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  • WEBSTER BANK, N.A. v. FACEY, LOLETH Et AlP00 - Property - Foreclosure document preview
  • WEBSTER BANK, N.A. v. FACEY, LOLETH Et AlP00 - Property - Foreclosure document preview
  • WEBSTER BANK, N.A. v. FACEY, LOLETH Et AlP00 - Property - Foreclosure document preview
  • WEBSTER BANK, N.A. v. FACEY, LOLETH Et AlP00 - Property - Foreclosure document preview
  • WEBSTER BANK, N.A. v. FACEY, LOLETH Et AlP00 - Property - Foreclosure document preview
  • WEBSTER BANK, N.A. v. FACEY, LOLETH Et AlP00 - Property - Foreclosure document preview


STATE OF CONNECTICUT APPLICATION AND EXECUTION FOR EJECTMENT SUPERIOR COURT MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE www JO-CV-30 Rev. 6-10 Gen, Stet, 48-22, PA 10-171, Section 2, 42 USC 14371 (0) Instructions To Applicant ‘nalend Instructions To Clerk Instructions To Proper Officer 1. Prepare an original and 3 coples; forward the original ar 1. Forward original end copy of this form and 4. Complete items 3 and 6 at bottom. 2 coples of this form and any attachments to clerk. ‘any attachments to applicant or attomey. z Compl return within 60 deys. 2. After return of signed form from clerk, forward the origine! 2, Retain copy of signed execution. and a copy of form and any attachments fo @ proper officer. ‘Name of case Webster Bank, N.A. v. Loteth Facey, et al. [Docket number Free inne an eating addcass of applicant or attomey 4 FBT-CV-14-6043307-S To: Pease & Dorio, P.C. Date of judgment —— 0: 346 Maln Streat 09/29/2014 Farmington, CT 06032 Dale Wile was ranstored 01/29/2016 Date is pendens recorded L J (06/20/2044 ‘Address of Jadical Disiiel Cour location (Number, sireat, town, and zip code) 1061 Main Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604 ‘Address of premises (Atlach complete legal Hon oFlend 109 Wheeler Avenue, Bridgeport, CT “Rarne{ sy of parsoney enlited Wo possession Webster Bank, N.A. NaTio{oy OF PETES) Ti POSSESSION Loleth Facey and Egerton Anthony Facey is person in possession a “bona fide tenant” under the Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act?* [x] No [|] Yes Ifyes, when was notice to vacate provided to this person(s)? {Dats}. Does person(s) in possession have a lease? No (_] Yes ifyes, when does lease end? @ate), Does person(s) In possession occupy the premises under a federal or state subsidized tenancy program (ex., Title Vil)? [x] No Yes If yes, when does torprey end? (ate). *See “Notice” on back/page 2 of this form. ———_4) Name of applicant ai Daie signed Deborah L. Dorio Verte. 04/24/2016 To: Any Proper Officer By the authority of the State of Connecticut, you are commanded to cause addrass of the removal as well as a general description, If known, of the the sald person(s) entltied to possession to have the selzin and peaceable types and amount of property to be removed from the land and be delivered possession of the premises described herein, and to put and eject the sald to the place of storage, Prior to giving notice {o the chlef executive officer person(s) in possession, out of possession thereof, and to put the person(s) you must use reasonable efforts to locate and notify the person(s) In entiiad to possessian Into the peaceable and qulel possession thereof, possession of the date and time the removal is to take place and the provided that no person shall be ejected who Is not a party tothe action —_possibillly of a sale of their possessions pursuant to General Statute 49-22 except a transferee or Htenor who Is bound by the judgment by virtue of and you must provide clear instructions as to how and where such person or alls pendens. If sald person(s) in possession have not removed all thelr person may reclaim any possessions and personnel effects removed and possessions and personal effects, then you may remove them and deliver stored, Including a telephone number that such person of persons may call them to the place of storage designated by the chief executive officer of the to arrange release of such possessions and personal effects. town for such purposes. Prior to removal, you must give the chief executive officer of the town 24 hours notice of the removal, stating the date, fime, and Make service and due return within 60 days from the date hereof. ve et C. Aetoer # aa lis Notice To Persons In Possession Of Premises Subject To Ejectment Important: __ttyou are in possession of the premises and you were not named as a party to this foreclosure action, you are not subject to this execution untess you ere a transferee or llenor who Is bound by the judgment by virtue of a ls pendens, 4. The person(s) entitled to possession have been given the right to 4, if your possessions and personnel effects are removed and stored and possession of these premises by a judgment of the Superior Court. This you do not reclaim them and the expense of the storage Is not pald to Means that you must move out of the premises described on the ‘the chief executive officer of the town within 15 days, then they may be sold by the tawn under section 49-22 of the Connecticut General Statutes, . Ifyou do not move your possessions and personal effects by: (To be completed by proper officer) attachment(s) to this form by the date given at right. 