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  • Manufacturers And Traders Trust Company v. Hafez Q. Qasem, Crouse Health Hospital Inc. D/B/A Crouse Hospital, St. Joseph'S Hospital Health Center, State Tax Commission, John Doe, Jane Doe the two defendants last named being possible tenants in possession of portions of premises under foreclosure, the names being fictitious, their true names being unknown to PlaintiffReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Manufacturers And Traders Trust Company v. Hafez Q. Qasem, Crouse Health Hospital Inc. D/B/A Crouse Hospital, St. Joseph'S Hospital Health Center, State Tax Commission, John Doe, Jane Doe the two defendants last named being possible tenants in possession of portions of premises under foreclosure, the names being fictitious, their true names being unknown to PlaintiffReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Manufacturers And Traders Trust Company v. Hafez Q. Qasem, Crouse Health Hospital Inc. D/B/A Crouse Hospital, St. Joseph'S Hospital Health Center, State Tax Commission, John Doe, Jane Doe the two defendants last named being possible tenants in possession of portions of premises under foreclosure, the names being fictitious, their true names being unknown to PlaintiffReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Manufacturers And Traders Trust Company v. Hafez Q. Qasem, Crouse Health Hospital Inc. D/B/A Crouse Hospital, St. Joseph'S Hospital Health Center, State Tax Commission, John Doe, Jane Doe the two defendants last named being possible tenants in possession of portions of premises under foreclosure, the names being fictitious, their true names being unknown to PlaintiffReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Manufacturers And Traders Trust Company v. Hafez Q. Qasem, Crouse Health Hospital Inc. D/B/A Crouse Hospital, St. Joseph'S Hospital Health Center, State Tax Commission, John Doe, Jane Doe the two defendants last named being possible tenants in possession of portions of premises under foreclosure, the names being fictitious, their true names being unknown to PlaintiffReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Manufacturers And Traders Trust Company v. Hafez Q. Qasem, Crouse Health Hospital Inc. D/B/A Crouse Hospital, St. Joseph'S Hospital Health Center, State Tax Commission, John Doe, Jane Doe the two defendants last named being possible tenants in possession of portions of premises under foreclosure, the names being fictitious, their true names being unknown to PlaintiffReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Manufacturers And Traders Trust Company v. Hafez Q. Qasem, Crouse Health Hospital Inc. D/B/A Crouse Hospital, St. Joseph'S Hospital Health Center, State Tax Commission, John Doe, Jane Doe the two defendants last named being possible tenants in possession of portions of premises under foreclosure, the names being fictitious, their true names being unknown to PlaintiffReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Manufacturers And Traders Trust Company v. Hafez Q. Qasem, Crouse Health Hospital Inc. D/B/A Crouse Hospital, St. Joseph'S Hospital Health Center, State Tax Commission, John Doe, Jane Doe the two defendants last named being possible tenants in possession of portions of premises under foreclosure, the names being fictitious, their true names being unknown to PlaintiffReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2022 03:08 PM INDEX NO. 007997/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2022 : ! EXMBIT "J FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2022 03:08 PM INDEX NO. 007997/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2022 . . THE PosT-STANDARD ADVANCE LEGAL AFFIDAVIT ma a ia¼ u ew ir o A g INV#: 0010277781 ATTN: Barbara A. Wisneski COSTELLO COONEY AND FEARON JEFFERSON CLINTON COMMONS 211 W JEFFERSON ST SYRACUSE, NY 13202 ................ _________.....................___ ______________________________...______ ____......