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  • Jordy F. Ramirez , an infant under the age of 14 years, by his father and natural guardian,, Eugenio M. Ramirez , Individually, Rosalba Luna , Individually v. Rashmi Ambewadikar D.D.S., Metropolitan Dental Associates, D.D.S. - 225 Broadway, P.C Tort document preview
  • Jordy F. Ramirez , an infant under the age of 14 years, by his father and natural guardian,, Eugenio M. Ramirez , Individually, Rosalba Luna , Individually v. Rashmi Ambewadikar D.D.S., Metropolitan Dental Associates, D.D.S. - 225 Broadway, P.C Tort document preview
  • Jordy F. Ramirez , an infant under the age of 14 years, by his father and natural guardian,, Eugenio M. Ramirez , Individually, Rosalba Luna , Individually v. Rashmi Ambewadikar D.D.S., Metropolitan Dental Associates, D.D.S. - 225 Broadway, P.C Tort document preview
  • Jordy F. Ramirez , an infant under the age of 14 years, by his father and natural guardian,, Eugenio M. Ramirez , Individually, Rosalba Luna , Individually v. Rashmi Ambewadikar D.D.S., Metropolitan Dental Associates, D.D.S. - 225 Broadway, P.C Tort document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/27/2022 03:08 PM INDEX NO. 152972/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 64 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/27/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------X Index No. 152972/2014 J.F.R., an infant under the age of 14 years, by his father and natural guardian, EUGENIO M. RAMIREZ, Individually and NOTICE OF MOTION ROSALBA LUNA, Individually, Return Date: Plaintiffs, October 27, 2022 -against- Assigned to: Honorable John J. Kelley, J.S.C. RASHMI AMBEWADIKAR, D.D.S., and METROPOLITAN DENTAL ASSOCIATES, D.D.S., P.C., Defendants. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------X C O U N S E L O R S: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that upon the annexed affirmation of HENRY SCHWARTZ, ESQ., duly affirmed that on the 27th day of September, 2022, the exhibits attached thereto, and upon all of the prior papers and proceedings had herein, Defendant RASHMI AMBEWADIKAR, D.D.S., by her attorneys, LAW OFFICES OF HENRY SCHWARTZ, will move this Court at the Motion Submissions Part, Room 130, at the Courthouse in the County of New York, located at 60 Centre Street, New York, New York 10007, on the 27th day of October, 2022, at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard for an Order: • Pursuant to CPLR § 3211 and CPLR § 3212, granting summary judgment on the issue of liability in favor of Defendant RASHMI AMBEWADIKAR, D.D.S. and dismissing Plaintiffs’ Complaint as against said Defendant, on the grounds that there are no triable issues of material fact regarding dental/medical negligence, dental/medical, lack of informed consent and loss of consortium, and directing the Clerk of the Court to enter judgment accordingly; • Severing the dismissed action as against Defendant RASHMI AMBEWADIKAR, D.D.S. from the continuing action as against the other Defendant; and • For such other, further and different relief as this Court shall deem just and 1 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/27/2022 03:08 PM INDEX NO. 152972/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 64 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/27/2022 proper. Pursuant to CPLR § 2214(b), answering affidavits, if any, are required to be served upon the undersigned at least (7) days before the return date of this motion. Dated: Brooklyn, New York September 27, 2022 Yours, etc., LAW OFFICES OF HENRY SCHWARTZ ___________________________________ By: Henry Schwartz, Esq. Attorneys for Defendant RASHMI AMBEWADIKAR, D.D.S. 32 Court Street, Suite 908 Brooklyn, New York 11201 (718) 222-3118 TO: BURNS & HARRIS Attorneys for Plaintiffs 233 Broadway, 9th Floor New York, New York 10279 (212) 393-1000 GALLO VITUCCI KLAR, LLP Attorneys for Defendant METROPOLITAN DENTAL ASSOCIATES, D.D.S., P.C. 90 Broad Street, 12th Floor New York, New York 10004 (212) 683-7100 2 2 of 2