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| | | nN oD ew ND UH FF Ww 28 FBE&M Lae MERRITT PLAZA 1996 HARRISON, STREET Suarevemcrs Foon DaKLAND GA o1ZESHE Prine s10.446.8131 EUGENE BROWN, JR. (SBN: 079824) AMEE A. MIKACICH (SBN: 146814) MICHELLE M. CAMMARATA (SBN: 250258) ELECTRONICALLY FILICE BROWN EASSA & MCLEOD LLP FILED 1999 Harrison Street, Suite 1800 Superior Court of Californk Oakland, California 94612-3520 County of San Francisco Telephone: (510) 444-3131 . JUN 23 2010 Facsimile: (510) 839-7940 acsimile: (510) Clerk of the Court BY: VANESSA WU Attorneys for Defendant Deputy Clerk OAKFABCO, INC, SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO LOUIS CASTAGNA, CASE NO. CGC 07-274230 DECLARATION OF MICHELLE M. Plaintiff, CAMMARATA IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT v. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS, Date: September 9, 2010 Time: 9:30 a.m. Dept: 220, Hon. Harold Kahn Trial Date: October 12, 2010 Defendants. Complaint Filed: June 6, 2007 1, Michelle M. Cammarata, declare that: 1 IT am an attorney at law duly licensed to practice before all courts of the State of California and am an associate at the law firm of Filice Brown Eassa & McLeod LLP, counsel for Oakfabco, Inc. (hereinafter “Oakfabco”). 2. Plaintiffs filed this asbestos related personal injury action on June 6, 2007, against several defendants, including Oakfabco. This fact is evidenced by relevant portions of the Complaint, a copy of which is attached to the Request for Judicial Notice, In the Complaint, Plaintiff alleges that the defendants, including Oakfabco, were involved in the manufacture, sale, 04473 34004 MMT 632258.1 DECLARATION OF MICHELLE M, CAMMARATA IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT27 28 FBE&M LAKE MEARETT PEATA, 1599 Hawnisen Sma [BreHEFAERTTHI FLOR OAKLAND CA 946 2aSAT PRONE SEO4HLSENE supply, or installation of asbestos containing products. However, that claim is erroneously stated against Oakfabco since Oakfabco came into existence in about 1987, and has not manufactured, sold or supplied any products. These facts are evidence by relevant portions of the Deposition of William C. Stein taken on December 8, 1994 and March 3, 1995, page 5, lines 20-22, page 21 lines 3-12, page 5 lines 1-9, 16-18, page 9 lines 14-24; which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. 3. May 30, 2008, counsel to Oakfabco propounded Special Interrogatories and Request for Production of Documents to Plaintiff. These facts are evidenced by relevant portions of Oakfabco’s Special Interrogatories to Plaintiffs, which is. attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. These facts are evidenced by relevant portions of Oakfabco’s Request for Production of Documents to Plaintiffs, which is attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. Oakfabco’s Special Interrogatories and Request for Production of Documents were sufficiently comprehensive and sought all information pertaining to whether their products caused and/or contributed to Plaintiff's alleged exposure. These facts are evidenced by relevant portions of Oakfabco’s Special Interrogatories to Plaintiffs, which is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. These facts are evidenced by relevant portions of Oakfabco’s Request for Production of Documents to Plaintiffs, which is attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. In Response to Oakfabco’s Discovery, Plaintiff indicates that he worked on and around Kewanee boilers at Shell Oil in Martinez, Standard Oil in Richmond, and Union Oil in Rodeo, and valves associated with Oakfabco boilers. These facts are evidenced by relevant portions of Plaintiffs’ Responses to Oakfabco’s Special Interrogatories, which is attached hereto as Exhibit D and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. These facts are evidenced by relevant portions of Plaintiffs’ Response to Oakfabco’s Request for Production of Documents, which is attached hereto as Exhibit E and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. Plaintiff was ~2- 04473 34004 MMT 632258.128 FBE&M LAKE MERRITE PLXtA unable to provide any specific information pertaining to his work on or around Kewanee and Oakfabco boilers. 4, At deposition Plaintiff testified that he did not work with, around, or was exposed to any product manufactured, sold, supplied, and/or distributed by Oakfabco. These facts are evidenced by relevant portions of the transcript of the deposition of Louis Castagna taken on April 9, 2009 at page 1096 lines 13-14, 19-21, page 1097 lines 23-25, page 1098 lines 5-9; which is attached hereto as Exhibit F and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. Plaintiff was unable to identify any witnesses or documents that could provide more information as to whether he worked with, around, or was exposed to any product manufactured, sold, supplied, and/or distributed by Oakfabco. These facts are evidenced by relevant portions of the transcript of the deposition of Louis Castagna taken on April 9, 2009 at page 1096 lines 25, page 1097 lines 1-3, 6, page 1098 lines 11-14, 16-18; which is attached hereto as Exhibit F and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. 5. Plaintiff did not recall whether he worked with or around or was exposed to any products manufactured, sold supplied, and/or distributed by Kewanee Boiler Corporation. These facts are evidenced by relevant portions of the transcript of the deposition of Louis Castagna taken on April 9, 2009 at page 1097 lines 8-10, 12, page 1098 lines 21-25, page 1099 lines 2-6; which is attached hereto as Exhibit F and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. Plaintiff was unable to identify any witnesses or documents that could provide more information as to whether he worked on, around, or was exposed to a product manufactured, sold, supplied, and/or distributed by Kewanee Boiler Corporation. These facts are evidenced by relevant portions of the transcript of the deposition of Louis Castagna taken on April 9, 2009 at page 1097 lines 14-18, 20-2, page 1099 lines 8-13, 15-18; which is attached hereto as Exhibit F and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. W Ww ~3- 04473 34004 MMT 632258.11 I declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the 2 || foregoing is true and correct. Executed this june 3° 2010 in Oakland, California. duh lle Py, Caumaer MICHELLE M. CAMMARATA FBREG&M ~4- 04473 34004 MMT 632258.1 3999 Finan ' na OsgLanD C4 94682. S5aT PONE SI@AH4.S131EXHIBIT Aby . eo —— sae CT. : CSR No. “y | SUPERIOR ‘COURT OF THE STATE OF. CALIFORNEA 2h “COUNTY OF: gan’ ‘FRANCISCO ” 3 --+000--~- : 4 . 