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AUICT SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Document Scanning Lead Sheet Jul-17-2014 4:02 pm Case Number: CGC-11-515105 Filing Date: Jul-17-2014 4:01 Filed by: CAROL BALISTRERI Juke Box: 001 Image: 04555251 DECLARATION OF CANDLESTICK POINT - THE COVE OWNERS ASSOCIATION VS. AJAZ H. SYED 001004555251 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned.820 San Francisco, CA 94131 XY Dw FR YW WN Jan A. Kopezynski, State Bar No. 201040 RAM, OLSON, CEREGHINO & KOPCZYNSKI LLP F 5 I iL 555 Montgomery Street, Suite 820 oetior C D g treet, ‘ounne af OF Califomia San Francisco, California 94111 1” Franviseg Tel: 415.433.4949/ Fax: 415.433.7311 JUL 17 204 CLER Attorneys for Plaintiff By. Kk OF THE COurr, Candlestick Point — The Cove Owners’ Association Se uty Clerk SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO CANDLESTICK POINT - THE COVE No. CGC-11-515105 OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION, a California corporation, Declaration of Terin Atkins in Support of Plaintiff Candlestick Point - The Cove Plaintiff, Owners’ Association’s Application for vs. Default Judgment by the Court against Defendant Ajaz Syed AJAZ SYED, Dept: 514 Defendant. Judge: TBD Filed: October 14, 2011 Amended: March 18, 2013 BY FAX 1. lam a competent adult, and the Director of the Personal Obligations for A.S.A.P I, Terin Atkins, declare as follows: Collections Services located at 331 Piercy Road, San Jose, CA 95138 (“ASAP”), a debt collection service. The facts stated in this declaration are true and correct based on my own personal knowledge, and, if asked to testify as to the truth of these facts, I could and would competently do so. We’ve been contracted by the plaintiff, Candlestick Point - The Cove Owners’ Association (“Association”), to assist in recovering amounts owed by defendant Ajaz Syed (“Defendant”), who owns a condominium property that is located at 501 Crescent Way, Apartment 5401, San Francisco, California. Defendant’s property is inside of the development that Association operates and manages. Mt -1- Declaration of Terin Atkins in Support of Plaintiff's Application for Default Judgment against Ajaz Syed No. CGC-11-515105‘S55 Montogmery Street ‘Shite 820 San Froaciseo, CA 94111 4 5 6 7 8 9 2. ASAP is authorized by Association to administer the Association’s assessment- collections policy on its behalf. In that capacity, ASAP attempts to collect delinquent monthly assessments from Association’s homeowner members. Pursuant to that policy, ASAP also has the authority to assess late fees and interest on unpaid monthly assessments that are owed to Association by its members. ASAP is also authorized under the policy to charge its collection fees and costs incurred while attempting to recover such unpaid monthly assessments. 3. Attached as Exhibit A to this declaration is a true and correct copy of the Association’s assessment-collections policy that is on file at my office. Every member of the Association receives a copy of this policy upon purchasing their unit. Pursuant to paragraph 1.0 at page one of the policy, it is the duty of Association to levy regular and special assessments in order to perform its operational and maintenance obligations for the benefit of all homeowner members. Pursuant to paragraph 6.0 of the policy, Association may designate an agent to collect assessment payments from its members and administer the assessment-collection policy. In that regard, since 2008, ASAP is one of the Association’s designated collection agents. Pursuant to paragraph 9.0 at page two of Exhibit A, Association may charge late fees and interest on unpaid monthly assessments. Late fees may be charged at the rate of $10.00 per delinquent assessment or 10% of each delinquent assessment, whichever is greater. Interest may also be charged at the rate of 10% of each delinquent assessment, and may be commenced 30 days after the due date of each assessment. Pursuant to paragraph 10.0 of the policy, members are responsible for all fees and costs incurred during the collection of delinquent amounts. 4, Attached as Exhibit B is a true and correct copy of the relevant pages of the Association’s Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions, commonly referred to as the CC&Rs. Article 6 of the CC&Rs reflects that owners of units at this condominium development are required to pay monthly assessments to Association. 5. ASAP has maintained a detailed financial accounting of the unpaid monthly assessments, late fees, and interest charges owed by defendant to Association. The accounting also reflects the fees and costs that ASAP has incurred in attempting to collect the delinquent assessments, late fees, and interest charges from defendant. The accounting further reflects the 2 Declaration of Terin Atkins in Support of Plaintiff's Application for Default Judgment against Ajaz Syed No. CGC-11-5151051 } legal fees and costs that Association has incurred to hire a law firm to commence this legal action 2 || given that defendant has failed to pay assessments, late fees, and interest charges since November 3} 1, 2008. 4 6. Attached as Exhibit C is a true and correct copy of an historical summary 5 || reflecting services performed by ASAP on behalf of the HOA in an attempt to collect on 6 || defendant’s past due account, and in support of fees thereof. 7 7. Attached hereto as Exhibit D is a true and correct copy of ASAP’s fee summary, 8 || reflecting the charges for its services performed herein beginning July 1, 2009 through July 1, 9 }} 2014, totaling $2,639.38. 10 8. Attached hereto as Exhibit E is a true and correct copy of ASAP’s accounting of 11 || regular homeowner assessments from November 1, 2008 through December 14, 2011, totaling 12 } $10,921.55. 13 9. Attached hereto as Exhibit F is a true and correct copy of ASAP’s accounting of 14 || late fees for regular homeowner assessments from November 15, 2008 through December 14, 15 || 2011, totaling $1,097.43. 