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  • Discover Bank v. Daniel DrakeOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Discover Bank v. Daniel DrakeOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Discover Bank v. Daniel DrakeOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Discover Bank v. Daniel DrakeOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Discover Bank v. Daniel DrakeOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Discover Bank v. Daniel DrakeOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Discover Bank v. Daniel DrakeOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Discover Bank v. Daniel DrakeOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview


FILED: FRANKLIN COUNTY CLERK 11/03/2022 02:37 PM INDEX NO. E2022-570 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/03/2022 EXHIBIT A mca FILED: FRANKLIN COUNTY CLERK 11/03/2022 02:37 PM INDEX NO. E2022-570 CM.TL28J.UN.0620 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/03/2022 DISCSVER CARDMEMBER AGREEMENT Thankyou for choosingDiscover® card.ThisAgreementexplainsthe currenttermsandconditionsof your Account.Theendosed PricingScheduleis part of this Agreement.Pleasereadthis Agreement,including carefully.Keepthem for yourrecords.Contactus if you haveany questions.Wehaveindudeda "Definitions" sectionfor yourreferenceon page3. the PricingSchedule, ACCEPTANCE OF AGREEMENT Youacceptthis Agreementif you do not cancelyourAccountwithin 30 daysafter receivinga Card.Youalsoacceptthis Agreementif you or an AuthorizedUserusethe Disputes" Account.Youmay,however,rejectthe "Arbitrationof sectionasexplainedin that section. CHANGES TO YOUR AGREEMENT Therates,feesandtermsof thisAgreementmaychangefromtime to time.We mayaddor delete any termto thisAgreement.If required by law, we will giveyouadvance written noticeof the change(s)anda right to rejectthe change(s).Wewill not charge feeorinterestchargeprohibited any by law. USING YOUR ACCOUNT Permitted Uses Youmay useyourAccountfor Purchases, BalanceTransfersandCashAdvances.Youmay not useit for illegaltransactions. Authorized Users YoumayrequestadditionalCardsfor AuthorizedUsersto maketransactionson yourAccount.Youmust notify usif youwishto cancelthe authority of anAuthorizedUser to useyourAccount.Youareresponsiblefor all chargesmadeby yourAuthorizedUsers. Joint Accounts If yourAccountis ajoint Account " eachof youagreesto be liable individuallyandjointly for the entireamountowedon the Account;and " any noticewe mailto an addressprovidedby eitherof youfor theAccountwill serveas noticeto both of you. Checks If we provideyouwith Checks,wewill tell youwhetherwe will treat theCheckasa Purchase,BalanceTransferor CashAdvance.You may not usetheseChecksto payany amountyou oweus. Credit Authorizations We maynot authorizea transactionfor securityor otherreasons.Wewill not beliableto you if we dedineto authorizea transactionor if anyonerefusesyour Card,Check or Accountnumber. Credit Lines We will tell you what your Accountcredit line is. You must keep your Account for CashAdvances.We may increaseor decreaseyourAccountcredit line or your balancebelowyourAccountcreditline. If you do not, we may requestimmediate CashAdvancecredit line without notice.We may delayincreasingyour available paymentof theamountby whichyou exceedit. Wemayestablisha lowercreditline credit by the amountof anypaymentthat we receivefor up to 10businessdays. FEES(Seeyour Pricing Schedulefor Additional Fees) Late Fee If you do not pay the MinimumPaymentDueby the PaymentDue Date,we will exceedthe MinimumPaymentDuethat was due immediatelypriorto the date on chargeyou a LateFee.Thefee is $29, if you werenot chargeda late Feeduring whichthe feewasassessed. any of the prior six billing periods.Otherwise,the fee is $40. Thisfee will never Returned PaymentFee If you makea paymentthat is not honoredby your financial institution, we will any of the prior six billing periods.Otherwise,the fee is $40. Thisfee will never chargeyou a RetumedPaymentFeeeven if the paymentis honoredafter we exceedthe MinimumPaymentDuethat wasdue immediatelyprior to the date on re-submitit. Thefeeis $29if youwerenot chargeda RetumedPaymentFeeduring whichthe paymentwas returnedto us. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATES ("APRs") (Seeyour Pricing Schedulefor the APRsthat apply to your Account) Variable APRs Your PricingSchedulemay indude variableAPRs.TheseAPRsare determinedby will takeeffect on the first day of the billing period that beginsduring the same addingthenumberof percentagepointsthat we specifyto thePrimeRate.Variable calendarmonththat the PrimeRatechanges.An increasein theAPRwill increase APRswill increaseor decreasewhen the PrimeRatechanges.TheAPRchange your interestchargesand mayincreaseyour MinimumPaymentDue. Penalty APR When It Applies EXAMPLE:Assumethe promotionalratefor Purchasesis 2.99%and the standard Eachtime that you do not pay the MinimumPaymentDue by the PaymentDue rate for Purchases is 15.990 If you pay late, the ratefor all new Purchases could Datewe may: increaseup to a rateof 20.99%. " terminate any promotionalAPRson new transactions;and We Will Notif y You " increaseyourAPRsfor newtransactionsto PenaltyAPRs. Wewill notify you of the datea PenaltyAPRwill takeeffect.ThePenaltyAPRwill Wewill not applya PenaltyAPRto CashAdvances. onlyapplyto newtransactionswith a TransactionDatemorethan14daysafterwe How It Affects Your Account Providethe noticeto you. Todeterminethe PenaltyAPRfor a newtransaction: We May ReduceIt " Weadd up to 5 additionalpercentagepointsto the otherwiseapplicableAPR. Wewill reviewyour Accountfrom time to time as requiredby law to determineif " Wesetyour anyPenaltyAPRshouldbe reduced. PenaltyAPRbasedonyourcreditworthiness andotherfactors.These factorsindudeyourcurrentAPRsandAccounthistory. MAKING PAYMENTS Payment Instructions " Youmust " We canacceptlate payments,partial paymentsor paymentsmarked pay in U.5.dollars,Pleasedo not sendcash.Sendingcashis not allowed.All checksmustbedrawnon fundson depositin the U.S. full" "payment in or with any other restrictive endorsementwithout losing " Youmust any of our rights under this Agreement. pay usfor all amountsdueon yourAccount.Thisindudescharges madeby AuthorizedUsers. " We mayrefuseto accepta paymentin a foreigncurrency.If we do acceptit, we will chargeyourAccountour costto convertit to U.S.dollars. ©2020DiscoverBank,MemberFDIC FILED: FRANKLIN COUNTY CLERK 11/03/2022 02:37 PM INDEX NO. E2022-570 MAKING PAYMENTS NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/03/2022 Payment Instructions " We credit your paymentsin accordancewith the terms contained on your " If a third party makesa paymenton yourAccountandwe retumall or a part of billing statement. suchpayment,thenwe mayadjustyourAccountfor any amountreturned.We " If youmailyourpaymentto anaddressotherthanthe addressdesignatedon reservethe right to defendourselvesagainstany demandto returnfundswe havereceived,and mayagreeto a compromiseof the demandedamountas your billing statement,theremay bea delayin processingand creditingthe paymentto yourAccount. part of a settlement. Minimum PaymentDue You may pay the entire New Balanceshown on your billing statementat any feesfor any debtprotectionproductthat you enrolledin on or after 2/1/2015; time. Eachbilling periodyou must pay at leastthe MinimumPaymentDueby the InterestCharges;andlate Fees. PaymentDueDateshownon your billing statement.TheMinimum PaymentDue The Minimum PaymentDue may also indude amounts by which you exceed will be any amountpastdueplusthe greaterof: your Accountcredit line. However,it will never exceedthe New Balance.When " $35;or we calculatethe MinimumPaymentDue,we