safety procedures and deviating from said procedures; in failing to wam the plaintiff and others of the attendant dangers and perils; in failing to properly plan, direct, inspect and supervise the worVconstruction and equipment at the aforesaid work/construction site; in failing to provide proper lighting at the work area and site; in permitting and/or allowing a dangerous, hazardous arrd traplike condition to exist and remain; in failing to take the necessary precaution and safeguards to prevent the occurrence aforementioned; in carelessly, recklessly, and negligently creating a hazardous, dangerous, traplike condition; in failing to employ, train and supervise competent individuals for the purposes of preventing this foreseeable occurrence; in failing to take the necessary precautions and safeguards to prevent the occurrence aforementioned; in carelessly, recklessly and negligently creating a hazardous, dangerous, traplike condition; in failingto properly inspect and/or provide suitable means of protecting and safeguardirrg persons at the work area and site; in failing to keep the work area in a safe condition; in failing to provide plaintiff with a safe place to work; defendants as the property owner failed to take all proper steps necessary to prevent the happening of this incident; defendants as the General Contractor failed to take all proper steps necessary to prevent the happening of this incident; defendants as jobsite Contractors failed to take all proper steps necessary to prevent the happening of this incident; in failing to take all proper steps necessary to prevent the happening of this incident; that the materials used failed to meet the jobsite safety requirements in accordance with the New York State Labor L,aw; That defendants, their agents, seryants and employees herein were negligent and careless in that they violated their duty to persons lawf.rlly on the aforesaid staircase and to this plaintiff in FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 particular by knowingly, permitting, suffering and allowing the aforesaid staircase to be, become and remain in a defective, dangerous, broken, unsafe, and traplike condition; in failing to take suitable precautions for the safety of persons lawfully on the said staircase; in failing to have and keep the said staircase in a safe and proper manner; in failing to timely, adequately and properly repair and,/or restore the said staircase; in failing to make timely, adequate and proper inspections of the conditions of the said staircase; in allowing a nail to protrude on a staircase; in failing to remove the nail from staircase; in failing to employ adequate and competent personnel to inspect, maintain and/or repair the said staircase; in that they failed to place barriers, guards or other wamings at, about and around the dangerous, unsafe and traplike condition existing at and upon the said staircase; in that they maintained the said staircase in reckless disregard for the safety of plaintiff and others law{ully traversing the same; in failing to warn the plaintiff of the dangerous, unsafe and traplike condition of the said staircase; and in failing to take all necessary and proper means and precautions to avoid the said accident. That defendants, their agents, servants and/or employees were negligent and guilty of culpable conduct, in negligently, carelessly causing, creating and permitting said staircase to be and remain in an unsafe and dangerous condition; and in failing to keep and maintain said staircase free from hazards and obstructions; in negligently permitting said staircase to be and remain dangerous to persons passing along; in causing, creating, suffering and permitting said defective condition to remain and exist for a long period of time thereon; in negligently and carelessly using said staircase for their benefit; in causing, permitting and creating a nuisance thereon; and in otherwise being careless and negligent in the premises. 