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oO N DO mH FF WN MN MN NHN NN DN B&B BB Bw Bm ew Bw Bw Ba ow on OD a BW NH A= DOD OHO DN OD GT BW DY |= GO JANET M. BOESSENECKER, Esq. (SBN 167799) 29777-X SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR’S OFFICE 1650 Mission Street, 4" Floor San Francisco, CA_ 94103 ee Telephone — (415)355-3518 FILED FAX (415)355-3539 Supertor Court of | County of San Attorney for Administrator, 12/23/2001 San Francisco Public Administrator Clerk of the Co BY-MICHAEL RAYR| Deputy SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Estate of ) No. PES-08-291415 ) EMERY ROSS FRANK, III, ) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR’S aka EMERY ROSS FRANK, ) STATEMENT OF PROPERTY AND aka EMERY R. FRANK, ) DISPOSITION ) ) Deceased. [PROBATE CODE §7665] The Public Administrator ’s Statement of Property and Disposition (Probate Code §7665) of the San Francisco Public Administrator, respectfully shows: Ll. Date and Place of Death. EMERY ROSS FRANK, III, also known as EMERY ROSS FRANK, EMERY R. FRANK, and EMERY FRANK (the “decedent”), died on January 13, 2008, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. At the time of his death, the decedent was a resident of the City and County of San Francisco. 2. Order of Appointment. The San Francisco Public Administrator was appointed personal representative of the above-entitled estate under the provisions of Probate Code §7660(a)(1) by the Court in its Order dated July 2, 2008, the same being filed herein on July 2, 2008. At all times since July 2, 2008, the San Francisco Public Administrator has been the duly appointed, qualified and acting personal representative of the estate of the above-named decedent under the provisions of Probate Code §7660(a)(1) 3. Probate Code §7665 - Public Administrator’s Statement of Property and PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'S STATEMENT OF PROPERTY AND DISPOSITION LY v lerkON Da fF WO DY = Disposition. Petitioner’s statement covers the period commencing January 13, 2008, and continuing through July 5, 2016. Petitioner is chargeable with and is entitled to credits as set forth in the attached Exhibit “A” - Accounting. 4, Notice to Creditors. After the decedent’s death, Petitioner and her staff searched the decedent’s home and reviewed his mail to determine all known and reasonably ascertainable creditors. Petitioner gave notice of this administration pursuant to Probate Code $9050, et seq., to all known and reasonably ascertainable creditors described in Probate Code §§9050, et seq., or within the class of creditors described in Probate Code §9054. 5. Probate Code §9202(c)(1) - Notice of this estate was provided to the Franchise Tax Board pursuant to Probate Code §9202(¢) on June 8, 2011, on Judicial Council Form DE- 157, with Proof of Service being filed herein on June 16, 2011. 6. Creditor’s Claims. The following claims were presented and acted upon as follows: Amt. of Amount Date of Date Creditor Claim Paid/Rejected Allowance/rejection 9/2/2008 Dell Finan’l Services, LLC $1,918.56 $1,343 pd./$575.46 rejected 5/26/2016 5/21/2009 Susan Norris $7,500 -0-pd./$7,500 rejected 5/26/2016 8/19/2008 Archstone Fox Plaza $6,206.75 $6,206.75 paid 5/26/2016 The statutory time within which action may be instituted upon any rejected claim or claims expires on August 24, 2016, but no such actions are anticipated in that Dell Financial Services, LLC, filed a Satisfaction of Release and Claim herein on May 26, 2016, and Susan Norris was not a creditor of the decedent, but a creditor of one of the heirs. She has served the Administrator with a Notice of Levy of Writ of Execution for $13,508.16. 7. Compliance with Probate Code $§9201 and 9202. Petitioner knows of no public entity to which notice is required under Probate Code §9201(a), and no notice is required under Probate Code §9202, since the decedent received no Medi-Cal benefits during his lifetime and is not the surviving spouse of a person who received the health care. 8. Probate Code §215, Notice was given to the Director of Health Services under Probate Code §215, but no claim was filed. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'S STATEMENT OF PROPERTY AND DISPOSITIONoN Oo FF WwW DY a 9. Probate Code §216. No notice was given to the Director of California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board under Probate Code §216, as neither the administrator nor the probate attorney have any reason to believe that any heir of the decedent is confined to a prison or facility under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections or the Department of Youth Authority, or confined in any county or city jail, road camp, industrial farm, or other local correctional facility. Nor does the administrator or her attorney know that the decedent or an heir has previously been so confined. 10. Personal Property Taxes. No personal property taxes are due and payable. 11. Income ‘Taxes. No income taxes return were filed, as there was not a filing requirement. 12. Nature of Estate Property: Property on Hand. The balance on hand in the estate at the close of this accounting period on July 5, 2016, was $35,889.65 in cash. 13. Cash Invested in Interest-Bearing Accounts. During the period of this accounting, Petitioner kept all cash, other than such amounts as were reasonably necessary for the estate’s administration, invested in interest-bearing accounts or other investments authorized by law. 14. Status of Estate, Petitioner has performed all duties required of her as the personal representative of the decedent’s estate. All costs of administration incurred to date, including the statutory fees for the Administrator and her attorney and as otherwise stated herein, have been paid, Excepting the disposition of the “Reserve” as set forth in Paragraph 15 hereof, the estate will be in a condition to close on or after August 24, 2016. 15. Statutory Attorney’s and Administrator’s Compensation and Probate Code §7621(d) Bond Fee of the Public Administrator. Petitioner is entitled to statutory compensation of $2,163.92, and Petitioner’s attorney is entitled to statutory compensation of $2,163.92, computed on a fee base of $54,097.91 Petitioner is further entitled to Public Administrator’s bond fee, pursuant to California Probate Code §7621(d), in the amount of $540.96. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'S STATEMENT OF PROPERTY AND DISPOSITIONoN OO fF WO DY = Attached here as Exhibit “B” is a schedule showing the computation of said statutory attorney and administrator compensations and the computation of the San Francisco bond fee. All of such sums are to be deposited with the San Francisco Treasurer. 16. Distribution of Estate. Attached hereto, marked Exhibit “C” and made a part hereof, is a schedule showing the distribution of all property of the estate. The Administrator will deliver any additional cash received by the administrator and any other property of the decedent or the estate not now known or discovered to Michael Frank and Randy L. Frank in equal shares, subject to a one-third (33- 1/3%) assignment to Brandenburger & Davis. Copies of said Assignments were filed herein on July 19, 2016. In addition, Randy L. Frank’s interest is subject to a levy under Writ of Execution by Susan Norris in the amount of $13,508.16, which exceeds the net amount available for distribution to Randy L. Frank. The amount that is available, being the sum of $10,339.97, will be paid in partial satisfaction of the writ. That upon distribution of the estate, no money or other property, except as herein stated, will remain in the hands of the Public Administrator. 17. Interested Parties: Heirs. Randy L. Frank and Michael Dean Frank, being the decedent’s surviving siblings, are the decedent’s sole heirs at law and the persons whose interest in the estate are affected by this petition. 18. Requests for Special Notice. The following individuals have filed a Request for Special Notice: Paul R. Malone, Esq., Mills Tower, 220 Montgomery Street, Suite 1300, San Francisco, CA 94104 (Attorney for RANDY L. FRANK and MICHAEL FRANK) Raymond F. Moats, II], Weltman, Weinberg, & Reis, 175 S. Third Street, Suite 900, Columbus, OH 43215 (Attorney for Dell Financial Services, LLC) 19. Reserve. Petitioner has withheld $0 for closing expenses and services and as a reserve for any liabilities that may hereafter be determined to be due from the decedent or the estate. Dated: July 26, 2016 Vane (aiiitrec?