_____________________ Sales Rep: Pamela Gallagher Name: COSTELLO COONEY AND FEARON Account Number1300 INV#: 0010277781 Date Position Description P.O. Number Ad Size 04/19/2022 Other Legals NY AMENDED SUMMONS Property M&T v Qasem 1 x 506.00CL Address: 447 Wilkinson Street State ofNew York, County of Onondaga ss. Pamela Gallagher,of the CityofSyracuse, in saidCounty, beingduly swom, doth depose and says: thisperson is thePrincipalClerkin theofficeof THE POST-STANDARD, a publicnewspaper, published in the Cityof Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York and thatthe notice,is anaccurate and true copy of thead as printedin said newspaper, was printedand publishedin theregular editionand issue of saidnewspaper on thefollowingdays, viz.: Post-Standard 03/29/2022, 0425/2022, 04/12/ , 04/19/2022 Pamela Gallagher Principal Clerk LOIS ROTCHFORD An Authorized Designee of th Presiden Timothy R. Kennedy . NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK Subscribed and swom tobefo me, thi 21th day ofApril2022 Registration No.01RO6395132 Qualiñedin Ononda*aCoun My Commission Expires NOTARY PUBLIC ISOR QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS AFFIDAVIT, PLEASE CONTACT.PAMELA GALLAGHER AT (315)470-2051 OR FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2022 03:08 PM INDEX NO. 007997/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2022 Ad Number0010277781 Date Position Description P.O. Number Ad Size 04/19/2022 Other Legals NY AMENDED SUMMONS Property M&T v Qasem 1 x 506.00CL Address: 447 Wilkinson Street a mmun uy ty AMEN DED SUNEMONS 11 . ti h r Syra servicë is e in â cu Nëw xork 1 3202 10528- tha fak ap No. hOn . 422- G 5) 05.0 IndeX No ROM N 2021 Fl!Ing Date TIO L- IN- ANY BE ED I .R E. Ypjj t ns ä N IN .. .ISK SY . N US AT Mhnúid h N p of OF IHEM AS ay eñt O omeÂ5peak to an at- G | Y cass O E faithér UN- On FIO‚ fo CE ARE P er, 10 PIAINtirp; sutK ted IVID e- PEOPLE OF s THE STATE b NEW n R U . If OF fHE DN HEALTH I- f %Í FOR â/ a t RT- s THE PLAI . .... or- TAL¡Fr. . .r a GAGE D PITAL HEAL H CENTER; .. Ree In- icÖMMIS- Fil-INþ T HE STATE TAX on sttor- WITH THE 000 . SION, Defendane. 70 n are DE- Onón County is THEABOVÈ-NÃMEb an des as the FENDAN St YOU cAlfE ba- place trial The HEREBY . $UCINIONED a oc your pa- 2 2022 serve a copy 6f ur pery U you choose tif- R. Hanley -.e- . Answer,on.the Pla pa te In . -R. Hartley, fs áttorney within e I e- CO NEY & ng, e e t s you MUSt have access PLLC Attorneys fdr th AmeDded Sumrnons, to a computer and a Plaiñtiff Manufacturèrs awclusive-of.-the-day-of s her r of e o -»,._ __ pngtrailers1rast-Com FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2022 03:08 PM INDEX NO. 007997/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2022 vow uu©u- esti. imme zii Auorneys Tor i'iairmn m.winvs rtinnvy, rherits grito electronic glenerson Street Syr- Street 211 W..Iefferson format a cdnnection a New tork Syraguse, New Vork "A" to the intemet, .and an Adfire§s (315) 13202 SCHEDUI.E e-mail address to re- 52 Costel- Phone HAT OR sai¼lëã ÿf entu- 30F sit- telv( ney, Fearon, , ments. The benefits of Name abani ü e ra- participating in e-filing cKEs91âll cûseACoül i bñ- Iriclude: -servingend fil- . QASEisl d and New state.of your documents and ANÝ UN- and more ing . being électroflical ¥free ac- K DEVl- pa Ulstly descYlbëd cess to nd print i EES as I-61No. 8 lD elóck cumerits ESS 1Ñ.IN- No. 428 of . THI- in dity ng yout numlùer 0F lÃTE t cotJrt- rd1Hg ps to the Q. 4ASEM a õf df säld paw1ng a . d he be tieáÒ) B R. if- feedóh linejere AND IF ANY BE ÒEAÚ, fi itrdth- itcard To reg- PER- needed) ANY AND AI.L ets befri fifrthér inter for esfillrigor f6r ARE:SPOU5* described as follows: triere inforthàtion tiMANT- s ëiNiilING at the ÿOöüt hów is EE$ I.IÈ- uprttlejist filing cornp of works: 12EVl- ÿald HSi@ lot li) thesouthgrly 6iffts.föy?