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  • Cresco Labs New York, Llc, a New York limited liability company, Cresco Labs Llc, An Illinois Limited Liability Company v. Fiorello Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a New York corporation, Eric Sirota, Susan Yoss, John Does 1 - 10 Commercial Division document preview
  • Cresco Labs New York, Llc, a New York limited liability company, Cresco Labs Llc, An Illinois Limited Liability Company v. Fiorello Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a New York corporation, Eric Sirota, Susan Yoss, John Does 1 - 10 Commercial Division document preview
  • Cresco Labs New York, Llc, a New York limited liability company, Cresco Labs Llc, An Illinois Limited Liability Company v. Fiorello Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a New York corporation, Eric Sirota, Susan Yoss, John Does 1 - 10 Commercial Division document preview
  • Cresco Labs New York, Llc, a New York limited liability company, Cresco Labs Llc, An Illinois Limited Liability Company v. Fiorello Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a New York corporation, Eric Sirota, Susan Yoss, John Does 1 - 10 Commercial Division document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/20/2022 01:35 PM INDEX NO. 652343/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 647 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/20/2022 Exhibit CC March 6, 2018 Email From Fiorello Responding To Liberty, Inter Alia, That The Board Cannot Entertain The Offer Until March 30th Index No. 652343/2018 Motion Seq. No. 12 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/20/2022 01:35 PM INDEX NO. 652343/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 647 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/20/2022 From: Eric Sirota Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2018 11:34 AM To: George Scorsis Cc: Susan Yoss Subject: Ro: Liberty Health Sciences LOI To Fiorello Board of Directors George, Just want to confirm that we have received the LOI that you sent to the Fiorello Board on March 3rd. Given our fiduciary responsibilities to the shareholders of Fiorello, we have reviewed the LOI with our Board. However, based on the current terms of the LOI, the Board is unable to entertain the current offer until at least March 30th. Regards, Eric Eric Sirota Co-CEO Fiorello Pharmaceuticals 12 East 49th Street -11th Floor New York, NY 10017 917-880-7695 On Mar 3, 2018, at 5:07 PM, George Scorsis wrote: Dear Board of Directors, I would like tointroduce myself and Liberty Health Sciences to the Board of Directors. LHS is publicly traded on the Canadian Stock Exchange (CSE) and has operations in Florida, with the interest to expand into New York State. Our largest shareholder is Aphria Inc and we focus on medical markets such as New York State. The purpose of this email isthat Liberty Health Sciences isinterested in the 100% acquisition of Fiorello Pharmaceuticals. I have attached an LOI outlining the terms for consideration. Please advise of receipt of the LOI, and ifyou have any further questions, I am available for a discussion or further dialogue Thank You in advance and I look forward to hearing from you. George Scorsis Exhibit 13 CEO Witness: RENEGULLIVER M:416.721.9220 :-9/24/DNOAMANCILLAS LHS.CN NE j 1 CONFIDENTIAL DO13140