16 10. Attached hereto as Exhibit G is a true and correct copy of ASAP’s accounting of 17 |j accrued interest from January 30, 2009 through July 30, 2014, totaling $6,994.96. Interest is 18 || calculated only on charges allowed for in civil code, specifically: assessments, late fees, and 19 || collection charges. (interest and other charges are not included.) It is charged monthly, using the 20 || following computation: The unpaid balance (of those charges which can be charged interest) at 21 || the end of the month, less any credits or payments made in the next 30 days, is multiplied by 0.01 22 |} (12% per annum divided by 12 for monthly calculation) and charged at the end of those 30 days. 23 |} For example, if an assessment of $100.00 were charged May 1, and remained unpaid May 31, but 24 || then a payment of $50.00 was made June 24, interest would be charged on only the unpaid 25 || $50.00 on June 30, or $0.50, and another $0.50 each successive month that it remains unpaid. 26 || This does give a very slight benefit to the owner, as interest is not accrued daily by our system, so 27 || payments made at the end of the month are treated as if made on the Ist of the month. In the 28 || example above, interest accruing daily would have resulted in an interest charge of $0.90 instead 3. BAM, OLSON, Declaration of Terin Atkins in Support of Plaintiff's KOPCEYNSKILL. Application for Default Judgment against Ajaz Syed No. CGC-11-515105 ‘Suite 820 San Francisco, CA 94111of $0.50. , 11, Attached hereto as Exhibit H, labeled as ‘Other,’ is a true and correct copy of ASAP’s accounting of HOA fees (parking fees, late letter fees, elevator fees, notice of intent to lien), legal costs, and legal fees from November 1, 2008 through. April 30, 2013, totaling $2,441.60. HOA fees amount to $370.70, legal fees amount to $1,245.00, and legal costs amount to $825.90. : 12, Attached hereto as Exhibit I is a true and correct copy of ASAP’s accounting of agent fees for August 14, 2009, totaling $50.00. This is the fee for forwarding defendant’s Co It DH HW &® WD account to collections. Ss 13. On October 14, 2011, Association filed a complaint against defendant secking to recover all of the above fees and charges that are reflected on Exhibits D-I. The complaint was later amended, and the amended complaint was filed on March 18, 2013, Thus, as of July 2, 2014, the total amount that defendant owes Association is $24,144.90. The total amount me oe B BOB DN defendants owe is broken down as follows: a) $10,921.55 in unpaid monthly assessments b) $1,097.43 in late fees ¢) $6,994.96 in interest d) $2,441.60 in legal fees and costs, notice of intent to lien, and HOA fees 19 e) $2,639.38 in ASAP charges 20 f) $50.00 for forwarding defendant’s account to collections ee ot nA aA 2 10. Based on my years of experience in assisting homeowners associations in 22 |) recovering debts of their member, it is my opinion that the fees reflected above for services listed 23 | in Exhibits D-I are reasonable for the associated services provided. 24 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the facts 25 || set forth in this declaration are true and correct based on my own personal knowledge. 26 This declaration was executed today, July 2, 2014, iz Hpsp, California, By: 28 . 4 Seaboune Declaration of Terin Atkins in Support of Plaintiff's SORCETNSICLLP Application for Default Judgment against Ajaz Syed No. CGC-11-515105 585 Montogmery Street Suite 820 ‘San Francisco, CA 96111RAM, OLSON, CEREGHINO & KOPCZYNSKI LLP ‘555 Mantogmery Street Sai 820 ‘Sua Francisco, CA 94111 oOo NY DH BF YW DN 10 Personal Obligation Department AS.A.P. Collection Services Services 5. Declaration of Terin Atkins in Support of Plaintiff's Application for Default Judgment against Ajaz Syed No, CGC-11-515105cx-AEXHIBIT ADate Adopted 1/8/2009 Candlestick Point-The ASSESSMENT COLLECTION POLICY Notice to Memberst ‘This document sets forth the Assoolation’s palloy regarding fhe collection of suscasmenta pursumt to the Asincietion's Declaration af” ‘Covenants, Conditions Restrictions, irs Bylaws, aod California Civil Code sections 1363.05, 1368.1, 1365.2, 1966, £367 and 1367.1, 13674, 13675, Lf Ancomnts ia Genaral, ‘The Assoclation hes a duty to levy regular and special sssersments sulficieat to perform ite obligations under the governing documsnty and California nw, Rognler nresexmonts are determined at least once snuuallyand are payable: the yane in Monthly installments: or atauch other intervals as the Board of Directors stvell denigoste, The Association shal] distribute the weitten notice described in Civil ‘Cotle section 1365.1 (b) to each member of ths Assaciation daring ths 60-day parted Smmediately preceding the beginniug of the » Atmociation's fecal your, 3.6 Obligation to Pay Assesemonts, . A regalor or special snseasmnent and any Inte charges, reavonstite teos and costs of collection, remsonable atconnay/’s fee, if any, and interest, SFany, av detremined In acoardence with Section 1966, shell be a debt of the ownor of the soparate interest at the time the assessment or other sums aro loviod, Hach assexamsent or charge ie aso a Hen on the owner's property from end after tho thme tho Association causes 2 Notice of Delinquent Asseanment (Lien) to be renorded with tho County Recorder's Cfiles of the Coumty in which the propstty is looated, . 3.9 Monetary Charge for Rekmbprsemnant to Ageoclation for Dandage to Common Areas and Facilits A monetary chargeimposes by the Assoplation an a means of refmbursing the Associuition for coats incurred by the Association {nthe ‘repair of damage to oommon wens and feotfities for which ths member or the membur's gusate or tenants were responsible may beoome Vion against the wnenber's sopirate interest enforceable by the sale of the Interest under Seotlons 2924, 2524b, and 20240, provided the amithority to Jugpoee a lice is ect forth in the governing documents, . 4.0 Motetiry Peualty Imposed by the Ansoctutlon oe a Diciplionry Monemre, . 