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a No 146814 ! & MCLE OD LLP ELECTRONICALLY. : Ploor FILED Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco: JUL 24 2007 | GORDON PARK-LI, Clerk BY: CHRISTLE ARRIOLA: Deputy Clerk ek BROW N, JK. SBN: SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO LOUIS CASTAGNA, ANSWER TO COMPLAINT FOR. PERSONAL INJURY-ASBESTOS i CASE NO. CGC 07-274230 Pi isk ants i FE x “Sle ASBE STOS DEFENDAN (BP3, Pefendants. Sepett Meant “nena”: Enagett Mage?” “Saagett Termes? “omatitl “seapett Marca? Saget COMES NOW, GOAKFABCO,INC.. and by way of answer to plainifscomplamtand | sursuant ic the terms of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 431.30 denies generally each and every allegation of the complaint, Defendant further specifically denies that it is hable t OTST IIT TOTO TE I TIED IO TOTO To NEI aintifY in. any sum or sums whatseever, or at all, for special, compensatory punifive or any other ype of damave. AND AS FOR A FIRST) SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, | DEPENDANT ALLIOGES: That the complaint, and vach cause of action stated therem, fails ta stale faets sufficient to gonstiluic @ cause of action, aie i ANSWER TO COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INJURY-ASBESTOS i | “BEATE LUM AITILAN S68REST |2 || DEFENSE, 6 || DEFENDANT ALLEGE ~ AND AS FOR A SECOND, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATEY! DEFENDANT ALLEGES: therein, state facts That neither the complain, nor any of the alleged causes of action stat st this f action agai swering defendant. AND AS FOR A THIRD, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, That the complaint fails w properly invoke the equity jurisdiction of the court. AND AS FOR A FOURTH, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE i, DEFENDANT ALLE personal jurisdiction as to this answering defendant s court I AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, AND AS FOR A FIFTH, SEPARATE DISTIN| oGE DEFENDANT AL. ot limited to, C.C.P. Sections 312, including but av plicable statutes of limitatio xh 1, 339, 340(1), 340(3), 340.2 and 343 bars the complaint and each cause of action s! DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, That v nbiguous and uncertain AND AS FOR A SEVENTH, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT ALLEGES: ‘That during the relevant times, defendant did not own, control, maintain, i or otherwise exercise control over the subject premises. AND AS FOR AN EIGHTH, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, D! DANY ALLEGES: ng the relevant time and/or times, defendant did not supervise or exercise control Fand/or f work at any of the premises. employ ANSWER TO COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INJURY-ASBESTOS ‘84479 Dados NETRA sistAND AS FOR A NINTH, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATLV! DEFENDANT ALLEGES: That plaintiff has unreasonably delayed the commencement of this action and prejudiced this answerin; ach cause of ndant such that the doctrine of laches bars the complaint. and action therein. AND AS FOR A TE) AND AFFIRMATIV ifs damages, if a are completely or in par sult of plaintiff's failure to gate as required by law AND AS FOR AN ELE yENTH, SEPARATE DISTENCT AND AFFIRMATIVE DE PGES: E, DE DANT AL attributable to the: That if plaintiff suffered injuri ¢ of any product referred to in faint sly denied, the injuries were solely caused and {?'s complaint, injuries are expr ributable to easonable, unforeseeable and inappropriate purpose and improper use that aide of the products. | AND AS FOR A TWELFTH, SEPARATE. STINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE ALLEGES: That parties to this action and nonpanties, other than this amsw sidant, were ing de! antly or legally responsible, of otherwise at fault for any damages alleged in the complaint, which dat :s are herein denied and therefore, in the event of any liability, whether by settlement or judgment in favor of any other party a ainst this answeri defendant, the court or jury should as tall parties. Furthermore. 's answering defendant requests @ judgment and ition of indemnification and contribution against all other parties or persons in accordance | apportionment of fault between the parties. ANSWER TO COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INJURY-ASBESTOSDISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE 1 AND AS FOR A THIRTEENTH, SEPARAT 2 | DEFENSE, DEFENDANT ALLEGES: forth in the complaint on 3 That at the time and place of the incident, happening or matter clessness and 4 || file berein, suid at all times herein montioned, plaintiff himself was guitty of and about the matters and things set forth in said complaint on file herein; that the negligen tually and proximately caused and sness and negligence on the part of the 6 iaintif?’s alleged injuries, which are herein denied, actually and proximat tif and cach of the 9 }} caused solely by the contributory and/or comparative negligence of 10 || stated therein are barred by reason of such comparative negligence. i ‘That should paint fendant. said defendant is entitled to have over damage tent plaintifi’s 12 || the amount abated, reduced or eliminated to the e aligence caused or contributed 15 | to his injuries and darnages, if any. T AND AFFIRMATIVE 14} AND AS FOR A FOURTEENTH, SEPARS 15 |) DE DANT ALLEGES: SE, DEFE! 16 That plaintiff knowingly assumed the risk of any injury or damage alleged in the complaint NTH, SEPA 7 AND AS FOR A FIFTEE RATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE, DANT ALLEGE! ‘SE, DEFE: 19 Tha 20 |! intended, but were subjected to unforeseeable and unanticipated misuse, abuse, alteration and/or 1 subject products, artd their component parts were not used as instructed and iteration, and/or 21 || modification hy those other than this answering defendant, Said misuse, abus 22 || modification was the proximate cause of the injuries and damages, if any, allegedly susiained by ANSWER TO COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INJURY-ASBESTOS labe78 Sods NEERAN SecsAND AFFIRMATIVE NT! AND AS FOR A SE TH, SEPARATE DISTINC E, DEFENDANT ALLEGE jevant to th action. plaintiff's employer assumed the risks incident to all matter: cPARATE DEISTINC AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT ALLEG! ail activities of this answering defendant alleged in the complaint, conform to statutes, upon the state of knowledge exis the in the complaint and each canse of a tion therein. time ARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE AND AS FOR A NINE’ EENTH, SEP. \DANT ALLEGE DEFENSE, DE ¢ products referred to in plaintiff’ int otweighed the risks of That the ben danger. if any, inherent in such products. 6 T 7 || governmental regulations and industry standards based | AND AS FOR A TWENTIETH, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE DANT ALLEGES: alleged in the complaint, plaintiff was nat inv privity of contract plaintif's recovery ! grein upon any theory of warranty, v7 ing defendant for 18 19 20 AND AS FOR A TWENTY-FIRST, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE 21 SE, DEFENDANT ALLEG 2 That the products alleged in the complaint were used by a sophis termediary, 23 || and said usex/intermediary having adequate and complete warnings of the tisk involved in the use 24 || of said products, this answering defendant had and has no duty to independently wa 25 || the said risks such that plaintiff's claims are thereby barred. ANSWER TO COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INJURY-ASBESTOS.36M AND AS FOR A TWENTY IND, SEPARATE DISTIN 2 || AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT ALLEG 3 That any injuries resulting from th f the subject products, which injuries are herein and state of 4 || denied, were not foreseeable to this answering defendant given the state of knov injuries TY-THIRD, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE. 6 AND AS FORA TW DEFENDANT ALLEG! Fin the endant was not is answering de activity oduct, st at this 9 |) ma tu mulation, packaging. labeling, distribution of sale of any 10 || answering defendant cannot be held strictly liable. ii |} AND AS FOR A TWENTY-FOURTH, SEPARATE DIS DANT AL FFIRMATIVE DE! 2NSE, DE 2G) 13 That plaintiff's complaint to the extent that it seeks exemplary or punitive damages pursuant 14 |) to California Civil Code Section 3294, violates defendant's right to procedural due process under f the the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, and Article 4, Section 7 Constitution of the State of California, and therefore fails to state a cause of action upon which cither punitive or ages can be awarded. xemplery’ dan ig) AND AS FOR A TWENTY-FIFTH, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE 19 | DEFENSE, DEFENDANT ALLEGES: » hat said complaint, to the extent that it seeks punitive or exemplary damages purstant to 21 || California Civil Code Section 3294, violates defendant's right to protection from "excessive fines” ection 17 of | as provided in the Highth Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article I, ‘he Constitution of the State of California, and violates defendant's right to substantive due process ic F and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution and the as provided i | Constitution of the State of California, and therefore fails to state a cause of action supporting the | punitive or exemplary damages claimed. 6. ANSWER TO COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INJURY-ASBESTOS ‘He DETRAN SoGiR2 || parties to be joine | AFFIRMATIVE DEF! AND AS FOR A TWENTY-SIXTH, SEPARATE DISTING ND AFFIRMATI DEFENSE, DEFENDANT ALLEGES: Defendant alleges that said complaint, and each cause of action therein, fails to state facts ficient to warrant an award of exemplary or punitive damages. AND AS FOR A TWENTY. SEVENTH, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND NSE, DEFENDANT ALLEGE ‘That this Defendant is liable, if at all, only for its proportionate share of liability/damages set forth by CC 14311 et seq AND AS FOR A TWENTY-EIGHTH, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE, NSE, DEFENDANT ALLEGES: ‘That. ispensable par have.not been joined and that it is neces ary for these absent in order to obtain a just and final adjudication