may subtractfrom the New Balance " 2%of the NewBalanceshownon your certainfeesaddedto yourAccountduringthe billing period.TheMinimumPayment billing statement;or " $20,plus Dueis roundedup to the nearestdollar. any of the following chargesasshownon your billing statement: How We Apply Payments We apply paymentsand credits at our discretion, induding in a mannermost Eachbilling period, we will generallyapply amounts you pay that exceedthe favorableor convenientfor us.In all cases,we will apply paymentsand creditsas MinimumPaymentDueto balanceswith higher APRsbeforebalanceswith lower requiredby applicablelaw. APRsasof thedatewecredityourpayment. INTEREST CHARGES How We Calculate Interest " Wemakeotheradjustments We calculate interest chargeseach billing period by first figuring the "daily balance" Interest" (indudingthoseadjustmentsrequiredin the "Paying Charges-DailyBalance for eachTransactionCategory.TransactionCategoriesindude standard section). Method (including current Purchases,standardCashAdvancesand different promotionalbalances,suchas How We Figure Your Total Interest Charges transactions) BalanceTransfers. " We multiply the daily balancefor eachTransactionCategoryby its daily periodic How We Figurethe Daily Balancefor EachTransactionCategory rate.Wedo this for eachday in the billing period.Thisgivesusthe interest " Westartwith the beginningbalancefor eachday.Thebeginningbalancefor the chargesfor eachTransactionCategory.Toget a daily periodicrate,we divide first dayof the billingperiodisyourbalanceonthe lastdayof yourprevious the APRthat appliesto the TransactionCategoryby 365. billingperiod. " Weadd up all the daily interestcharges.Thesum is the total interestchargefor "We add any interestchargesaccruedon the previousday'sdaily balanceand the billing period. anynew transactionsandfees.Weadd any newtransactionsor feesasof the How We Include Fees laterof the TransactionDateor the first day of the billing periodin whichthe We add BalanceTransferFeesto the applicable BalanceTransferTransaction transactionor fee postedto yourAccount. Category.Weadd CashAdvanceFeesto the applicableCashAdvanceTransaction " Wesubtract any newcreditsand payments. Category.Weadd all otherfeesto the standardPurchaseTransactionCategory. PayingInterest When Interest ChargesBegin Date shown on that billing statement,we will not imposeinterest chargeson We begin to impose interest charges on a transaction, fee or interestNewPurchases.NewPurchases are Purchases that first appearon the next billing statement.Interestwill continueto accrueeachday on Purchases chargefrom the day we addit to the daily balance.Wecontinueto imposeinterest that appearedon previousbilling statementsuntil you paythe New Balancein full andwill be billed chargesuntil you pay the total amount you owe us. You can avoid paying in the next billing cyde. interest on Purchasesas described below. However,you cannotavoid paying intereston BalanceTransfersor CashAdvances. HowWeApply PaymentsMay Impact YourGracePeriod How to Avoid PayingInterest on Purchases("Grace Period") If youdonot payyourNewBalanceinfull eachmonth,then,dependingonthebalance to whichwe applyyourpayment,youmaynotgeta graceperiodon newPurchases. If you pay the NewBalanceon your currentbilling statementby the PaymentDue OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION Default Youarein defaultif: " youfail to complywith the termsof thisAgreementor any Agreementwith usor " youfile an Affiliate, induding failing to makea requiredpaymentwhen due, exceeding bankruptcyor anotherinsolvencyproceedingisfiled byyouor againstyou; " we havea reasonablebeliefthat you areunableor yourAccountcreditlineor usingyourCardor Accountfor an illegaltransaction. unwillingto repayyour obligationsto us; If youarein default,we maydedaretheentirebalanceofyourAccountimmediately " youdie or are