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EUGENE BROWN, JR. (SBN; 079824) AMEE A. MIKACICH (SBN: 146814) MICHELLE M. CAMMARATA (SBN: 250258) FILICE BROWN EASSA & MCLEOD LLP ELECTRONICALLY 1999 Harrison Street, Suite 1800 FILED Oakland, California, 94612-3520 Superior Court of California, Telephone: (310) 444-3131 County of San Francisco Facsimile: (510) 839-794) JUN 23 2010 Attormeys for Defendant. : eclerk of the Court OAKFABCO, INC. Deputy Clerk SUPERIOR, COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO LOUIS CASTAGNA, : CASE NO. CGC 07-274230 : MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND Plaintiff, AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS, Date: September 9, 2010 Time: 9:30 a.m. Dept: 220 Judge: Hon. Harold Kahn Defendants, ‘Trial Date. October 12,2010 Complaint Filed: June 6, 2007 COMES NOW, OAKFABCO, INC., (hereinafter referred to as “Oakfabco”) and hereby submits this Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment. L STATEMENT OF FACTS On June'6,.2007, Louis Castagna filed a Complaint for Personal Injuries, alleging exposure to asbestos, against several defendants, including Oaktabco. Cakfabco appeared in this action by way of Answer to the Complaint on July 24, 2007. O44TS 34008 MMT 632257.1 MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY FUDGMENTIn the Complaint, Plaintiffalleges that the defendants, including Oakfabeo, were involved. in the manufacture, sale, supply, or installation of asbestos containing products. However, that claim is erroneously stated against Qakfabco since Oakfabco came into existence in about 1987, and has not manufactured. sold‘or supplied any products. On May 30, 2008, counsel to Oakfabco propounded Special Interrogatories and a Request for Production of Documents to Plaintiff, The interrogatories sought all information, pertaining to Plaintiff's claims against Oakfabco. Plaintiff served his Responses to Oakfabco’s Discovery on August 5,.2008..n Answers to Special Interrogatories, Plaintiff indicates that he worked on and around Kewanee boilers at Shell Oil in Martinez, Standard Oil in Richmond, and Union Oil in Rodeo. Plaintiff further claims that he personally worked on valves associated with Oakfabco boilers. Plaintiff's claim that he worked on valves associated with Oakfabco is incorrect. As indicated, Oakfaboo never manulactured any product, let alone asbestos containing, since it came into existence in 1987. That notwithstanding, not only did Plaintiff fail to provide dates in which he. worked on or around a Kewanee and/or Oakfabco boiler, but he alse failed to identifv.any specific facts supporting his claims against Oakfabeo. Plaintiffwas deposed over the course of several sessions in 2008, 2009, and 2010, the service of new defendants. At deposition, Plaintiff testified that in 1967-1970, he became employed as a merchant marine for Interlake Steamship Company and Emerald Mining Company, aboard several ships. In 1969, Plaintiff became employed asia steamfitter by numerous contractors, including Pacific Mechanical Corporation, Albay Construction Company, and Dillingham Construction, at several industrial, commercial, and institutional settings, ineluding oil refineries, chemical plants, and power houses, As to Oakfabco, Plaintiff testified that he did not werk with or around, or have exposure to any product manufactured, supplied, and/or distributed by Oakfabeo and/or Kewanee Boiler a2- 04473 34004 MMT 632257.5me a Ce eo NS Corporation. Plaintiffwas unable to identify any documents or witnesses that would provide any information as to whether he worked with or around any Oakfabco or Kewanee product, Accordingly, despite extensive discovery,-no evidence exists that Mr, Castagna was ever exposed to asbestos as the result of a Kewanee boiler. i, LEGAL AUTHORITIES AND ARGUMENT Ae SUMMARY JUDGMENT 1S STATUTORILY AUTHORIZED. Code of Civil Procedure §437¢ provides the statutory basis for a. motion.for summary judgment. Code of Civil Procedure section 437c states in pertinent part: (a) Any party may move for summary judgement in any action or proceeding if it is contended that the action has no merit. (bj(1) The motion shall be supported by affidavits, declarations, admissions; answers to. interrogatories, depositions, and matters of which judicial notice shall or may be taken. (c) The motion for summary judgment shall be eranted if all the papers submitted show that there is no triable issue as io any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgement as amatter of law. {Emphasis Added]. | Here, this motion is supported by the deposition testimony, of Plaintiff, Louis Castagna, which is the type of evidence enumerated by Section 437c that “shall” support a. motion for suminary judgment. Thus, the evidence produced by Oakfabco is authorized under the statute. B THERE 18 