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  • Stahl Midtown Properties Llc v. 49 Broadway Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Stahl Midtown Properties Llc v. 49 Broadway Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Stahl Midtown Properties Llc v. 49 Broadway Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Stahl Midtown Properties Llc v. 49 Broadway Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Stahl Midtown Properties Llc v. 49 Broadway Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Stahl Midtown Properties Llc v. 49 Broadway Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Stahl Midtown Properties Llc v. 49 Broadway Llc Commercial Division document preview
  • Stahl Midtown Properties Llc v. 49 Broadway Llc Commercial Division document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 49 Broadway LLC c/o Delmar Realty Co., Inc. 1185 Sixth Avenue Tenth Floor New York, New York 10036 (212) 265-2280 THIRTY (30) DAY NOTICE TO CURE To Tenant: Stahl Midtown Properties, LLC c/o The Stahl Organization 277 Park Avenue New York, NY 10172 Illegal Occupant (s): Corp." "XYZ Re: Demised Premises known as and located at 49 Broadway a/k/a 25 Trinity Place, New York, New York 10006 Reference is hereby made to a certain Lease Agreement originally made by and between Gary Builders Inc., as landlord and predecessor-in-interest to the "Landlord" undersigned (hereinafter referred to as the "Landlord"), and Exchange Nut Products, Inc., as tenant, dated December 30, 1960, for the demised premises known as and located at 49 Broadway a/k/a 25 Trinity Place, New York, New York 10006, and designated on the tax map of the County Clerk of New York as Section 1, Block 20, Premises" Lot 13 (hereinafter, the "Subject Premises"), which Lease Agreement was subsequently assigned by Assignment and Assumption of Ground Lease dated June "Lease" 21, 2001 (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Lease") to Stahl Midtown "Tenant" Properties, LLC, as assignee and successor-tenant (hereinafter, the "Tenant"). PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that you, the Tenant, have violated and continue to violate substantial obligations of your tenancy pursuant to Paragraph 10 of the Lease. Upon information and belief, the following violations and/ or Summons have been filed, served and/ or issued against Landlord and/ or the Subject Premises: one (1) violation issued by the New York City Department of Buildings ("DOB"); and ten (10) Summonses issued and/ or served by the New York City Department of Health FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 and Mental Hygiene ("DOHMH") in connection with the cooling tower(s) at the Subject Premises. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Tenant has defaulted in the observance and performance of its obligations under Paragraph 10 of the Lease, titled Authorities," "Requirements of Public which provides, in pertinent part, that: During the term Tenant shall, at its own cost and expense, promptly observeand comply with all present and future laws, ordinances, requirements, orders, directions, rules and regulations of the Federal, State, County and City Governments and of all other governmental authorities affecting the demised premises or appurtenances or any part thereof, and of all their respective departments, bureaus and officials... Upon information and belief, the DOHMH issued ten (10) Summonses in connection with the cooling tower at Subject Premises based upon the following: No Maintenance Program or Plan (" 0880961950: ("Building/Facility where cooling tower is located has not had a Maintenance Program and Plan developed."); Routine Monitoring not conducted, documented at least once a week when tower is in use (" 0880961960: ("Routine system monitoring is not recorded weekly in that weekly system monitoring records were missing at time of inspection."); Compliance Inspections not conducted, documented at least once every 90 days when the tower is in use (" 08809691979: ("Compliance Inspection(s) records are missing for the following dates: no data"); Contaminants"); Twice