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SAN FRANCE 28 LISA L. OBERG (BAR NO, 120139} SARA M. PARKER (BAR NO. 238448) MCKENNA LONG & ALDRIDGE LLP ELECTRONICALLY 101 California Street 41st Floor FILE D San Francisco, CA 94111 Superior Court of California, Telephone: (415) 267-4000 County of San Francisco Facsimile: {415) 267-4198 MAY 05 2009 GORDON PARK-LI, Clerk Attorneys for Defendant BY: RAYMOND K. WONG PLANT INSULATION COMPANY Deputy Clerk SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO DIANE BECK, Case No. 275080 Plaintiff, ANSWER OF DEFENDANT, PLANT INSULATION COMPANY, TO v. PLAINTIFF’S COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (B*P), ef al., Defendants. COMES NOW defendant, PLANT INSULATION COMPANY (hereinafter “Defendant”), for itself and for no other defendant, to answer plaintiff's complaint on file herein as follows: 1. Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 431.30(d), answering Defendant denies, both generally and specifically, each and every allegation contained in the complaint, and each cause of action therein, and each paragraph of cach cause of action, and denies that, as a direct and proximate result or any result of any tortious conduct on the part of this Defendant, plaintiff has been or will be injured or damaged in the manner and amount alleged or in any manner or amount whatsoever, 2. Answering Defendant denies that, by reason of any act or omission, fault, conduct, or liability on the part of answering Defendant, plaintiff has been injured or damaged in the ANSWER OF DEFENDANT, PLANT INSULATION COMPANY, TO PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY, 30016.5726 SF:27360531.1oo eT ND 28 MCKENNA LONG & ALORIDGE LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO. manner and amounts alleged or in any manner or amount whatsoever, and denies that this answering Defendant or any of its agents, servants or employees, or anyone acting for or on its behalf was negligent, careless, reckless, or otherwise breached any duty owed to plaintiff, whether as alleged or otherwise. For A First, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 3. Alleges that the complaint, and each and every cause of action therein, is barred by the applicable statute of limitations, California Code of Civil Procedure section 335.1. For A SECOND, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 4. Alleges that the complaint, and each and every cause of action therein, is barred by the applicable statute of limitations, California Code of Civil Procedure section 340.2. For A THIRD, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 5. Alleges that the product involved was materially altered or changed by a party or parties other than, and without the permission of, this answering Defendant, its employees, servants, or other agents, such alteration or change creating the alleged defect, if any, which was the proximate or legal cause of plaintiff's injuries, or damages, if any. For A FOURTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 6. Alleges that the defect in the product, if any, was known to plaintiff, who used said product after full knowledge of said alleged defect; that, as a result, plaintiff is barred from recovery herein, proportionately or totally, in that plaintiff voluntarily exposed himself or herself and his or her property to a known danger and thereby assumed the risk of any injury or damage resulting from that injury. For A FirtH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 7. Alleges that plaintiff's complaint and each and every cause of action therein based upon warranty or breach thereof, is barred as a result of failure of plaintiff to give notice required under Commercial Code section 2607(3\a). FOR A SIXTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 8. Alleges that the product was improperly maintained and cared for by plaintiff or his or her employer or their agents; that such improper maintenance and care created the defect, if -2- ANSWER OF DEFENDANT, PLANT INSULATION COMPANY, TO PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY, SF-27360551,128 MCKENNA LONG & ALDRIDGE LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO any, that was the proximate or legal cause of plaintiff’s injuries and damages, if any; that such improper maintenance and care was unforeseeable to this answering Defendant; and that plaintiff's claim is thereby reduced by the percentage of all responsibility attributable to plaintiff, his or her employer or other agents by virtue of said improper maintenance and care. For A SEVENTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 9. Alleges that the complaint, and cach and every cause of action therein, is barred by the applicable statute of limitations, Code of Civil Procedure section 338(d). For AN Ercura, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 10. Alleges that the loss, injury, or damage, if any, incurred by plaintiff was the result of superseding or intervening causes arising from negligent or willful acts or omissions by parties which Defendant neither controlled nor had the right to control, and said losses, injuries, or damages were