NO EVIDENCE THAT OAKFABCO CAUSED OR CONTRIBUTED TO PLAINTIFF'S ALLEGED EXPOSURE TO ASBESTOS. As mentioned, Plaintiff filed the Complaint for Personal Injuries on June 6, 2007, alleging several causes of action, based on négligence, strict product liability, failure to warn, breach of warranties, fraud, and false representation. As to each cause of action, the element of causation must be proved. In the context of asbestos related actions, Plaintiff must prove exposure. to an -3- 04473 34004 MMT 6322871asbestos containing product for which Oakfabco and/or Kewanee Boiler Corporation are responsible. The court in Rutherford vs, Owens-Illinois, Inc., (1997) 16 Cal.4"° 953, analyzed the element of causation in the context of asbestos related personal injury actions.and held ai page 982: In the context of a cause of action for asbestos-related latent injuries, the plaintiff must. first establish some threshold exposure to the defendant's detective asbestos-containing products, and must further establish in reasonable medical probability that a particular exposure or series of exposures was a “legal cause” of his injury, i... a substantial factor in bringing about the injury, In an asbestos- related cancer case, the plaintiifneed not prove that fibers from the. defendant's product were the ones. or among the ones, that actually began the process of malignant cellular growth. Instead, the plaintiff may meet the burden of proving that exposure to defendant's product was a substantial factor causing the illness by showing that'in reasonable medical probability it contributed to the plaintiff or decedent's risk of developing cancer. [Emphasis Added]. In McGonnell v. Kaiser Gypsum Company (2002) 98 Cal.App.4™ 1098, 1103, plaintiffs alleged that their decedent developed lung cancer as a result of exposure to.defendant’s Kaiser Gypsum’s asbestos containing prodticts, during the course of his employment as a plumber. At deposition, the decedent testified that he has never heard of Kaiser Gypsum and had never worked with or around others using Kaiser Gypsum products. Defendant Kaiser Gypsum moved for summary judgment. Plaintiffs, in their opposition, offered invoices, that reflected the delivery of Kaiser products to the decedent's employer three years before the decedent began working for “The plaintiff must first.establish actual exposure to asbestos or asbestos containing products for which the defendant is responsible. A. threshold issue in asbestos litigation is exposure to. the defendant’s product. The plaintiff bears the burden of proof on this issue, If there has been no exposure. there is no causation...” {Emphasis added], | -4. 04473 34004 MMT 6322571Aguilar vy. Atlantic Richfield Co. (2001) 25 Cal. 4® 926, 855 sets forth defendant's initial burden of production ona motion for summary judgment: “The defendant’ may, bul need not, present evidence that conclusively. negates an element of the plaintiff's cause of action. ‘The defendant may also present evidence that the plaintiff does not possess, and cannot reasonably obtain, needed evidence as through admissions by the plaintiff following extensive discovery, to the effect, that he has discovered nothing.” [Emphasis added]. In the case at ‘bar, Plaintiff was deposed over the course of several days. Plaintilf described in detail, his work history, including the identities of products and equipment that he worked with, on, or around, during the course of his career. Plaintiff was asked specifically about whether-he worked with, or around, or was exposed to any product manufactured by Oakfabco and/or Kewanee. In response, Plaintiff testified that he is unaware that he has ever worked with or around or that he was exposed to any product manulactured, supplied, and/or distributed by Oakfabco and Kewanee, Plaintiff ‘further testified that he is unaware of any documents or witnesses that would provide more information as-to whether he worked with, or around, of was exposed to any product manufactured, supplied, and/or distributed by Oakfabco and Kewanee. By virtue of Plaintiff's deposition testimony, causation as to Oakfabco, cannot be established. Therefore, Plaintiff cannot overcome the threshold issue of establishing exposure to an Oakfabeo and/or a Kewanee product, as required under McGonnell. c. PLAINTIFF'S RESPONSES TO DISCOVERY INDICATE THAT OAKFABCO DID NOT CAUSE AND/OR CONTRIBUTE TO HIS EXPOSURE, ‘During the course of discovery, Plaintiff admitted that he did not perform work on or around a product supplied by Oakfabco and/or Kewanee Boiler Corporation. Counsel to Oakfabeo has diligently sought all information. through written discovery and deposition testimony from Plaintiff regarding his claims against Oakfabco. ~5e $4473 34004 MMT 63225716 7 8 9 0 The purpose of the Civil Discovery Act is to-allow the parties to litigation