yearly or other required cleaning not conducted or documented (" 0880961988: ("Documentation of twice yearly cleaning (November 1, 2016 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 November 1, 2017) was not provided at time of inspection."); Daily automatic or approved alternative water treatment plan not provided (" 0880961997: ("Inspection of the system treatment room identified inadequate chemical treatment in that biocide delivery was conducted without an approved written alternative. At the time of the inspection, there was no documentation of chemical (eg. Biocides) treatment, and there was no DOHMH approved written alternative water treatment plan that justified the absence of chemical (eg. Biocides) treatment."); No records of allchemicals and biocides (C&B) added (" 0880962006: ("Chemical and biocide records with time of addition and weekly amounts were not provided. Records did not include safety data sheet (SDS) noting manufacturer's name, brand and purpose."); Failure to collect, analyze or record weekly biological process control indicators 0880962015: ("No weekly records documenting heterotrophic plate count or dip slide results to estimate microbial content or recirculation water was collected and interpreted."); Legionella sample not collected or analyzed, or results not recorded or reported to DOHMH as required (" 0880962024: ("Records reviewed at time of inspection indicate required periodic Legionella Culture sampling was not performed."); Failure to monitor and sample from representative locations and times (" 0880962033: ("Water quality monitoring sampling locations were not provided. Water quality monitoring times were not provided. Bacteriological indicator sample collection FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 times were not provided for the following dates: no data. Legionella sampling collection times were not provided for the following dates: no data. Legionella sampling collection times were not provided for the following dates: no data"); Improper or Inadequate start-up procedures 0880962042: ("A the time of inspection the maintenance program and plan failed to include a detailed seasonal and idle period startup procedure pursuant to 24 RCNY Section 9-06(b)"); Upon further information and belief, the foregoing hearings for each of the above DOHMH Summonses are scheduled for July 2, 2018, and Tenant and/ or the Tenant's authorized agent(s) or representative(s) must attend said hearings at 8:30 a.m. on July 2, 2018, at the office of Administrative Trials and Hearings, Manhattan 10th borough, located at 66 John Street, Floor, New York, NY 10038, and pay any and all fines and/ or satisfy any and allcivil penalties imposed in connection with said Summonses. Copies of the DOHMH Summonses, along with the corresponding New York Notices" City Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings online "Summonses and A." display, are attached hereto and made a part of this Notice as "Exhibit Upon information and belief, the Tenant failed to comply with the following DOB violation and/ or remove said violation of record: (" 022417LBLBIO03132: ("Violation issued for failure to file annual boiler 2015 inspection report"). Display" A copy of the DOB's online "Violation for the above violation is B." attached hereto and made a part of this Notice as "Exhibit PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that DEMAND is hereby made pursuant to Paragraph 20(c) of Lease that Tenant cure itsdefaults under Paragraph 10 of the Lease, as more particularly described herein, including, without limitation, the correction, remediation and/ or removal of the above violation(s) and/ or Summonses, along with sufficient written proof that such have been corrected, cured, remediated and removed of record, and fully paid, and written confirmation and any supporting documentation to sufficiently demonstrate that Tenant and/ or Tenant's authorized agent(s) or representative(s) will appear and/ or attend the aforementioned hearing(s) on July 2, 2018, as well as any and all subsequent or further hearing(s), in connection with the above