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  • Law Office Of J Bacher, Pllc v. Lawrence B. Saftler, D/B/A Law Office Of Lawrence B. Saftler Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Law Office Of J Bacher, Pllc v. Lawrence B. Saftler, D/B/A Law Office Of Lawrence B. Saftler Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Law Office Of J Bacher, Pllc v. Lawrence B. Saftler, D/B/A Law Office Of Lawrence B. Saftler Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Law Office Of J Bacher, Pllc v. Lawrence B. Saftler, D/B/A Law Office Of Lawrence B. Saftler Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Law Office Of J Bacher, Pllc v. Lawrence B. Saftler, D/B/A Law Office Of Lawrence B. Saftler Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Law Office Of J Bacher, Pllc v. Lawrence B. Saftler, D/B/A Law Office Of Lawrence B. Saftler Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Law Office Of J Bacher, Pllc v. Lawrence B. Saftler, D/B/A Law Office Of Lawrence B. Saftler Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Law Office Of J Bacher, Pllc v. Lawrence B. Saftler, D/B/A Law Office Of Lawrence B. Saftler Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/07/2019 03:24 PM INDEX NO. 654334/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 36 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/07/2019 EXHIBIT A FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/07/2019 03:24 PM INDEX NO. 654334/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 36 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/07/2019 OPERATING AGREEMENT 25'1' THIS OPERATING AGREEMENT (the "ARicemcat") is made this day of November, 2014, by and among the Members listed herein, and listed on Exhibit A attached hereto. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties desire to form a professional services limited liability carspany known as Saftler & Bacher, PLLC (the "Company") pursuañt to the New York Limited Liability Company Law; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to establish their respective rights and obligations pürsüant to the New York Limited Liability Company Law in connection with forming the Company. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I Definitions 1,1 Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following terms shallhave the meanings set forth below: Contribution" "Capital shall mean any contribution by a Member to the capital of the Company in cash, property or a promissory note or other binding obligation, Partner" "MâñâEiñE shallmean the Managing Partner and natural person known as Lawreñce B. Saftler, who shall manage the Company inacccidance with the terms of this Agreement. "Partners" (e) shall mean the Partners to this agoomom, who are Lawrence B. Settler and James W. Bacher. "Distribution" shall mean any cash and other property paid to a Member by Saftler & Bacher, PLLC from Net Cash Available for Distributions (as hereinafter defined), Year" "Fiscal shall mean the fiscal year of Saftler & Bacher, PLLC, which shall be the year ending December 31, "Member" (D shall mean each Person who executes and delivers a counterpart of this Agreement as a member of Saftler & Bacher, PLLC and each Person who may hereafter become a party to this Agreement. "Code" (g) shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any superseding federal revenue statute. "Company" (hl shall mean Saftler & Bacher, PLLC. Interest" fj} "Membership shallmean with respect to any Member such Member's aggregate rights in Saftler & Bacher, PLLC, including, without limitation, such Member's right to receive Distributions, have Net Profits (as hereinafter defined) and Net Losses (as hereinafter defined) allocated to such Member, and the right to vote. Distributions" "Net Cash Available for shall mean (i)that amount of cash which is available forDistribution from operations of Saftler & Bacher, PLLC; less FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/07/2019 03:24 PM INDEX NO. 654334/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 36 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/07/2019 (ii)reserves as established by Lawrence B. Saftier and James W. Bacher in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. "Person" (k) shall mean any naturalperson, corporation, governmental authority, limited liabilitycompany, partnership, trust, estate,joint venture, unincorporated association or other individual or entity. Losses" (1) "Net shallmean the net losses of Saftler & Bacher, PLLC, if any, determined in accordance with generally accepted principles. Profits" (m) "Net shall mean the net income of Saftler & Bacher, PLLC, if any, determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Act" in) "New York shall mean the New York Limited Liability Company Law. (a) Lawrence B. Saltier, whose residence address is20 Tintern Lane, Searsdale, NY 10583, is a member as further defined herein. 