of all matters all AND AS FOR 4 TWENTY-NINTH, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT ALLEGES: This court js/an improper venue f 1 the adjudication of the matters alleged in the complaint, as to this answering party AND AS FOR A THIRTIETH, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, DEFENDANT ALLEGES: ‘That any los: njury or damage incurred by plaintiff, if any, was proximately caused by t negli ons of parties or nonparties whom defendant did not control, was not proximately caused by any acts, omissions or other conduct of defendant. AND AS FOR A THIRTY-FIRST, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE. DEFENSE, DEFENDANT ALLEG ‘This barre by California Labor Code §§ ANSWER TO COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INIURY-ASBESTOS| { AND AS FOR A THIRTY-SECOND, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFI SE, DEFENDANT ALLEGES: That ail times mentioned in the Complaint on file herein, defendant is informed and believes that the employer of plaintiff, was insured under a policy of Worker's Compensation Insurance: that on account of the alleged injuries referred to in plaintiff's Complaint, the compensation cartier has paid to and on behalf of plaintiff certain sums by way of Worker's wat at-all times, ion, under Compens ¢ worker's compensation laws of the State of California: | | mentioned in plaintiff's Complaint, said employer and its agents, servants and employees, acting within the course and scope of their agency and employment, were negligent and careless ix and | about the matters referred to in plaintiff's Complaint; that said employer carelessly and negligently failed to furnish the plaintiff’ with a safe place to work and carelessly and negligently failed 10 rovidle proper supervision, inspections, tools, appliances and control and direction over its “d employees in the place of employment; that said carelessness and negligence proximately caus and contributed to the injuries which plaintiff claims to have sustained; that the carelessness and sligence bars recovery against this answering defendant of all sums paid or to be paid to or on behalf of plaintiff’ by way of Worker's Compensation benefits as aforesaid: that said carelessness and concurrent negligence of the employer is by law imputed to the insurance carrier of said employer AND AS FOR A THIRTY-THIRD, SEPARATE DISTINCT AND AFFIRMATIVE | DEFE! f, DEFENDANT ALLEG That # conilict in law exi: as to plainti claimed exposure as to this answering party is alleged to oceurred outside the jurisdiction of this court and therefore the laws of that jurisdiction apply involving all apply as between this answering party and plaintift i WHEREFORE, this answering defendant prays for judgment as follows: 1 That plaindif take nothing by reason of the complaint filed herein: 2. {hat this answering defendant be awarded costs of suit incurred herein; SFOS ars sauna yer sseaeat | WER TO COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INJURY-ASBFBECM Lresgce res som Gxt Fsaussanonse oe KOA RD 28 3. ‘That if defendant is found liable, that the degree of responsibility and Hability for ‘the resulting damages be determined, and that defendant be liable only for that ‘portion of total damages in proportion to its total responsibility for same; and 4. Por such other and further relief as the court decms juist and proper. pe Dated: July 22, 2007 FILICE BRO} EASSA & MeLEOD LLP Jn ee Hine ‘BUGENE BROWN. IR. AMEE A. MIKACICH “Atiorneyss for Defendant OAKEABCO, INC. 9 ANSWER TO COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INJURY-ASBESTOS: (nbdrd id META staFBECM menace “es PROOF OF SERVICE Louis Castagna y. Asbestos Defendants-Oakfabeo, Ine. San Franciseo County Superior Court Docket Number: 274230 Tama citizen of the United States, over 18 years of age and not ey. to the within action, Jam employed in the county of Alameda: my business address is 1999 Harrison Street, ig? Floor, Oakland, CA 94612. On uty \ , 2007, I served the within documents: ANSWER TO COMPLAINT Onl panties inthis action, as aressed below, by causing ue copy threat to be disufbuted as follows: Brayton Purcell Berry & Berry 222 Rush Landing Road 2930 Lakeshore Avenue P.O. Box 6169 P.O. Box. 16070 Novato CA 94948-6169 Oakland, CA 94610 IX} BY MAIL: Lamm “readily familiar” with the firm's practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing. Linder that practice if would be deposited with US. Postal service on that Same day with postage thereon fully prepaid in the ordinary course of business, 1 am aware that on motion oF thy party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter data is more than one. day atter date of deposit for mailing in affidavit, |] VIA HAND DELIVERY: Tcaused such envelope, to be hand delivered to the stated parties by an agent of INTERCEPTOR. VIA ELECTRONIC | caused 2 trie and Correct copy of such docriments to be IX] SERVICE: electronically served on counsel of record by transinission to Lexis-Nexis File and Serve, i declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is rue and eorreet. Executed on say, 2007, at Oakland. California. tars teoor etna esto.