6. Plaintiff objects to this demand, pursuant to CPLR 3042(a), as palpably improper and is not properly included in a bill of particulars. See DiMarco v. Consolidated Rail Corp., 131 A.D.2d 627, 516 N.Y.S.2d 712 (2nd Dept. 1987); Coleman v. Richards, 138 A.D.2d 556, 526 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 N.Y.S.2d 138 (2nd Dept. 1988); State of New York v. Horsemen's Benevolent Protective Assoc., 31 A.D.2d769,31I N.Y.S.2d 511 (2nd Dept. 1970). 7 . ' The condition complained of was caused by the positive acts of the negligence of the defendants by acts of commission and omission on the part of the defendants, and the plaintiffs need not allege notice. However, the defendant, by their agents, servants and/or employees created, caused andlor knowingly permitted and allowed the defective, dangerous and hazardous conditions and activities to exist and continue for a long period of time prior to the occurrence complained of. 7(a). Plaintiff objects to this demand, pursuant to CPLR 3042(a), as palpably improper and is not properly included in a bill of particulars. See v. Consolidated l3l A,D.zd 627,516 N.Y.S.2d712 (2nd Dept. 1987); Coleman v. Richards, 138 A.D.2d 556, 526 N.Y.S.2d 138 (2nd Dept. 1988); State of New York v. Horsemen's Benevolent Protective Assoc., 34 A.D.2d769,311 N.Y.S.2d 5l l (2nd Dept. 1970). 7(b)-(e). Information responsive to this demand is currently within the exclusive possession of the answering defendant. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this response upon the completion of examinations before trial. 8. Constructive notice is also claimed in that said defective, dangerous and hazardous conditions and activities existed and continued for a reasonably sufficient period of time prior to the date of the occurrence to enable knowledge and warrant correction on the part of the answering defendant herein. 8(a). Plaintiff objects to this demand, pursuant to CPLR 3042(a), as palpably improper and is not properly included in a bill of particulars. See DiMarco v. Consolidated Rail Corp., l3l A.D.2d 627, 516 N.Y.S.2d 712 (2nd Dept. 1981); Coleman v. Richards, 138 A.D.zd 556, FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 526 N,Y.S.2d 138 (2nd Dept. 1988); State of New York v. Horsemen's Benevolent Protective Assoc., 34 A.D.2d769,311 N.Y.S.2d 511 (2nd Dept. 1970). 8(b). See 4. 8(c). Length of time the condition existed prior to the accident: to be provided following the completion of examinations before trial. 9. See 5. 10. See 4. 1l. As a result of the subject occurrence, the plaintiff sustained the following injuries, all of which are believed to be permanent, except those of a superficial nature: CERVICAL RADICULOPATHY CERVICALGIA CERVICAL DISC DISPLACEMENT HE CERVICAL SPINE PERFORMED REVEALED F'OI,I,OWING: CENTRAL/LEFT PARACENTRAL C6-7 DISC HERNIATION RESULTING IN MILD.TO- MODERATE CENTRAL STENOSIS BULGING C3-4 THROUGH C5-C6 DISCS RESULTING IN MILD STENOSIS STRAIGHTENING OF THE NORMAL CERVICAL LORDOSIS LIKELY DUE TO MUSCLE SPASM AFTER INJURY DESICCATION AND MILD NARROWING OF THE CENCAL DISC SPACES A CERVICAL EPIDURAL INJECTION WITH STEROIDS WITH FLUOROSCOPIC