292d, 5.0 Notice of Assouments, ‘Not Jess thst 30 days nor mors than 60 days before any inoresce ix the regular assesemiont oF eny spocind asececment becomes duo, the Aavodlation will give the owners uotice of tho assessment, Notion wild bs eont by firat-clave mal! to addrosses ov the membership regiater an of toe dato cfastice, Tks Bowrd of Directors may elect from thmp to tims to provide additonal pecioniio statements of agsemments snd charges, but lack of sack statemeuts dogs act sellove the ownern of the obligation to pay astnsaments, 6.6 Deaiguation of Agent, ‘Tho Board of Directors may doxignate an agent or agents to collect alsessmmt payments and administer this Asssament Collection Polly, Such dealguated agent may te an offlenr of the Association, raanaper, collection ssrvioe, banking institution, lawfirm, attorney. os other appropriats agent, A.8.A.P, Collection Sorvioes at $31 Plersy Road, San Jore, CA 95138 (408) 363-9600 is ons of the . dsulgnated agents authorized to administer this policy, Dexignution of Agent doss not qualify A.S.A.P, asm spent to goto small claims conston behalf of the Association, : 7.9 Association Cnunot Volontartly Assign or Piadye the Assoclation’s Bight to Collec An Awociatlox may not volunturlly assign o pledge the Asrociation’s right 10 collect payments or sasesnmuants, or to enfirce or forealous aTicn to a fixe patty, except when the assignment or pledges Js rade to ¢ Ananolal inetitution or lander chertored or Hoenecd under ‘federal ox itate law, Whon woting within the soope of thet charter or License, as soonrity fur a Joan obtained by the Astociation; howover, the ferogoing provision may aot restrict the right or ability of tm Assoolation to anign anyvnpaid obligations of s Bomar maniber to a third party for purposes af collsction, Subjeot tp the limitations of this suldivialon, after the explation. of 30 ds long te recording of a Hes par the Covenants, Conditions and Resulotions (CCR's), the tien may be enfirced fn any manner, ‘bya, Including sale by dhs court, sale by the trustes designated in tho notice of delinquent axscsament, or aide by a trustes substituted purmant to Scotion 29342, Ary sale by the mosten hall be conducted in necurdance with Sectons 2924, 2824b, and 29260 applicable to the exercise of powers cE salein moctgagee and deeds of trusts, The feos of « trustee mnay sot excood the amounta preseribed in Seatlons 6.9 Due Date’ Delinquency Date of Asseraments, . ‘Wileas otherwise specified by the Board or the governing doournsuts, an sepesamertis duson the first of each month, An ssseeement, or auy portion theeof, fs delinquent if $t has not been roceivod as dirvoted by the Board or its dovignated agent 15 days affter it 14 due,. . , Dats Adopted 1/8/2009 * 9 Late Charges and Entercat on Delingteot Araounts. ‘Delingvent sccounta becoms subject to the following additional charges as oontalned in Civil Code section 1366 and the governing documents costs of collection including reasonable enamay’s fesy; a late obarge af $10 or 40% of the delinquent asteesment, whichever ds groatar and interest ox all vams Criolnding the dolinguent exsasernent, collsetion foes tnzl cos, and reasonable attomey’s fees) at are apaval internet rate not to exceed 12.00% commencing 30 deys afer the auseument becomes dus; whether or not charged prior to collection. If it ix deteratined the exsorament wan paid on time to the assocletion the owner will not be Hable to pay the charges, interest, ‘anid costs af collection, 10.0 CoLectim Charges, . . Any cost aud Sota incurred in setting wp, processing and collecting delinquent mounts, inchding, witout limitation, Inte charges, salmon clon mthy adalat carga chang fx precio of Galngusay nove ce forwad to calatna serene ‘or request ra payment plan ax well ay the saccrdation of alien oe initiation of freclonsre proveedloge, postage, copies, envelopes, lately, Sting und recondation changer, delivery charges, nnd attorney's Tees and coete, thle searches, bankropiay searches, palling copies of grant deads or property ownetahip history, atidreag and or phono nimiber verificatiom searches, in addition to any othor ‘charges neceaeary fo collect a delinquent arscaxment shall beoome an additiansl churgs egainct the owner and the ewnet's proparty ‘andl shall be subject to collection wotion purevant to this Poticy. 11.0 Applleation of Payments, . Neither the Association nor ite dealgnated agent bas any obligation to acodpt parital payments on an szeeseraent mecount Unless stated ' otherwise io writing, partial payments aocopred will be spplisd first bo the oldest asiostrments owed, and, ouly after the astoiments owed aro paldtn fill wil the payments bo applied 0 the fees and carts of colfsctlce, atacey’s fees, Inte chargos, or intoreat, Owners may request a revelp} and the aisotiation shall provide ft. The receipt shall indioate the date of payment and the person who received tr, ‘Payments may be sequined to bs mrde In oettlfied Andy, ey. cashier's check ar monsy order, . 12.0 Iulia] Delinquency Nofice. . ‘Ono nn assoremient, or any partion thoreof, has booome deWaquent, the owner may receive an inital detinguancy wotico stating all ss pt and ay oe coco charg bpened ae he i of fw van wadch aay bala thn fra of ee Sooty statement, past dvs notice, or any other furmn of writing or notice from the Association ar Ste designated agmnt. 13,6 Notice of Intent to Record alien, . ‘ran nssousinent count ronains inpaid for 45 days after it is due, the Assoclation ar its dosignated agoot ahall, at least 30 days pelor to secording 8 Hen spon the separate interest of the ovmur of record, notify the ewer in writing by certified mall all of ths notice requizeruents patsuant to Civil Codp Soction 1367.1, Prior to recording # Teo for delinquent assesisoents, the owner has the sieht to ‘request to partialpate in dispute resciution pursnant to ths Aspocintion’ s "Meet end Chitfhr* program required in Asficia 3 ‘with Sectton 1363,810) of Chapter 4 of Civil Code. A copy of tho "Meet and Conftc" procedure is attached to this collection policy as em ADDENDUM titled "Dispute Resolution, Meet And Confer, And ADR" 0 Recording of Lia, At tho expiration of 30 days following tho Notles of Intent to Record a Liew, the Association ar tts dealgnated agent wil) without forties notice to the ownor, record lion against the owner's property, The notlos of delinquent estosarnent shall bo rnailed in the manner sot forth in Section 2924, toalt record owners of the owner's intevest fn thes oommnan intecert development no later than 10 celendar days alter: 15.0 Avsoclation Lien Subordloation. . . . Assoctation Leo Subardination. A lien aneated pursuntt to 4,0 econding of Liss dial! be prior to all other Hens vocorded subsequent to ‘the notos of sxsarement, except that the declaration ntay provide for the subordination thereof to sny other Hens and encumbernces. 