dueandpayablewithout notice. legallydedaredincompetentor incapacitated; attorneys' Collection Costs If we usean attorneyto collectyour Account,we may chargeyou our legalcostsaspermittedby law. Theseindudereasonable fees,court or othercollection andfeesandcostsof costs, appeal. any Merchant Disputes If youhavea disputewith a merchant,you may requesta creditto yourAccount.If we resolvethe disputein your favor,we will issuea creditto yourAccount.Youassign to usyourdaim for the creditedamountagainstthe merchantand/orany third party.At our request,you agreeto providethisassignmentin writing. Automatic Account You may set up automaticbilling or store your Accountinformationwith an Affiliate, merchant,wallet provider,or other third party ("PermittedParty"). If you do, Information Updates you authorizeus to shareyour Accountinformation,which may indude your rewardsaccountbalance,with the PermittedParty, regardingthe use of your Account. If your Accountinformationchanges,which may indude your billing address,you authorizeus to providethis updatedinformationto any suchPermitted Partyat our discretion.Youmustcontactthe PermittedPartydirectlyor removeyourcreditcardinformationfrom the PermittedPartywebsiteif youwish to stop automaticbilling or Accountupdates. Our Privacy Policy " how we safeguardits We send you our PrivacyPolicy when you open your Accountand annually. confidentialityand security; Contactusor visit if you would like a copy.Pleasereadit carefully. " when it besharedwith others;and may It summarizes: " howyou canlimit our sharingof this information. " the personalinformationwe collect; -2- FILED: FRANKLIN COUNTY CLERK 11/03/2022 02:37 PM INDEX NO. E2022-570 Credit Reporting Youauthorizeusto get informationfromcreditreportingagenciesandothersources creditors.We normallyreportto creditreporting agencieseachmonth.If youbelieve NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 for servicingor reviewof your Account,collectionand any other usepermittedby RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/03/2022 Agency information that informationwe reportedis inaccurateor incomplete,pleasewrite usat Discover, law, indudingto consideryoufor otherproductsand services.We may reportthe P.0.Box30939,SaltLakeCity, UT84130-0939.Pleaseindudeyour name,address, statusand paymenthistoryof yourAccountto credit reportingagenciesand other homephonenumberandAccountnumber. 0THER IMPORTANT INFORMATION Our Communications You agree that we, our Affiliates, and agents, including service providers usinganautomaticdialeror pre-recordedvoicemessage.If younolongerwishto be with You ("AuthorizedParties")maycontactyou,includingcalls,text messageoremail,about contactedonyourcellphonebyanautomateddialerorpre-recorded voicemessage, anycurrentor futureaccountsor applications,with respectto all productsyou have youmustprovideuswritten noticecancellingyour consentat thisaddress:Discover with us at any phonenumberor email (i) you haveprovidedto us, (ii) from which Bank, P.0. Box 30937,Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0937.The written notice must youcontactedus,or (iii) whichweobtainedandbelievewecanreachyouat, evenif include:yourname,mailingaddress,the lastfour digitsof yourAccountnumberand yourphoneprovidermay chargeyoumessageanddata ratesfor callsor texts.You the specificcellphonenumber(s)for whichyou would liketo cancelyourconsentto agreethat the AuthorizedPartiesmayrecordor monitoranycallsbetweenyouand becontactedby anautomateddialeror pre-recordedvoicemessage. theAuthorizedParties.Youagreeto notify usif youchangeor discontinueusingany phonenumberyouprovide.Youagreethat the AuthorizedPartiesmaycontactyou Unauthorized Use Youmustnotify us immediatelyif: " yourCardis lostor stolen;or " youbelievesomeoneis usingyourAccountor a Cardwithout yourpermission. Cancellation of " You " We