the obtain discovery, in order to prepare a claim and/or defense for trial. C.C.P. §2017.010 provides in pertinent part that: Any party may obtain discovery regarding any matter, not privileged, that is relevant-to the subject matter involved in the pending action or to the determination of any motion in that. action, if the matter either is itself admissible in evidence, or appears reasonably calculated ‘to lead to. the discovery of admissible evidence. In interpreting C.C.P. § 2017.01 the courtin Thoren vs. Johnston & Washer, (1972) 29 Cal. App. 3d 270, 274 held that: One of the principal purposes of civil. discovery is to do away with “the sporting theory of litigation-namely, surprise. at the trial.” [Citations] The purpose is accomplished by giving ‘greater assistance to the parties in ascertaining the truth and in. checking and preventing perjury,’ and by providing ‘an effective means of detecting and exposing false, fraudulent and sham claims and defenses.’ [Citations]. Pico Furniture Co. of Los Angeles v. Superior Court In and For Los Angeles County (1961) 56 Cal.2d 407; 420 recognized that: The various vehicles of discovery provided by the Discovery Act are. meant to be complementary of one another. No-such vehiclecan be used to bar absolutely the operation of anether. Here, plaintiff initially answered the standard interrogatories, as set of special interrogatories. Code of Civil Procedure § 2030.010 provides: An. interrogatory may relate to whether another party is making a certain contention, orto the facts, witnesses, and writings .on which a contention is based. An interrogatory is not objectionable. because an answer to it involves an opinion or contention that relates to fact-or the application of law to fact, or would be-based on information obtained or legal theories developed in anticipation of litigation or in preparation for trial. =O = 04473 34004 MMT 632237.1Here, counsel to Oakfabco propounded written discovery to Plaintiff in preparation for his deposition, in order to narrowthe issues and facts which form the basis of his claims against Oakfabco. In doing so, counsel to, Oakfabco, at deposition, conducted a cross-examination. in order to verify the information that was included in the answers to interrogatories. When Plaintiff was questioned about his claims against Oakfabco, he clarified his responses to written discovery, by testifying that he did not work on, around, or was exposed to any product for-which Oakfabco is liable. Deposition testimony is ‘extremely. useful in discovery as it allows for, the opportunity. to clarify not only the answers provided, but also the questions posed. Where, as. here, however, there is a clear and unequivocal admission by the-plaintiff, himself, in his deposition, made. not once but twice, that Miss Andersen ‘did not apply any force or anything,’ that there had been ‘no force applied’- sworn evidentiary facts which plaintiff could not. possibly ‘withdraw without committing the grosses! perjury-we are forced to conclude there is no substantial evidence of the existence of a triable issue of fact. And in McGonnell v. Kaiser Gypsum, Inc., (2002) 98 CA 4h 1400, 1104, the court held that: McGonnell’s deposition excerpt is precisely the type. of evidence specified by Code of Civil Procedure § 437c¢, sub (b), and our Supreme Court... as proper evidence to support summary judgment motion . . . MeGonnell was one of the best. persons, if not the best person, to. identify the various products and substances to which he had. to. identify the various products and substances to. which. he had been exposed during his employment. Here, Plaintiff is the best person to know as to the. identities of those products that he worked with or around, throughout his career. As mentioned, Plaintiff was asked specifically about whether he worked with or around any product manufactured by Oakfabco and/or ~Fe 04973 34006 MMT 632237.16 7 8 Kewanee. In response, Plaintiff testified that he had no to whether he worked with, on, around, or was exposed to any product manufactured by Oakfabco and Kewanee. Plaintiff's deposition testimony and answers to Oakfabco’s discovery clearly shows that he has no knowledge that he was exposed to any products for which Oakfabeo is responsible. Therefore, Plaintiff cannot overconie the threshold issue of establishing exposure to an Oakfabco and/or a Kewanee product, as required under MeGonnell. mm. CONCLUSION For-the foregoing reasons, Plaintiff does not claim exposure 10 asbestos asa result-of the conduct of Oakfabco, Therefore, Oakfabeo, Inc. is entitled to summary judgment as a matter of law. Respectfully Submitted, 2010 FILICE BROWN EASSA & MCLEOD LLP ov bolle Qenmunranal EUGENE BROWN, JR. AMEE A, MIKACICH MICHELLE M. CAMMARATA Attomeys for. Defendant OAKFABCO, INC. Dated: Junce*" -8- 04473 34004 MMT 632257.1