16,0 Recording of Release of Lien, : A.zalou of lien will not be seconded until the entire balance of the cwasr's scoount is paid Jn doll, All changes Incurred in recoding & Reloats of Lim, Including rearonable attamsy or agent fees and oorte, will be charged to the account. Within 24 daya of the payment of tho euros apeoiiied in the satin of delinquent assssemant, the association shall rooard of oazee to be reoorded Ins the odiice of the comty recarder in which the nodoe of delinquent assossmont fs recorded a Len rafaaso cr notice of'reaciaiion and provide the owner oF ths. separate interest a copy of the Hea relesae or notice that thedelinguent sssessmemt has bean satisfied, 47,0 Linn Recorded In Reror, ‘Hit is doteccolned thet a Tien poovtously recorded aystnat « scpareto Interest wae recorded {3 exror, the party who recorded the Hen shall, ‘Within 21 calendar days, record or oaure-to bs reporded in the offtos ofthe cmumty reccrder in which the notloo of delinquent arscesmont is recorded, a Ben relearp or notion of resoleslon end provide the owner of fhe separate Intartet with o declaretion that tha lien filing or. Teoording was in earor anda copy of the Hen selease or notice ofrescisxlon, .a a + 18.0 Foreclosure, ‘Judictal or Noa Iudioial foreclosure proceedings may not begin unt the amount of the delinquent adtosuments scoured by the Hen, sxchusivo of any aocslerated atrsaaments, late charges, fas and oos%s of collection, attorney's Sues, ox intecost, equals ar exceeds one thourand elght hundred doftere (81,806) cr the esseesmente are moro than 12 montis deling tent Prine to Initiating 2 foreclounrs for delinquent unstessanets, ths sxsoctation will offer the owner md, iso requested by the owner, shal pasttaipate in disguts teeoladion porsmant to the association's "Meet and Contec" program required lis Astiole $ (ocmmencing with Section 1363.810) of Chapter 4 of ‘Civil Codp or alternative dlapute resaladion with a neutral third patty pursoant to Article 2 (commencing with Geotian 1369510) of ‘Chapter 7 of Civil Cone. The deciston to pursus dispute reaolation or a particular type of alterontive dispute revolution shal] be the choice of tho owner, excops that binding arbitcation shall not to available if the arsoofation intends to initiate e judichl foreslaurs, A. ‘copy of the "Meot and Confer” Procedare is sttncbed to this collection poltoy as an ADDENDUM titled "Dispute Resolation, Mest And ‘Coniy, And ADR.” : 19.0 Deed in Lien of Foreclonre, : Nothing in this rection ar in ewbdtvislon (4) of Seatien 726 of the Code of Civil Procedure prohibits mctions against the owner of ‘aparate intecent ta recover aums for which « Hea te cuted oc prokibite am association frore, taking & deed in Deu of forecloeure, 20.0 Paymumt Flan Agreement, . An ownnr of e seperate intesest may subunit a written request to moet with tho Board of Dineotou to discuss a payment plan agreement to allow the owner to make pertodio partial payments on the entire balance of ths essesament ecooust in addition to antoanants chat will acerup during the payoneat plea period, The Asscclatom has a0 obligation to exter into such a papmont agresmens, If ths Assovintion accepts an agreement with the ownar it uhall bereasunable, as detennined by the Board in {ty acls dlaceetion, and ia ascordanes with the standards for payment plang, Sf emy exist, Tho payroant agrenment shall bo in writing nod will iatlude a provision that addlilcnal Tater fecp shall not acco during the payment plan porlod if the owner ig in compliance with the ters of tie payment plan, Interest and administrative oianges will aocras until the sovount is paid in fill. The agresment will also Loctuds a provision thet in the event of defanlt on the payrosnt plan, the Assovistion may resume its efforts to callect the deiaquent asswsments from the time prior to entering, {nto the payment pins. A Jion will bo recorded against the property to secure debt for the Association, The omner will be chatged for the additional collection foes end costs to adbninistar the psymant plan. Payment plan requests catsids of the Asiociation's payment plan standards will requite that che Borré meet with the ovmer in executive seston within 45 days ofthe postmark of the request, tfthe sequent ts mulled withhe 13 days of thn dato of the postmark of the 18.0 Notice of Intent to Record a Lien untees there is noregulurty achedaled board meeting within that porlod, fn which cave the board may designate a committee of one of more members to met With . 21.6 Validation of Debt, . ‘Unies on ovmer dispates tho vallulty of tho dcht, or any portion thaveof, within thirty (30) days after secelpt of fhe notice pursuant to 13,0 Notice of Intest to Record a Lien, the debt will bo assumed to be valid, Vulidation of the debt will be peovidedin writing, st no ‘ndaitlonsd cost to the owner and will include 1) an Stennived statement of the charges owed by the owner, Including items os the statement which indicats the amount of any delinquent asserpments, the feos and rensonsble coats of collection, sensonuble attomey"s ‘foes, any Into charges, and interest, if any 2) the Asmocietlon's name and 3) the Avsociation’» mailto address, 22.0 Disputes. ‘Federal Jaw states that initial disputes oan ba cither ons or ka waiting, State Ine requires disputes to bs in writing, It is therefore. rocammnonded that all dlapstes bo pot in waiting to avtld misunderstanding, An owast bes the right to diapute tho arvessmont debt by submitting a written requast for dizpnts resolution to the Association purswant. to the Arsoalstioa’s "Meet and Confec™ program required {n Article 5 (commenctag wth Seatlan 1363.10) of Chaprer 4 of the Civir Code, A copy af ths "Moot and Confse” Procedure is attached to this collection polley as en ADDENDUM tited “Dispuw Resolution, ‘Meet And Confer, And ADR." . . 