65* (I)) James W. Bacher, whose residence address is412 East Street, Apt IA, New York, NY 10065, is a member as further defined herein. ARTICLE II Organization 2.1 Fonnation. One (1) or more Persons has acted as an organizer or organizers to form Saltier & Bacher, PLLC by preparing, executing and filing with the New York Secretary of State the Articles. of Organivanon pursuant to the New York Act. 2:2 Name. The name of the Company is Saftler & Bacher, PLLC. 2.3 Duration. The duration of Saltier & Bacher, PLLC shallbe perpetual; provided, however, that Saltier & Bacher, PLLC.may be dissolved sooner pursuant to this Agreement or the New York Act. 2.4 Purposes. The purpose for which Saftler & Bacher, PLLC isformed isto provide professional legal services. 2.5 Place of Business. The partnership shall be located at 275 Madison Ave., Suite 1605, New York, NY 10016 and remain there until the end ofthe lease,which is set to expire on April 30, 2017, subject to renewal. Itis agreed that Ben Saftler of Capstone firms' Realty shall be the law real estate agent for the purpose of acquiring new space, or renewing thd current lease, atthe end of the lease. To the extent that Ben Saltier is no longer employed at. Capstone Realty atthe conclusion of the current lease, the members will agree upon who to retain for the purpose of acquiring new space or rcñewing the current lease, 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/07/2019 03:24 PM INDEX NO. 654334/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 36 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/07/2019 ARTICLE III Members 3.01 Names; Addresses: Units. The name and address of each Member, as well as the perceñtage of partnership issued to such Member, are as setforth herein and included in this Agrccment, as may be amended from time to time in connection with the transfers of Membership Interests and the admission of new Members in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 3.02 Additional Members. No person shall be admitted as a Partner of the Partnership except with the written consent of allPartners who shall determine the terms and conditions upon which such admission isto be effective. 3.03 Disqualification of Members, Managin g Partners and Employees. Ifany Member, Managing Partner or employee of the Company who has been rendering professional service to the public becomes legally disqualified to practice his, her or its profession within New York State, he, she or itshall sever allemployment with and financial interests (other than interests as a creditor or vested rights under a bona fide retiremeñt program) in the Company forthwith or as otherwise provided in thisAgreement. Such legal disqualification to practice such profession within New York State shall be deemed to constitute an irrevocable offer by the disqualified Member to sellhis, her or its Membership Interest to the Company, pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 3.04 Dissolution of Members. The partnership may be dissolved by the partners at such time and under such condition as eitherpartner desires at will, but subject to the terms of thisagreement. If a partner wants to dissolve the partnership agreement, such may be accomplished by written notice of the party intending the dissolution allowing not less than 90 days to dissolve and distribute such filesand funds as necessary toterminate the partnership. Any monies to which the other isentitled pursuant to this agreement must be paid prior to the termination of this agreement. Monies will be owed on cases that are marked settled and waiting for settlement checks, or other legal fees owed to the firm. All cases revelt to the partner who brought said case into the partnership upon dissolution. Those cases brought into the partnership where origination is unknown or in dispute will be resolved by agreement between the partners and where agreement cannot be reached, resolved by arbitration, to be decided by the partners. Regardless of time of year, no partner shallhave entitlement to any percentage of fees for files afterdissolution, unless as set forth herein. Whatever work was performed on a fileprior to dissolution will inure to the fileand the partner who isentitled to retain it,regardless of any and allwork performed prior thereto, At the time of execution of this agreement, Schedule A attached hereto identifiesthose files in the firm at the inception of the partnership, to be revised yearly, and who would retain said fileifthe firm dissolves. Any bank loan outstanding must be reconciled by the partnership prior to dissolution tothe extent of said partner percentage at the time of dissolution. Any debt, open bill or liabilitymust be paid and/or resolved prior to dissolution or be carried over untilsuch debt isresolved. The partner remains responsible for his share notwithstanding dissolution. All prior debt is carried 3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/07/2019 03:24 PM INDEX NO. 654334/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 36 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/07/2019 over to the extent of the profit sharing percentage at the time of dissolution, not the inception of the debt. All matters that are assigned to whatever partner brought in said matter shallbe entitled to said fileat dissolution regardless of who works on said file.If said fileremains in the hands of a non-vesting partner, the partner who brought in said case shall be entitled to 113 of the legal fee atthe conclusion of said legal matter. 