GUIDANCE WAS PERFORMED ON NOVEMBER 21.2018 AND DECEMBER 20, 2018 AS FOLLOWS: PROCEDURE: THE PATIENT POSITION WAS PRONE. STEzuLE TECHNIQUE WAS MAINTAINED. THE INJECTION SITE WAS WIDELY PREPPEDWITH CHLORHEXIDINE/ALCOHOL FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 AND STERILE BARRIERS WERE APPLIED. USING FLUOROSCOPY AN ANTERIOR- POSTERIOR VIEW OF THE CT ITI INTERVERTEBRAL DISC SPACE WAS OBTAINED. FOR LOCAL ANESTHESIA, THE SKIN WAS INFILTRATED WITH I ML I % LIDOCAINE USING A27 G NEEDLE. WITH THE GUIDE OF FLUOROSCOPIC AP AND LATERAL VIEWS, ALSO USING A LOSS OF RESISTANCE TECHNIQUE A 20 GAUGE TUOHY EPIDURAL NEEDLE WAS CAREFULLY ADVANCED TO THE POSTERIOR EPIDURAL SPACE OF C7/TI. THERE WERE NO PARESTHESIAS. UPON ASPIRATION, THERE WAS NO BLOOD OR CSF. EPIDUROGRAPHY WITH RADTOPAQUE (ISOVUE 3 ML) WAS PERFORMED, LINDER LIVE FLUOROSCOPY AND THE FLOW WAS NOTED TO GO UP 2LEVELS AND DOWN I. AFTER MAKING SURE THAT THE FLOW WAS UNIFORM AND THAT THERE WAS NO INTRAVASCULAR OR INTRATHECAL UPTAKE A SOLUTION OF DEXAMETHASONE 5MG, 2}dL OF PF 0.9% SALINE, AND 2 ML I% LIDOCAINE PF WAS EASILY INJECTED EPIDURALI-Y. THE PATIENT TOLERATED THE PROCEDURE WELL. THERE WERE NO APPARENT IMMEDIATE POST PROCEDURE COMPLICATIONS. THE PATIENT WAS ABLE TO AMBULATE AS PzuOR TO THE PROCEDURE. MOTOR FTINCTION WAS TESTED AND WAS IDENTICAL TO PRE PROCEDURE. THE PATIENT WAS DISCHARGED IN STABLE CONDITION WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO NOT GET THE INJECTION SITE WET FOR 24 HOURS. THE CERVICAL PARASPINAL MUSCLES ARE TENDER TO PALPATION. CERVICAL SPINE RANGE OF MOTION, ACTIVE AND PASSIVE IS RESTRICTED AS FOLLOWS : CERVICAL FLEXION IS 20 DEGREES (60 DEGREES NORMAL) EXTENSION IS 20 DEGREES (45 DEGREES NORMAL) LEFT LATERAL FLEXION IS 20 DEGREES (45 DEGREES NORMAL) RIGHT LATERAL FLEXION IS 20 DEGREES (45 DEGREES NORMAL)LEFT ROTATION IS 40 DEGREES (80 DEGREES NORMAL)RIGHT ROTATTON rS 40 DEGREES (80 DEGREES NORMAL). MILD DESICCATION OF THE T6-7 AND T9-10 DISC AN MRI OF THE LUIVIBAR SPINE PERFORN4ED QILJUNE 14. 2OT8 XEYEALED THE FOLLOWING: EVIDENCE FOR MUSCLE SPASM AFTER INJURY WITH STRAIGHTENING OF THE NORMAL LUMBAR LORDOSIS DESSICATION AND MILD NARROWING OF THE L4-5 DISC MILD L4-5 AN L5-S1 FACET ARTHROSIS AN MRI OF THE LEFT SHOULDER PERFORMED ON JUNE I.5,2OI8 REVEALED THE FOLLOWING: TENDINOSIS OF THE DISTAL SUPRASPINATUS FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 MILD BICEPS TENOSYNOVITIS ACROMIOCLAVICULAR JOINT CAPSULAR HYPETROPHY WITH CONTUSION OR STRESS REACTION IN THE DISTAL CLAVICLE AN MRI OF THE RIGHT ELBOW PERFORMED ON AUGUST 15. 2OI8 REVEALED THE FOLLOWING: PARTIAL TEAR VERSUS TENDINOSIS OF THE LATERAL COLLATERAL LIGAMENT SMALL JOINT EFFUSION JOINT SPACE NARROWING AND THINNING OF THE CARTILAGE IN THE ELBOW JOINT AN EMG STUDY CONDUCTED ON JULY 2.2018 REVEAI,ED THE FOLLOWING: EVIDENCE OF LEFT C6-C7 RADICULOPATHY EVIDENCE OF RIGHT SENSORIMOTOR MEDIAN NERVE NEUROPATHY AT THE WRIST CONSISTENT WITH THE CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS OF CARPEL TUNNEL SYNDROME AN MRT OF THE LEFT KNEE.PERFORMED ON MAY 9,201,8 REVEALED THE FOLLOWING: GRADE I INJURY OF THE MEDIAL COLLATERAL LIGAMENT JOINT EFFUSION AND BAKER'S CYST SOFT TISSUE EDEMA LEFT KNEE SYNOVITIS STIRGERY PERFORMED OF THE LEFT KNEE ON OCTOBER 21.2018 BY DR. DANILO SOTBLO-GARZA AS FOLLOWS: DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: THE PATIENT WAS TAKEN TO THE OPERATING ROOM UNDER GENERAL ANESTHESIA. THE LEFT KNEE WAS PREPPED. AND DRAPED IN THE USUAL MANNER. MEDIAL AND LATERAL STAB INJECTIONS WERE MADE. THE SCOPE WAS INSERTED