maycancelyourAccount.Youwill remainresponsiblefor any amountyou maycancel,suspendor not renewyourAccountat any time without notice. Your Account owe usunderthisAgreement. " Any joint Accountholder maycancela joint Account.However,both of youwill remainresponsiblefor payingall amountsowed. Purchasesand Cash If youmakea Purchaseor CashAdvancein a foreigncurrency,we will convertit to the countryandcurrencyin whichthe transactionismade.Weusethe ratein effect Advances in Foreign U.S.dollarsusinga ratewe choose.Thisratewili eitherbeagovernment-mandated on the conversiondatefor the transaction.Thisrate maybedifferentthan the rate Currencies rate, a government-published rate or the interbankexchangerate, dependingon in effecton the TransactionDatefor the transaction. Governing Law ThisAgreementis govemedby applicablefederallaw and by Delawarelaw. However,in the eventyou defaultand we file a lawsuitto recoverfundsloanedto you, the statuteof limitationsof thestatewherethe lawsuitis filed will apply,without regardto that state'sconflictsof lawsprinciplesor its "borrowing statute." "Arbitration" Severability Exceptassetforth in the section,if any part of this Agreementis foundto be invalid,the restof it will still remainin effect. Enforcing this Agreement We maydelayenforcingor not enforceany of our rightsunderthisAgreementwithout losingor waivingany of them. Assignment of Account We maysell,assignor transferyourAccountor any portionof it without noticeto you.You maynot sell, assignor transferyourAccountwithout first obtainingour prior written consent. CONTACT US Unlesswe tellyou otherwise,you can notify us: " by phoneat 1-800DISCOVER or " in writing to Discover,P.0.Box30943,SaltLakeCity, UT84130-0943. (1-800-347-2683) Whenwriting, pleaseincludeyour name,address,homephonenumberandAccountnumber.Youmustcontactuswithin 15daysafter changingyouremailaddress,mailingaddressor phonenumber. DEFINITIONS "Account" "Check" meansyourDiscovercardaccount. meansany checkwe sendto youto accessyourAccount. filiate" Schedule" Schedule," "Af meansour parentcorporations,subsidiariesandaffiliates. "Pricing meansthe documententitled, "Pricingwhichliststhe APRsthat User" "Authorized to meansany personyou authorizeto useyourAccountor a Card,whetheryou apply yourAccountandother importantinformation. Rate" notify us or not. "Prime meansthe highestrateof interestlistedasthe U.S.Primerate in the MoneyRates Transfer" "Balance meansa balancetransferredfrom anothercreditorto yourAccount.sectionof the online WallStreetJoumal( the last businessday of the month. "Card" "Purchase" meansany oneor moreDiscovercardsissuedto you or someoneelsewith your meansthe useof yourAccountto purchaseor leasegoodsor servicesat authorization. participatingmerchants. Advance" "We," "us" "our" "Cash meansthe useof yourAccountfor: and referto DiscoverBank,the issuerof yourCard. " "You," "your""yours" obtainingcashfrom participatingautomatedteller machines,financialinstitutionsor other or referto youand any other person(s)who arealso contractuallyliable locations;and underthis Agreement. " online gambling,or to purchase Date" "Transaction lottery tickets,moneyorders,casinochips,foreigncurrencyor meansthe dateshownon your billing statementfor a transactionor fee. similaritems. ARBITRATION Agreement to Arbitrate. In the eventof a disputebetweenyou Evenif all partieshaveopted to litigate a Claimin court, you or arbitrator may not award class,representativeor publicinjunctive andusarisingout of or relatingto this Accountor the relationships we mayelectarbitrationwith respectto any Claimmadeby a new relief.If a courtdecidesthat applicablelaw predudesenforcement resulting fromthis Accountor any other disputebetweenyou or party or any new Claimslaterassertedin that lawsuit. of any of this paragraph'slimitations as to a particular Claim us, induding, for example,a dispute basedon a federalor state CLASS ACTION WAlVER. ARBITRATIONMUST BE ON AN for relief, then after all appealsfrom that decisionhave been statute or localordinance("Claim"), eitheryou or we maychoose INDIVIDUALBASIS.THISMEANSNEITHERYOUNORWE MAY exhausted,that Claim(andonly that Claim)mustbe severedfrom to resolvethe Claim by binding arbitration, as describedbelow, 101NORCONSOUDATE CLAIMSINARBITRATION BYORAGAINST the arbitrationand may be broughtin court. Onlya court, and not insteadof in court. Any Claim(exceptfor a Claimchallengingthe OTHERCARDMEMBERS, ORLITIGATEIN COURTORARBITRATE an arbitrator,shalldeterminethe validity,scope,and effect of the validity or enforceabilityof this arbitration agreement,induding ANYCLAIMSASA REPRESENTATIVE ORMEMBER OFA CLASSOR ClassActionWaiver. the ClassActionWaiver)may be resolvedby binding arbitration INA PRIVATE ATTORNEYGENERALCAPACITY. Your Right to Go To Small Claims Court. We will not choose if either siderequestsit. THISMEANSIF EITHERYOUOR WE to arbitrate any individual Claimyou bring in small Claimscourt The arbitrator may award injunctive relief only in favor of the CHOOSE NEITHER ARBITRATION, PARTYWILLHAVETHERIGHTTO or your state's equivalent court. However,if such a Claim is individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary UTIGATESUCHCLAIMIN COURT ORTOHAVEA JURYTRIALALSO transferred,removedor appealedto a differentcourt, we maythen to providerelief warranted by that party's individualClaim.The DISCOVERY ANDAPPEALRIGHTS AREUMITEDINARBITRATION. chooseto arbitrate. .3- FILED: FRANKLIN COUNTY CLERK 11/03/2022 02:37 PM INDEX NO. E2022-570 ARBITRATION NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/03/2022 GoverningLaw and " Followapplicablestatutesof limitations; Rules. This arbitration agreement is Other Beneficiaries of this Agreement. In additionto you and govemedby the FederalArbitrationAct ("FAA").Arbitration must " HonorvalidClaimsof privilege; us, the rights and duties describedin this arbitrationagreement oroceedonly with the AmericanArbitration Association("AAA"). " Issuea written decision apply to: our Affiliates and our and their officers, directorsand induding the reasonsfor the award. The rules for the arbitration will be those in this arbitration employees;any third party co-defendantof a Claimsubjectto this Thearbitrator'sdecisionwill be final and binding exceptfor any agreementand the proceduresof the AAA, but the rulesin this arbitrationagreement;andalljoint Accountholders andAuthorized reviewallowed by the FAA. However,if morethan $100,000was arbitration agreementwill be followed if there is disagreement Usersof yourAccount(s). genuinelyin dispute,theneitheryouor we maychooseto appealto oetweenthe agreementand the AAA's procedures.If the AAA's Survival of this Agreement. This arbitration agreementshall a newpanelof threearbitrators.Theappellatepanelis completely crocedureschangeafter the Claimis filed, the proceduresin effect survive: freeto acceptor rejectthe entire originalawardor any part of it. whenthe Claimwasfiled will apply· " Theappealmustbe filed with AAA not later than 30 daysafter closingof yourAccount; Fora copy of the AAA's procedures,to file a Claimor for other the original award issues.The appealingparty paysall appellate " voluntarypaymentof yourAccountor any partof it; costsunlessthe appellatepaneldeterminesotherwiseas part of information, pleasecontact the AAA at 1101 Laurel Oak Rd., " any legalproceedingsto collect moneyyou owe; Vcorhees,NJ08043, its award. " 0-877-495-4185). anybankruptcyby you; and Claim Notice and Special Payment. If you havea Claim,before * any saleby usof yourAccount. initiating anarbitrationproceeding,you maygiveuswritten notice If the AAA is completelyunavailable,and if you and we cannot You Have the Right to Reject Arbitration of the Claim("ClaimNotice") at least30 