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  • Cresco Labs New York, Llc, a New York limited liability company, Cresco Labs Llc, An Illinois Limited Liability Company v. Fiorello Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a New York corporation, Eric Sirota, Susan Yoss, John Does 1 - 10 Commercial Division document preview
  • Cresco Labs New York, Llc, a New York limited liability company, Cresco Labs Llc, An Illinois Limited Liability Company v. Fiorello Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a New York corporation, Eric Sirota, Susan Yoss, John Does 1 - 10 Commercial Division document preview
  • Cresco Labs New York, Llc, a New York limited liability company, Cresco Labs Llc, An Illinois Limited Liability Company v. Fiorello Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a New York corporation, Eric Sirota, Susan Yoss, John Does 1 - 10 Commercial Division document preview
  • Cresco Labs New York, Llc, a New York limited liability company, Cresco Labs Llc, An Illinois Limited Liability Company v. Fiorello Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a New York corporation, Eric Sirota, Susan Yoss, John Does 1 - 10 Commercial Division document preview
  • Cresco Labs New York, Llc, a New York limited liability company, Cresco Labs Llc, An Illinois Limited Liability Company v. Fiorello Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a New York corporation, Eric Sirota, Susan Yoss, John Does 1 - 10 Commercial Division document preview
  • Cresco Labs New York, Llc, a New York limited liability company, Cresco Labs Llc, An Illinois Limited Liability Company v. Fiorello Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a New York corporation, Eric Sirota, Susan Yoss, John Does 1 - 10 Commercial Division document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/05/2019 04:38 PM INDEX NO. 652343/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 124 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/05/2019 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF New York -----------------------------------------------------x Cresco Labs New York, LLC, et al Index No. 652343/2018 Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s), - against - Fiorello Pharmaceuticals, Inc., et al Defendant(s)/Respondent(s). ------------------------------------------------------x NOTICE TO COUNTY CLERK - CPLR § 8019(c) order dated June 4, 2019 , andentered on June 4, 2019 , theCourt directed By the County Clerk to make an entry on the docket of thismatter. As required by CPLR § 8019 (c),notice of the order ishereby given to the County Clerk with the request that the County Clerk make such entry. June 2019 Stephen L. Ascher Dated: 5, (Name) Jenner & Block LLP (Firm) 919 Third Avenue (Address) New York, NY 10022 212-891-1670 (Phone) 212-891-1699 (Fax) (E-Mail) Plaintiffs Attorney(s) for [THE ORDER MUST ACCOMPANY THIS NOTICE AS A SINGLE PDF] 3/19/12 1 of 3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/05/2019 04:38 PM INDEX NO. 652343/2018 [FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0 6 / 04 /2019 10 : 25 AM) NYSCEF DOC. NO. 124 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/05/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 123 REC SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK CRESCO LABS NEW YORK, LLC, a New York limited liability company, and CRESCO Index No. 652343/201 LABS LLC, an Illinois limited liability company, Hon. Andrew Borro Plaintiffs, O FIORELLO PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., ERIC SIROTA, an individual, SUSAN YOSS, an individual, and JOHN DOES 1-10, Defendants. This Court having found that good cause does not exist to seal the entire reco and this Court having ordered that the record be unsealed subject to any appropriate and the parties having submitted proposed redactions, and the New York County Department having stated that this Court should issue an order directing the cle specific documents should be returned for correction or maintained as sealed, and th parties' reviewed and found good cause for the proposed redactions, it is now theref ORDERED that NYSCEF document numbers 8, 9, 22, 23, 31, 34, 40, 41, 74, 75, 87, 96, and 98 shall be returned for correction so that the parties can make 2 of 3 FILED: NEW NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/05/2019 04:38 PM INDEX NO. 652343/2018 FILED: YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/04/2019 10:25 AM| NYSCEF DOC. NO. 124 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/05/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 123 REC 3 of 3