3.05 Death of Members. The death of a partner shall vest such income to the estate of the partner deceased to the point of his death with the profits vested to be forwarded to his estate untilallmatters brought in by said partner are resolved. All cases that come in shall be assigned a partner who brought said matter in and thereby vest for the purpose of this clause to the partner who brought itin and forthe purposes of dissolution. Upon death, the estate of the attorney isentitled to 1/3 of the fee assigned to thatcase upon completion of the case. 3.06 Illness of Members. Itis understood that ifa partner becomes illor disabled to the extent of being unable to perform his duties for a period of 6 months during the partnership, the remaining partner shall carryon allduties of the firm to the extent he is able. To the extent that he is unable to handle such function, the remaining party may hire such other legal help as isnecessary and charge the cost to the partnership. If the ill partner remains disabled for greater than one month, the cost of legal help incurred to replace him may be charged against the profits attributable to the illpartner, 3.07 Information..Eaeh Member may inspect during ordinary business hours and atthe principal place of business of the Company the Articles of Organization, this Agreement, any amendments to thisAgreement, the minutes of any meeting ofthe Members, and tax returns of the Compañy for the immediately preceding three (3) Fiscal Years. 3.08 Limitation of Liability. Each Member's shall liability be limited as set forth in thisAgreement, the New York Act and other applicable law. Except as otherwise provided herein, a Member shall not be personally liable forany indebtedness, liabilityor obligation of the Company. 3.09 Liability o f Members. To the fullestextent now. or hereafter permitted under the New York Act or other applicable law, no Member shall be liable to the Company or any other Member for damages for any breach of duty by such Member in his/her/its capacity as such. To. the fullest extent now or hereafter permitted under the New York Act or other applicable law, no Member shall be liable for any of the debts, obligations or liabilitiesof the Company, 3.10 Indemnification. The Company shall indemnify and hold harmless, and advance expenses to, each Member (in his/her/itscapacity as a Member) from and against, and in conñêction with, allclaims and demends whatsoever to the maximum extent now or hereafter permitted under the New York Act or other applicable law. 4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/07/2019 03:24 PM INDEX NO. 654334/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 36 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/07/2019 3.11 Obli ations to the Com an . Except as otherwise permitted by the Company, each Member shall devote his/her/itsbest efforts and. substantially aH of his/her/ifs professional time to serving the Company and itsclients and customers, ARTICLE IV Management 4. i M~tana ament. M -a—,—,.entof the Company shall be vested in the (" Saltier" Managing Partner Lawrence B. ).Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Managing Panner shall direct, manage and control the business of the Company. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Managing Pat tnei shaH have fulland complete authority, power and discretion to manage and control the business, affairs and properties of the Company, to make all decisions regarding such matters and toperform any and allother acts or activities customary or incident to the management of the Company's business, All costs and expenses of the partnership shall be borne by both partners tothe extent of his partnership interest,including rent, health insurance, liabilityinsurance and other coverage pertinent and necessary for carrying on the costs of the business, court costs, fees and expenses of cases, including experts, file expenses, depositions and other pertinent costs attendant to the law practice. To the extent that there are no profits at such times, the partners shaH contribute such cash as is necessary to maintain the partnership business and shallbe responsible at the end ofthe term year to satisfy allobligations to the extent of their partnership interest atthe same rate as theirpartnership interest at the time funds are needed. Saltier will have sole discretion as to when funds will be needed for the purpose of carrying on the business and can eitheraccess the credit line or call on each partner 4.2 Tenure and uglification of Mana in Partner. The Managing Partner may be changed from time to time by consent of allMembers. Lawrence B. Seller will serve as the Managing Partner for the duration of thisagreement, unless by amendment agreed to by all Members, 4.3 Powers of Mana in Partner. Without limiting the generality of Section 4.1 and subject to the provisions stated herein, the Mansaging Partner shaH have fullright, power and authority, on behalf of the Company to: (a) open bank accounts and otherwise invest the funds and assets of the Company; (b) purchase insurance on the outst»~~s and assets of the Coitnpat.y (at allthnes the Cosmtp~.y shall have malpractice coverage of at proceedings„' least$1,000,000.00); (0) commence lawsuits and other (d) execute and deliver any agreement, contract, dont!men<, instrument or other writing; (e) retain accountants, attorneys or other agents and advisors; (f) to adveitise or othset~ise promote the business activitiesof the Company through media and advertising (allmedia and advertising of any nature shall take place only upon mutual agreement by both parties to thisAgreement); and (g) take any other lawful action thatthe Managing Partner considers necessary, convenient or advisable in connection with any business of the Company. 