daysbeforeinitiating the agreeon a substitute,then either you or we may requestthat a for this Account. courtwith jurisdictionappointa substitute. You may reject the arbitration arbitrationproceeding.TheClaimNoticemustindudeyour name, agreement but only if we receivefrom address,andaccountnumberand explainin reasonabledetail the you a written noticeofrejection withm Fees and Costs. If you wish to begin arbitration againstus but 30 days of your receipt of the natureoftheClaimandanysupportingfacts.AnyClaimNoticeshall Card after your Account is you cannot afford to pay the AAA's or arbitrator's costs,we will 0Pened. You must send the notice of rejection to: Discover, besentto usat Discover,P.0.Box794,Deerfield,It 60015(orsuch advancethosecostsif you askus in writing. Any requestlike this P.0. Box 30938, Salt Lake City, UT84130·0938. Yourrejection otheraddressaswe shallsubsequentlyprovideto you).If, and only shouldbe sent to Discover,P.0. Box 30421, Salt Lake City, UT noticemust indudeyour name, address,phonenumber,Account if, (1)yousubmita ClaimNoticein accordancewith this agreement 84130-0421.If you losethe arbitration, the arbitrator will decide numberand personalsignature.Nooneelsemaysignthe rejection on yourown behalf(andnot on behalfof any other party); and (2) wnetheryou must reimburseus for moneywe advancedfor you for tre arbitration. If you win the arbitration, we will not ask for notice for you. Yourrejection notice must not be sent with any an arbitrator,after finding in yourfavorin anyrespectonthe merits reimbursementof moneywe advanced.Additionally,if youwin the other correspondence.Rejection of arbitration will of your Claim,issuesyou an awardthat (exdudingany arbitration not affect attorneys' your other rights or responsibilitiesunder this Agreement. If arbitration, the arbitrator may decidethat you are entitled to be fees or fees and costs awarded by the arbitrator) is attorneys' reimbursedyour reasonable feesand costs(if actually you reject arbitration, neither you nor we will be subjectto the greaterthan the valueof Discover'slast written settlementoffer caid by you). arbitration agreementfor this Account. Rejectionof arbitration madebeforeanarbitratorwas selected,thenyouwill beentitledto tiearmgs and Decisions. Arbitration hearingswill take placein for this Accountwill not constitute rejectionof any prior or future the amountof the awardor 57,500,whicheveris greater.If youare the federaljudicialdistrict whereyou live. A singlearbitratorwill arbitrationagreementbetweenyou andus. entitledto the $7,500,you will receivein addition any arbitration beappointed.Thearbitratormust: attorneys' feesor feesandcostsawardedby the arbitrator. " Followall applicablesubstantivelaw, exceptwhen contradicted arbitration award Any may be enforced (such as through a by the FAA; judgment)in any courtwith jurisdiction. Your Billina Riahts: After we finish our investigation, one of two things will happen: " If we madea mistake:Youwill not haveto Kee P This DocumentForFutureUse paytheamountin questionor anyinterestor otherfees relatedto that amount. " If we do not believetherewasa mistake:Youwill haveto Thisnotice tells you about your rights and our responsibilities under the FairCredit Billing Act. paythe amountin question,alongwith What ToDo if YouFindA Mistake On Your Statement applicableinterestandfees.Wewill sendyoua statementof the amountyouoweandthedate paymentisdue.Wemaythenreportyouasdehnquentif youdo not paythe amountwe think Ifyou think thereis anerroronyour statement,write to usat: youowe. Discover If youreceiveourexplanationbutstill believeyourbill is wrong,youmustwriteto us(orvisit P.0.Box30421 within 10daystellingusthat you stillrefuseto pay.If youdo so, SaltLakeCity,UT84130-0421. wecannotreportyouasdelinquentwithoutalsoreportingthatyouare questioningyourbill.Wemusttell Youmayalsocontac