5 | FLORENCE WIENEOLZ; et al., }- . 6] plaintifts, - } . 7 vs. * No: 938709 8 ABEK CORPORATION, et al. oo } a Defendants. - : . 10) _ CERT Ie C0 PY aa] a ‘12 / as], ' ;ELEPHONIC DBPOSETION OF ‘aah. ‘wEEDIAM Cc. STEIN as VOLUME I, PAGES 1 - °74 “a6 anuxeday, Decembér .B, 1994 17]: , - 38] ry 20 aa] 2al 23] “galReported by: JANICE A. BADASCI 26 6367, cM, CRR-oO } . wise 15, . 1 r j|where you are?: ° A. Yes... * “9. : and my understanding is there iis noone else-in ‘the room? : oa That is correct. ‘g. New, would you go ahead and please. state your , nang. aid -dpell. it for the record. : ae oe ‘Now, Ifm on this end- I just want to state what the cixcumstances here for the record, -I'm on this end in Novato; california, with a court reporter, who,is' taking down everything that is said|. amoaig us here today. with your attorney.: : . . ‘Just. so we're, clear, could you tell me exactly: A. our’ address is 210 West 22nd Street in Oak Brook, ‘two words, Oak’. Brook, Illinois, ‘e0521. Q°.- and is’ that where you are ° right new, Mr. Stein? oA, Yes. +. And Bugene Brown, Jr., your attorney, is: there with you; correct? uy A _ My name ‘ig William <<; Stein, s- t-e-ien. Q-. And: the court reporter just. swore you in, pwneteby you raised your wight hand and swore ‘to tell the truth: “and my understanding is that you are in IllinoilaA. sttaybe ra, better say that Industeial steam operates as a division of oakEubeo. Q. Now, you Ae Yes. 2. Q. and bow ong have you. nad that popition? ‘ Ave 5 think ‘two yeara. - g,' pid you work saa batee ttt AL. ¥ess. oo Q.. And: “What: Was: your. position then? : A. | Treasurer. een cent Q. , And how ‘long had, you -heen treasurer? , A. (Of Oaktabed, gince. 1988, i believe. MR, BROWN?" So you were the: treasurer fron 1988. to 19927. THE WITNESS; And still am. MR. BROWN: Okay. Lf MR. HANLEY: Q. ‘So you've been treasurer since 44988 until new, and pregident for about the last two yeats? aA, Yes. Approximately. > Q. and Oak£abco originally incorporated in 1987.. Is that correct? , : ‘ uo ‘ A. No, : Q. When. did Oakfabco originally incorporate? ‘A. 1970, Maybe f don't understand your question. : , 2 ‘re. currently the president ‘of Cakfabco? .é * ‘ ABEX CORFORATION,, et aler SUPERIOR. COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA . IN AND’ FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO FLORENCE frgnuoLe,, . ‘ Plaintifte, ve. No. 938709 Defendants. The deposition of WILDIAN STEIN, erp called for: vexamination by the plaintiffs, taken before Deborah L. O'Connor, Ge Ss. Rey 3B Notary Public in and for the county. of DuFage, ‘State of tllinois, taken at 210 West Zand ‘street, Oak Brook; Illinois, . _on the zd day of Harch 1995. at. the hour of “9300 asm. ms EAs REPORTING (312) 41979292Boal a we ok we Ne We spent some time talking o about a number of ‘aifterent: corporations, some parent ontitics and some holding companies, some subsidiaries, and what Iwould Like to get from you is your: understanding ino general sense and briefly of. ‘the rélationship between several companies, west Alloy, Stanwood, Industrial Steam, and’ Gakfabco and Kewanee Boiler, Af that's a- question ‘that you can anewer; rather than me going through and asking ‘a niklion questions about when. something WES sold. - and you recall we. went | over a ‘Lot. of that and we had a Lot. of details and I. think what. we're nissing perhaps is just a general overview of the relationship between these different. companies, go my question is, can you give ime a general overview of. the relationship between these companies? And. I'll indicate them again if eon you like. . ‘ MS. MEKACICH Let me just object, to the question as calling for a narrative and I think “it also assumes facts ‘that, aren't in evidence to the extent that you' re asking for a relationship that may not exist. with those objections, — go “SUNT REPORTING (312) 419-9292_this on the side, Before 1970 it was all over the oto Ub oe & oN oe _ place: At. this point it was just in Kewanee. It had Buktalo;- New York, Detroit, and sO ONn,, all kinds of offices: -and facilities. Q. Préor to 19707 | Ae. Yes. | Ge) coKay.” “Re then gontinuing to , address your question, Kewanee oiler Corporation bought | the “assets -- certain assets inoluding the ‘business of Thdustrial . Steam Company, Inc., I think it was galled, ain December; 1976, and it, was ‘and is'-- well, was ‘operated: asa division of Kewanee Boiler a ‘Gérporation. When the assets were sold -~- when the. assets. ‘of Kewanee Boiler Corporation were ‘sold ‘puretant to court -- the assets in the business” in January, “1987, “it was -- the-name, of course, was , valuable. to. the purchaser; Kewanee has | very important name in that business, and we were required to change’ the name because the. name wap. sold as oné of the assets, And at that point ve ghanged the name: to Oakfabeo, Inc., TMade-up name. “Autd, of, course, “the only operating entity was ) Industrial steam at, that point. Dae REPORTING (312) 419-9292°EXHIBIT B1 || BUGENE BROWN, JR. (SBN: 079824) AMEE A. MIKACICH (SBN: 146814) 2 || LIZA C. MILANES (SBN: 242582) FILICE BROWN EASSA & McLEOD LLP 3 || 1999 Harrison Street, 18th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 | Tel: (510) 444-3131 Fax: (510) 839-7940 4 5 Attorneys for Defendant 6 || OAKFABCO, INC. 7 8 9 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 10 11 LOUIS CASTAGNA, ) CASE NO. CGC 07-274230 12 ) Plaintiff, ) SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES TO 13 ) LOUIS CASTAGNA, SET ONE v. ) 14 ) | 3 ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (BP), ) ) Defendants. ) 16 j ) 17 18 || PROPOUNDING PARTY: DEFENDANT OAKFABCO, INC. 19 ||, RESPONDING PARTY: PLAINTIFF LOUIS CASTAGNA 20 || SET NO.: ONE 21 COMES NOW, OAKFABCO, INC., and hereby requests that Plaintiff LOUIS 22 || CASTAGNA answer under oath pursuant to C.C.P. § 2030 and § 2030.010, ef seq., within thirty 23 || (30) days of receipt, the following interrogatories: 24 || INTERROGATORY NO. 1: 25 IDENTIFY each product to which YOU CLAIM that OAKFABCO, INC. caused YOU to 26 || be EXPOSED. 