5 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/07/2019 03:24 PM INDEX NO. 654334/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 36 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/07/2019 4.4 Employees. All decisions regarding employees at the Company, including hiring, firing,and allCompany related employment decisions will be made by both Partners. 4.5 Binding Authority, Unless otherwise expressly authorized to do so by this Agreement or in writing by allMembers, no Member, other than the Managing Partner, shall participate in the management or control of the Company's business and no Person shall have any power or authority to bind the Company, other than the Managing Partner. 4.6 Liability of Members. To the fullestextent now or hereafter permitted by applicable law, no Members shall be liableto the Company or any of itsMembers for damages for any breach of duty by such Members in his/her capacity as such. No Member shall be personally liable for any indebtedness, liabilityor obligation of the Company. 4.7 Management Fee: Reimbursement of Expenses. No Managing Partner shallreceive any management fee or salary inconnection with his/her duties as a M«ñaging Partner of the Company hereunder. Each Managing Partner shall be reimbursed for his/her reasonable expenses incurred on behalf of the Company. ARTICLE V Books and Records 5,1 Books of Account. The Company shall keep accurate books and records of accounts and minutes of allmeetings of the Members. The Company shall maintain its books and records and shall determine all items of Net Profits, Net Losses and Distributions on a Cash basis of accounting in accordance with principles applicable in determining taxable income or loss for federal income tax purposes for partnerships under the Code and consistent with accounting methods used by the Company in determining taxable income or loss for federal income tax purposes. The Company shall also keep all other records sufficient to record the Company's business and affairs and sufficient to record the determination and allocation of all items of Net Profits, Net Losses, and Distributions and other amounts as may be provided for herein and to meet the requirements of any lender to the Company orto meet any reporting requirements imposed on any Member, including keeping (if required) an additional set of records on a full accrual basis of accounting in accordance with generally âccepted accounting principles using tax depreciation methods. 5.2 Reports. Within (90) days after• the end of each Fiscal Year, there ninety shall be made available to each Member for such Fiscal Year (i)a balance sheet, (ii)an income statement, and a (iii) computation of Net Profits or Net Losses. In addition, within ninety (90) days after the end of each Fiscal Year, the Company shall prepare and deliver to each Member a report setting forth in sufficient detail allsuch information and data with respect to the business transactions effected by or involving the Company during such Fiscal Year as shall enable each Member to prepare allitstax returns in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations then prevailing. The Company shall also 6 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/07/2019 03:24 PM INDEX NO. 654334/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 36 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/07/2019 prepare alltax or information returns required of the Company. 5.3 Access to Books. The books and records of the Company shall be available to each Member or itsrepresentatives for inspection and audit (at such Member's expense) during normal business hours at the principal office of the Company. 5.4 Bank Accounts. The operating bank accounts of the Company shall be mahtaked in such bank or banks as may be designated by the Managing Partner and withdrawals from said accounts shall be made as the Managing Partner may determine. There shall be no commingling of the moneys or funds of the Company with moneys or funds of any Member or any other entity.The Company shall retain and have the finn of Schneider, Sehecter and Yoss forthe Company's accounting services, and the partners hereby waive any conflict relating to the same firm being the accountant for Saftler personally, however the Company shall only pay said accounting firm for the actual cost of the Company's accounting services and not for any personal services borne by Saftler. Bacher may not employ Schneider, Sehecter and Yoss as his personal accountant. 