— (aner M. BOESSENECKER, Esq. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'S STATEMENT OF PROPERTY AND DISPOSITIONos © ON OO Rk WN 10 VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, declare: That I am the petitioner in the above-mentioned matter; that I have read the above and foregoing Statement and know the contents thereof; that the same is true of my own knowledge, except as to matters therein stated upon information and belief, and as to those matters, I believe them to be true. The Account attached to said Statement is a full, true, and correct Account of all monies and other properties received and disbursed by the Petitioner during the period covered by said Account. All items of disbursements are supported by adequate vouchers thereof. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this Lhe day of July, 2016, at San Francisco, California. UM ary ACU Orn, MARY ANN WARREN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'S STATEMENT OF PROPERTY AND DISPOSITIONExhibit “A”San Francisco Public Administrator SUMMARY OF ACCOUNT FRANK, EMERY R Case # 29777-X FINAL 01/13/2008 to 07/05/2016 The petitioner is chargeable, and is entitled to the credits, respectively as set forth in this summary of account. The attached supporting schedules are incorporated by this reference. Receipts During Account Period (Schedule A) Total Charges: Disbursements During Account Period (Schedule D) Property on Hand at End (Schedule G) Total Credits: Charges Credits $54,097.91 $54,097.91 $18,208.26 $35,889.65 $54,097.9107/06/2016 FRANK, EMERY R FINAL Schedule A - Receipts 01/13/2008 - 07/05/2016 Date. Received From/Description Amount INTEREST 03/26/2008 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.07 For: Interest 02/01/2008 through 02/29/2008 04/28/2008 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $ 0.09 For: Interest 03/01/2008 through 03/31/2008 05/29/2008 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.17 For: Interest 04/01/2008 through 04/30/2008 06/05/2008 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.18 For: Interest 05/01/2008 through 05/31/2008 07/17/2008 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.19 For: Interest 06/01/2008 through 06/30/2008 08/21/2008 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.32 For: Interest 07/01/2008 through 07/31/2008 09/22/2008 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $3.22 For: Interest 08/01/2008 through 08/31/2008 10/21/2008 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $19.48 For: Interest 09/01/2008 through 09/30/2008 11/06/2008 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $ 20.05 For: Interest 10/01/2008 through 10/31/2008 01/22/2009 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $ 23.88 For: Interest 11/01/2008 through 11/30/2008 02/17/2009 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $9.99 For: Interest 12/01/2008 through 12/31/2008 02/17/2009 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $ 8.96 For: Interest 01/01/2009 through 01/31/2009 03/25/2009 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $7.58 For: Interest 02/01/2009 through 02/28/2009 05/11/2009 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $8.13 For: Interest 04/01/2008 through 04/30/2009 05/11/2009 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $8.40 For: Interest 03/01/2009 through 03/31/2009 06/16/2009 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $ 8.40 For: Interest 05/01/2009 through 05/31/2009 07/17/2009 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $ 8.13 For: Interest 06/01/2009 through 06/30/2009 08/10/2009 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $8.40 For: Interest 07/01/2009 through 07/31/2009 10/08/2009 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $8.41 For: Interest 08/01/2009 through 08/31/2009 10/13/2009 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $8.14 For: Interest 09/01/2009 through 09/30/2009 11/16/2009 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $8.41 For: Interest 10/01/2009 through 10/31/2009 Schedule A - Receipts Page 1 of 7FRANK, EMERY R 07/06/2016 FINAL Schedule A - Receipts 01/13/2008 - 07/05/2016 Date Received From/Description 