2, If you do not move out by that date, this paper, which does not have fo be. handed to you personally, gives a proper officer the legal right to remove your possessions and personal effects and deliver tham to the place of storage designated by the chief executive officer in the town, 3. Your possessions and personal effacts will be stored at: (Date Time (emJp.m) You may cali Lill return to remove your possessions and personal to reclaim any of those possessions and personal effects and to arrange to effects and store them. have them given back to you, Page 1 of 2Notice: The Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act provides that: (a) In General — In the case of any foreclosure on a federally-related mortgage loan or on any dwelling or residentlal real property after the date of enactment of this title (May 20, 2009), any immediate successor in interest in such property pursuant to the foreclosure shal) assume such interest subject to — (1) the provision, by such successor In Interest of a notice to vacate to any bona fide tenant at least 90 days before the effective date of such notice; and (2) the rights of any bona fide tenant, as of the date of such notice of foreclosure— {A) under any bona fide lease entered Into before the notice of foreclosure to occupy the premises until the end of the remaining term of the lease, except that a successor in interest may terminate a lease effective on the date of sale of the unit to a purchaser who will occupy the unit as a primary residence, subject to the receipt by the tenant of the 90 day notice under paragraph (1); or (8) without a lease or with a lease terminable at will under State law, subject to the receipt by the tenant of the 90 day notice under subsection (1), except that nothing under this section shall affect the requirements for termination of any federal- or State-subsidized tenancy or of any State or local law that provides longer time perlods or other additional protections for tenants. (b) Bona Fide Lease or Tenancy — For purposes of this section, a lease or tenancy shall be considered bona fide only if— (1) the mortgagor or the child, spouse, or parent of the mortgagor under the contract is not the tenant; (2) the lease or tenancy was the result of an arms-length transaction; and (3) the lease or tenancy requires the receipt of rent that Is not substantially less than fair market rent for the property or the unit's rent is reduced or subsidized due to a Federal, State, or local subsidy. (c) Definition — For purposes of this section, the term "federally-related mortgage loan" has the same meaning as in section 3 of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 (12 U.S.C, 2602). Return Of Service Then and there, by virtue of the foregoing execution, and | further advised said chief executive officer, so far as [On (Date) [At (Time) known, of the general description, types and amount of .M. property to be removed from said premises. ‘On (Date) JAt (Time) | notified th fr . oO @ person(s) in possession. And afterwards, __M. | used reasonable efforts to locate the person(s) the person's(s') possessions but was unable to notify him/her. [J had been removed Thereafter | notified the chilef executive officer of Oo were removed by me and stored and | put the the town where the premises are situated, person(s) in possession of said premises. [On (Bete) At (rieney -M. [Signed (Proper Offices Date signed that the eviction of the persan's(s’)} possessions and personal effects would take place: Fees On (Bate) [At (Time) M. AD-CV-30 (beck/page 2) Rev. 6-10 Page 2 0f2Schedule “A” Le: criptio: All that certain piece or parcel of land, together with the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the City of Bridgeport, County of Fairfield, and State of Connecticut, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: NORTH: on Wheeler Avenue, 50 feet, more or less; EAST: on land of the City of Bridgeport, 90 feet, more or less; SOUTH: on land now or formerly of Grace D, DeMartino, 50 feet, more or lass; WEST: on fand now or formerly of Joseph and Katherlne Mastrone, 90 feet, more or less.