25.0 Ovmor hus Right to Request Menting with Beard, An omnse bas ths right corequeat 4 meeting with the board. Ths board shall most with the ewer in executive seasion within 45 days of the postmark of the request, if the request is mailed within 15 days of the date of the postmark af the notice 18.0 Notice of Iatmt to Record 4 Lien, unless there is no regularly scheduled board mecting within that period, 10 which ome tho board may deslgante ‘comunitise of ans or more mexsbora tp rent with the owner, . ‘Date Adopted 1/8/2009 |. Date Adopted 1/8/2009 26.0 Ovnur has Right to Review Asportation Records, ‘Owner tars the right to reviowr fh Amnodiation record, oer to Beclon 1865.2 ofthe Civil Code ‘Oumar ahoald contact tho Association's mumaging agent foc the policles and proocdares ect Stuth to bument the records, 27. Rescation OF Asvesimen Dispute By AMerna(ive Digits Resolatten — Chr Code ‘Ssctlon 1366,3— Is repraled clfective Innvary 1, 2005, \ 28.0 Otter Rerondles, ‘ Tho Awodiin parvo to ho aa fey fuse peed Tew and th Aaron's gov oosmana collect earsrments and related coste end charges, including but not Ibnited to bringing an action fa Sranll Clatnts or Supsrior Coun, ‘Soh comedies may bs teken tn addition to, of in Hew of any netion elroatty taken, and commenemest of one remedy shall not prevent tp Association fram dlocting at x Intec date to pursus anothar remedy. 79.0 Address of the Assodation and the Board of Directore, Owners should respand in waiting or sake payments to the address as directed by the designated agent, For the purposs of OVERNIGHT PAYMENTS mail to-505 Beach Street, Suite 216 San Fransisco, CA 94193, Pur the parpore of ‘sond] tor 505 Bosh Street, Suite 210 San Francisco, CA 94185, These adtiresesa arp eubjeot ko change after the distribution of thie palioy, Notification ofa change will be Ja welting to the membeuahip through normal day-to-day cocrexpondance from the asenciation or ite managing agent. Ttis the wars’ ei pat onaycbabencta eee ‘30.0 Returned Payments. . ‘Payments retorosd for insufficient funds, clored account, stop payment or for eny other reason will be charged buck to the owners scoomat in addition to any edemulanradve fee, bank frp or collection foes and costs Incurred to Lendle the retuned payment, Personal checks will not be socepted ftero payments ars "Retumed” by the bank for eng rexson, ‘SLD Suffictenty of Notice, ‘Bxonpt for notioa that under California Lew most be sent by certified mail, notiog is auffiolent Wefthor hand delivered or malted firet land, postage prepeld, to the ownse ot dhe acidrais on the maniership seglatar at the tire of note, Nutlos le peemuened reoetved (3) thrve days after notice was mailed, 324 Owns's Change of Address. (Owner is required to notify the Assoclation of may ctumge ia ‘the owner's name or malling address, An owner may provide writtm notice ‘by facalnaile tranemalasion or United States mail to the Association of a SECONDARY ADDRESS, Ifa secondary address is provided, fhe Aen eae yt al ecerapnsone ane eel eens rqsred pum ts anicle to borb the primary and ' 35. Vold Providane, ' TFany provition of this Policy ia detareuinod to be mpl and void, ll other provisions of tho Polity shall remain te full force and efit,ADDENDUM TO ASSESSMENT COLLECTION POLICY = * DISPUTE RESOLUTION, MEET AND CONFER, AND ADB DISPUTE RESOLUTION, MEBT AND CONPERFROCEDURE CCE 30.30 ET ‘bs invoked {he Asacating ma Owe Eber yaty may male awe roqat WHO PARTICIPATES: When ¢ written seve fr Diges Bettie 3 wobet om omen Up Association stall ‘pastidpets, W dhe Amsoctafion makes a varition request for an ommertopartichyats, tks eunarmayelect uot tm participate, Bethe own detinee to the Astoelation: Alkemative Dito ee pcan mast. aly tin sare Pie (IF THE OWNBR PARTICIPATES, TESN THE MEST AND CONFER TAKES PLACE: A, Both pastioo dhell avet nod confer to wedlve the dispute with faty five (45) days of recelpt of the writen raquen by the: 1B, Tho meoting ehall take plore sromptly wba cortuelly convenkot tens end place, ask purty uliall sapluin their portion and shall confarin good fith to resolve the dlapote, G. Asadiotion ofthe dirs agrond to by the partics shall be mado in welting and dated and udgacd by dus pectise, Imclodingtbe ‘Bost dostpnes en betalf cf the Associaton. 2D, Ayrton deoision thall bo mads by the deiguated Boot Mambar und deliveced or received by the cwner within tan (10) days after tho moct end cones, 1s tts cunerpuriebeoy, tort douse dliputa is revolved other than by agrescamt of the quner, the owner dhs] have the vight to ‘gga to fas Asnoctatont APPEAL} + A Wihs owner he resctudon, wn appeal mat be taken to the Hoard of Directo withh tiny (30) days of chr date of the dackaton by the Boni saberter . . es ‘B. thew is an. the Board rmawt hear the Appeal at !e noxt rugnlrly scheduled meatug in execafive secaion, then {ess 9 ‘elton dsoliion ten GO) dye. MOCcOMmICN : A, Thoresciatinn nmetnot be in confit with thefawor ds governing dosomente, B, Thoageementmait be covstetent with the mulkority granted to ho Howd of Dixectorsor ths Bound mustrattty the agreement, ° Tho wrhn agrovorent, which ia dnted ent signed by the parties, will bind both partes md be jadielilly enfurrestlo, NO.ERE Notte wil be obarged tothe voner dadeg this process, EXGERIEING Reweenstle mrceptions obxy bomade to the timo deadlines, fa the diesreton oF tp Bosxd, Any wxoeptions will ‘Bomadson ecue byes basis, eee eet agape og nN met ee oon Unidation & termization of Ge diapwts WI) ‘takonn ore then ove hundred eighty (18@. : ADE- ALTERNATIPEDIEYUTEREBOLTIONCE §136).920 - [SUMDIARY] As of Jeuvnry 31,2086 1. Thea emcaliion cones orasataber of m emaciatin socks ten ’ f Deda re lots ai De 800 om, edn meieen jeeents concarlag te o ‘the goveentng doooments; the parties chal entmit thar dupat lo Alernstve Dispute Readiutinn (Al sara une Aten hits Con) gt pes ne : ‘Acsaiptin ba dots 3 Iie en epet amg benapoetsmpato mgmt ty) det Rat han yaa ehont the tate Restos to 0 ‘ks roast. on; whom a eq uta served. filondng strvice ta accept or neject the Ki rian Ronspar elisa: passd inegarindaowejaltviepaty = sree b ADR shall be vied within days from the dato of or it can be extended am eye aa cau ntnoly (90) dave raccepianes, or ft oan *EAILDER OFA MEMBER OFTHE ASSOCIATION ‘TOCOMPLY WIH THE