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  • Midland Credit Management, Inc. v. Brittany N WaiteOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc. v. Brittany N WaiteOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc. v. Brittany N WaiteOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc. v. Brittany N WaiteOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview


FILED: WASHINGTON COUNTY CLERK 09/01/2020 02:08 PM INDEX NO. EC2020-31795 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/02/2020 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WASHINGTON SUPREME COURT MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. - against - Index No. EC2020-31795 BRITTANY N WAITE VANITA È. LAFARR ' , being duly sworn, deposes and says, that deponent is not a to the action, is over 18 years'of age and is the DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK of . party WASHINGTON COUNTY Supreme & County Courts, with offices located at 383 Broadway, Fort Edward, 12828; NYf That on SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 depoñent served.the within Notice upon: BRITTANY N WAITE 88 REXLEIGH RD CAMBRIDGE, NY 12816 by depositiñg a true copy of each properly sealed postpaid with first class postage in an official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the US Postal Service. Sworn to before me this 1ST of SEPTEMBER , 20 20_ day pec,,y,e ClerksOffice Couny Was...ngtonCounty SEP -1 2020 Notar Public Stephan e he Received. pnq PACIOCCO MEUSSAL New Yort State of Public, WashingtonCo.#04PA6343115 Notasy 203-4 Expires June6, Commission 1 of 2 FILED: WASHINGTON COUNTY CLERK 09/01/2020 02:08 PM INDEX NO. EC2020-31795 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/02/2020 Index Number: EC2020-31795 Filed: 7/9/2020 4TY OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON cOUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE 383 BROADWAY FORT EDWARD, NY 12828 . . BRITTANY N WAITE 88 REXLEIGH RD CAMBRIDGE, NY 12816 STATE OF NEW YORK INDEX NO. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF . WASHINGTON COUNTY OF WASHINGTON PLAINTIFF: MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. . . DEFENDANT(S): BRITTANY N WAITE ATTENTION: A lawsuit has'been. filed against you clairaiñg that you owe rnoney for an unpaid "answer." consumer debt. You should respond to the lawsuit as soon as possible by filingan You may wish to contact an attcrñêy. If you do not respond to the lawsuit, the court may enter a money judgment against you. Once entered, a judgme.nt is good and can be ùsed against you for twenty years, and your personal property and money, including a portion of your paycheck and/or bank account, may be taken from you. Also, a judgment will affect your credit score and can affect your abilityto rent a home, find a job, or take out a loan. You cannot be arrested or sent to jailfor owing a debt. Additional information can be found.on the court system's website at: PRECAUCION: Se ha presentado uria demanda en su contra reclamando que usted debe dinero por una deuda al consumidor no se!dede. Usted debe, tan pronto como le sea posible, responder a "contestacion.' la demanda presentando una Quizas -usted quiera comunicarse .con un abogado. Si usted no presenta una ccñtestacicñ, el tribunal puede emitir un fallomonetario en contra suya. Una vez.emitido, ese fallo es valido y puede ser utilizado contra usted por un periodo de veinte anos, y contra su propiedad personal y su dinero, incluyendo una portion de su salario y/o su cuenta bancaria, los cuales pueden ser embargados. Adernas, un fallomonetario afecta su credito y puede afectar su capacidad de alquilar una casa, encontrar trabaju o solicitar un prestamo para comprar un automovil. Usted no puede ser arrestado ni apiesada por adeudar dinero. Puede obtener information adicional en elsitio web del sistema: Recerved ' Cou ClerksOffice Was ton County - SEP 1 2020 Stephane Lem ry Time Received. Ù 6.19 2 of 2