12/17/2009 From; PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 11/01/2009 through 11/30/2009 01/25/2010 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 12/01/2009 through 12/31/2009 02/22/2010 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 01/01/2010 through 01/31/2010 03/22/2010 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 02/01/2010 through 02/28/2010 04/23/2010 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 03/01/2010 through 03/30/2010 05/17/2010 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 04/01/2010 through 04/30/2010 06/21/2010 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 05/01/2010 through 05/31/2010 07/26/2010 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 06/01/2010 through 06/30/2010 08/24/2010 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 07/01/2010 through 07/31/2010 09/16/2010 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 08/01/2010 through 08/31/2010 10/19/2010 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 09/01/2010 through 09/30/2010 11/15/2010 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 10/01/2010 through 10/31/2010 01/04/2011 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 11/01/2010 through 11/30/2010 01/24/2011 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 12/01/2010 through 12/31/2010 02/22/2011 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 01/01/2011 through 01/31/2011 03/15/2011 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 02/01/2011 through 02/28/2011 04/26/2011 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 03/01/2011 through 03/31/2011 05/16/2011 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 04/01/2011 through 04/30/2011 06/16/2011 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 05/01/2011 through 05/31/2011 07/29/2011 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 06/01/2011 through 06/30/2011 08/29/2011 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 07/01/2011 through 07/31/2011 09/27/2011 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 08/01/2011 through 08/31/2011 Schedule A - Receipts Amount $8.14 $11.32 $ 11.33 $ 10.23 $6.71 $6.71 $6.94 $6.71 $6.94 $ 6.94 $6.72 $6.94 $5.86 $6.03 $ 6.03 $5.99 $ 6.64 $6.42 $5.92 $5.73 $5.92 $6.34 Page 2 of 707/06/2016 FRANK, EMERY R FINAL Schedule A - Receipts 01/13/2008 - 07/05/2016 Date Received From/Description Amount 10/24/2011 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $5.90 For: Interest 09/01/2011 through 09/30/2011 41/17/2011 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $5.79 For: Interest 10/01/2011 through 10/31/2011 12/21/2011 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $4.04 For: Interest 11/01/2011 through 11/30/2011 01/27/2012 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $2.55 For: Interest 12/01/2011 through 12/31/2011 02/21/2012 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $2.55 For: Interest 01/01/2012 through 01/31/2012 03/28/2012 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $2.23 For: Interest 02/01/2012 through 02/29/2012 04/25/2012 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $2.32 For: Interest 03/01/2012 through 03/31/2012 06/01/2012 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, $2.30 For: Interest 04/01/2012 through 04/30/2012 07/02/2012 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $2.24 For: Interest 05/01/2012 through 05/31/2012 08/20/2012 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $ 2.16 For: Interest 06/01/2012 through 06/30/2012 08/27/2012 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $2.24 For: Interest 07/01/2012 through 07/31/2012 09/26/2012 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $2.24 For: Interest 08/01/2012 through 08/31/2012 10/31/2012 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.54 For: Interest 09/01/2012 through 09/30/2012 41/21/2012 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.54 For: Interest 10/01/2012 through 10/31/2012 01/07/2013 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.52 For: Interest 11/01/2012 through 11/30/2012 01/30/2013 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $054 For: Interest 12/01/2012 through 12/31/2012 02/25/2013 