ALTERNATIVES DISPUTS: 8 ACTION 1869.529 OF TAB CIVIL, CODE MAY RESULTIN THE LOSB OF YOUR RIGHT TO ove ‘THE ASSOCIATION OR MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION REGARDING ENFORCEMENT OF THE ‘GOVERNING DOCUMENTS OR THE APPLICABLE LAW,’, Required Nofice Regarding Assessments And Foreclosare Civil Code § 1365.1 - Effective January 1, 2006 NOTICE ASSESSMENTS AND FORECLOSURE This uotios ontlines some of tha rights and reaponslbilities of owners of ‘in common interest and the associations that manage then. Please refer to the sections of the Civil Code indicated for farther information, A portion of the information in this notice applics nly to Hens recorded on or after January 1, 2003, You may wish to consult a lawyer if you dispute an assessment, ASSESSMENTS AND FORECLOSURE Asscenments becoms dalinquent 15 days after they ate dus, mless the | governing documents provide for a longer fime, ‘The failure to puy aspocinion assessments Tay result in the loss of an owner's propecty and afer Januay 1, 2006, an essooiation may not axe judicial or nonjudfolal foreclosure to enforce that Hen #f the amount of the delinquent assessments of dues, exclusive of any accelerated nescamments, late charges, fees, attomey’s foes, intarest, and costs of collection, is lesp then ona thousand eight Inndred dollars ($1,800). For delinguent assesment of dose in excess of ons thousand eight hnndeed dollars ($1,800) or more than 12 months delinquent, an association may uso judicial or xomjudiclal foreciosurs excopt for costs to repair common arcas damaged by the govérning docaments provide for this. (Sections 1966 and 1367.1 of the Civil Code) ‘Tho association must comply with the requirements of Section 1367.1 of the Civil Code when collecting delinquent these requirements, it may not record 9 lien on the owner's property until it has satisfied ‘those requirements, Any additional costs that resnlt from satisfying the requirements are. ths responsibility of the association. (Section 1367.1 of the Civil Cods) At least 30 days prior to recording a Hen on an owner's Separate interest, the association must provide the owner of record with certain documents by cartified mail, including # description of its collection and lien enforcement proosdores and the method of calculating the amount, It must aleo provide an itemized statement of the charges owed by the owner. An ownor has 2 right to review the association's records to verify the debt. ‘(Gootion 1367.1 of the Civil Code) assessments, IF the association falls to follow .. Required Notice Regarding Assessments And Foreclosure Civil Code § 1365.1 - Effective Jannary 1,2006 Ifa liga is recorded agninat an owner's property in ezror, the person who recorded fhe Lien Ja requied to recon a Hien release within 21 days, end to provide a owner certain dpouments in this regard, (Section 1367.1 af the Civil Code) ‘The collection protives of the association may be governed by state and federal - byw fair debt collectian, Penalties can bo imposad for debt collection practices that these laws, PAYMENTS ‘Whe ah owner rakes a payment, he or she may requeat @ xeoaipt, and the ussoclation is required to provide it, On the zecsipt, the ussocistion must indicate the date of payment ‘and the parson who received it. ‘The sssotiation umat inform owners of a mailing address for ovemight payments. (Section 1367.1 of the Civil Code) An owner mzy, batis not obligated to, pay undce protest any disputed charge or foun Jovid by the sesocletan, Inelnding, but not med to, an assesment, fe, pect, late fee, collection onsts, ot monetary penalty imposed as adisciplinary mousure, end by to doing, specifically reaervo the rig wo onion the clsyuted charge or sum in ooutex An owner may dlapute an assessment debt by mbmitting a written request for dispute resolotion to the association as set fosth in Article $ (commencing with Section 1963.810) of Chapter 4 of Title 6 of Division 2 of ths cut Cote In aildition, an association may not inidae a foreclosure elthont participeing in sitemative disputs esolution with a nevtrel third party as act forth in Article 2 (oormmencing with Section 1369.510) of Chapter 7 of Title 6 of Division 2 of the Civil Cods, if 80 requested by ths owner, Binding arbilretion shall not be available if the ‘ssociation intends to initiate a Jodiciz} foreclose. An ovmer is not Jisble for charges, intorcat, and costs of collection, if it is established thet the agsssement was paid properly on time. (Section 1367,1 of the Civil Cote) MEETINGS AND PAYMENT PLANS An qwner of a separate interest thet is not a timeshare may request the essociation to consider 2 payment plan to satisfy a delinquent assessment, twst inform owners of the standards for paymout plans, if any exist, (Sects 1367.1 of the Civit Cods) ‘Tho board of directors must meet with an owner who malces a proper written request for a mesting to discuss a payment plan when the owner hes received a notice of ‘a delingnent assessment. These payment plang must oonfom with the payment plan standards of the association, if they exist. (Section 1367.1 of the Civil Code)cx Bi | EXHIBIT Bs *TRAVORSOPRQLEDTSOOLERTORCOVERETTC RATES 1 Baa Regnaisan,C& Peomaisat-Fent. DicED 2006840718 Paya A of 88 cay : ete Comet"pa ewth demece, Wf Declarant hae net ‘Talscommuntoations Easements inthe + Projecto another Person before ths last Close of rovinthe pen Declarant, the Project, grants Price Ezsamenis to the Assocleion effective 26 of the leet Cisee of Encrowin the ei ARTICLE 1 ASSOCIATION, ADMINISTRATION, MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS + S41, Association toManage Common Areas: The manayementof the Common Ares shall ba vepted In the Association In accordance with tis Bylawe. Ths Owners of ell the ‘Condominluns oovanant and agree that the administration of fre Project shallbe in adcordance with the provaions of thle Declaradon, and the Arties and Byfawa, 32. Wembership: Ths Ownerofe Condominium sballautomedcally, upon becoming the Owner ofthe Condominium, be a Meribet of fhe Aanocistim, and hall eracin’e denier ‘the Ansotlation until such time asthe ounerahip Sexees foray reason, st whichtima the mambership Kite Anveration ha automatically