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  • Michael J. Mcculley v. Nexgen Ventures, LlcTorts - Other Negligence (premises liability) document preview
  • Michael J. Mcculley v. Nexgen Ventures, LlcTorts - Other Negligence (premises liability) document preview


FILED: GENESEE COUNTY CLERK 08/01/2022 03:44 PM INDEX NO. E69995 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/01/2022 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE State of New York Supreme Court County of Genesee The undersigned being duly swom, deposes and says: Brian Thompson is not a party to the action, is over 18 years of age and resides at Drake St. Rd. Oakfield NY 14125 That on 07/19/2022 @ 3:15 PM, deponent served the within described Genesee County New York Supreme Court: Summons/Complaint, (Plaintiff: Michael J. McCulley) dated: July 12, 2022, Verified Complaint dated: July 12, 2022, Verification of Michael J. McCulley, Notice of Electronic Filing Index # E 69995, Information for Attorney's page dated: July 13, 2022. Upon: Nexgen Ventures, LLC. at 774 Elmgrove Road Rochester, NY 14624 on 07/19/22 @ 3:15 PM by serving above listed papers upon: (Attempted at their old office of 760 Elmgrove Rd.) X Corporate/Personal Service: was made upon verbal affirmation of identity and location: Jennifer L. Ager, Accounts Specialist. Ager described as: approximately 45 5'5" years of age, Ht.: Wt.: 200 + lbs, Brown hair, Blue eyes and not in the Military. "Yes, LLC." I can receive service for Nexgen Ventures, Ph. # 585-247-6730 Signature of person serving pd ers Printed Name Sworn to b fo me this day of 7-C17, Notary Public JOHN F. WHmNS STATE OF NgW YORK suppavPuma Genesse Cous 1 of 1