not proximately or legally caused by any act, omission, or other conduct of Defendant. For A NINTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 11. Alleges that the plaintiff failed to mitigate his or her damages, if any, in that he failed to use reasonable diligence in caring for his or her injuries and reasonable means to prevent their aggravation or te accomplish their healing. For A TENTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 12, Alleges that, if this Defendant is responsible to plaintiff, which responsibility is expressly denied, this Defendant shall be liable to plaintiff only for the amount of non-economic damages allocated to this Defendant in direct proportion to this Defendant’s percentage of fault, if any. For AN ELEVENTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 13, Alleges that plaintiff's claims are barred by the doctrine of laches. For A TWELFTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 14. Alleges that, if the products described in the complaint were manufactured or distributed by Defendant, they were manufactured or distributed in accordance with specifications and requirements supplied to Defendant by persons other than Defendant including, but not -3- ANSWER OF DEFENDANT, PLANT INSULATION COMPANY, TO PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY SF:27360551128 MCKENNA LONG & LL SAN FRANCISCO limited to, the government of the United States of America, Any defect in said products was caused by deficiencies in said mandatory specifications and requirements supplied to Defendant, which deficiencies were neither known to Defendant nor discoverable by Defendant with the exercise of reasonable care. For A THIRTEENTH, SEPARATE AND ARFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 15. Alleges that plaintiff was not in privity with Defendant and, therefore, may not rely upon the theory of any alleged breach of express or implied warranty. For A FOURTEENTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 16. Alleges that any exposure of plaintiff to Defendant’s products was so minimal as to be insufficient to establish to a reasonable degree of probability that any such product caused any alleged injury, damage, or loss to plaintiff. FOR A FirrEENTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 17. Alleges that, if Defendant has purportedly been named or served in this action as a Doe defendant, such effort by plaintiff is invalid on the ground that plaintiff knew or should have known of the identity of the Defendant and the plaintiff's alleged causes of action against Defendant at the time of the filing of the complaint. FoR A SIXTEENTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 18. Is informed and believes, and upon such information and belief alleges that plaintiff was negligent, careless, reckless, and acted unlawfully in the use, control, direction and application of his or her bodily movements and the equipment, safely devices, and other facilities supplied to him, and existing as a part of his or her environment, and the injuries, if any, and damages, if any, were directly and proximately caused and contributed to by his or her own negligence, For A SEVENTEENTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 19. Is informed and believes and upon such information and belief alleges that plaintiff misused the product and used same after knowledge of defect, if any, existing therein. -4- ANSWER OF DEFENDANT, PLANT INSULATION COMPANY, TO PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY SI:27360551.1MCKENNA Le ALDRIDGE ATTORNEYS ATL. SAN FRANCISCO For AN EIGHTEENTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 20. Alleges that the plaintiff's employer so negligently, carelessly, recklessly, and unlawfully directed, controlled, and supplied plaintiff and plaintiff's co-employees with a working environment, including safety and protective equipment, clothing or the lack thereof, so as to directly and proximately cause and contribute to the injuries in question, if the same do exist, and to the extent that any sum or sums have been paid to plaintiff by said employer, this claim is barred thereby. For A NINETEENTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 21. - Alleges that the complaint, and each and every cause of action therein, fails to state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action against Defendant and is barred by the provisions of Labor Code section 3600. For A TWENTIETH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 22, Alleges that the complaint, and each and every cause of action therein, fails to state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action against Defendant and is barred by the provisions of Labor Code section 3601. For A TWENTY-First, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 23. Alleges that the complaint, and each and every cause of action therein, fails to state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action against Defendant and is barred by the provisions of Labor Code section 3602. For A TWENTY-SECOND, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 24. — Alleges that the compiaint, and each and