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.54 For: Interest 01/01/2013 through 01/31/2013 03/27/2013 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.49 For: Interest 02/01/2013 through 02/28/2013 04/25/2013 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.54 For: Interest 03/01/2013 through 03/31/2013 05/23/2013 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.52 For: Interest 04/01/2013 through 04/30/2013 06/27/2013 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, $0.54 For: Interest 05/01/2013 through 05/31/2013 07/29/2013 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.52 For: Interest 06/01/2013 through 06/30/2013 Schedule A - Receipts Page 3 of 707/06/2016 FRANK, EMERY R FINAL Schedule A - Receipts 01/13/2008 - 07/05/2016 Date Received From/Description 08/26/2013 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 07/01/2013 through 07/31/2013 09/30/2013 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 08/01/2013 through 08/31/2013 10/28/2013 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, For: Interest 09/01/2013 through 09/30/2013 11/25/2013 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 10/01/2013 through 10/31/2013 12/18/2013 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 11/01/2013 through 11/30/2013 01/22/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 12/01/2013 through 12/31/2013 02/24/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 01/01/2014 through 01/31/2014 03/24/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 02/01/2014 through 02/28/2014 04/22/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 03/01/2014 through 03/31/2014 05/28/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 04/01/2014 through 04/30/2014 07/01/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: interest 05/01/2014 through 05/31/2014 07/30/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 06/01/2014 through 06/30/2014 08/26/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 06/01/2014 through 06/30/2014 09/03/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For. Reversing J posted on Aug 26 2014 9:01AM 09/03/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 07/01/2014 through 07/31/2014 09/29/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 08/01/2014 through 08/31/2014 10/29/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 09/01/2014 through 09/30/2014 11/26/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 10/01/2044 through 10/31/2014 12/24/2014 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 11/01/2014 through 11/30/2014 01/27/2015 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 12/01/2014 through 12/31/2014 02/25/2015 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 01/01/2015 through 01/31/2015 03/27/2015 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR For: Interest 02/01/2015 through 02/28/2015 Schedule A - Receipts Amount $0.53 $0.53 $0.51 $0.53 $0.51 $0.52 $0.52 $0.47 $052 $0.51 $0.52 $0.51 $0.51 ($0.51) Page 4 of 7 $0.52 $0.52 $0.51 $0.52 $0.51 $0.52 $0.52 $0.4707/06/2016 FRANK, EMERY R FINAL Schedule A - Receipts 01/13/2008 - 07/05/2016 Date Received From/Description Amount 04/27/2015 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.52 For: Interest 03/01/2015 through 03/31/2015 05/29/2015 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.51 For: Interest 04/01/2015 through 04/30/2015 06/25/2015 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.52 For: Interest 05/01/2015 through 05/31/2015 07/29/2015 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.51 For: Interest 06/01/2015 through 06/30/2015 08/26/2015 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.30 For: Interest 07/01/2015 through 07/31/2015 09/23/2015 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.30 For: Interest 08/01/2015 through 08/31/2015 41/02/2015 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.29 For: Interest 09/01/2015 through 09/30/2015 11/23/2015 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.30 For: Interest 10/01/2015 through 10/31/2015 12/24/2015 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.29 For: Interest 11/01/2015 through 11/30/2015 01/25/2016 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.30 For: Interest 12/01/2015 through 12/31/2015 02/29/2016 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.30 For: Interest 01/01/2016 through 01/31/2016 03/29/2016 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.29 For: Interest 02/01/2046 through 02/29/2016 04/26/2016 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.30 For: Interest 03/01/2016 through 03/31/2016 05/26/2016 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.29 For: Interest 04/01/2016 through 04/30/2016 06/29/2016 From: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR $0.30 For: Interest 05/01/2016 through 05/31/2016 Total INTEREST $ 374.55 SALARIES 02/05/2008 From: B OF A -SERVICESOURCE $ 143.13 For. Collected $143.13 from Servicesource, Payroll check#84765868,dated 01/31/2008 02/05/2008 From: B OF A -SERVICESOURCE $ 286.25 For: Collected $286.25, from ServiceSource,Payroll check #84679789 Total SALARIES $ 429.38 TAX REFUNDS - FEDERAL 04/16/2012 From: UNITED STATES TREASURY $ 1,315.00 For. FEDERAL TAX REFUND 03/23/12 10/23/2012 From: UNITED STATES TREASURY $6.49 For; FEDERAL TAX REFUND 12/07 Schedule A - Receipts Page 5 of 707/06/2016 FRANK, EMERY R FINAL Schedule A - Receipts 01/13/2008 - 07/05/2016 Date Received From/Description Total TAX REFUNDS - FEDERAL OTHER REFUNDS 05/19/2008 From: STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO INSURANCE COMP. For: REFUND CHECK FROM STATE FARM Total OTHER REFUNDS OTHER RECEIPTS 07/17/2008 From: GOLDEN1 CREDIT UNION For, CLOSED THE CLIENT'S CHECKING ACCOUNT FROM THE GOLDEN1 CREDIT UNION 08/28/2008 From: SERVICESOURCE INTERNATIONAL, LLC For. RECEIVED DEATH BEEFIT FROM INSURANCE; POLICY #GL-0855142 LIFE-$50,000 INTEREST-$375 11/14/2008 From: CALPITAL ONE SERVICES, INC Total Receipts CHECK FROM CAPITAL ONE SERVICES, INC. INV#784896250 10/28/08 VOUCHER302408949 Total OTHER RECEIPTS For: Schedule A - Receipts Amount $ 1,321.49 $ 45.99 $45.99 $ 1,541.09 $ 50,375.00 $10.41 $ 51,926.50 $54,097.91 Page 6 of 707/06/2016 FRANK, EMERY R FINAL Schedule A - Receipts 01/13/2008 - 07/05/2016 **Summary Page** Description Amount INTEREST $ 374.55 SALARIES $ 429.38 TAX REFUNDS - FEDERAL $ 1,321.49 OTHER REFUNDS $ 45.99 OTHER RECEIPTS $ 51,926.50 Total Receipts $54,097.91 Date Amount Summary Schedule A: Total Receipts $ 54,097.91 Total Inventory Increases During Period $0.00 $ 54,097.91 Total Schedule A: Schedule A - Receipts Page 7 of 707/06/2016 FRANK, EMERY R FINAL Schedule D - Disbursements 01/13/2008 = 07/05/2016 Date Received From/Description Amount RENT 01/12/2009 From: ARCHSTONE FOX PLAZA $ 6,206.75 For: RENT FROM FEB/08 TO JULY/08 Total RENT $ 6,206.75 UTILITIES 09/25/2008 From:P G &E. $ 82.13 For: PAYMENT FOR ACCOUNT#23208554727 Total UTILITIES $82.13 OTHER MEDICAL COSTS 11/04/2010 From: ST LUKES SUTTER ED PHYSICIAN $ 1,698.00 For: PAYMENT FOR ACCOUNT#LUK34638759 03/19/10 Total OTHER MEDICAL COSTS $ 1,698.00 FILING FEE 07/02/2008 From: S.F. SUPERIOR COURT $ 180.00 For: 1 FILING FEE: EX PARTE PET + ORDER PC SEC. 7660, ET. SEQ. 07/02/2008 From: S.F. SUPERIOR COURT $ 68.00 For. 4 CERTIFICATE & SEAL 16 PAGES COPY OR COMPARE Total FILING FEE $ 248.00 INCOME TAX PREPARATION 02/09/2012 From: JAMES McHALE, C.P.A. $ 600.00 For. PAYMENT FOR INVOICE #12298 1/30/2012 PREPARED AND SUMITTED POWER OF ATTORNEY FORMS TO IRS. AND FTB. PREPARED FEDERAL AND CALIFORNIA TAX RETURNS FOR 2007 AND 2008. 06/27/2013 From: JAMES McHALE, C.P.A. $ 450.00 For, PAYMENT FOR INVOICE #12775 5/27/2012 PREPARED INITIAL / FINAL 2012 FORM 1041 (EXTENDED) 11/21/2013 From: JAMES McHALE, C.P.A. $ 350.00 For, PYMT FOR INV# 00012824 PREPARED FORM 4810 REQUEST FOR 2012; GATHERING INFORMATION; MAKE COPIES OF RETURNS AND COURT ORDERS; PREPARED LETTER TO ESTATES & TRUSTS AUDIT UNIT AT CA FTB Total INCOME TAX PREPARATION $ 1,400.00 FUNERAL COSTS 09/02/2008 From: GREEN STREET MORTUARY $ 2,394.95 For, FUNERAL SERVICES & MERCHANDISE CONTRACT#259401003397 02/06/2008 09/09/2008 From: GREEN STREET MORTUARY $ 43.00 For: PAY THE BALANCE OF CONTRACT#259401003397 Total FUNERAL COSTS $ 2,437.95 Schedule D - Disbursements Page 1 of 307/06/2016 FRANK, EMERY R FINAL Schedule D - Disbursements 01/13/2008 - 07/05/2016 Date Received From/Description Amount CREMATION & DISPOSITION 09/02/2008 From: WOODLAWN MEMORIAL PARK $ 1,739.34 For, CREMATION OF GERAALDINE C.E. FRANK, EMENY FRANK’S MOTHER. Total CREMATION & DISPOSITION $ 1,739.34 APPRAISAL FEES 05/08/2012 From: SWEET HOME ESTATE LIQUIDATION $ 75,00 For: APPRAISAL FEE 05/30/2012 From: SWEET HOME ESTATE LIQUIDATION ($ 75.00) For: Voiding check 10008964 posted on May 8 2012 1:30PM 05/30/2012 From: SWEET HOME ESTATE LIQUIDATION $75.00 For: APPRAISAL FEE Total APPRAISAL FEES $75.00 OTHER COSTS 02/06/2008 From: OFFICE OF VITAL RECORDS-MS-5103 $ 24.00 For; FOR TWO DEATH CERTIF. OF DECEDENT’S MONTHER 07/22/2008 From: TERR! DANIEL $ 650.00 For, CLEANING AND ORGANIZING SERVICES @ 1390 MARKET STREET UNIT# 2307 11/03/2008 From: COMCAST-SAN FRANCISCO $ 195.09 For, PAYMENT FOR ACCOUNT#01-003400-87703340092074781-00 06/17/2008 01/12/2009 From: WELTMAN, WEINBERG & REIS CO., L.P.A. $ 1,343.00 For. PAYMENT FOR THE ESTATE OF EMERY R FRANK FILE#6642009 AND CLIENT#6879450129036056011 Total OTHER COSTS $ 2,212.09 STATE INCOME TAX 02/09/2012 From: FRANCHISE TAX BOARD $ 379.00 For, PAYMENT FOR 2007 CALIFORNIA INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN SS#570-31-4773 Total STATE INCOME TAX $ 379.00 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 02/09/2012 From: UNITED STATES TREASURY $ 1,730.00 For; PAYMENT FOR 2007 FEDERAL INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN SS#570-31-4773 Total FEDERAL INCOME TAX $ 1,730.00 Total Disbursements 18,208.26 Schedule D - Disbursements Page 2 of 307/06/2016 FRANK, EMERY R FINAL Schedule D - Disbursements 01/13/2008 = 07/05/2016 “Summary Page** Description RENT UTILITIES OTHER MEDICAL COSTS FILING FEE INCOME TAX PREPARATION FUNERAL COSTS CREMATION & DISPOSITION APPRAISAL FEES OTHER COSTS STATE INCOME TAX FEDERAL INCOME TAX Total Disbursements Summary Schedule D: Total Schedule D: Total Disbursements Total Costs of Sale During Period Total Inventory Decreases During Period Schedule D - Disbursements Amount $ 6,206.75 $ 82.13 $ 1,698.00 $ 248.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 2,437.95 $ 1,739.34 $ 75.00 $ 2,212.09 $ 379.00 $ 1,730.00 $ 18,208.26 Amount $ 18,208.26 $ 0.00 $0.00 $ 18,208.26 Page 3 of 307/06/2016 FRANK, EMERY R FINAL Schedule G - Balances on Hand at End of Period 01/13/2008 - 07/05/2016 Market Appraised Cash on Hand: $ 35,889.65 $ 35,889.65 Irrevocable Burial $ 0.00 $0.00 Total Schedule G - Balances on Hand at End of $ 35,889.65 $ 35,889.65 Schedule G - Balances on Hand at End of Period Page 1 of 1Exhibit “B”San Francisco Public Administrator Exhibit 1- Fees (General) FRANK, EMERY R Case #29777-X FINAL ACCOUNTING Period Covered: 01/13/2008 TO 07/05/2016 Total Receipts $ 54,097.91 Basis for Statutory Commission: $54,097.91 Fee **“Computation*** 4% of First $100,000: $ 54,097.91 $ 2,163.92 3% of Next $100,000: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 2% of Next $800,000: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 1% of Next $9,000,000: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 .5% of Next $15,000,000: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Computed Statutory Fee: $ 2,163.92 Statutory Fee for Representative Payable: $ 2,163.92 Statutory Fee for Attorney Payable: $ 2,163.92 Bond Fee @ $25.00 plus .0025 of estate greater than $10,000.00 or $ 135.24 per year x 4 years = 540.96 S_540.96_ $4,868.80Exhibit “C”Estate of EMERY ROSS FRANK, III, Decedent Probate Court No. PES-08-291415 EXHIBIT “C” - DISTRIBUTION Calculation of Cash Available for Distribution: $35,889.65 Less Statutory Fees: (2,163.92) Less Statutory Commissions: (2,163.92) Less Bond Fee: $540.96) Cash Available for Distribution: $31,020.85 Pursuant to the laws of intestate succession of the State of California and the deductions set forth, the residue of the estate is to be distributed as follows: Name Share Amount Randy Lee Frank 50% $15,510.43 Less one-third to Brandenburger & Davis ($5,170.46) Less Payment to Susan Norris, per Writ of Execution $10,339.97 (Representing partial payment of $13,508.16 writ) Net Due to Randy L. Frank: $0.00 Michael Dean Frank 50% $15,510.42 Less one-third to Brandenburger & Davis $5,170.46 Net Due to Michael Dean Frank: $10,339.97 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'S STATEMENT OF PROPERTY AND DISPOSITION