5.5 Financial Checking Accounts. Itis agreed that there shall be two checking accounts. The main account ("Account 1)shall be maintained and handled by the Managing Partner, with a second account ("Account 2") maintained by the non-managing partner. Both accounts will be used for firm related activities and expenses only. Funds and draw necessary toaccomplish firm business will be accomplished through Account 1, unless the Managing Partner is otherwise unavailable at which point Account 2, which is maintained by the non-managing partner shall be utilized. ARTICLE VI Capital Contributions 6.1 Capital Contributions. Each Member shall initially contribute the following amounts as the initial Capital Contribution to be made by him/her/it: (a) Lawrence B. Saltier shall contribute $64,000; and (b) James W. Bather shall contribute $16,000. Itis agreed that each shall be responsible toplace an amount equal to $80,000 into the Saftler & Bacher accounts relativeto their respective partnership amounts for the year 2015. 6.2 Additional Contributions. (a) No Member shall be obligated to make any additional Capital Contribution; provided, however, in the event the Managing Partner shall determine that such additional Capital Contributions are necessary or appropriate under the circumstances, they shall furnish notice to the Members requesting that such additional Capital Contributions be made on a pro rata basis,which notice shall specify (i) the total amount of such additional Capital Contributions being required and the reason therefor; (ii)each Member's pro rata share of the total additional Capital Contribution being sought; and (iii)the date such additional Capital Contributions by the Members are due and payable. Said additional Capital Contributions by the Members shall increase the initialCapital Contribution amount and shall be deposited intothe Saftler & Bacher accounts as soon as practicable. 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/07/2019 03:24 PM INDEX NO. 654334/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 36 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/07/2019 ARTICLE VII Compensation, Allocations Distributions and Draw 7.1 Offset, The Company may offset allamounts owing to the Company by Member against any Distribution to be made to such Member. 7,2 Draw. Bather shall have an agreed draw of$1500.00 per week. Saftler may draw funds at will, but will not take any defined draw on a weekly basis. The amount that each partner is entitled to shall be resolved by accounting at year end or within 90 days thereafter. To the extent that either partner has overdrawn his percentage, that said amount shall be repaid to the firm within 90 days of the shortfall. Each partner shall be entitled to a percentage share of profit,meaning net profit after costs and expenses of the law practice. 7.3 Ownership Interest. The respective ownership interests in the Company is as follows: (a) For the year 2015, Bacher shall have a 20 interest and Saftler shall have an 80 interest in the Company's profit; (b) For the year 2016, Bather shall have a 30 interest and Saftler shall have a 70 interestin the Company; (c) For the year 2017, Bacher shall have a 40 interest in the Company and Saftlershall have a 60 interest in the Company's profit; and (d) For the year 2018, Bather shall have a 50 interest and Saltier shall have a 50 interest in the Company. Thereafter, until otherwise agreed upon in writing, the 50/50 ownership interest shall continue in perpetuity subject to the other provisions contained in thisAgreement. Itis understood and agreed that unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, Lawrence B. Saftler will maintain the controlling interest as Managing Partner, which will reside and be retained by Saftler until such time as itis otherwise agreed to in writing. 7.4 Credit. For allincome tax purposes, credits of the Company claimed for a Fiscal Year shall be allocated among the Members in the same manner as Net Losses are allocated among the Members. 7.5 Allocations and Distributions with Respect to Transferred Interest, Profits, gains, losses, deductions and credits allocated to a Membership Interest assigned during a Fiscal Year of the Company and distributions with respect thereto shall be allocated or distributed, as the case may be, to the person who was the holder of such Membership Interest during such Fiscal Year on the basis of an interim closing or closings of the Company's books or in any other proportion determined by the Managing Partner. 7.6 Distributions. To the extent Net Cash Available for Distributions is available for distribution, the Managing Partner shall cause the Company to make Distributions of all Net Cash Available for Distributions to the Members in their proportionate share. Such Distribution, shall be made at the sole discretion of the Members. 8 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/07/2019 03:24 PM INDEX NO. 654334/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 36 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/07/2019 7.7 Reserves. The Managing Partner shall have the right to set aside from Net Cash Available for Distributions such reserves as itin itsreasonable discretion determines to be prudent for the operation of the Company's business. 