27 “YOU” and “YOUR” shall refer to Plaintiff LOUIS CASTAGNA, his attorneys, agents, 28 investigators, and any other representative working on his behalf. FBE&M : -1- tase ones Piaza ‘vente toon SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES TO PLAINTIFF LOUIS CASTAGNA, SET ONE EIGHTEENTH FLOOR ARLAND CA 94612-3541 04473 34004 LCM 586909.1FBE&M ‘LAKE MERRITT PLAZA 999 HARIUSON STREET ‘BoerresaTs FLOOR ‘ABLAND CA 94612-3541 “OAKFABCO, INC.” shall include, for purposes of discovery, Kewanee Boiler Corporation. “EXPOSED” shall mean in proximity to, in contact with, or to breathe respirable asbestos fibers. ‘ “IDENTIFY” shall mean to state that product name, common name, and manufacturer of the product identified. “CLAIM” shall refer to any and all claims made by plaintiff as alleged in the Complaint against OAKFABCO, INC., including but not limited to all allegations that OAKFABCO, INC. engaged in the business of manufacturing, distributing, or supplying asbestos containing products. INTERROGATORY NO. 2: For each product IDENTIFIED in YOUR response to Interrogatory No. 1, please state the LOCATION of EXPOSURE. “LOCATION” shall mean the premises name, street address, city, state, zip code, and telephone number of each premises identified. INTERROGATORY NO. 3: For each product IDENTIFIED in YOUR response to Interrogatory No. 1, please specify the DATE of EXPOSURE. “DATE” shall mean the day(s), month(s), and year(s). INTERROGATORY NO. 4: For each product IDENTIFIED in YOUR response to Interrogatory No. 1, please state all facts which support YOUR contention that OAKFABCO, INC. caused YOU to be EXPOSED to asbestos-containing products. INTERROGATORY NO. 5: IDENTIFY all persons who observed OAKFABCO, INC. cause YOU to be exposed to asbestos-containing products. “IDENTIFY” shall mean to state the person’s name, mailing address, street address, and telephone number. if 2. SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES TO PLAINTIFF LOUIS CASTAGNA, SET ONE 04473 34004 LCM 5869091FBE&M ‘Lagi Mages Plaza 999 HARRISON STRERT TIGHTARNTH FLooR, ARLAND CA 9469203541 In WwW INTERROGATORY NO. 6: IDENTIFY all DOCUMENT(S) that support YOUR contention that OAKFABCO, INC. caused YOU to be EXPOSED to asbestos-containing products. “DOCUMENT(S)” shall mean all writings as defined by Evidence Code § 250, ef seq., and include the original and any copy of any document, including but not limited to correspondence, memoranda, notes, research, notations, diaries, work records, work orders, purchase orders, invoices, photographs, reports, logos, or any other writings in YOUR possession. INTERROGATORY NO. 7: IDENTIFY all asbestos bankruptcy trusts to which YOU have filed a claim for compensation. “IDENTIFY” shall mean to state the name, mailing address, street address, and telephone number of the asbestos bankruptcy trust. INTERROGATORY NO. 8: IDENTIFY all payments YOU have received from an asbestos bankruptcy trust. “IDENTIFY” shall mean to state the dollar amount, the date of receipt, and the name of the asbestos bankruptcy trust from which YOU received the payment. : INTERROGATORY NO. 9: IDENTIFY all false statements YOU claim OAKFABCO, INC. MADE to YOU. “IDENTIFY” shall mean to state the content of each false statement, the name of the person who MADE the statement, the manner of publication of each false statement, including the title of ‘any DOCUMENT in which the false statement was MADE, and the date on which the false statement was MADE. “MADE” shall mean to state verbally or to state in writing. INTERROGATORY NO. 10: IDENTIFY all false statements YOU claim were MADE to YOUR employer(s) by OAKFABCO, INC. INTERROGATORY NO. 11: IDENTIFY all persons who observed OAKFABCO, INC. make false statements to YOU. fi i -3- SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES TO PLAINTIFF LOUIS CASTAGNA, SET ONE 04473 34004 LCM 586909.1eo eC NI DR Rh FB BY | NY N NR NH NN NN DQ ee oN DAD A BF 68 8S fF SG GB we DR H FF WN KF SD FBE&M LAKE MERRITT PLAZA 1999 HARRISON STREET EIGHTEENTH FLOOR AKLAND CA 94612-3541 INTERROGATORY NO. 12: IDENTIFY all DOCUMENTS that YOU claim evidence that OAKFABCO, INC. made false statements to YOU. Dated: May 28, 2008 FILICE BROWN EASSA & McLEOD LLP we Oy Chale EUGENE BROWN, JR. AMEE A. MIKACICH LIZA C. MILANES Attorneys for Defendant OAKFABCO, INC. 4. SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES TO PLAINTIFF LOUIS CASTAGNA, SET ONE 04473 34004 LCM 586909.1EXHIBIT Com YN DA HM PF WHR = mW MW NY N NN NN Be BR Re aA vA & YB NY fF BD obo we NA DH F&F BW NH KF 27 28 FBE&M Sake MERRITT pLaza 1999 Harnasow Seamer mea TERT FLOUR GaRLAND CA 94612-3541 PHON SLO4s4.a231 EUGENE BROWN, JR. (SBN: 079824) AMEE A, MIKACICH (SBN: 146814) LIZA C. MILANES (SBN: 242582) FILICE BROWN EASSA & McLEOD LLP 1999 Harrison Street, 18th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 Tel: (510) 444-3131 Fax: (510) 839-7940 Attorneys for Defendant OAKFABCO, INC. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO LOUIS CASTAGNA, CASE NO. CGC 07-274230 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LOUIS CASTAGNA, SET ONE Plaintiff, v. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (BP), Defendants. eee PROPOUNDING PARTY: DEFENDANT OAKFABCO, INC. RESPONDING PARTY: PLAINTIFF LOUIS CASTAGNA SET NO.: ONE COMES NOW, OAKFABCO, INC., and hereby requests that Plaintiff LOUIS CASTAGNA answer under oath, pursuant to the provisions of California Code of Civil Procedure, §§ 2031, ef seq., within thirty days of receipt, the following requests for production of documents. OAKFABCO, INC. further requests that plaintiff produce documents responsive to this request at the law firm of Filice Brown Eassa & McLeod LLP, located at 1999 Harrison Street, Suite 1800, Oakland, California 94612. // -l- 04473 34004 LCM 5869111 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LOUIS CASTAGNA, SET ONE1 | DEFINITIONS 2 The term “DOCUMENTS” shall refer to all writings as defined in California Evidence 3 | Code § 250, and include the original and any copy of any documents, including but not limited to correspondence, memoranda, notes, research, notations, diaries, work records, photographs, reports, logs, or any other writings in your possession. 