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  • Robert Kirby, Yvonne Kirby v. Brookfield Asset Management Llc, Brookfield Property Group Llc, Brookfield Financial, Llc, Brookfield Financial Properties, Lp, Wfp Tower D Co. L.P., Wfp Retail Co. Lp Torts - Other Negligence (labor law) document preview
  • Robert Kirby, Yvonne Kirby v. Brookfield Asset Management Llc, Brookfield Property Group Llc, Brookfield Financial, Llc, Brookfield Financial Properties, Lp, Wfp Tower D Co. L.P., Wfp Retail Co. Lp Torts - Other Negligence (labor law) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/21/2021 11:05 AM INDEX NO. 154488/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 27 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/21/2021 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK JUDGE BLUTH, ARLENE P Index No. 154488/2018 ROBERT KIRBY et al - v. - BROOKFIELD ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC et al COURT NOTICE Counselors: You have failed to timely submit any of the documentation as required in Court Notice dated March 17, 2021. Your conference has been adjourned to September 2, 2021 at 9:30 AM By August 26, 2021, please upload one of the following: 1. A fully executed discovery stipulation. If you timely upload this, it will be reviewed; if the court finds it satisfactory, then it will be so-ordered and uploaded. There will be no need for you to attend the above-scheduled conference and we will set the date for the next conference. If it is not satisfactory (such as being a repeat of the prior conference order), then the conference may be held or adjourned, as the Court deems appropriate. 2. A stipulation of partial agreement. Parties must stipulate to what they can agree and leave blanks for what they cannot. Parties must then submit a written explanation as to the disagreed portions. The Court will either decide the issue based on your written explanations, hold the conference or approve what you have agreed and instruct you to make a motion as to the disputed matters. 3. A letter indicating why you cannot agree to anything and identifying the areas in dispute. If nothing is timely submitted, then the conference will be adjourned. If you fail to timely submit one of the above for three consecutive conferences, your case will be dismissed. DATED 04/21/2021 FILED By Amanda L. Delgrosso Page 1 of 1 1 of 1