DOHMH Summonses, and/ or pay any and all fines and/ or satisfy any and all civil penalties imposed for said Summonses, on or before March 31 2018, FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 which date is not less than thirty (30) days from the delivery of this Notice To Cure to the Tenant. If such cure is not effectuated by March 31, 2018 the Landlord may terminate your tenancy pursuant to the terms of the Lease. Dated: February 6, 2018 New York, New York 10036 Landlord: 49 Broadway LLC c/o Delmar Realty Co., Inc. LoÚÏsa Little Treasurer VIA REGISTERED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, and REGULAR MAIL: To: Stahl Midtown Properties, LLC c/o The Stahl Organization 277 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10172 Stahl Midtown Properties, LLC c/o The Stahl Real Estate Co. 277 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10172 Corp." "XYZ 49 Broadway a/k/a 25 Trinity Place New York, NY 10006 National Westminster Bank 175 Water Street New York, NY 10038 Attn: Thomas Masale ID NO D60C1 0101 I FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 a NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 EXHIBIT A FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED 7NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 I 1 r I 0 '3 1. h SUMMONS • FOR CIVIL PENALTIES ONLY Health 7 SUMMONS NUMBER: 0880961950 s s ~ P ENFORCEMENT AGENCY NAME: DEPT. OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGlENE DIVISION: Environmental Health BUREAU: Public Health Engineering AGENCY ADDRESSAND PHONE NUMBER: 4249 28th 14th Floor, Queens, NY 11101 Street, Phone: 347-396-6001 RESPONDENT: 49 BROADWAY SOLll MANAGEMENT LLC DBA: MAILING ADDRESS: 1185 6TH Ave, FI10, New York, NY 10036 ID NUMBER: 2000012465 DATE OF OCCURRENCE: 08/24/2017 TIME OF OCCURENCE: BOROUGH: Manhattan PLACEOF OCCURRENCE: 49 BROADWAY, Manhattan, NY 10006 You must respond to the Summons. You can appear on the hearing data and the location below or choose another option. Forother options on how to respond, seethe back of this page. HEARING DATE: 07/02/2018 AT: 08:30 OFFICEOF ADMINISTIiATIVE TRIALS AND HEARINGS: X Manhattan Statenisland Bronx p Queens Brooklyn 66 John Street, 10th Floor 350 St. Marks Place 3030 Third Ave 14446 94th Ave, MainFloor 9 Bond St, 7th Floor New York,NY 10038 Statenisland, NY 10301 Bron x, NY 10455 Jamaica, NY 11435 NY 11201 Brooklyn, INSTRUCTIONSFORRESPONDING TOTHIS5UMMONSAREON THEBACKOFTHI5 PAGE. REFERTOTHESUMMONSNUMBERABOVEONALLCORRESPONDENCE. WARNINGr If you do not show up for your hearing (or pay the penalty by mall If permitted) the Summonswill be decided againstyou and peDaltjpswill be Impose1.Loud r C ~ leit._ MD.Enay.alsq.besuspendedpr .ravokedJ0Additton,_the.Gy..mayantfita_MgingspøJMLyou dg Detalls of Vlolatlan(s) NoMaintenanceProBramorPlan 24 RCNY 1843 AHSA Mall-InPenalty: 1000 Maximum Penalty: 2000 where cooling Building/Facility tower Is located has not hada MaintenanceProgramand Plandeveloped. NYCCharter Sections1048 and 1049-a and the Rulesof the City of New York authorize the NYCOffice of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OA_ERto hold hearings.For hearingoptions, see ot side of this notice. 1,an employee of the agency named above, affirm under penalty of perjury that I personallyobserved the commissionof the violation(s) charged above and/or verified their existencethrough a review of departmental records. Falsestatements made herein are punishable as a ClassA Mlsdemeanor pursuant to section 210.45of the PenalLaw. Eduardo Castillo Salcedo / 0412 Inspector 818 Name/ID: Rank/TItle: Agency Code: I acknowledge that I havereceived 4 copy of this Summonsand Instructions forresponding and that I am authorized to accept serviceof this Summons. Receivedby: Title: Date: I IIIIII II 0880961950 08809Gl950 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF 11/20/2017DOC. NO. 4 NYC Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 'I 'I ;1 ylj Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings . ~ d" ''.