éfIIe- S DISTRIBUTEES, 11 of illdrEs n unrepresented or - ADMINIS- encelSÖuther- contact tlie©lerk's df- UdþÈs- fHe eâaterly fic( r elp senter get Q15 I said i.ot 82 the cOt)rt fere the SUCH OF. THEM AS 4 00 set o the case yvas fil uUt E AND st c ter of g Al 900 I t Ö HÖ ÑÖ ONE tO le southuest óY- visit p. ií*ÀiIES Å D PIACES nor hence gov 1 on for At DE to d with this . . mmon an not . . her con- Elg0tro - the sen1t dr ne cón- ñsüal s ly a âéDt tò slãctrehic $1lñg by liríé%f Ikinson S EF r this s Attorneys .regintprett Jdsë E. MEOWN- Wit ÑY\CEF re- may 1.agiendola ustice of N dBE cord thelriconsent elec- #ie su re- utt, lih the than- dâtêd fU6hicâlló 1, 20223 d ñÿ¤Y6vided eät the ånfi with . ªthe yqu fi n out n NYSGEF site. r- Com ni in thê iot red ë rk ess. pl it re- with lixsdEF ut iri- - fully. su and fendifig fõ ha iÿãte d do t are in rnust firstcre- iné-fthrig thls d r h your a a NYSG F account a fsi to ré- obtä1ñ a user (D )uñé s d súmmons a rd giS1õrto ekecuted by reco theirconsent Jaeem to re you n, t6 www.nyco M urers and may lose your home. u . Attor- fra Trust sum- Company please read the n to.con- the of declining jum. rD6E and com laint fifustfile with the ând record- eâY ful Yoû uld lirtànd sivè on all . 11608 of contact parties ef record a de- M ges at .Page lo- Ân or our clination of . consent. In the office of ààI id ce to For additional informa- the County dbtai ce ori how tiontibutele tronic fil- of ÖnQndaga on July to .protect yourself. ing--and-to..-creatn a mnni w 1'2:47 14 Soürces-õf-infofitiation HYSCEF account, visit .6'clo k in the after- and the Ässistance the NYSCEF Website at noon. See Schedule State encoura s you " attached hereto tö hqøfne nfortned -e- -or----contact the á -rñáde4part here- 4bplit yporaoj$tions in NYSCEF Resource Cen- DATEDf MáSch 18, foreclos°re. in addition ter (phons 646-386- 202z. R. 4s/Antliony to seeking assistance 5033 e-mail: efileenyc l-lanleyAnthony R. Han- frorn an or le- attomey Dated: lâý Essj. Costello, gãl ald thers are Office, -- n on --R on &-FparonfVLQ-- goveminent--apncies FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2022 03:08 PM INDEX NO. 007997/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2022 andnonsprofitorgaruza- tions thatyqu con- tact for .info on about possible o ions, I I tryin .t du this . to 1õ sh e ty near I r N I n - tâIried the New ent of$n I .at 4888 95-HOPE orvisit the departmen- Us website Evw.dfs . n O I- lons U ARE NOT UlTED TO I.EAVE YOUR TIONIE AT THIS TIME. You have the closure process. tou are not equired to Igave your M6rne un- r fo è lpsû ê hoose to idQ ARE. I T1 fÃkE. úlÏE OF VOUR 15RÒPENT hd ë stte and lò a law. Foreclo- su as ins B " rs your librñë. TliëYe âre Indi- viduals wh tch iior notices losure actiâYís er ¾utt- fáiti frórn a rne r's distress. é d me- em tee or r yõúU tieed. staté law requires anyone of- contract ch de- wh fully scribes services ey will rform and the^ch. ibi them from ta ng a money from you un71 they hdve com Inted allsuch promise serv- ites. THE ATTACHED AND IN SATISFACTION OF NEW YORK STATE REAL PROPERTY AC- TldNS AÑb..PRŒCEEb- ileSLAWG 1303. FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2022 03:08 PM INDEX NO. 007997/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2022 NYSCEF.Confirmation Notice Onondaga County Supreme Court he NYSCEF website has received an electronic filingon 04/28/2022 01:02 PM. Please keep thisnotice as a confirmation of thisfiling. 007997/2021 Manufacturers aId Traders Trusit Company v. Hafez Q. Qasein et al Assigned Judge: Joseph E Lamendola Documents Received än 04/"28/2022 01:02 PM Doc # Document Type 52 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Filinÿ,User Anthony .Hanley | | 315-422-1152 211 W. Jefferson Street, Syracuse, NY 13202 E-rhail Notificatior s An ernailregarding thisfiling has been sent to the following on 04/28/2022 01:02 PM: . JAMES F. .EVANS - ANTHONY HANLEY'- Lisa Dell,Onondaga County Clerk Phone: 315-435-2227 website: NYSCEF Resource Center, Phone: (646) 386-3033 | Fax: (212) 401-9146 | Website: Page 1 of 2 FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2022 03:08 PM INDEX NO. 007997/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2022 