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  • Roberto Rodriguez v. Villagefh, Llc, Smi Construction Management, Inc. Torts - Other (Fall) document preview
  • Roberto Rodriguez v. Villagefh, Llc, Smi Construction Management, Inc. Torts - Other (Fall) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/06/2020 09:44 AM INDEX NO. 154863/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 58 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/06/2020 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Attomey: RAVEN & KOLBE, LLP - 86 COUNTY OF NEW YORK ROBERTO RODRIGUEZ Index # 154863/2018 Purchased June 30, 2030 Plaintiff(s) - against- Date Fifed: VILLAGEFH LLC ET AL AND OTHER ACTIONS Defendant(s) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE 10- . STATE ÒF-T"0 of : COUNTY OF Du-¾-che ss: OhdLf' (1A C BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND SAYS DEPON NT S NOT A PA TY TO THI OVER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS AND RESIDES ATTLdrAess ... . ON 7 .h po>o AT I 5% M ACTION, DEPONENT SERVED THE WITHII4 SR PARTY SUMMONS & 3RD PARTY COMPLAINT AND NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILING ON: INTERIOR ROCK, INC. ,THE DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT THEREIN NAMED. #1 INDIVIDUAL By deliveringa truecopy of each to saiddefendenttespondent personally;deponent knew theperson so served to be . the erson described as the defendant/respondent therein. [--] #2 CORPORATION A (Yf)5d'Ÿ t... corporation,deliveringthereata truecopy of each to personally, deponent knew said corporation servicedt be thecorporation,described in same as said defeñd-st/respondent and knew saidindividualtobe (E . 4·0aF- 14bot tied thereof. #3 SUITABLE By deliveringa truecopy of each to . a person of suitable age and discretion. Said premises is the AGE PERSON defendant's/respondent's [ ] actual place of bee!nese [ house ] dwelling / usualplace of abodewithinthe state. #4 AFFlXING By a true affixing copy of each to thedoor ofsaid premises,which is thedefendant's/respcñdant's [ ) actualplaceof TO DOOR business [ ] dwellinghouse /usualplace of abode withinthe state. #5 MAILING On , deponentcompleted serviceunder the lasttwo sectionsby depositinga copy of the COPY 3RD PARTY SUMMONS & SRD PARTY COMPLAINT AND NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILING to theabove address in Confdential" n · -1 a First Class postpaid properlyaddressed 6ñv610pe marked "Personal and in an official depositoryunder . the exclusive care and custody of theUnited StatesPost Officein theState of Deponent was unable, withdue diligence the to find defendent/respondent or a person ofsuitableage and discretion, having calledthereat on the day of at on the day of at on the day of at on the day of at #6 NON-SERVICE Afterdue search, carefulinquiryand diligentattempts,I havebeen unable toeffectprocess upon the defendant/respondent being served because of thefollowing:[ unknown ] party at address [ ] Evading I¯j [ ] Moved left no forwarding [ ] Addressdoes notexist ( ] Noone ever in or available to acceptservice #7 DESCRIPTION A descriptionof the defendantteepondent , or other person served,or spoken toon behalfof the !FC defendant/respondent is as follows: t n requ Skin Color HairColor . Age (Approx.) Height (Approx.) Weight (Approx) Other .. # 8 WIT. FEES S the authorizing expenses traveling and one .T ,. • day'switness feewas paid (tendered)to thewitness/recipient. -f . b. # 9 MILITARY Deponent asked person spoken to whetherthe defendant/respondent was in the "ª· SERVICE service military of theUnited StatesGovernment or on activeduty in themilitary servicein theState of and was informedthe defendant/respondent was not. n theIndex number and date of filing. NotalyPublicState of NewYork No.01R06316495 . QualifiedinDutchess County CommissionExpiresDec.15,20-- rnio befbre o s day of fe-r.// ---2M-d serversignature: Notary Public 1159651* #: 1 of 1