~''i"nt' Summonses and Notices with ECB Hearings at OATH I Case Details Summons/Notice Number: 0880961950 Date Issued: 08/24/2017 Issuing Agency: DOHMH - COOLING TOWERS Respondent Name: 49 BROADWAY SOLIL MANAGEMENT Balance Due: $1000.00 How To Pav Inspection Location: 49 BROADWAY NEW YORK NY 10006 Respondent Address: 1185 AVENUE OFTHE AMERICAS NEW YORK NY 10036 View Imaae of Summons/Notice re Detai s Status of Summons/Notice: NEW ISSUANCE Hearing Result: Hearing Location: Manhattan Hearino Locations ' Hearing Date: 07/02/2018 One Click Hearinas by Telephone How To Pav Exp0anation of Charges New Search ~ Copyright2011 The Cityof New York Contact Us | FAQs| PrivacyStatement | Termsof Use | Site Map 1/1 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 SUMMONS 0 FOR CIVllPENALTIES ONLY Henkh SUMMONS NUMBER: 0880961960 I, ~ ENFORCEMENT AGENCY NAME: DEPT. OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGlENE DIVISION: Environmental Health BUREAU: Public Health Engineering AGENCY ADDRESSAND PHONE NUMBER: 42-09 Floor, Queens, NY 11101 28th Street, 14th Phone: 347-396-6001 RESPONDENT: 49 BROADWAY SOLlL MANAGEMENT LLC DBA: MAILING ADDRESS: 1185 6TH Ave, F110, New York, NY 10036 ID NUMBER: 2000012465 DATE OF OCCURRENCE: 08/24/2017 TIME OF OCCURENCE: BOROUGH: Manhattan PLACEOF OCCURRENCE: 49 BROADWAY, Manhattan, NY 10006 You must respond to the Summons. You can appear on the hearing date and the location below or chooseanother option. For other options on how to respond, see the back of this page. HEARING DATE: 07/02/2018 AT: 0890 OFFICEOF ADMINISTRATIVE TRIAA.SAND HEARINGS: X Manhattan StatenIsland Bronx Q Queens 0 Brooklyn 66 John Street, 10th Floor 350St.Marks Place 3030 Third Ave 144-06 94th Ave, Main Floor 9 Bond St, 7th Floor New York, NY 10038 StatenIsland, NY 10301 Bronx, NY 10455 Jamaica, NY 11435 NY 11201 Brooklyn, INSTRUCTIONSFORRESPONDING TOTHI5 SUMMONSAREON THEBACKOFTHISPAGE REFERTOTHESUMMONSNUMBERABOVEONALLCORRESPONDENCE. WARNING: If you do not showup foryour hearing (or pay the penalty by mallif permitted) the Summonswill be decided againstyou and ReggltlplW.(llbJLllURINeA.Ioutilk sussended or.revoked, In addition. the City mov enteraludgrosnuala,st,__ Details of Violatlan(s) floutine monitoring notconducted, documented at least once a week when tower Is In use 24 RCNY §8-04[a) AH8C Mall-InPenalty: 500 Maximum Penalty: 1000 Routine system Is not recorded monitoring weekly In that weeklysystemmonitoringrecords were missing at time of Inspection. NYCCharter Sections1048 and 1049-aand the Rulesof the City of New Yorkauthorize the NYCOffice of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)to hold hearings. For hearing option see other side of this notice. I, an employee of the agency named above, afArm under penalty of perlury that I personally observed the commissionof the violatlan(s) charged above and/or verined their existencethrough a review of departmental records. Falsestatements made herein are punishable as a ClassA Mlsdemeanor pursuant to section 210.45 of the PenalLaw. Eduardo Castillo Salcedo / 0412 Inspector 818 Name/iD: Rank/Title: Agency Code: I acknowledge that Ihave receiveda copy of this Summonsand Instructions for responding and that I am authorized to accept service of this Summons. Receivedby: Title: Date: III IIIIIIIIII 0880961960 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF DOC. 11/20/2017 NO. 4 NYC Officeof Administrative Trials and Hearings RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 ! e ,h'H rr,",'./i; ,'' r e I r w A' 'Ii !rl ., 'r. Office of Administrative -:/ Trials and Hearings 1 rcr ! Summonses and Notices with ECB Hearings at OATH „-'jsee iteeetatie Summons/Notice Number: 0880961960 Date Issued: 08/24/2017 Agency: DOHMH - COOLING TOWERS Issuing Respondent Name: 49 BROADWAY SOLIL MANAGEMENT Balance Due: $500.00 How To Pay Inspection kee8$% e eeve ~ e Location: ve pe eve ~~ 49 BROADWAY NEW YORK NY 10006 Respondent Address: 1185 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS NEW YORK NY 10036 View Image of Summons/Notice j'diorr.'. Oeltat)s Status of Summons/Notice: NEW ISSUANCE Hearing Result: Hearing Locatiom Manhattan Hearing Locations Hearing Date: 07/02/2018 0_ne Click Hearings by Telephone How To Pay ,".:/r.