NYSCEF Confirmation Notice Onondaga County Supreme Court 007997/2021 Manufacturers arid Traders Thist Company v. Hafez Q. Qasem et at Assigned judge: Joseph E Lamendola En all Noti caticins NOT Sent Role Party Attorney Respondent Hafez Q. Qasem No consent on record. Respondent St. joseph's Hospital Health No consent on record. Center Respondent State Tax Commission No consent on record. Respondent john Doe No consent on record. Respondent Jane Doe No consent on record. * Court rulesrequire hard service upon partiesand attomeys who have opted-out or declined copy non-participating consent. Lisa Dell,Onondaga County Clerk Phone: 315-435-2227 Website: NYSCEF Resource Center, Phone: (646) 386-3033 | Fax: (212) 401-9146 | Website: Page 2 of 2 FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2022 03:08 PM INDEX NO. 007997/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 /®ank cdrars andTradesNYSCEF: RECEIVED ou + 10/05/2022 em (5. AFFIDÅVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York County of Onondaga }SS.: Shannon Christian being duly sworn that she resides in the Town of Westport, County of Essex, New York and that she is the Agent of the STAR REVIEW OF THE EAGLE NEWS a weekly newspaper published at North Syracuse/Liverpool in the County of Onondaga, and that the notice, a printed copy of which is hereto attached, was printed in said STAR REVIEW OF THE EAGLE NEWS on the following dates: 03/30/2022 04/06/2022 04/13/2022 04/20/2022 Signed this 21st day f April , 2022 Agent Sworn to before me s 21s d y of April , 2022 /' Notary Public - Gayle M Alexander · Notary Public, State of New York No. 01AL4977709 Qualified in Essex County Commission Expires 02/11/2023 286890 FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2022 03:08 PM INDEX NO. 007997/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2022 Ad text : STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT^COUNTY OF ONONDAGA Index No. 007997/2021 Filing Date: 3/18/22 AMENDED SUMMONS Property Address: 447 Wilkinson Street Syracuse, New York 13204 Tax Map No. 105.-08-05.0 MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS TRUST COMPANY, Plaintiff, -vs- HAFEZ Q. QASEM (if living) and ANY UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, DISTRIBUTEES OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST OF THE LATE HAFEZ Q. QASEM (should he be dead) AND IF ANY BE DEAD, ANY AND ALL PERSONS WHO ARE SPOUSES, WIDOWS, GRANTEES, MORTGAGEES, LIENORS, HEIRS, DEVISEES, DISTRIBUTEES, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST OF SUCH OF THEM AS MAY BE DEAD, AND THEIR SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, DISTRIBUTEES AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST, ALL OF WHOM AND WHOSE NAMES AND PLACES OF RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN TO PLAINTIFF; MOHAMMED H. QASEM, as Heir to the Estate of Hafez Q. Qasem; PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; CROUSE HEALTH HOSPITAL INC. d/b/a CROUSE HOSPITAL; ST. JOSEPH*S HOSPITAL HEALTH CENTER; STATE TAX COMMISSION, Defendants. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Amended Complaint in the above action and to serve a copy of your Answer on the Plaintiff*s attorney within twenty (20) days after the service of this Amended Summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner than by personal delivery within the State. The United States of America, if designated as a defendant in this action, may answer or appear within sixty (60) days of service hereof. In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Onondaga County is designated as the place of trial. The basis of venue is the location of the mortgaged premises. 