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  • CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. v. ROCHA, KENIA J.S00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) document preview
  • CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. v. ROCHA, KENIA J.S00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) document preview
  • CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. v. ROCHA, KENIA J.S00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) document preview
  • CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. v. ROCHA, KENIA J.S00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) document preview
  • CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. v. ROCHA, KENIA J.S00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) document preview
  • CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. v. ROCHA, KENIA J.S00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) document preview
  • CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. v. ROCHA, KENIA J.S00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) document preview
  • CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. v. ROCHA, KENIA J.S00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) document preview


fo Quit -S0isory 14-61119 CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A., Plaintiff, Vv. KENIA J ROCHA Defendant(s). AFFIDAVIT PERSONALLY APPEARED before the undersigned officer, duly authorized to administer oaths, Barbara Horan, who states under oath as follows: 1. Iam over 18 years old and competent to testify to the matters set forth herein. Iam an ~ employee of Capital One Services, LLC, (“COSLLC”), an agent and affiliate of Plaintiff CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. (“Capital One”). COSLLC provides services to Capital One in connection with its credit card and related banking practices and my job responsibilities as Litigation Support Representative provide me with access to all relevant systems and documents of Capital One needed to validate the below information. I am authorized by Capital One to testify to the matters set forth herein. As a result of the scope of my job responsibilities, I have personal knowledge of the manner and method by which Capital One creates and maintains certain business books and records, including computer records of customer accounts. 2. The Capital One books and records are made in the course of Capital One’s regularly conducted business activity and it is a regular practice of Capital One to make these books and records. Each of the Capital One books and records reviewed are made: (1) at or near the time the events they purport to describe occurred, by a person with knowledge of the acts and events; or, (2) by a computer or other similar digital means, which contemporaneously records an event as it occurs. 3. Capital One is the original creditor on this‘account. According to the books and records of Capital One, a Capital One account was opened in Defendant's(s’) name for the purpose of obtaining an extension of credit. Subsequently, this account was used to acquire goods, services or cash advances EE} 000000427385: 1in accordance with the Customer Agreement governing use of that account. Defendant(s) have failed to make the required periodic payments on the account. 4. The books and records of Capital One show that Defendant(s) is/are currently indebted to Capital One on account number *#*##*#***#*0767 for the just and true sum of $3589.34 as of 04/17/2014, and that all offsets, payments, and credits have been allowed. This balance is comprised of Defendant's(s') outstanding debt on the date the account charged off (including any pre-charge-off transactions, interest, and/or fees) less any offsets, payments, or credits applied to the account after the charge-off date. 5. Nothing in the books and records of Capital One indicate or show that the Defendant(s) is/are a minor/minors, is/are mentally incompetent or is/are otherwise incapacitated. 