every cause of action therein, fails to state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action against answering Defendant upon which relief can be granted. For A TWENTY-THIRD, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 25, Alleges that the statutory authority, including but not limited to California Civil Code section 3294, pursuant to which plaintiff claim punitive damages is invalid on its face and/or as applied to this Defendant pursuant to the First, Fifth, Eighth and Fourteenth ~5- ANSWER OF DEFENDANT, PLANT INSULATION COMPANY, TO PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY SE 27360551128 MCKENNA LONG & ALDRIDGE LLP ATTOR San YS AT LAW Amendments to the Constitution of the United States and Article I of the Constitution of the State of California. For A TWENTY-FOURTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 26. Alleges that plaintiff's action is barred by the provisions of California Code of Civil Procedure section 361 in that plaintiff's claims arose in another state or foreign country, and by the laws thereof an action cannot be maintained against this answering Defendant. For A TWENTY-FiFTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 27, Alleges that the instant action is barred by the rule against splitting a cause of action. For A TWENTY-SIXTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 28. Alleges that plaintiff is collaterally estopped or barred by the doctrine of res judicata from maintaining this action and/or seeking damages against this answering Defendant. For A TWENTY-SEVENTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 29. Alleges that Defendant is not a successor, successor in business, successor in product line or portion thereof, assign, predecessor in product line or portion thercof, parent, alter-ego, subsidiary, wholly or partially owned by, or the whole or partial owner of or member in any entity owning property, maintaining premises, researching, studying, manufacturing, fabricating, designing, labeling, assembling, distributing, leasing, buying, offering for sale, selling, inspecting, servicing, installing, contracting for installation, repairing, marketing, warranting, re-branding, manufacturing for others, packaging or advertising any asbestos- containing or silica-containing products. Defendant is therefore not liable for any acts, whether they be active or passive, or omissions of any entities to which Defendant is or may be alleged to be a successor-in-interest, predecessor-in-interest, alter-ego or the like. For A TWENTY-E1Gutn, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 30. Alleges plaintiffs claims, causes of action, theories of liability and matters alleged in this complaint are barred by the doctrine of accord and satisfaction as plaintiff has reached an accord with Defendant regarding this litigation. -6- ANSWER OF DEFENDANT, PLANT INSULATION COMPANY, TO PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY SE:273605511oO CP ew RN SAN FRANCISCO For A TWENTY-NINTH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 31. Alleges that plaintiff has released, settled, entered into an accord and satisfaction, or otherwise compromised the claims hercin, and accordingly, said claims are barred. For A THIRTIETH, SEPARATE AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT: 32. Alleges that plaintiff and/or the purchaser or user of the product at issue was sufficiently knowledgeable, informed and or trained and knew or should have known of the potential danger associated with the risk of exposure to asbestos from the course of his/her work, and the claims are therefore barred under the sophisticated user doctrine, pursuant to the California Supreme Court’s opinion in William Johnson v. American Standard, Inc. (2008) 43 Cal 4th 56. WHEREFORE, Defendant prays for judgment herein, for costs of suit incurred herein, and for such other and further relief as the court may deem just and proper. Dated: ach ay | as MCKENNA LONG & ALDRIDGE LLP By: Lia L! OBERG SARA M. PARKER Attorneys for Defendant PLANT INSULATION COMPANY -7- ANSWER OF DEFENDANT, PLANT INSULATION COMPANY, TO PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY SF:27360355 1.128 MCKENNA LONG & ALDRIDGE LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO PROOF OF SERVICE VIA LEXISNEXIS FILE & SERVE lam a citizen of the United States and employed in San Francisco County, California. I am over the age of cighteen years and not a party to the within-entitled action. My business address is 101 California Street, 41st Floor, San Francisco, California 94111. On May 5, 2009, [ electronically served the document(s) via LexisNexis File & Serve described as: ANSWER OF DEFENDANT, PLANT INSULATION COMPANY TO PLAINTIFF’S COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY on the recipients designated on the Transaction Receipt located on the LexisNexis File & Serve website. ] declare under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct and was executed on May 5, 2009, at San Francisco, California. Kod. Rose Manabat ANSWER OF DEFENDANT, PLANT INSULATION COMPANY TO PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY,