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  • IN RE: SAN LEE AND MUI CHOW LEE REVOCABLE TRUST U/D/T DATED MARCH 24, 1985 AS AMENDED 12/22/2004 TRUST (petition for order appointing successor trustee) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN LEE AND MUI CHOW LEE REVOCABLE TRUST U/D/T DATED MARCH 24, 1985 AS AMENDED 12/22/2004 TRUST (petition for order appointing successor trustee) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN LEE AND MUI CHOW LEE REVOCABLE TRUST U/D/T DATED MARCH 24, 1985 AS AMENDED 12/22/2004 TRUST (petition for order appointing successor trustee) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN LEE AND MUI CHOW LEE REVOCABLE TRUST U/D/T DATED MARCH 24, 1985 AS AMENDED 12/22/2004 TRUST (petition for order appointing successor trustee) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN LEE AND MUI CHOW LEE REVOCABLE TRUST U/D/T DATED MARCH 24, 1985 AS AMENDED 12/22/2004 TRUST (petition for order appointing successor trustee) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN LEE AND MUI CHOW LEE REVOCABLE TRUST U/D/T DATED MARCH 24, 1985 AS AMENDED 12/22/2004 TRUST (petition for order appointing successor trustee) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN LEE AND MUI CHOW LEE REVOCABLE TRUST U/D/T DATED MARCH 24, 1985 AS AMENDED 12/22/2004 TRUST (petition for order appointing successor trustee) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN LEE AND MUI CHOW LEE REVOCABLE TRUST U/D/T DATED MARCH 24, 1985 AS AMENDED 12/22/2004 TRUST (petition for order appointing successor trustee) document preview


MO SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO _ Document Scanning Lead Sheet May-02-2017 9:27 am Case Number: PTR-12-296124 Filing Date: May-02-2017 9:26 Filed by: CARLOS MURILLO Image: 05846423 ORDER APPROVING ACCOUNTING IN RE: SAM LEE AND MUI CHOW LEE REVOCABLE TRUST U/D/T DATED MARCH 24, 1985M AS AMENDED 12/22/2004 001P05846423 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned.Sheila K. Robello (SBN 209300) Richard R. Shu (SBN 297074) Solan, Park & Robello 354 Pine Street, 5" Floor San Francisco, California 94109 San Francisco County Superior Gourt Telephone: (415) 777-3300 Facsimile: (199.777.3301 MAY 02 2017 THE COURT Attorneys for Petitioner CLERK Leo F. Bautista, Successor Trustee By Dap iH SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO InRe Case No.: PT R-12-296124 ORDER APPROVING AND SETTLING SECOND REPORT AND ACCOUNT OF San Lee and Mui Chow Lee TRUSTEE, AS AMENDED AND Revocable Trust dated SUPPLEMENTED; APPROVING March 24, 1995, as amended TRUSTEE AND ATTORNEYS’ FEES December 22, 2004 AND REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS ‘| ADVANCED AMD REDUCING BOND he any Date: 5/2/2017 Time: 9:00AM Dept.: 204 Petitioner Leo F. Bautista’s Second Report and Account of Trustee; Petition for its Settlement and Approval; for Approval of Trustee and Attorneys’ Fees and Reimbursement of Costs Advanced, as amended and supplemented, came on regularly for hearing this day, the Honorable PETER J- BUSCH presiding. Having considered the papers on file and good cause appearing therefore, IT JS SO ORDERED: 1. No further notice of this report, account and petition be required; 1 ORDER APPROVING AND SETTLING SECOND REPORT AND ACCOUNT OF TRUSTEE, AS AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTED, APPROVING TRUSTEE AND ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS ADVANCED AND REDUCING BONDoo NIN A HW 2. Successor trustee Leo F. Bautista’s second report, account and petition, as amended and supplemented, is settled and approved; 3. All reported acts of Leo F. Bautista, as successor trustee of the San Lee and Mui Chow Lee Revocable Trust dated March 24, 1995 as amended, are approved and confirmed; 4, Leo F, Bautista’s trustee’s fees in the amount of $11,110.00 for services rendered as successor trustee of the San Lee and Mui Chow Lee Revocable Trust dated March 24, 1995, as amended, are allowed and approved; 5. Solan, Park & Robello’s attorneys’ fees and costs in the amount of $4,884.13 are allowed and approved being $4,871.00 in legal services rendered to Leo F. Bautista, as trustee, and reimbursement for costs advanced by Solan, Park & Robello, on behalf of Leo F. Bautista as trustee, in the amount of $13.13; 6. Leo F. Bautista, as trustee, and Solan, Park & Robello are authorized and allowed to place a lien on the trust real property located at 134 Athens Street, San Francisco, California, for the trustee’s fees in the amount of $11,110.00, and the attorneys’ fees and costs of $4,884.13, and both liens are to accrue interest at a rate of five percent (5%) per annum from the date of this order, The trust real property located at 134 Athens Street, San Francisco, California is more particularly described as: COMMENCING at a point on the northwesterly line of Athens Street, distant thereon 200 feet southwesterly from the southwesterly line of Peru Street; running thence southwesterly along said line of Athens Street 25 feet; thence at a right angle northwesterly 100 feet; thence at a right angle northeasterly 25 feet; and thence at a right angle southwesterly 100 feet to the point of commencement. BEING part of Block 67, EXCELSIOR HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION. APN: 5959-006 2 ORDER APPROVING AND SETTLING SECOND REPORT AND ACCOUNT OF TRUSTEE, AS AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTED; APPROVING TRUSTEE AND ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS ADVANCED AND REDUCING BOND7. Liability of the successor trustee’s bond is reduced by $59,000.00 from $108,000.00 to $49,000.00; and 8. The third report and account of trustee Leo F. Bautista, for the period 10/09/2016 through 10/08/2018 must be on file 2 weeks prior to: 12/24/2018, Appearance required on that date if not filed. Dated: ___MAY_02 2017 lm Judge of te Superior Court ay’ PETER J, BUSCH | ORDERED WITHOUT HEARING 3 ORDER APPROVING AND SETTLING SECOND REPORT AND ACCOUNT OF TRUSTEE, AS AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTED; ‘APPROVING TRUSTEE AND ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS ADVANCED AND REDUCING BOND