6. I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and if-called as a witness I would competently testify, under oath, thereto. Given under my hand on: Barbara Horan Dated: 4 de-ty Koa the County of Chesterfield, to wit: Commonwealth of Virginia SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the jurisdiction: aforesaid, by Barbara Horan, who is personally known to me and who acknowledged before me his/her signature to the foregoing Affidavit. , GIVEN under my hand and seal this A say of Apt aol t Capa pu af Notary Public N00000042738534 878655224 A170 LONDON & LONDON : AL ” rane1 1 & Phesse detach and retum. a Please print clearty In black of blue ink. CCrédito Disponible: $0.00] Saldo Anterior Pagos y Créditos Intereses y Cargos Aplicados Transacciones Salto Nuevo (sss) - (seo) + (ssn } + (0 seo} = ( sas030) ° ' PAGOS, CREDITOS Y AIUSTES PARA KENIA J ROCHA #0767 ». “a - 4 éNecesita ayuda? EXHIBIT cancosrcuoras Solo tiene que llamar. . Total de Cargos/Cuotas Este Perfodo $0.00 _ . vast aesoos Uame gts al 1-800-258-9319 B INTEREST CHARGE-PURCHASES $52.41 yun especialista con gusto le ayudard 0 \ Of a “otal de Intereses Este Perodo $52.41 responderé a sus preguntas. TOTALES ARO A LA FECHA 300043, ‘Toad en CargosKuotas Este Aho. $358.24 Tota Gentes Este Ao $486.12 | CALCULO DE CARGO POR INTERESES ‘Su Tasa de Interés Anual {APR)se refiere a la tasa de interés anual de su cuenta. ‘asa de interés Saldo Sufetoala Cargo por Tipo de Saldo ‘Anval (APR) __Tasa de interés __Intereses Compras 17.90% D $3,562.19 $52.41 Adelantos de Hectivo: 24,90%0 $0.00 $0.00 P.LD,F = Tase Vartable. Cansulte la informacién importante adjunta para mas detalles DEVUELVA JUNTO CON SU PAGO LA PORCION QUE SE ENCUENTRA EN LA PARTE INFERIOR O COMIENCE SESION EN WWW.CAPITALONE.COMVSOLUTIONS Il PARA EFECTUAR SU PAGO POR LA INTERNET. (SERVICIO DISPONIBLE EN INGLES UNICAMENTE) _ eee: 2 ~~ Numero de cuenta: 0767 Fecha de vencimiento: Saldo nuevo ‘Total adjunto Mantén ase (omen joan) CT). | Manténgase Para obtener Ja informacién més actualizada sobre su cuenta, Hlamenos gratis al 1-800-258-9319. soones KENIA J ROCHA oe 24 PAHQUTOQUE AVE . Cepitel One Bank (USA}s NeAs DANBURY. CT Db830-b758 8-0. Box 730 nea Charlottes NC 28272- Habba bball PEE bY dee Moh hed lhl Haga sus cheques a nombre de Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. y envielos por correo con este cupén en el sobre adjunto.~ oo SF Take Control of Your Finances Today. Call 1-800-258-9319 to get up-to-date information about your account, make payments, and learn about your payment options. You can break the balance into smaller, more manageable payments. It's not too late to get started. Specially trained agents are available Monday—Friday 8a.m.—9p.m. £7. Your account is being serviced by Capital One® Services, LLC unless you've been notified otherwise. Please note, if your account is being serviced by a third party then your call will be automatically routed to them. NOTICE: PLEASE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ©2013 Capital One. Capital One isa federally registered service mark. All rights raeroed. Page tot 3 Sep. 24- Oct. 23, 2013 30 Days in Bling Cyde ‘Customer Service 1-800-258-9319 C www capitalone.comisolutions {IMPORTANT ACCOUNT UPDATES, 57 Your batence is dum. Any payment you make wi reduce your blance and help pay off PANMENT DUE your debt str. The amour you owe may dtr yauve ented lt a separste payment $3,589.94 3,589.4 PAST DUE ‘Available Credit s0.00} Previous Bakance Payments and Credits Fees and Interest Charged Transactions New Balance ( $3536.93 } - $0.00 ) + (sen ) + ( $0.00 } = (_ s3503¢ | PAYMENTS, CREDITS & ADJUSTMENTS FOR KENIA/) ROCHA #0767 Help Is Available. Just Pick Up the Phone. FEES Total Fees This Peiod $0.00 1 call 1-800-258-9319 anda specially INTEREST CHARGED i EST CHARGED Rcuasts ssn trained agent will be happy to help you or answer ‘Tota! Interest This Period $52.41 ‘any questions you may have. TOTALS YEAR TO DATE 00049 Total ees This Year $358.24 Total Interest This Year $486.12 INTEREST CHARGE CALCULATION Yout Annual Percentage Rate {APRDIs the annual Interest rate on your account. ype of Balance ee Balance Sublet "© terest Charge a Purchases 17.90% $3,562.19 $52.41 1 Gash Advances 24.90% 0 $0.00 $0.00 PLD = Variable Rate. See enclosed disclosure inser for details ae Para cambiar o acualizar su direcci6n, llame gratis al 1-800-258-9319 0 visite COURT CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. CENTRALIZED / : SMALL CLAIMS vs. : AT HARTFORD KENIA J ROCHA : MAY 21, 2014 AFFIDAVIT OF MILITARY SERVICE STATE OF CONNECTICUT } ss. Newington COUNTY OF HARTFORD } The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. | am over the age of eighteen and | believe in the obligation of an oath. lam a legal assistant at London & London, counsel for the aforementioned plaintiff, and based on the foregoing, | am familiar with the statements contained in this Affidavit. 