cease, Mrmteru val be held In accordance with te 33, isdjee or Monae Hey Mankreh ne Pascal che Saran, paBsED und - hte a fo te Condorsofum ctmrayrgnts efron On eo cfatane, $4, Membership and Voting Rights: Membership and voting ights whallbe as set ith ___ Inthe Bylaws, ARTICLE IV ASSESSMENTS AND LIENS 44, Sreation ofthe Lion and Peracnal Obfigatior of Assesomonis: The Declarant, foreach Condomhtum within the Project, hereby covenants, and each Owner af ny Condamiiim by accsptunce of a dead for that Condominium, whether or not it shall bs so expressed in such deed, covenants and agress; ' pay Regular Assessments, Coat Center Assearmants, Spesial Asseasmants and pembureg 2 Bay Regular Aseeasrerts, Cot Center Panaeamasie, Special ay (io: toallowthe Association pe meee Declaration by honfudisial proceedings under @ power of sale or by any other means authorized byin tile untae: bythem, No hall be exempt from liability for payment of Assesemarta by walvsr of the use or caine Hay othe Coumton renee bye tharcaneot ef ta Oars Conti, “Tho Interest of any Owner In the amounts pald pursuant to any Assessment upon the wale pe pe atonlteon near ey * transtor of cunarship ahall pass tothe new Owner; Upon the termin remaing tee auch Agsoesmarta afer paying amounts feason, any amounts from the collection charged against such Assessments shal! bs detbuted to the than onthe serie pro rata desis on which the Asnouuments were collected, . 42, Purpore of Assessmentie: Tha Asveosments levied! by the Adsoctaton ehell be used exclusively to promote the economic inisresia, ranreation, hash, safety, enswellars ofall the Gane and citer alfenfe In Bre Project and to enable the Astociation to perform bs ebligationa hereunder. : 43, Assesements: . A, — Regulay Agueesmonts: The Board shall establish and levy Reguiar ‘Axseesments in an amount that (he Board estimates wil be sufficient to raise the funds needed ta perform the duties of fie Association during each flacal year, -Assosements shall ba mada {oc ans year peiod are coed only incline ‘The: Asapsemantshall inode portion for Reserves in such smounta as the Board in is discretion considers appropriate to mest the costs of the future repair, replacement or additions to the Major Components that the « Assoctation Is obligated fo maintain and repair, Reserve funds shall be deposited In n separate account end the signatures of at east tivo {2) persone who shall ollherbe members ofthe Board or one officer wito Is not a member of the Board and a member of the Bpard ehall be required to withdraw monies from the reserve account, B, Cost Canter Assessments: The Board may a Cost Center Aspassmerit for Common Expenses, including and reserve funds, bu oraviocatsd excuslvely to ety particular Cost Center. Da of Annexation or Supplemental. Dodlaration covering a Phase or Units to be Included within a Cost Center shall: proposed, (2) Wonity Units, the Owmera ofwhich are entile to une the facies of ha Gost Center end/or whinh are obligated to bear the exctuaive or dl share ofthe costof operation, maintananos and repiacament of the Coat Center facility; Department of Real Eetats. Thereafter, aw Coat psement commence with fo ech Phasa, the Assessments shell In acoordante with the budgets approved by the Board from time to tims, and au! to the ifmttations imposed by the mandimum range of COVEIDEOWORDER FFM EVRNIOOS (4) (dentiy the Cost Center, # exdsting, or dexotibe the Cost Canter, If* ghall ba a Cost Centar. The Decierant and any Owndre who have been Cout Center for of ary Inthe: Patina Spaces The partons eh inlet general maintenance end repair ofthe Parking mu arf whi Pa abate oberon oom stmt zane om ine Deck Set ae keen Pratng Soe te garage yt ost mr Pern Spec nw the garage, ‘There shall bo a ye] cost canter foreach bulding inthe for” te costed epee in the Bullding, ang. Pret Speotal Assessments: The Boer, at any time, levy a Special Assoesmontin ontario ate und fora tad rotten cos, ‘coats, I lend operating ot Reverve funds, or such ctharpurpuves es the Board hn is eorisiders fa, ale, Gpedial Assepaments shell be elioanted among the Unite in the eame manner es Regular 44 Restrictions on Increases fri Regular Assassmonts orSnucial Asszesmenist “B. — Assesements~ Emorgensy Situations. Notwihsianding nec, soar ‘without memibr {noreses r Assavemante or had Agsacements heen on TO ee heaton ite that excesd the provisions of ie section 4.4.A, above, For purposes of thie section, an emarency situation fs one of the foliowhrig: (1) an extraordinary expense required byen omer of a court,” eri exdrot expense nscsstary torepelr ormatnidinths Projentoranypert - efit tor ution te aneocion'n feponaia where a feet f persona sofa on the Projact fe diecaverad, or ‘an extraordinary experes 101 ‘mainialn the Project or any part sitet crac riamtenaems ae aes theimpostion or collaction Se rae arr the Hoard ata ronenalon cant ing tian TEP RINSIP RO FEETEICAMDLABTICN COVEDEGHORDIT A? CEL RENE DOD | |trie soe recon of te eeraorany expanse noted and why he expente wes nl ot could not have basn reasonably foreseen In the budgetin, and the resolution, shall be dieifbuted to the Members with the notice WeAseesoman, ‘The Andociation shell provid the Cera wit notios by fie-case mall of any inoresse inthe Regular Ascessmenis or Gpepiat Assessments of fe Aszociation, notless than! nOrMOre trashy (20) day por foiled Aaseasmant becom aLe. nia GO) €. —_ Notios and Quorum for Any Action Authorized UnderSectlon44: Any “sen wee mg a shall be faken at a’ Herne not eaten hat ehrornee Monsey bo} dare tnedon lormaitadtoal te Bah ey a ar of i ay wie pend tng he nae oe 9 place, day ant 2 an cage of a nature busineas to be undertaken, ‘The aston sire be taken % meeting purswent to the provisions of Califtmta Corporadions Code § 48, Division of Ascossments; Both Regular Assessments and! ‘reesrves, and any commonly metered domentic water, tillocated teme shak bo lavicd eta ceannomemncm Declaration Cost levied . ofthat Cost Centes, Cost Center Assessments shall be allocated amang the ovinera requirements: OF Unie within the Cost Centaras provided In this Declaration or in a Declaration of Annexation or Supplemantal Declaration, 48. Collection of Avsesemants; Reguler Assexaments shall be colectad ona ‘basis unless the Board directs otherwise, Spacial Assessments may be osllactad in one or ‘28 the Board shal direct, Gost Center Assavemarts msy be collected in ona 1) paymant or ports fa the Board shall direct, . of Regular Assessment Dus Datos: The Regular Anemia is (acing 3 were la, Cost Center Assessments) led for in this shal comranceas ta d ‘Condominiums in the Phase 1 on the ‘day of the month [and Cost Centar Assesment] may be reduced or sbated pursuant to a management agreement ‘entered Into between Declarantand Association. APIO GET NGRNDLETIDK COVBDESWORE PRAT ORERBVESNEOD2, oatgneted presentative tft Asooclatin etaling tetthe Asseasreria oncapactfod Gecierae etioeh paul. Such . 