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  • Oxford Property Group, Llc v. Columbus Turnstyle Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Oxford Property Group, Llc v. Columbus Turnstyle Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Oxford Property Group, Llc v. Columbus Turnstyle Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Oxford Property Group, Llc v. Columbus Turnstyle Llc Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/30/2022 12:58 PM INDEX NO. 653810/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 12 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/30/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK Index No . 653810/2019 OXFORD PROPERTY GROUP , LLC Appearance No . 003 - vs • IAS Part. 59 RCP COLUMBUS TURNSTYLE LLC COMPLIANCE CONFERENCE ORDER On March 29 20 22— c=conference was held in this case . The parties appeared as follows: PlaintiffCs ) Oxford Pronertv Group. I I C. hv Rob Rickner ^ -by by Turnstyle hv Tara Richplo - appeared via Mircosofit Teams Defendant ^ ) Columbus I IC by by The Coud: has considered the status of this case rand determined that the Court's order of _ 20 _ has not been complied with in that ] the parties have been in settlement discussions. Accordingly , it is ORDERED that parties rcqjfe acditional time ta complete ciscovery aid propose :hc following schedule : Discovery derrands. if a ~iv. are lo bo servee bv April 20 , 2022 . Responses to discovery demands are to bo soivod bv July 2 / . 2022 - Popositions of paities and non- parties - a e to so completed bv October 2b. 2022 All ~act discovery shell be completed bv laouary 23 . ?Q 2 T. Mr The next ccnipliance corference shall be held or ~ Mnv“£4. 2022 at 10:00 a.m Page l of 2 _ 6-l 6'2 :' 2 Si ' 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/30/2022 12:58 PM INDEX NO. 653810/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 12 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/30/2022 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll COMPI rANcr coNrr ^rvic - ORnrR Irdex Mn . 6n3fiio /2me case - Oxh'c eu I ’KC ! z -{ ir CKCJI ’, LLCi«i. CC JMdJS lU-tNalYLfc C Counsel shall transmit to SFC-Part59 @ and to - T SFC-Part59-Clerk @ and post on IMYSCEF a proposed preliminary- compliance /sfatu confereWce order ' conference order(s) at least two days before ^ or proposed competing preliminary -compliance»$taUfe /l5 , r i - 2022, Teams> unless suchjappearanee be waived by the court ^ , on which date counsel shall appear via Microsoft . * T Absent good cause shown, any discovery issues not raised herein will be deemed waived . All dispositive motions must be filed within 90 davs of the note of issue - Failure to comply with these directives may result in the imposition of costs or sanctions Including dismissal or default Judgment. Dates set forth may not be extended or adjourned except with advance approval of the Court. §C ; > sc NOI: ; $ /* / 102.2 SO ORDFRFD : Datec : 03/ 29/2022 J .5.C. ^ ^ HONTDEBF AJAMES Pcige 2 of 2 2 of 2