LATERALLY. THE JOINT WAS EXAMINED. SEVERE SYNOVITIS WAS NOTED WHICH REQUIRED SYNOVECTOMY USING RADIOFREQUENCY ABLATION AND COAGULATION. ALSO MEDIAL PLICA WAS FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 NOTED WHICH WAS RELEASED USING RADIOFREQUENCY ABLATION AND COAGULATION. ALSO CHONDROMALACIA OF PATELLA, TROCHLEA AND MEDIAL FEMORAL CONDYLE WAS NOTED WHICH REQUIRED CHONDROPLASTY USING RADIOFREQUENCY ABLATION AND COAGULATION. ALSO THE MEDIAL AND LATERAL MENISCUS EDGE WAS NOTED TO BE FRAYED WHICH REQUIRED SHAVTNG USING RADIOFREQUENCY ABLATION AND COAGULATION. THE ANTERIOR CRUCIATE WAS NOTED TO HAVE SPLAYING OF ITS FIBERS WHICH REQUIRED DEBRIDEMENT USING RADIOFREQUENCY COAGULATION. THE JOINT WAS THOROUGHLY IRRIGATEDWITII SALINE SOLUTION. THE WOUNDS WERE CLOSED WITH STAPLES. A COMPRESSION DRESSING WAS APPLIED AND THE PATIENT WAS DISCHARGED TO THE RECOVERY ROOM AWAKE AND BREATIIING ON HER OWN WITHOUT COMPLICATION. AN MRI OF THE RIGHT KNEE PERFORMED ON MAY 14. 2018 REVEALED THE FOLLOWING: JOINT EFFUSION AND BAKER'S CYST SOFT TISSUE EDEMA SEEN ANTERIORLY CHONDROMALACIA PATELLA SURGERY PERFORMED ON THE RIGHT KNEE ON SEPTEMBER 23,2018 BY DR. DANILO SOTELO-GARZA AS FOLLOWS: PROCEDURE: RIGHT KNEE OPERATIVE ARTHROSCOPY, SYNOVECTOMY, CHONDROPLASTY OF PATELLA, TROCHLEA, MEDIAL AND LATERAL FEMORAL CONDYLE, DEBRIDEMENT OF ANTEzuOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT AND SHAVING OF MEDIAL AND LATERAL MENISCUS. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: THE PATIENT WAS TAKEN TO THE OPERATING ROOM UNDER GENERAL ANETHESIA. THE RIGHT KNEE WAS PREPPED AND DRAPED IN THE USUAL MANNER. MEDIAL AND LATERAL SLAP INCISIONS WERE MADE. THE SCOPE WAS INSERTED LATERALLY. THE JOINT WAS EXAMINED. SEVERE SYNOVITIS WAS NOTED THROUGHOUT THE JOINT WHICH REQUIRED SYNOVECTOMY USING RADIOFREQUENCY ABLATION AND COAGULATION. ALSO SEVER CHONDROMALACA PATELLA, TROCHLEAE AND MEDIAL AND LATERAL FEMORAL CONDYLE WAS NOTED WHICH REQUIRED CHONDROPLASTY USING RADIOFREQUENCY ABLATION AND COAGULATION. MEDIAL AND LATERAL MENISCUS WERE NOTED TO HAVE FRAYING OF THE EDGE WHICH REQUIRED SHAVING USING RADIOFREQUENCY ABLATION AND COAGULATION. ALSO THE ANTERIOR CRUCIATE WAS NOTED TO HAVE SPLAYING OF THE FIBERS WHICH a FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 REQUIRED DEBRIDEMENT USING RADIOFREQUENCY COAGULATION. THE JOINT WAS THOROUGHLY IRRIGATED WITHH SALINE SOLUTION. THE WOLINDS WERE CLOSED WITH STAPLES. A COMPRESSION DRESSING WAS APPLIED AND PATIENT WAS DISCHARGED TO THE RECOVERY ROOM AWAKE AND BREATHING ON HER OWN WITHOUT COMPLICATION. SURGICAL SCAR. It is anticipated that the plaintiff r,vill be required to undergo future surgery(ies) as a result of the aforesaid injuries. Further, all of the aforesaid injuries extend to the surrounding nerves, tendons, tissues, ligaments musculature and bony structure, including but not limited to the cortex and blood circulatory system and include pain, swelling, tendemess, impairment of function involving the skin, bone, muscle cartilage, lymphatic and nervous system and other tissues of the affected and surrounding areas. As a result of the injuries sustained on March 26, 2078, any and all pre-existing injuries and/or conditions suffered by the plaintiff have been precipitated. aggtavated and exacerbated and have made the plaintiff more susceptible to additional injuries in the future. In addition, the plaintiff will claim psychic and emotional injuries which have been, are being, or will be suff'ered in the future as a direct result of the aforementioned injuries consisting, more particularly, of the following: Extreme emotional distress, nervousness, tension, arxiety, fear, embarrassment, humiliation and frustration as a result of his constant severe pain and discomfort, and from the inability to do all things associated with normal physical activities, especially those things associated with normal household, recreational and work activities and other daily and usual activities, duties and responsibilities required to be performed by the plaintiff, both now and in the future. FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 In addition, the plaintiff will claim each and every injury contained in the medical reports which have been or which will be forwarded to the defendant, pursuant to the rules governing the exchange of medical information. in addition to the foregoing, the plaintiff reserves the right to prove upon the trial of this action any and all sequelae resulting from the aforesaid injuries. In addition, the plaintiff reserves the right to serve a Supplemental Bill of Particulars upon receipt of further information. 12. (a) Plaintiff was employed by A & M Professional Security Consulting Corp. located at2253 3'd Avenue, Suite 229, New York, NY 10035 (b) Plaintiff was incapacitated from employment for a period of approximately 7 months and 1 week after the accident. (c) Plaintiff was working 40 hours per week and was earning $15.00 per hour. Plaintiffls weekly income was $600.00. (d) Plaintiff is claiming $18,600.00 in lost wages (31 weeks * $600.00). 13. Plaintiff was not a student at the time of the accident herein. 14. Plaintiff was seen at the emergency room of Jamaica Hospital located at 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Jamaica, New York 11418. 15. Plaintiff objects to this demand. pursuant to CPLR 3042(a), as palpably improper and is not properly included in a bill of particulars. See DiMarco v. Consolidated Rail Corp., 131 A.D.2d 627, 516 N.Y.S.2d 712 (2nd Dept. 1987); Coleman v. Richards, 138 A.D.2d 556, 526 N.Y.S.2d 138 (2nd Dept. 1988); State of New York v. Horsemen's Benevolent Protective Assoc., 34 A.D.zd 769,311 N.Y.S.2d 511 (2nd Dept. 1970). Executed authorizations allowing FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 defendant to obtain plaintiff s medical records are annexed to plaintifls Response to Combined Demands. 16. (a) Plaintiff was confined to bed from the date of accident to present and continuing, except when personal reasons require plaintiff to leave her bed. (b) Plaintiff was confined to home from the date of accident to present and continuing. except when personal reasons require plaintiff to leave her home. 17 . As a result of the subject occlrnence, plaintiff has sustained the following special damages: (a) Hospital: Approximately $5,000.00 (b) Medical: Approximately $50,000.00 (c) X-rays: Approximately $5,000.00 (d) Nurses' expenses: Included in hospital expenses. Additionally, plaintifls family and friends provided nursing services at no charge to plaintiff. (e&0 Medicines & Medical supplies:Approximately $68.00 (g) Other: Transportation to and from doctors: $156.00 Plaintiff reserves the right to update special damages prior to the trial of this action. 18. Plaintiff resides at 1355 East New York Avenue, Apt 5E, Brooklyn, NY Il2l2. 19. LOSS OF SERVICES: Not applicable. 20. It is claimed that defendants violated all those statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations in the cases made and provided, the particular numbers, chapters and sections of FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 which are presently unknown to the plaintiff, but of which the Court will take judicial notice upon the trial hereof. 