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  • Clarence J. Beames Iv v. Phoenix Environmental Laboratories, Inc.Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Clarence J. Beames Iv v. Phoenix Environmental Laboratories, Inc.Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Clarence J. Beames Iv v. Phoenix Environmental Laboratories, Inc.Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Clarence J. Beames Iv v. Phoenix Environmental Laboratories, Inc.Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Clarence J. Beames Iv v. Phoenix Environmental Laboratories, Inc.Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Clarence J. Beames Iv v. Phoenix Environmental Laboratories, Inc.Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: SARATOGA COUNTY CLERK 11/02/2021 10:03 AM INDEX NO. EF2021944 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/02/2021 (sE" Exhibit FILED: SARATOGA COUNTY CLERK 11/02/2021 10:03 AM INDEX NO. EF2021944 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/02/2021 A}PENDIX 8 ANSWER STATI] OF N CI(L COLINTY OF Plaintifi DocketNumber: etq -v- Defendant. ANSWER COMES NOW Defbndant ( answering the ailegations of the Plaintiff as follows: 1. Defendant admits each and evsry allegation contained in the Complaint/Potition Ll marksd and numbered: 2. Defendant denies each and every allegation contained in the Complaint/?etition marked and numbered: 3 5 3. Defendant denies knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to eaoh and every allegation contained in the Complainf/Petition marked and numbered: rD WHEREFORE, Defendant demands judgment dismissing the Complaint and srJdAY 0 $ R[C'0 other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. Relin, Goldstein & Crane llrfcf,u llo^,1 Frint}.Tfune ls bd Street Address fucd^ Trci\ Bctts:h Sag n tS\ 11Oa{'\ city state' zip I tr - s-l Q. - eeGL{ Phone FILED: SARATOGA COUNTY CLERK 11/02/2021 10:03 AM INDEX NO. EF2021944 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/02/2021 Verification STAIE OFNEW YOKK COUNTY OF hA boing duly sworn, deposes and saYs : I am the defendant in the within action; I have read the and know thecontents thereof; that the contents of the foregoing Answer are true to ths best of my knciwledge, except those matiers alleged on information I believe it to be true. and belief, and that as to those matters *' sworn to before me this .83 duy of \ 20&l :f,YAllTMARTlt{ .Xmnr fttrc, Sldc of t{cw York *o. olitA64r@49 Qurffffcd ln SarrtogeCountv pF cflirnh8bfi lrdrar o.totno2t c n$lrrnc_4lq, SERVr$q The undersigned does hereby certi$ to this Court that on the .,J-{-day of -Affi\ , 2020,!he or she did serve a copy of the foregoing ANSWER by depositing the same in the F'irst Class U.S. Mail addressed to the fcrllowing: B.elin -.(r'\rtslrrn q to'-,q* Uu(,, -- ." ,?t Fett non $t. Sbib I1SQ .{i'r,,,,. A*n Se (print name)