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  • STULL, JOHNNon Criminal Infraction document preview
  • STULL, JOHNNon Criminal Infraction document preview


LAKE COUNTY NOTICE TO APPEAR Oi summons | ciration LALE Agency / Authority L . 6 3 4 1 8 The undersigned officer certifies that he/she has just and reasonable grounds to believe and does believe that the defendant committed the following violation(s) of law: wre CDN IN FYE FTSZ Y 3 oa i335; Bacal be QD, EMS DSTS Ac Re ""ScpremBeq | 2y*h [BR2y PSE a os NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ML Tcha TOLL Lb Cavemen Cece, SD “minneor A PPL. BY 71 S~ 1B) 0 955526 eS zo ws | m |" se7 Zo Ped Flo |” e1.e,04 ee tices ane Tae OR OTHER |.D. FACTS CONSTITUTING BASIS OF OFFENSE: WWAs bayad 1A POSSeS$100 of 2 vapes cuben s¢eeched A, Scher) Adin Abe beng foal ax bathrotrn Ste ith 2 efres ngthe studoots COUNT 1 N toe . . , Uniawfully commited the ollaijigg Sffonse: SSion etn, cob AE Florida Statate Er Fnda ieee dispentias roduc Cunpe\ Ora Onc (Y/Misdemeanor C Infraction ttion Nox £23 $77. WC CO Misdemeanor Ci Infraction byou MAY PAYAFINEOF§__3 © ___ WITHIN 30 DAYS. Payment information “CYOU MUST APPEAR IN COURT AS INDICATED BELOW: shown on reverse. CCourt Date - CCourt Time. Ocourt Location $52 yy MA.n ST TALES and promise to appear in Lake County Court as indicated above to answer the charge(s) din this Notice to Appear, or to pay the indicated fine(s). | understand that my failure to appear or failure to pay the fine(s) may constitute a separate offense and, in addition to any other applicable penalties, may subject ms punishmentfor-contempt of court. outa oe Poa ee ee ee oo emo ew cam cam emmcameamcamem ‘evi etn tated Sontardesnbes tee ave (coreg s sees conan te - bp enh, 195 Q vn Cede ahh _ . Signature_{< {a E Bawey IU pintwame IR Te a formance of Oficial Duos _Pitessrtr scone 0 Pretend 1 agr White—Clerk’s Office Green—Stato Attorney Canary—Records Copy Pink—Depuly Goldenrod—Defendant ang