2022^^ DATED:^January 25, /s/Anthony R. Hanley FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2022 03:08 PM INDEX NO. 007997/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2022 Anthony R. Hanley, Esq. COSTELLO, COONEY & FEARON, PLLC Attorneys for the Plaintiff Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company Office and Post Office Address 211 W. Jefferson Street Syracuse, New York 13202 Telephone: (315) 422-1152 THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR AND IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. YOU MAY REQUEST COMMUNICATIONS IN AN ALTERNATIVE FORMAT SUCH AS LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE, OR AN AUDIO COMPACT DISK BY CONTACTING US AT THIS NUMBER: 315-422-1152. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ONONDAGA MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS TRUST COMPANY, ^^Plaintiff/Petitioner, ^- -^ against Index No. 007997/2021 HAFEZ Q. QASEM, et al., Defendant/Respondent. NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILING ^(Consensual Case) (Uniform Rule * 202.5-bb) You have received this Notice because: ^1) The Plaintiff/Petitioner, whose name is listed above, has filed this case using the New York State Courts e-filing system (*NYSCEF*), and ^2) You are a Defendant/Respondent (a party) in this case. If you are represented by an attorney: give this Notice to Attorneys" your attorney. (Attorneys: see "Information for pg. 2). If you are not represented by an attorney: you will be served with all documents in paper and you must serve and file your documents in paper, unless you choose to participate in e-filing. If you choose to participate in e-filing, you must have access to a computer and a scanner or other device to convert documents into electronic format, a connection to the internet, and an e-mail address to receive service of documents. The benefits of participating in e-filing include: ^-serving and filing your documents electronically ^-free access to view and print your e-filed documents ^-limiting your number of trips to the courthouse ^-paying any court fees on-line (credit card needed) To register for e-filing or for more information about how e-filing works: ^-visit: or ^-contact the Clerk*s Office or Help Center at the court where the case was filed. Court ^contact information can be found at To find legal information to help you represent yourself visit Information for Attorneys An attorney representing a party who is served with this notice must either consent or decline consent to electronic filing and service through NYSCEF for this case. Attorneys registered with NYSCEF may record their consent FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2022 03:08 PM INDEX NO. 007997/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2022 electronically in the manner provided at the NYSCEF site. Attorneys not registered with NYSCEF but intending to participate in e-filing must first create a NYSCEF account and obtain a user ID and password prior to recording their consent by going to Attorneys declining to consent must file with the court and serve on all parties of record a declination of consent. For additional information about electronic filing and to create a NYSCEF account, visit the NYSCEF website at or contact the NYSCEF Resource Center (phone: 646-386-3033; e-mail: Dated: 3/18/22 Anthony R. Hanley, Esq.^Name 211 W. Jefferson Street Syracuse, New York 13202 Address (315) 422-1152 Phone PLLC^ Costello, Cooney, & Fearon, Firm Name^ E-Mail TO:^HAFEZ Q. QASEM (if living) and ANY UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, DISTRIBUTEES OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST OF THE LATE HAFEZ Q. QASEM (should he be dead) AND IF ANY BE DEAD, ANY AND ALL PERSONS WHO ARE SPOUSES, WIDOWS, GRANTEES, MORTGAGEES, LIENORS, HEIRS, DEVISEES, DISTRIBUTEES, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS OR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST OF SUCH OF THEM AS MAY BE DEAD, AND THEIR SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, DISTRIBUTEES AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST, ALL OF WHOM AND WHOSE NAMES AND PLACES OF RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN TO PLAINTIFF, The foregoing Amended Summons and Notice of Electroni