4 5 6 The term “YOU” and “YOUR” shall refer to Plaintiff LOUIS CASTAGNA, his attorneys, 7 | agents, investigators, and any other representatives working on his behalf. 8 The term “CLAIMS” shall refer to any and all claims made by Plaintiff as alleged in the 9 | Complaint against OAKFABCO, INC.,, including but not limited to all allegations that 10 || OAKFABCO, INC. engaged in the business of manufacturing, distributing, or supplying asbestos 11 | or asbestos-containing products. 12 The term “EXPOSED” and “EXPOSURE” shall mean in proximity to, in contact with, 13 | and/or to breathe respirable asbestos fibers. 14 The term “IDENTIFY”, when referring to a location, shall mean to state the street address, 15 |. city, state, zip code, and telephone number of each location identified. 16 The term “IDENTIFY”, when referring to a date, shall refer to the day, month, and year. 17 The term “IDENTIFY”, when referring to persons, shal! mean to state the name, the 18 || current, or if not known, the most recent, street address, city, state, zip code, and telephone 19 | number of each person identified. 20 The term “OAKFABCO, INC.” includes Kewanee Boiler Corporation for purposes of 21 | these requests. 22 | REQUEST NO. 1: 23 Produce all DOCUMENTS which support YOUR CLAIMS against OAKFABCO, INC. 24 | REQUEST NO. 2: 25 Produce all DOCUMENTS that IDENTIFY the location(s) where YOUR EXPOSURE to 26 | OAKFABCO, INC. product(s) allegedly occurred. 27 | 77 28 | // r FBE&:M -2- 04473 34004 LCM 5869111 eT REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LOUIS CASTAGNA, SET ONE oe Manuasors Sane EnulersenTa FLOOR ‘ORLAnD EA 9612.3547 Pons $10,934.81851 | REQUEST NO, 3: Produce all DOCUMENTS that IDENTIFY the employer(s) for whom YOU worked 2 3 | when YOUR EXPOSURE to OAKFABCO, INC. product(s) allegedly occurred. 4 || REQUEST NO. 4: , 5 Produce all DOCUMENTS that IDENTIFY the date(s) on which YOU were allegedly 6 | EXPOSED as a result of the conduct of OAKFABCO, INC. 7 | REQUEST NO. 5: 8 Produce all DOCUMENTS which refer to any asbestos-containing OAKFABCO, INC. 9 || product(s) to which YOU claim YOU were EXPOSED. 10 | REQUEST NO. 6: 11 Produce all DOCUMENTS which IDENTIFY any and all persons who observed 12 | OAKFABCO, INC. cause YOU to be EXPOSED to asbestos, 13 | REQUEST NO. 7: 14 Produce all DOCUMENTS which relate to claims that YOU have filed with an asbestos 15 bankruptcy trust. 16 | REQUEST NO. 8: 17 Produce all DOCUMENTS which relate to payments YOU have received from an 18 || asbestos bankruptcy trust. 19 || REQUEST NO. 9: 20 Produce all DOCUMENTS that relate to false statements YOU claim OAKFABCO, INC. 21 | MADE to YOU. 22 “MADE” shall mean to state verbally or to state in writing. 23 | REQUEST NO. 10: 24 Produce all DOCUMENTS that relate to false statements YOU claim were MADE to 25 | YOUR employer(s) by OAKFABCO, INC. 26 | REQUEST NO. 11: 27 Produce all DOCUMENTS that IDENTIFY persons who observed OAKFABCO, INC. 28 || make false statements to YOU. ; FBREG&M -3- | 04473 34004 LOM 5869111 £909 HaRnuson Staley LAK MERRITT PENZA REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LOUIS CASTAGNA, SET ONE rotetaeNy Foo DAKLAKD EA 6123581 buowe st0.ass.srayowe IN DAW 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 FBE&M Lake MORRITT MLAZA, 1999 Hapasson State LBIGDEE ENTE FLOOR OASLAND C8 94412-5551 Prion S10.444.509¢ REQUEST NO. 12: Produce all DOCUMENTS that YOU claim as evidence that OAKFABCO, INC. made false statements to YOU. Dated: May 28, 2008 FILICE BROWN EASSA & MCLEOD LLP we Ol CMe EUGENE WIN, JR. AMEE A. MIKACICH LIZA C. MILANES Attorneys for Defendant OAKFABCO, INC. ; -4- , 04473 34004 LCM 586911.1 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO LOUIS CASTAGNA, SET ONEB&eM (GRRITT PLAZA ‘ursont STR NTH FLOOR, a 94sr2.3541 S143 Oo Oe YW KH HA BRB WN = Rw oN NN YN N KR NY Be ew oe Be se eB Se Be Be ea AA FB oH fF FS De HDA BBW NH KH ST PROOF OF SERVICE LOUIS CASTAGNA vy. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (OAKFABCO, INC.) SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. CGC 07-274230 I, MARIE HERNANDEZ, hereby declare: 1 am acitizen of the United States, over 18 years of age and not a party to the within action. Iam employed in the County of Alameda; my business address is Lake Merritt Plaza, 1999 Harrison Street, Eighteenth Floor, Oakland, CA 94612-3541. On the date listed below, 1 served the within: SPECIAL INTERROGATORIES, SET ONE AND REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, SET ONE, PROPOUNDED TO LOUIS CASTAGNA on all parties in this action, as addressed below, by causing a true copy thereof to be distributed as follows: Brayton Purcell Berry & Berry 222 Rush Landing Road 2930 Lakeshore Avenue P. O. Box 6169 P.O. Box 16070 Novato, CA 94948-6169 - Oakland, CA 94610 ij BY MAIL: [am “readily familiar” with the firm’s practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing. Under that practice it would be deposited with U.S. Postal service on that same day with postage thereon fully prepaid in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. - BY HAND DELIVERY: 1 caused such envelope, to be hand delivered to the stated parties. VIA FACSIMILE: I caused such documents to be transmitted via fax to the stated parties at their respective facsimile numbers, VIA EXPRESS CARRIER: 1 caused such documents to be collected by an agent for to be delivered to the offices of the stated parties. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on May 30, 2008, at Oakland, California. MARIE HERNANDEZ dD 09821 33185 MHERNANDEZ 507080.01 Z -l- 04473 34004 MHERNANDEZ $87081.1 PROOF OF SERVICEEXHIBIT DBRAYTON PURCELL LLP ATTORNEYS ATLAW 222 RUSH LANDING ROAD PO BOX 6169 NOVATO, CALIFORNIA 94948-6169 (415) 898-1555 CO YD wm BW Ye 10 ALAN R. BRAYTON, ESQ., S.B. #73685 DAVID R. DONADIO, ESQ., S.B. #154436 SARAH K. ISAACS, ESQ., SB. #227286 BRAYTON*PURCELL LLP Attorneys at Law 222 Rush Landing Road P.O. Box 6169 Novato, California 94948-6169 (415) 898-1555 Attorneys for Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO LOUIS CASTAGNA, Plaintiff, ASBESTOS No. 274230 PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT OAKFABCO, INC.’S SPECIALLY PREPARED INTERROGATORIES, SET ONE VS. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (BP) ee PROPOUNDING PARTY: Defendant OAKFABCO, INC. RESPONDING PARTY: Plaintiff LOUIS CASTAGNA SET NUMBER: ONE (1) RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 1: Plaintiff LOUIS CASTAGNA, objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it is vague and ambiguous, particularly with regard to the use of undefined terms including, but not limited to, “product” and “caused.” Subject to, and without waiving, the foregoing objection, laintiff responds as follows: Kewanee boilers. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this Response as investigation and discovery are continuing. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 2: Plaintiff objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it seeks information protected from disclosure by the attorney-client privilege and work-product doctrine. Plaintiff further objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it calls for legal conclusions. Plaintiff further objects to this Intetrogatory on the grounds that it calls for expert opinions and therefore prematurely seeks disclosure of information which is properly the subject of expert witness testimony and/or reports in violation of C.C.P. §. 2034. Plaintiff further objects on the grounds, and to the extent that this Interrogatory seeks information equally available to, and already provided to, defendant in Standard Asbestos Case Tnterrogatories and other employment documents served on Designated Defense Counsel pursuant to General Order No. 41 and is therefore harassing, burdensome, oppressive and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. if ‘KAlnjured\102298\rog-rsp OAKFAB.wpd 1 7 skiCamo NY DA BF WN & 10 Subject to and without waiving said objections, as plaintiff understands the question, plaintiff responds as follows: Plaintiff worked on and around KEWANEE boilers throughout his career. Plaintiff was in close proximity to the boilermakers, who performed work inside the boiler and disturbed asbestos containing material. Plaintiff believes he worked around KEWANEE boilers at the following sites, including but not limited to Shell Oil, Martinez, CA: Standard Oil, Richmond, CA Union Oil, Rodeo/Oleum, CA: Plaintiff also personally worked on valves associated with OAKFABCO boilers. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this Response as investigation and discovery are continuing. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 3: Plaintiff objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it seeks information protected from disclosure by the attorney-client privilege and work-product doctrine. Plaintiff further objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it calls for legal conclusions. Plaintiff further objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it calls for expert opinions and therefore prematurely seeks disclosure of information which is properly the subject of expert witness testimony and/or reports in violation of C.C.P. § 2034. Plaintiff further objects on the grounds, and to the extent that this Interrogato seeks information equally available to, and already provided to, defendant in Standard Asbestos Case Interrogatories and other employment documents served on Designated Defense Counsel pursuant to General Order No. 41 and is therefore harassing, burdensome, oppressive and not teasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Subject to and without waiving said objections, as plaintiff understands the question, plaintiff responds as follows: Plaintiff refers to and incorporates by reference his Response to Interrogatory 2 above. Plaintiff cannot be more specific as to date at this time. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this Response as investigation and discovery are continuing. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 4: Plaintiff objects to this Interrogatory on the rounds that it is vague, ambiguous and overbroad. Plaintiff further objects on the grounds that it seeks information protected from disclosure by the attorney-client privilege and work-product doctrine. Plaintiff further objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it calls for legal conclusions. Plaintiff further objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it calls for expert opinions and therefore prematurely seeks disclosure of information which is properly the subject of expert witness testimony and/or reports in violation of C.C.P. § 2034. Plaintiff further objects on the grounds, and to the extent that this Interrogatory seeks information equally available to, and already provided to, defendant in Standard Asbestos Case Interrogatories and other employment documents seryed on Designated Defense Counsel pursuant to General Order No. 41 and is therefore harassing, burdensome, oppressive and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Subject to and without waiving said gbjections. as plaintiff understands the question, plaintiff responds as follows: Per O. ‘ABCO, INC.’s Responses to General Order 129 Interrogatories, defendant purchased an interest in Kewanee Boiler Corporation in 1975 and Kewance Boiler Corporation may have purchased and used asbestos-containing gaskets and rope in its boilers up until the year 1972. As successor-in-interest to Kewanee Boiler Corporation, OAKFABCO, INC. is liable for plaintiff’s asbestos exposure resulting from the asbestos-containing materials used in KEWANEE boilers. Plaintiff was exposed to asbestos-containing products that were manufactured, sold, supplied, distributed and/or specified by KEWANEE while he performed tepair work to said boilers. Plaintiff was exposed during the course of installation as he disturbed internal gaskets, and lined the firebox with a coating of asbestos-containing material, which came in sacks of dry powder which plaintiff helped to mix and apply. Plaintiff was further exposed by working in close proximity to other who on KEWANEE boilers and. serviced the interiors, handling and otherwise disturbing defendant's asbestos-containing products in his proximity. Plaintiff breathed the air and dust that had been generated by the andling and disturbance of these products. Plaintiff did not wear breathing protection, nor was he advised to do so. KMajured\102298\og-rsp OAKFAB.wpd 2 i skiDefendant knew that asbestos-containing products such as those supplied to plaintiff's employers or contractors at plaintiff's jobsites, would be handled, disturbed and manipulated by workers, resulting in the release of airborne asbestos fibers, and that through such foreseeable use and/or handling, plaintitt would be exposed to such asbestos fibers. As a manufacturer, supplier and/or distributor of asbestos-containing products, defendant had a duty to wam consumers of dangers inherent in said products, as well as other duties all of which were breached by defendant. As a proximate result of defendant's breach of its duties, plaintiff sustained injury. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this Response, as investigation and discovery are continuing. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 5: Plaintiff objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it is vague and ambiguous, particularly with regard to the use of undefined terms including, but not limited to, “observed” and “cause.” Plaintiff further objects to this Interrogatory on the ground that it seeks the premature disclosure of trial witnesses, other than experts, and is therefore in violation of the attorney work-product doctrine. City of Long Beach vy. Superior Court (1976) 64 Cal.App.3d 65. Subject to, and without waiving, the foregoing objection, plaintiff currently identifies the following: Current and/or former employees, agents, officers of KEWANEE, OAKFABCO whose names are currently unknown to plaintiff. Plaintiff further identifies Mike Hemandez, address currently unknown; James Saathoff, c/o Brayton%*Purcell LLP; Doyle Williams, address currently unknown; Ed Wetison, deceased; Ed Russell, address currently unknown; and Larry Blevins, Concord, California; Thomas McCollum, c/o Brayton Purcell; James P. Kearney, deceased, Kenneth W. Norris, deceased. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this Response, as investigation and discovery are continuing. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 6: Plaintiff objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds, and to the extent, that it seeks documents protected by the Attorney-Client privilege and/or the Attorney Work-Product Doctrine. Plaintiff further objects on the grounds, and to the extent, that this Interrogatory seeks the premature disclosure of documents within the possession of plaintiff's retained expert consultants in violation of C.C.P. § 2034.210. Plaintiff further objects on the grounds that this Interrogatory is overly broad, vague and ambiguous, particularly with regard to the use of undefined terms including, but not limited to, “caused.” Subject to, and without waiving, the foregoing objections, plaintiff currently identifies the following documents: Plaintiff identifies his Complaint for Personal Injury in this case, all exhibits attached thereto and all documents incorporated therein by reference, including the Brayton¢*Purcell LLP Master Complaint. Plaintiff believes defendant is in possession of these documents. Plaintiff further identifies his responses to Standard Asbestos Case Interrogatories, Sets One and Two, previously produced to Designated Defense Counsel. Plaintiff believes defendant is in possession of these documents. Plaintiff also identifies his medical records and Social Security Records, previously made available to defendant through coordinating defense counsel, Berry & Berry. Plaintiff identifies all deposition transcripts and the exhibits attached thereto taken in conjunction with this action. Deposition transcripts are equally available to defendant. Plaintiff further identifics all depositions and exhibits attached thereto, taken in conjunction with the instant action. . Plaintiff further identifies OAKFABCO, INC.’s Supplemental/Amended Responses to San Francisco General Order No. 129 Interrogatories in Case No. 828684 In Re: Complex Asbestos Litigation, dated January 30, 2007. Plaintiff further identifies the transcript and all exhibits attached thereto of the deposition and/or trial testimony of defendant’s representatives, agents, managing agents, officers, directors, employees, Person(s) Most Knowledgeable and/or Custodian(s) of Records, including but not limited to that of William Stein, taken in Florence Weinholz v. Abex Corporation, et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 938709 on December 8, 1994 and on March 3, 1995; in Mordhorst v. A.W. Chesterton Company, et al., San Francisco i KAlnjured\102208vog-rsp OAKFAB.wpd 3 , skioO NDA RB YW Ye RoR Roe Be BP eB eB Be eB BXRRRERBRBEBSESEBSRRARDEBHES County Superior Court Case No. 429884 on October 29, 2004; in Jacquelyn Bakken v. Asbestos Defendants (BP), San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 430928 on December 20, 2005, and that of George Kasparian taken in Florence Weinholz v. Abex Corporation, et al. San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 938709 on March 2, 1995. Plaintiff also identifies numerous articles and studies relating to health hazards associated with exposure to asbestos which have appeared in the medical and scientific literature since the turn of the century, and have also been summatized in various publications. Two texts that contain summaries and/or bibliographies of this literature are: Asbestos: Medical and Legal Aspects, Barry I. Castleman Prentice-Hall Law and Business, 1990. Sourcebook on Asbestos Disease, Medical, Legal, and Engineering Aspects, George A. Peters and Barbara J. Peters, Garland STPM Press Vol. 1, 1980, Vol. 2, 1986. Plaintiff is in possession of these texts and will make them available for defendant's review. Due to copyright laws, plaintiff cannot provide copies of these texts to defendant. Plaintiff also identifies General Industry Safety Orders promulgated pursuant to California Labor Code § 6400, et seq. and California Administrative Code under the California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Industrial