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  • Stahl Midtown Properties Llc v. 49 Broadway Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Stahl Midtown Properties Llc v. 49 Broadway Llc Commercial Division document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 06:27 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 21 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 ucs-moc SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF New York x Index No: 651160/2018 Stahl Midtown Properties LLC RJi No. (ifany): Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s) -ª°ª'""*- COMMERCIAL DIVISION 49 Broadway LLC Request for Judicial Intervention Addendum Defendant(s)/Respondent(s) X COMPLETE WHERE APPLICABLE [add additional pages ifneeded]: Plaintiff/Petitioner's cause(s) of action [check allthat apply]: O Breach of contract or fiduciary duty,fraud, business misrepresentation, tort(e.g.unfair or statutory competition), and/orcommon law violation wherethe breach or violation is alleged to arise out of business dealings(e.g. sales of assets or securities; corporate restructuring; partnership, joint shareholder, venture,and otherbusinessagreements;trade restrictive secrets; covenants;and employment agreements not including claimsthat involve principally alleged practices) discriminatory O Transactionsgoverned by theUniform Commercial Code (exclusive of thoseconcerningindividual cooperativeor condominium units) Transactions commercial involving real property, Yellowstone including injunctions and excludingactionsfor the payment of rent only Shareholder derivative actions- withoutconsiderationof the threshold O monetary Commercial - class actions withoutconsiderationof the threshold O monetary O Businesstransactions or arising involving out of dealings withcommercial banks and otherfinancial institutions O Internal of business affairs organizations O Malpracticeby accountants and legal or actuaries, malpracticearisingout of representation in commercialmatters O Environmental insurancecoverage O Commercial insurancecoverage (e.g. directorsand officers, errorsand omissions, and businessinterruptioncoverage) Dissolution of corporations, limited partnerships, companies, limited and joint partnerships ventures- without O liability liability consideration of themonetary threshold O Applicationsto stay or compelarbitration and affirmor disaffirm arbitration awards and related injunctiverelief pursuantto CPLR Article 75 involvingany of the foregoing enumerated commercial issues -withoutconsiderationof the monetary threshold Plaintiff/Petitioner's claim for compensatory damages [exclusive of punitivedamages, interest,costs and counsel fees claimed]: Plaintiff/Petitioner's claim for equitable or declaratory relief[briefdescription]: P seeks Yellowstoneor prelim. inj. and TRO D enjoining from P's terminating commerciallease and oustingP frompremises based on allegeddefaultsin Notice to Cure; the expiration staying/tolling of curepd. in notice; declaringP not in default. Defendant/Respondent's counterclaim(s) [briefdescription,including claim for monetary relief]: I REQUEST THAT THIS CASE BE ASSIGNED TO THE COMMERCIAL DIVISION. I CERTIFY THAT THE CASE MEETS THE JURISDICTIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMMERCIAL DIVISION SET FORTH IN 22 NYCRR § 202.70(a), (b) and (c). Dated: 03/12/2018 DAVID S TANNENBAUM SIGNATURE DAVID S TANNENBAUM This form was generated by NYSCEF PRINT OR TYPE NAME 1 of 1