21. Plaintiff objects to this demand, pursuant to CPLR 3042(a), as palpably improper and is not properly included in a bill of particulars. See DiMarco v. Conso lidated Rail Coro.. 131 A.D.2d 6)7,516 N.Y.S.2d712 (2nd Dept. 1987); Coleman v. Richards, 138 A.D.2d 556, 526 N.Y.S.2d 138 (2nd Dept. 1988); State of New York v. Horsemen's Benevolent Protective Assoc., 34 A.D.2d769,311 N.Y.S.2d 511 (2nd Dept. 1970). 22. Plaintiff does not allege violations of Section 240 of the Labor Law. 23. Plaintiff does not allege violations of Section 241(6) of the Labor Law. 24. Plaintiff objects to this demand, pursuant to CPLR 3042(a), as palpably improper and is not properly included in a bill of particulars. See DiMarco v. Rail Com.. 131 A.D.2d 627,516 N.Y.S.2d712 (2nd Dept. 1987); Coleman v. Richards, 138 A.D.2d 556, 526 N.Y.S.2d 138 (2nd Dept. 1988); State of New York v, Horsemen's Benevolent Protective Assoc., 34 A.D.2d769,311 N.Y.S.2d 5l I (2nd Dept. 1970). 25. Plaintiff objects to this demand, pursuant to CPLR 3042(a), as palpably improper and is not properly included in a bill of particulars. See DiMarco v. Consolidated Rail Corp., 131 A.D.2d 627,516 N.Y.S.2d712 (2nd Dept. 1987); Coleman v. Richards, 138 A.D.2d 556, 526 N.Y.S.2d 138 (2nd Dept. 1988); State of New York v. Horsemen's Benevolent Protective Assoc., 34 A.D.2d769,311 N.Y.S.2d 511 (2nd Dept. 1970). 26. Plaintiff objects to this demand, pursuant to CPLR 3042(a), as palpably improper and is not properly included in a bill of particulars. See DiMarco v. Consolidated Rail Corp., 131 A.D.2d 627,516 N.Y.S.2d712 (2nd Dept. 1987); Coleman v. Richards, 138 A.D.2d556, 526 N.Y.S.2d 138 (2nd Dept. 1988); State of New York v. Horsemen's Benevolent Protective FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 Assoc.,34 A.D.2d769,311 N.Y.S.2d 511 (2nd Dept. 1970). Notwithstanding the foregoing objection and without waiving same, information responsive to this is currently within the exclusive possession of the answering defendant. Plaintiff reserves their right to supplement this demand upon the completion of examinations before trial. 27 . Plaintiff objects to this demand, pursuant to CPLR 3042(a), as palpably improper and is not properly included in a bill of particulars. See DiMarco v. Consolidated Rail Corp.. 131 A.D.2d 627,516 N.Y.S.2d712 (2nd Dept. 1987); Coleman v. Richards, 138 A.D.2d 556, 526 N.Y.S.2d 138 (2nd Dept. t988); State of New York v. Horsemen 's Benevolent Protective Assoc., 34 A.D.2d 769,31 1 N.Y.S.2d 51 I (2nd Dept. 1970). 28. Plaintiff objects to this demand, pursuant to CPLR 3042(a), as palpably improper and is not properly included in a bill of particulars. See DiMarco v. Conso lidated Rail Corn.. 131 A.D.2d 627, 516 N.Y.S.2d 712 (2nd Dept. 1987); Coleman v. Richards, 138 A.D.2d 556, 526 N.Y.S.2d 138 (2nd Dept. 1988); State of New Y ork v. Horsemen's Benevo lent Protective Assoc., 34 A.D.2d769,311 N.Y.S.2d 511 (2nd Dept. 1970). 29. Plaintiff objects to this demand, pursuant to CPLR 3042(a), as palpably improper and is not properly included in a bill of particulars. See DiMarco v. Consolidated Rail Corp., 131 A.D.2d 627,516 N.Y.S.2d 712 (2nd Dept. 1987); Coleman v. Richards, 138 A.D.2d 556, 526 N.Y.S.2d 138 (2nd Dept. 1988); State of New York v. Horsemen's Benevol ent Protective Assoc., 34 A.D.2d769,311 N.Y.S.2d 511 (2nd Dept. 1970). Dated: Deer Park, New York May 30,2019 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 ATTORNEY'S AFFIRMATION STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) [, the undersigned, an attorney admified to practice in the courts of New York State, state that: l. I am the attomey of record for JULIE AYALA in the within action. 