7.8 Year-End Adjustments. The amount of allDistributions paid by the Company to any Member shall be based upon good faith estimates for the year made by the Managing Partner with due regard toall information available as an interim advance against finaldetermination. Within one hundred twenty (120) days after the end of each Fiscal Year, the Managing Partner shall determine the amount of funds available for Distributions (taking into account, among other things, the Company's working capital requirciiicras and all Company obligations then due), the restrictions on Distributions set forth herein and the Distributions due to each Member with respect to such Fiscal Year. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, any excess of the amount so determined for a Member over the amount of interim advances received by such Member shall be distributed to such Member as soon as reasonably practicable after the amount of its Distributions with respect to such Fiscal Year has been determined, but in no event more than one hundred fifty (150) days after the end of such Fiscal Year and in no event later than the time any other Member receives itsyear-end amount under this Section, 7.9 Accounting Period. The accounting period of the Company shall be the Fiscal Year. ARTICLE VIII Transferability/Dissociation 8.1 Prohibition on Transfer. A partner shallnot, and shall have no right, to sell,assign, pledge or mortgage his interest in the Partnership, orthe Partnership property or assets, except with the written consent of both partners, and any such prohibition transfer, ifattempted, shall be void and without force and effect. 8.2 Dissociation. A Member's Membership Interest shall terminate, and the Member shall be dissociated from the Company, upon the firstto occur of the following: (a) The Member's death or disqualification pursuant to thisAgreement, or dissolution; (b) The effective date of the Member's retirement as determined 'by the Members and Section 9.5 below; or (c) The effective date of the Member's withdrawal in accordance with Section 9.5. 8.3 Retirement. A Member shall be deemed to be retired when such Member ceases the practice of law. 8.4 Violative Transfers, transfer of allore any part of a Membership Any Interest contrary to the provisions of this Article shallbe null and void. 8.5 Release from Guaranty. Upon the dissociation of a Member pursuant to thisAgreement, the Company shall use good faithefforts to obtain the release of any personal guaranty executed by such dissociated Member in connection with any Company financing. 9 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 11/07/2019 03:24 PM INDEX NO. 654334/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 36 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/07/2019 ARTICLE IX Dissolution 9.1 Dissolution. Subject to the tenns and conditions of this Agreement, the Company shall be dissolved and itsaffairs shall be wound up upon the firstto occur of the following: (a) The latestdate, if any, on which the Company is to dissolve as set forth in the Articles of Organization; or (b) Written notice thatany Member wished to dissolve the partnership made not less than 90 days prior to the dissolution date as outlined in this Agreement. 9.2 No Dissolution. The death, bankruptcy, dissolution or legal incapacity of any Member shall not cause a dissolution of the Company and in all such events the Company shall continue. The rights of the Member to share in the Net Profits and Net Losses of the Company, to receive Distributions and to assign a Membership Interest shall, on the happening of such an event, devolve on itssuccessors and assigns, subject to the terms and conditions of thisAgreement; provided, however, in no event shall any of such successors or assigns become a substituted Member, except with the vote or consent of the remaining Members holding a Majority in Interest. 9.3 Winding Up. Upon the dissolution of the Company, the Managing Partner shall, in the name of and for and on behalf of the Company, prosecute and defend suits, whether civil,criminal or administrative, selland close the Company's business, dispose of and convey the Company's property, discharge the Company's liabilitiesand distribute to the Members any remaining assets of the Company, all without affecting the liability of Members. Upon winding up of the Company, the assets shall, subject to Section 1104, be distributed in the following order and priority: (a) First to creditors, including any Member who isa creditor, to the extent permitted by law, in satisfaction of liabilities ofthe Company, whether by payment or by establishment of adequate reserves, other than liabilitiesfor distributions to Members under Section 507 or Section 509 of the New York Act; (b) Second to Members and former Members in satisfaction of liabilitiesfor Distributions under Section 507 or Section 509 of the New York Act; and (e) The balance to Members in proportion to their remaining ownership interest. 9.4 Articles of Dissolution. Within ninety (90) days following the dissolution and the commencement of winding up of the Company, orat any other time there are no Members, articlesof dissolution shall be filed by the Managing Partner with the New York Secretary o