48. EffactofNonpaymmant of Assesamonts: Any Assesment not paid within Mean. (16) days after the dus data shall be delinquent, shall bear Interest st tho rals of tyeive psruent 12%) par annum oammancing {hily (30) days after the due date until patd, and shall incur a late paymant penalty in an amount {> be vat by the Board from thine te fina, not to exceed the maximum permitted by applicable law. jehiding eftomeys’ fess, connsotlon ‘88 to payments whioh became de prior to suich see oF trenafer for Aanesmrat Lv af vieeote of Dengan epee hanes ore Eligible mprtaing fifty-one percent (6198) ef the Condominiurrss dublect to Pliet Wo eal or transfer asl patevo eeeh Goncominun ability erie theouter forth in the statement, provided, howsver, the grantea shall he Juble for any Assessments thet become due ater the date of the transfer, 8 : : “ 4.40. Priortiies; Enforcement; Ramedies: ian Owner falls to pay en Aesessmentwhan dye, ths Aggociation has the right, and opiion, to bring legal ection against the Owner to enforce coltgction of the unpald and past dud Assesémont, of may Impose an Assepement Lien on the Unit owned by Owner pursuant to the provisions Gf Ghill Code $ 1387.7. Suit to revover a money ‘unpald, lawithout: losing tebxiviian (B) of Obi Cots § 1386.1 entitled “Notice Assessments end Foreciogure” to each Member duting the er eae ceed he Becindng of the Aseoetations fica year. The notice Ia 4o be printed {n at least 12-po!A. Statomentof Charyas, Attsast 20 tothe Assoolattonrecordingen * Asvesement Lisn upon a oot ra etnarageates ta nly tie A generat description ofthe collection and len enforcement procedures of te Amoi dente ean oe taned aa a aby te pie punta Seca gt Tr YOUR SEPARATE Behe PLACED IN FORECLOSURE SUPORTANT TANT NOTWCE: IF Fecsuee YOUARE BEHIND INYOUR ASSESSMENTS, iT May BE SOLD WITHOUT COURT Remized statement ofthe cha corey he Owner inctang tame on the statment whioh wtih indioain the snout of ty erat the fees "reasonable coals of collaction, reasonable atomey'sfass, any lala charges, and aes any (Aetna Pa Orr sal rebel a pa ho cs ae and costs of collection, fit is determined easement was pald on time to the Association. tightto raqueste mesting with the Board ed by paraggaph 3 foc oes . stot ss provod by, . resolution 66 Ohedeconien pumventiote heer mio eer ca , rsuant to Article 2 (commenting with Section 1389.510) ChoparT ofthe cil Govobetsese Avorn forecioaure Se ae ead terre eo RcHTeon shat a Payment Pian, An Qwner may submit a written request to meet with the Board te dlsousa & payment plan forthe Jhemoenmrt debt noted purwuanti seston 4, 10,4. The Association shell provide the Ownera the standards for; lees, any ent, The Board shai Ceca raid ion (8) mieten mn otto quae racuestlamalled within fiteon postmal matcetionotoe unless there|s nO teguisrly sheduled Board mr Inwhich case bie Board may designate a Ittee af members io with the Quner, Payment, Incorporate at caer aero ier arth rot lnpsde the ‘TAP URDOPROMIGTSOANOLESTIOR ex COMMER FE AEHBNdmaten iret td he eget mana Hom tha fe pr fo bentaring Into the payment pian. + * Dy Notice of Delinquent Asseuamont, The ‘decision to record a Notice of Delinquent Assessment imposing an Asasesment Lian for dell Assesemente ahellbs made only by the Board and m not be, deagated to an pent of Association The Board shal Golaquent Aesessmonts by @ Tyanwonceuecfne tees members a eon ‘The Board shail record she vols in the minutes of that méating, After compliance with the provisions of Civ Bode § 1307; (0), Ere Association may record a of DalingquentAssesementandactablsh an sessment Lian against te Condominium of the dellxquent Owner priot and suparior to all other breed ute Noe of Beater teen, oon batonae bord, sasogartents and other leviea whlah, by aw, would he supsrlortharelo, and oF change Ftrgeoct mer cnet wire Nats Dolan assert ‘The Newer state tha amount ¢f the Assessment, Coletoncocts atomaye ooo, ite Churen an Iireet a dosuton off Gotcoeedie ee at athe re kaa foe te Io resolution pursuant fo the Aesoclation’s "meat and orion, a Sra rae Coda or with a neutral third party pursuant to Article 2 | ‘with Section 1389,510) of Chapter 7 ofthe Civil Code, The decision to pursue dlapule resolution oF a particular type of atemative utp reeolition shall bate choloe offre Owner, except thattindng atbitration shell not be available if the Association Intends to Inilate a Judicial foreciosure, ‘Thirty sale Aztevamant, or aale by a tustes eubatietsd Pursuant to Galfomis Civi Code § 2934{a). The decision to intlate Foradiosure of an Aesesement Lon for delinquent Assess! roars thet hae been talon Te Bors hl oro eon to Fades eo ofthe ‘association, The Board shell 18 dadision fo: 0 Foredobe by @ maorty vole ‘the Board mambots in ar exooutive resean. T ‘The Board shell record the vote in the minutes of the next mesting of the Board open to ail members, The Board shall maiain the confide! ‘of the Owner or Owner of fe Unite by identifying the ttle In Gye nutes bythe Unit number 0 she propery, sather than the name of the Owner or Owners, A Board vote Foraciosure of Assussment Lisn shail take puss shall ba conducted In actordance with the provisions of §8 2024, 2024, 20240, 2824F, ait, + 202M) and Calltarnla Civ of sais InPagusr F, —_-Limitatlonson Foreciosure: The colction bythe Association of in ju Ansessments of an arn ‘one trolsand Id abr 209, dg on ae jate chi feesand lerated Asessemonts, argee, crcl acon, sitomoys foes, rte may no