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  • Stella Stolper v. Zarina Burbacki Commercial Division document preview
  • Stella Stolper v. Zarina Burbacki Commercial Division document preview
  • Stella Stolper v. Zarina Burbacki Commercial Division document preview
  • Stella Stolper v. Zarina Burbacki Commercial Division document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/20/2022 06:35 PM INDEX NO. 652352/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 225 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/20/2022 NOTE OF 155UE Calendar No. (if For use of clerk any) Index No. 652352/2018 Supreme New York New York Court, County, Name of assigned Judge Borrok NOTICE FOR TRIAL Stella Stolper E Trial by jury demanded E ofallissues O of issuesspecified below or attached hereto O Trial without jury Filed by attorney for Plaintiff(s) Date summons served Date service completed Date issue joined NATURE OF ACTION OR SPECIAL PROCEEDING Zarina Burbacki E Tort: Motor vehicle negligence OMedical malpractice EOther tort O Contract O Contested matrimonial O Uncontested matrimonial O Tax certiorari O Condemnation O Other(not itemized above) specify Defendant(s) O This isa class action Amount demanded:$ Other relief: Special preference claimed under Insurance Carrier(s) ifknown On theground that Russo PLLC Attorney(s) forPlaintiff(s) Office and P.O. Address 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 7230 New York, New York 19118 Phone No. (212) 363-2000 Jonathan E. Neuman, Esq. Attorney(s) forDefendant(s) Office and P.O. Address 176-25 Union Turnpike, Suite 230 Fresh Meadows, New York 11366 Phone No. (347) 450-6710 NOTE: The clerk willnot accept thisnote of issueunless accompanied by a certif icate of readiness. 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/20/2022 06:35 PM INDEX NO. 652352/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 225 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/20/2022 CElmFICATE OF READINESS FOR TRIAL For use of clerk (Items1-7 must be checked) Completed Waived Not Required 1. Allpleadingsserved 2. Billof panticulars served 3. Physicalexaminationscompleted 4. Medicalreportsexchanged 5. Appraisalreports exchanged 6. Compliance withsection 202.16 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator(22 NYCRR 202.16)in matrimonial actions 7. Discoveryproceedingsnow known to be necessary completed Per theCourt, "to theextent he Plaintiff seeks an additionaldeposition 8. Thereare no outstanding requestsfor discovery. post-NOl." from the Defendant, ifgranted, thatdeposition willbe taken 9. Therehas been a reasonable to complete opportunity the foregoing proceedings 10. lierehas been compliancewithany order to section 202.12 issued pursuant of the Rules of the Chief Administrator(22 NYCRR 202.12). 11. Ifa medicalmalpractice action,there has been compliance withany orderissued pursuant to section 202.56 of the Rules of the ChiefAdministrator (22 NYCRR 202.56) 12. The case is ready for trial Dated. October 20. 2022 ® Hert , IJew NodL Signature/Print Name: Rimma for. Plaintiff Ayzen Attorney OfficeAddress: 350 Fifth Ave., Suite7230 New York, New York 19118 Stateof New York, of New York ss.: County Rimma Ayzen beingduly swom, deposes, and says that deponent is not a party to the action and is over 18 years of age, resides at ValleyStream, New York. That on October 20 20E_, deponentserved the within note of readine of issue and certificate on Jonathan E. Neuman . the attornev for Defendant 176-25Union Suite230, Fresh NY 11366 , at Turnpike, Meadows, . the address designated for service, by the attorney by depositinga true copy thereof, properlyenclosedin a post-paid wrapper,in an official depositoryof the U.S. Postal within Service the State of New York. PrintName: faintwo A 2 . NOTARYPUBUC, STATEOF NEWYONC Registration No. 02R08310280 Commi August 2 of 2