Safety, including, but not limited to, Title VUI, Group 9 (Control of Hazardous Substances) Article 81, Section 4150, 4104-4108, and Threshold Limit Values as documented for asbestos and other toxic substances under Appendix A, Table I of said Safety Orders. Plaintiff also identifies NESHAP Asbestos Regulations (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants) which are found at Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Chapter 1, Subchapter C, Part 61, Subpart M, published under the Federal Clean Air Act of 1970, 42 U.S.C.A. Section 7412(b)(1)(A) and 42 U.S.C.A. Section 7412(b)(1)(B). Plaintiff also identifies OSHA standards relating to asbestos, found at Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, Chapter 17, Section 1910, et seq.; and Title 8, Section 5208 of the California OSHA regulations pertaining to asbestos exposure. Plaintiff further identifies all the papers, photographs, films, recordings, memoranda, books, records, pamphlets, circulars, handbooks, manuals, periodicals, files, envelopes, notices, instructions, transcripts, notes, telex messages, communications (including reports, notes, notation and memoranda of telephone conversations and conferences, electronic mail, minutes, transcriptions, correspondence, etc) writings, letters, telegrams, correspondence, notes of meetings or of conversations either in writing or upon any mechanical or electronic devices, notes, accountants’ statements or summaries, reports, invoices, canceled checks, check stubs receipts, bank statements, diaries, desk calendars, appointment books, payment records, telephone bills in defendant.’s constructive possession, custody, care or control relating to plaintiff and the jobsites where he worked, and/or KEWANEE equipment on said sites. Plaintiff believes defendant is in possession of these documents. Plaintiff further identifies all of the agreements and contracts between defendant KEWANEE and any general contractor, sub-contractor and supplier who was present at any jobsites where plaintiff worked. Plaintiff further identifies all of the labeling and packaging materials for all of the asbestos-containing materials used at jobsites where defendant KEWANER’s products were present on plaintiff's jobsites. Plaintiff believes defendant is in possession of these documents. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this Response as investigation and discovery are continuing. Mt “i Mt t KAlnjuredh102298\wog-tsp OAKFAB.wpd 4 : skiCoQ A vA FWY 10 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 7: Plaintiff objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that the information requested is neither relevant to the subject matter of this action, nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Plaintiff further objects to this Interrogalery on the grounds that it is overly broad, insofar as it is not specific to the instant action. Plaintiff further objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that defendant improperly seeks the disclosure of confidential settlement information which is protected under California law pursuant to Evid. Code § 1152, Hinshaw, Winkler, Draa, Marsh & Still, et al. y. Super. Ct. (Kauffman) (1996) 51 Cal.App.4th 233, 241, Covell v. Super. Ct. (Drasin) (1984) 159 Cal.App.3d 39, 43, and C&K Engineering Contractors v. Amber Steel Co. (1978) 23 Cal.3d 1. Plaintiff further objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that defendant improperly secks private information protected from disclosure by the California Constitution, article f §1 Subject to, and without waiving the foregoing objections, plaintiff responds as follows: Armstrong World Industries, Inc. Asbestos Claims Management Corporation Babcock & Wilcox Company Eagle-Picher Industries, Inc. Fibreboard Corporation ELK. Porter Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. Harbison-Walker Refractories Company Owens Corning Fiberglas United States Gypsum Company W.R. Grace & Co. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 8: Plaintiff objects to this Special Interrogatory on the grounds that the information requested is neither relevant to the subject matter of this action, nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Plaintiff further objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it is overly broad, insofar as it is not specific to the instant action. Plaintiff further objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that defendant improperly seeks the disclosure of confidential settlement information which is protected under California law pursuant to Evid. Code § 1152, Hinshaw, Winkler, Draa, Marsh & Still, et al. v. Super. Ct. (Kauffman) (1996) 54 Cal.App.4th 233, 241, Covell v. Super. Ct. (Drasin) (1984) 159 Cal.App.3d 39, 43, and C&K Engineering Contractors vy. Amber Steel Co. (1978) 23 Cal.3d 1. Plaintiff further objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that defendant improperly seeks private information protected from disclosure by the California Constitution, article I § 1. Subject to, and without waiving the foregoing objections, plaintiff responds as follows: None. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 9: Plaintiff objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it is vague and ambiguous, particularly with regard to the use of undefined terms including, but not limited to, “false” and “statements.” Subject to, and without waiving, the foregoing objection, plaintiff responds as follows: The products in question, for which defendant is legally responsible, were designed in such a way as to expose consumers to a known carcinogen which caused/causes injury to laintiff. Therefore, KEWANEE violated the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness ‘or a particular purpose, by falsely representing that said products and equipment were safe said intended uses. See Dorman v. International Harvester Co. 46 Cal.App.3d 11, 120 Cal.Rptr. 516 (Cal.App.1975). Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this Response as investigation and discovery are continuing. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 10: Plaintiff objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it is vague and ambiguous, particularly with regard to the use of undefined terms including, but not limited to, “false” and “statements.” Subject to, and without waiving, the foregoing objection, plaintiff responds as follows: Plaintiff refers to and incorporates by reference the Response to Interrogatory 9 above. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this Response as investigation and discovery are continuing. KAlnjured\102298\rog-rsp OAKEAB.wpd 5 , skiCo WWD rH PF WY RB ee Be Be Be ee ek Co ODO Mm HY DO RH BR YW BH OS RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 11: Plaintiff objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it is overly broad, vague and ambiguous, particularly with regard to the use of undefined terms including, but not limited to, “false,” “statements” and “observed.” Subject to, and without waiving, the foregoing objection, plaintiff responds as follows: Plaintiff refers to and incorporates by reference the Response to Interrogatory 5 above. Plaintiff reserves the right to supplement this Response as investigation and discovery are continuing. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 12: Plaintiff objects to this Interrogatory on the grounds that it is overly broad, vague and ambiguous, particularly with regard to the use of undefined terms including, but not limited to, “false,” “statements” and “evidence.” Subject to, and without waiving, the foregoing objection, plaintiff responds as follows: Plaintiff refers to and incorporates by reference the Response to Interrogatory 6 above. Plaintiff reserves the tight to supplement this Response as investigation and discovery are continuing. Dated: boast VieQ BRAYTON**PURCELL LLP ” Sarat K. Isaacs di Attomeys for Plaintiff By. f KAInjured\102298\rog-rsp OAKPAB.wpd 6 , skiVERIFICATION TO FOLLOW KAFORMS\VERIFVER2FOLW.WPD, ~ aA mam tT Mh OF OH o = 4 =~ nN a nt HM Oo Ee 8 Soe tet s5¢1-868 (Sth) 6919°BP6>6 VINNOSTTVD ‘OLVAON 6919 XOROd a¥Ou DNIGNYT ASNY 227 ANWILY SAINUOLLY AT1 TIAA SNOLAVET a onan ae NN NN tT Hon w aN NN ANCoO IQ DU BW Ye Pe ee Be eR ee eR oD Be SD DOD A KR WH YY KF SG PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL Tam employed in the County of Sonoma, State of California. I am over the age of 18 years and am not a party to the within action. My business address is 1324 Rand Street, Petaluma, California 94954. . On . AUG 0.5 2008 , I served the within: PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT OAKFABCO, INC.’S SPECIALLY PREPARED INTERROGATORIES, SET ONE on the interested parties in this action by transmitting a true copy thereof in the following manner. I placed in a sealed envelope, postage thereon prepaid, addressed and served as follows: OAKFABCO, INC. Filice, Brown, Hassa & McLeod LLP 1999 Harrison Street, 18° Floor Oakland, CA 94612-0850 BY MAIL SERVICE: 1am readily familiar with the business practice at my place of business for collection and processing of correspondence for delivery by mail. Correspondence so collected-and processed is deposited with the United States Postal Service on the same day in the ordinary course of business. On the above date the said envelope was collected for the United States Postal Service following ordinary business practices. . AUG 05 2008 Executed at Petaluma, California. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Joyce Diala Louis Castagna v. Asbestos Defendants (B4P) San Francisco Superior Court Case No. 274230 PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL222 RUSH LANDING ROAD NOVATO, CALIFORNIA 94948-6169 ATTORNEYS ATLAW BRAYTON¢PURCELL LLP (415) 898-1555 oO UD HW BF WN = ee ee ee A va B WN & SG 17 18 19 20 2 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 VERIFICATION Louis Castagna San Francisco Superior Court Case No. 274230 I, Louis Castagna, declare: I am the plaintiff in the above-cntitled action. The foregoing Plaintiff's Response to Defendant _Oalkfabco, Inc.’s Specially Prepared Interrogatories, Set One, propounded by Oakfabco, Inc., are true of my knowledge, except as to those matters which are therein stated on my information and belief and, as to those matters, I believe them true. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. pated: 8S-9P-OF sioner Loorets Camden Please do not write below this line, If you have any changes, please submit them on a separate sheet of paper. Thank you.EXHIBIT EATTORNEYS AT LAW 209 RUSH LANDING ROAD BRAYTON*PURCELL LLP PORBOX 6169 NOVATO, CALIFORNIA 94948-6169 (415) 898-1555 Co me NDR FF YW YM RPE Be eRe Be ewe eB ee SSO wm NAA BBN eS ALAN R. BRAYTON, ESQ., S.B. #73685 DAVID R. DONADIO, ESQ., S.B. #154436 SARAH K. ISAACS, ESQ., S.B. #227286 BRAYTON**PURCELL LLP Attormeys at Law 222 Rush Landing Road P.O. Box 6169 Novato, California 94948-6169 (415) 898-1555 : Attomeys for Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO LOUIS CASTAGNA, )} ASBESTOS ) No. 274230 Plaintiff, ) )} | PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSE TO vs. )} DEFENDANT OAKFABCO, INC.’S ) REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (BYP) } DOCUMENTS, SET ONE PROPOUNDING PARTY: Defendant OAKFABCO, INC. RESPONDING PARTY: Plaintiff LOUIS CASTAGNA SET NUMBER: ONE (1) Plaintiff objects to defendant's Request for Production of Documents in its entirety on the grounds that it is unduly burdensome in that it requests production at the law offices of Filice, Brown, Eassa & McLeod LLP, located at 1999 Harrison Street, Suite 1800, Oakland, California 94612. Plaintiff will make available all responsive, non-privileged documents at defendant's expense at a mutually agreeable time to counsel for plaintiff and counsel for defendant at the law offices of Brayton%*Purcell LLP, 222 Rush Landing Road, Novato, California 94948. Subject to the foregoing objection and without waiver thereof, plaintiff responds as follows: RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1: Plaintiff objects to this Request on the grounds, and to the extent, that it secks documents protected by the Attorney-Client privilege and/or the Attorney Work-Product Doctrine. Plaintiff further objects on the grounds, and to the extent, that this Request seeks the premature disclosure of documents within the possession of plaintiffs retained expert consultants in violation of C.C.P. § 203