2. I have read the foregoing BILL OF PARTICULARS and know the contents thereof. The same is true to my own knowledge, except as to those matters therein alleged to be on information and belief, and as to those matters I believe it to be true. 3. The reasorr this verification is made by me and not by the Plaintiff herein is because the Plaintiffdoes not reside in the County of Suffolk in which said law firm is located. 4. The grounds of my belief as to all matters not stated upon my own knowledge are as follows: based on records and documents in deponent's possession and conversations had with plaintiff. I affirm that the foregoing statements are true, under the penalties of perjury. Dated: May 30,2019 HALLOCK FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 Yours, etc & MALERBA, P.C. By: Larry Hallock Attomey for Plaintiff 1955 Deer Park Avenue Deer Park, New York 11729 (63 1) 482-8888 TO GALLO VITUCCI KLAR LLP Attomeys for Defendants 90 Broad Street, 12ft Floor New York, NY 10004 (212) 683-sss5 File No: PRO-2019-23 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 09/30/2022 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/30/2022 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ss.: LORIANNE COLUMBO, being duly swom, deposes and says: I am over 18 years of age, I am not a party to the action, and I reside in Suffolk County in the State of New York. I served a true copy of the annexed VERIFIED BILL oF PARTICULARS on May 30,2019 by mailing the same in a sealed envelope, with postage prepaid thereon, in a post office or official depository of the U.S. Postal Service within the State of New York, addressed to the last known address of the addressee as indicated below: GALLO VITUCCI KLAR LLP ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS 90 BROAD STREET I2TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 1OOO4 PHONE: (212) 683-7100 LUMBO Sworn to before me on May 30,2019 N Public DONNA M. FLAEK Notary Prrblic. Strte ol New Yqrk No.0lFL503786E Qualilied in Suffolk County ^9> 20-y Expires January l7. Cornmission FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 08/18/2021 09/30/2022 03:31 03:19 PM INDEX NO. 521818/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 68 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/18/2021 09/30/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KING -------------------------X JULIE AYALA, SUPPLEMENTAL PLAINTIFF VERIFIED BILL OF PARTICULARS -AGAINST- Index No.: 521818/2018 94TH AVENUE JAMAICA, LLC, ARTIMUS CONSTRUCTION INC., HP JAMAICA 94TH AVENUE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND COMPANY, INC. AND 94TH AVENUE JAMAICA LI LLC, DEFENDANTS. ---- ---------------------------------------------------X 94TH AVENUE JAMAICA, LLC, ARTIMUS CONSTRUCTION INC., HP JAMAICA 94TH AVENUE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND COMPANY, INC. AND 94TH AVENUE JAMAICA LI LLC, THIRD-PARTY PLAINTIFFS, -AGAINST- A&M PROFESSIONAL SECURITY CONSULTING CORP., THIRD-PARTY DEFENDANTS. -------- X Plaintiff JULIE A. AYALA, by her attorneys, Helen F. Dalton & Associates, P.C., responding to the demands of Defendant, 94TH AVENUE JAMAICA LI LLC, for a S;spplanental Bill of Particulars, alleges, upon information and belief, as follows: l. Plaintiffs date of birth is 1967. Demand for social security number is