<.~lair1ation of Citarges New Search i I Copyright 2011 The Cityof New York Contact Us | FAQs | Privacy Statement | Terms of Use| Site Map 1/1 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 SUMMONS a FOR CIVllPENALTIES ONLY Haalth SUMMONS NUMBER: 0880961979 I ENFORCEMENT AGENCY NAME: DE . OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGlENE DIVISION: Environmental Health BUREAU: Public Health Engineering AGENCY ADDRESSAND PHONE NUMBER: 42-09 28th Street, Phone: 347-396-6001 14th Floor, Q ueens, NY 11101 RESPONDENT: 49 BROADWAY SOLlL MANAGEMENT LLC DBA: MAILING ADDRESS: 1185 6TH Ave, F110, New York, NY 10036 ID NUMBER: 2000012465 DATE OF OCCURRENCE: 08/24/2017 TIME OF OCCURENCE: BOROUGH: Manhattan PLACE OF OCCURRENCE: 49 BROADWAY, Manhattan, NY 10006 . 1 ., . , You must respond to the Summons. Youcan appear on the hearing data and the location below or chooseanother option. Forother options on how to respond, see the back of this page. HEARING DATE: 07/02/2018 AT: 08:30 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE TRIAA.SAND HEARINGS: X Manhattan StatenIsland Bronx Queens Brooklyn 66 John Street, 10th Floor 350 St. Marks Place 3030 Third Ave 14406 94th Ave,Main Floor 9 Bond St, 7th Floor New York, NY 20038 5tatenIsland, NY 10301Bronx, NY 10455 Jamaica, NY 11435 NY 11201 Brooklyn, INSTRUCTIONSFORRESPONDING TOTHISSUMMONSAREON THEBACKOFTHISPAGE. REFERTO THESUMMONSNUMBERABOVEONALLCORRESPONDENCE. WARNING: If you do not show up for your hearing (or pay the penalty by mall If permitted) the Summonswill be decidedagainstyou and ACMliterwiftbalmnosed..Y.our-IIsensam9ulai1.basu.sp.endad-qum_oldJaadditiondha£11Y_D13ED.tatR14dRD19012RRIGILVEL]M0311..- Details of Vlolation(s) CompRanceInspectionsnatconducted, 'documentedatleastonesevery90dayswhenthetower h In use 24 RCNY 98-04[b) AH8D Mall-InPenalty: 500 Maximum Penalty: 2000 Compliance records are missing for Inspection(s) the following dates:no data A NYCChartersections1048 and 1049-a and the Rulesof the aty of NewYork authorize the NYCOffice of AdministrativeTrlals and Hearings see other side of this notice. (OATH)to hold hearings.For hearing options I, an employee of the agencynamed above, affirm under penalty of perjury that 1personally observed the commissionof the violatIon(s) charged above and/or verified their existence through a review of departmentairecords. Falsestatements made herein are punishable as a ClassA Mlsdemeanor pursuant to section 210.45 of the PenalLaw. Eduardo Castillo Salcedo / 0412 Inspector 818 Name/ID: Rank/Title: Agency Code: I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this summons and Instructions for responding and that 1am authorized to accept serviceof this Summons. Receivedby: Title: Date: III IIIIEIIPI I 0880961979 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF 11/20/2017DOC. NO. 4 NYC Officeof Administrative Trialsand Hearings RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 rl i'j 1'' r r ' » Ii Office of Adntinistrative Trials and Hearings , Summonses and Notices with ECB Hearings at OATH CaseJleDetails Summons/Notice Number: 0880961979 DateIssued: 08/24/2017 Issuing Agency: DOHMH - COOLING TOWERS Respondent Name: 49 BROADWAY SOLIL MANAGEMENT Balance Due: $500.00 How To Pay Inspection Location: 49 BROADWAY NEW YORK NY 10006 Respondent Address: 1185 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS NEW YORK NY 10036 View Imaae of Summons/Notice 1"Ir)ll'c. Dotal]s Status of Summons/Notice: NEW ISSUANCE Hearing Result: Hearing Location: Manhattan Hearing Locations ' Hearing Date: 07/02/2018 One Click Hearinas by Telephone How To Pav ;:,.Slrt1'JiBlnratll4>;it rlf e..i'fiick"h) ias I New search Copyright 2011 The Cityof New York Contact Us | FAQs Statement | Privacy | Terms of Use| Site Map 1/" FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/12/2018 01:50 PM INDEX NO. 651160/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/12/2018 SUMMONS a FOR CIVIL PENALTIES ONLY gs Hanith SUMMONS NUMBER: 0880961988 ENFORCEMENT AGENCY NAME: DEPT. OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGlENE DIVISION: Environmental Health