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  • Law Office Of J Bacher, Pllc v. Lawrence B. Saftler, D/B/A Law Office Of Lawrence B. Saftler Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Law Office Of J Bacher, Pllc v. Lawrence B. Saftler, D/B/A Law Office Of Lawrence B. Saftler Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Law Office Of J Bacher, Pllc v. Lawrence B. Saftler, D/B/A Law Office Of Lawrence B. Saftler Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Law Office Of J Bacher, Pllc v. Lawrence B. Saftler, D/B/A Law Office Of Lawrence B. Saftler Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/24/2020 03:38 PM INDEX NO. 654334/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 128 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/24/2020 EXHIBIT F FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/24/2020 03:38 PM INDEX NO. 654334/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 128 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/24/2020 STEVEN A. MEISNER ATTORNEY AT LAW 100 RING ROAD WEST SUITE 202 GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK 11530 (516) 747-4437 TELEFAX (516) 248-8155 sERVICE BY FAX NOT ACCEPTED October 8, 2020 By Overnight mail Nancy Ledy-Gurren, Esq. Ledy-Gurren, Bass & Siff, LLP 475 Park Avenue South New York, New York 10016 Re: Saftler & Bacher, PLLC, Dissolution Dear Ms. Ledy-Gurren Enclosed please find a check payable to James Bacher in the sum of $ 74,688.27 "Arias" representing his share of the legal fees recovered on the matter and a check in the sum of "Arias" the sum of $11,611.85 representing his share of the expenses recovered on the matter eply y rs, SAM/abm cc: L. Saftler, Esq. STEVEN A. MEISNER p.s. . I have attached the two cents to this correspondence. • •