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  • Robert Kirby, Yvonne Kirby v. Brookfield Asset Management Llc, Brookfield Property Group Llc, Brookfield Financial, Llc, Brookfield Financial Properties, Lp, Wfp Tower D Co. L.P., Wfp Retail Co. Lp Torts - Other Negligence (labor law) document preview
  • Robert Kirby, Yvonne Kirby v. Brookfield Asset Management Llc, Brookfield Property Group Llc, Brookfield Financial, Llc, Brookfield Financial Properties, Lp, Wfp Tower D Co. L.P., Wfp Retail Co. Lp Torts - Other Negligence (labor law) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/23/2018 03:59 PM INDEX NO. 154488/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/23/2018 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE THROUGH THE SECRETARY OF STATE Index # 154488/2018 Purchased/Filed: May 11, 2018 STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT NEW YORK COUNTY Plaintiff Robert Kirby, et ano. againSt Brookfield Asset Management LLC, et al. Defendant STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ALBANY James Perone , being duly sworn, deposes and says: deponent isover the age of eighteen (18) years; that on May 18, 2018 , at 11:45am , atthe officeof the Secretary of State of the State of New York inthe Cityof Albany, New York deponent served the annexed Notice of Electronic Filingwith Summons and Attorney-Verified Complaint on WFP Tower D Co. LP. , the Defendant in thisaction, by delivering to and leaving with Sue Zouky AUTHORIZED AGENT in the Office of the Secretary of State, of the State of New York, personally at the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York, 2 true copies thereof and that at the time of making such service, deponent paid said Secretary of State a fee of 40 dollars, That said service was made pursuant to Section 121-109 Revised Limited Partnership Act . Deponent further says that deponent knew the person so served as aforesaid to be the agent in theOffice of the Secretary of State of the State of New York, duly authorized to accept such service on behalf of said defendant. Description of the pers served: Approx. Age: 55-60 pprox. Wt: 125lbs Approx. Ht: 5'1 Color of skin: W te Hair color: Red/Blonde S : Female Other: Sworn to before e on this 18th day of M , 018 SCOTT SCHUS JameS Perone OTARY PUBLIC, State of New York NO. 01SC6308636,Albany County Attny's File No. Commission Expires July 28, 2018 Invoice-Work Order # SP1806910 SERVICO. INC. - PO BOX S71 - ALBANY. NEW YORK 12201 - PH 51S-463-4179 1 of 1