2. The law office of London & London, requested from the Defense Manpower Data Center, the military status of the Defendant, KENIA J ROCHA, based on social security number and last name. 3. London & London received by internet a signed statement from the Defense Manpower Data Center which is attached hereto. 4. The attached statements indicated that the defendant, KENIA J ROCHA, is not and has not been in the military services during the pendency of this action. Dated at Newington, Connecticut, this the 21* day of May 2014. x Xhunga Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the 21* day of May 2014. Toby J. Rhinesmith Commissioner of the Superior Court 14-61119 London & London @ Attorneys at Law 48 Christian Lane ¢ Newington, CT 06111 © (860) 666-4500 @ JURIS No. 406548OBMAG00LL3Z1Z6S :Gi SEIYWED | ‘popHaid oq 0} sieoy»80 sneeuEND Ue OsNeD eM LORewLO}| EnoeUONE Suprcig vororbes ous 49 popyand nep erie Ap ane pur "ya 10 BIEPINSS ‘eure WI @ UO pEseR DOpIO:S Sem GIe>HTIED IML ZONINNY peated oe _Yu08 et sopun eequow a2pug 0 pesruasnd sip ye ity neue. yesundD jet PoyyeND yoNe ai poBun ove GreDyRIED SNL UO AB! PROD OWN USO. "hag one 7 sep 186) O41 Puokog puree ‘prom ot YDS ws 0 Fesdind 0 Ang wage Uo oka sovaBeea wee 3prcU PUR FERED Ou Uy opsON at YES eX OPN OEE NED 89829 eWOS UI JOPEOIG S!'YHOS aul JepUN eBeIeEACD -{ed09 pouorssusuog YON) LoRENEUMIpY 2HeNESOURY pur aUBECD [RUOREN HA 0 GOHVOS WUEEH BYRNE "1.000 soo pavoreuauen Kp exes we 8 ouN JoqWoU FoALES PaULE}UN # 1 SoacKER OnE BRIN King ERIEY TEyEH) CIEIEURUPY wOrSOAg ‘spayed dnp exe ao euos Avo 0}02 01044 “( (6)}03 $987 OF kam eo.apLo= a peUsep a eayLeD HA pauodes ae Ere Arp eNETY esmieig Aing enny, uo uopewuoyyy eZ0yy “818Q SrIMS AINg BAIIy 04 UO AND: nine 40) Yoder ©] UoReDyHOU AUeD peAGOG) YUN LOWS JO FeNPIAPU Bua JANEW (€) 1eC SMIBIS Ain BAtaYy ey) Bu;Peoed Sep LOC UTYHM snIeIE Ain SMI YOI IeRpAIDU! OU JOWIOUNA (2) HUQ aNHEIS AiNg BAIDY aul UO ETUEIS AND eATay SYENNDY GUL (5) :voReUNa!L] GuyRoUD, OX FDEYO: OSUOGKO SIH) tgs § ey gn een tok mate poyon fn wos 9 Worspad aun "vojeayHON e2WeS LOLIPHR AK WEIGO Oj NOK pUE IEP ‘8 unow Avouwo)) (yuOS) (PepueWe se ‘bee 18 Fog § “doy DSN OS) PY 18FeU WW BaqUOWeD/LES oxo LUeLADIOW BY) HLEdKinS ABLONE COC PUL, "olshs Aero se. pue ave>wo;pau Aan 20) Ayo UO Eup Jo winds pep Xn 8| YOIYM BsERetEp {SHIZA) Weshs BuLadoaL Aaa pve wourya3 eevn}00 OM ssIjew Yeu (GO) BBW0;6q jo woULLEdOg O19 1 UopeRUEBLO Ue | (OCHO) WED EEC YOMOKUEH eFLO}E MUL, “Aang sxrey 20; yoda 6 9910 ean Jo voReDgoU BuyyeDds Wun JOU 0 JoqUEWED;UNS # LO LOHoUUE} FOpNPU EREIE BAL {PION I6ED ‘pus “90H 2uRRd "YWON ‘2aI04 A "eog aLey "AABN "huly) BeOALNS peULO}UN oY) 70 BO\DURIa IW ON BLap NIE Knp OXIDE OY! UO ENPA/PL OU) 19 san 91 snogn eur ‘papiaid nok yn UoneuuOR OM UD pened ‘eIUeD teq seModUE}Y 81U8/eq J IweMTIEdEC eX JO RAVER MEP Oty ButD:CES Lod] ‘PLOe-BO-AEW JO Sv smeis Aing eAnoy soweN aIppIN, VINSD “OWEN S413 ) VHOOH ‘owen 1se7 WY JOEY [AIO suaqurowooralag 0} ]ensng uoday snieig 431029 AeiCO NICE aD pom mre Byequemoduey ssugjaq jo juswyedeq|p. 07/68/2014 16:29 (0001/0002 FAX 860 667 20M ay SCC-537022 3 PQ YSYRERIOR COURT CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. : Ce A aS SMALL CLAI : AT HARTFORD vs. CU KENIA J ROGHA : JULY 3, 2014 % ACCEPTANCE OF DEFENDANT'S ANSWER The Defendant answered the Small Claims suit initiated by CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A.. The Defendant proposes to pay $35.00 every week until the balance is paid in full, as stated in the attached answer. This serves as notice to the Court that the Plaintiff accepts the proposed payment schedule offered by the Defendant, with post-judgment statutory interest to accrue, as requested in the Small Claims suit. PLAINTIFF, CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. By:, RusSel! L. London London & London 48 Christian Lane Newington, CT 06111 860-666-4500 THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. London & London ® Attomeys At Law 48 Christian Lane © Newington, CT 06111 © (860) 666-4500 ® JURIS No., SCRNNED(0002/0002 . 07/03/2014 16:29 FAX 860 667 ““» London and London « . Lo oo : : “podey p-R@Y bo i9 1 eo ~ la tg mnie ves 2 CHa ad Wi nadmas to Renda NS Reche. safnene om Weed. DY patt Quieaua he von oe Da wlouey CP. DOR 1B a. WANS LLFTULS NOLONINSVA 08 syne bbe. pe he AS) Wak, of e ‘Eins | Thaw seeds SA Hote very mowlhe “That ft \eenio s Zeocha ft Ooekst Number: SCC ARAORA a SCANNED