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  • CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. v. EVANS,SANDRAS00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) document preview
  • CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. v. EVANS,SANDRAS00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) document preview
  • CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. v. EVANS,SANDRAS00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) document preview
  • CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. v. EVANS,SANDRAS00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) document preview


SUPERIOR COURT CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A. CENTRALIZED : SMALL CLAIMS VS : AT HARTFORD SANDRA Y EVANS JULY 11, 2016 AFFIDAVIT OF MILITARY SERVICE STATE OF CONNECTICUT } ss. Newington COUNTY OF HARTFORD } The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. | am over the age of eighteen and | believe in the obligation of an oath. | am a legal assistant at London & London, counsel for the aforementioned plaintiff; and based on the foregoing, | am familiar with the statements contained in this Affidavit. 2. The law office of London & London, requested from the Defense Manpower Data Center, the military status of the Defendant, SANDRA Y EVANS, based on date of birth and/or social security number and last name. 3. London & London received by internet a signed statement from the Defense Manpower Data Center which is attached hereto. 4 The attached statements indicated that the defendant, SANDRA Y EVANS, is not and has not been in the military services during the pendency of this action. Dated at Newington, Connecticut, this the 11" day of July 2016. Pamela Xhunga Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the 11" day of July 2016. ogrie Mueller-London C¢émmissioner of the Superior Court 16-62416 London & London @ Attorneys at Law 48 Christian Lane @ Newington, CT 06111 @ (860) 666-450¢. « JURIS No. 406548Department of Defense Manpower Data Center Pataca AA NOES AD sous 4 Status Report ‘Pursuant to Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Last Name: EVANS: First Name: SANDRA Middle Name; Active Duty Status As Of: Jut05-2016 = at oe - rer ames heb er Nah wher eed ony KoaONw pt bas ES aa Upon aeurcing na bark be Depaion of OferusManbvt aa Car, band tn hloralon yu proved above le at ‘lng oe che saa dt so arta fa Untored anon (ry, Navy tne Cope he Forc, NOAA, Puc Meth on Cont Gn). Thats ncn tomato Sarnaribe sahara nication Nr re pat or Ache Dey. Viawy Va. Srancly- Dylon Mary M. Snavaly Dion, Decor Deparment of Doense - Manpower Data Conter £800 Mark Carter Orv, Bite 4E25 ‘Aéigton, VA 22350 ‘The Defensa Manpower Data Center (MDC) a an rzanization of Uwe Oopariment of Defense (De) that maintans he Defense Enrolment and Essay Reporting System (CEERS) datehasa which nthe oficial source of data on wig for mitary medical care and ater epi systems, ‘Twe Dob atngly suppor th enforcement of the Servicamembars Cis Robet Act (50 USC App. $01 ot seq. an amended) (SCRA) Lorman known 23 Oot ‘Scie and Sire Cit Felt Act of 1940). DDC hes lsnued hundreds of thousands of “does nat possess any IdocmationInleating thatthe inv 's curently on actve Gut/ responses, and hes experenead ariy # ema oor rat, inthe avers he Inividualrelatanced shove, of ony amily member, ond, or ropravantodve aseeta any mannes that he inevidl wae on active dy fore sci duty talus date off veri ented othe protections ‘ofthe SCRA, you oe attongy eneauraged o obtain frtervertcalon ofthe parsons satis by contatng Pal person's Service Wa ths URL: hipaa delensa govPubkcOuaranpubtcOveatonaF aquanewers jep?Subjectelocating Service Mambars cr Gating 2 Maling Adérusss, I youhavt evidence the parson wae on active dy forthe active Oty state date and you fal ta obian the addons! Serves vericaion punitive provelens of Yt ‘SCRA may bo lnchod egeintt you, Sea 80 USC App. $521. ‘Ta esponee recta he folowing infomation: (1) The inviuate Active Duty ataus on tha Active Oty Stas Date (2) Whether tne Indios tot Active Duty stat witin 367 days preceding the Active Duty totus ala (2) Whether te indica or hisher ond recaivad earty rican lo reper fe acive ‘ay on the Active Outy Statue Data, More information on “Activa Duty Status” ‘Active duty sata 28 repaid in tha certicate fs defined in accordance wih 10 USC § 101(6) (1), Porto 2010 only some of We active duty perods less ‘han 20 sonsaouive dayn inlangtn were avalsbie. tn the case cfm mambe ofthe Neona! Guard, fs Includes sarc under» call io mcive sevice ‘utorzed by the President or the Secretary of Dolensa under 32 USC § 5021 for purposes af responding to # nations emergency decarad bythe President and supported by Federal funds. All Acive Guard Raxarve (AGH membara mani be essigned egeinst an suharited mabiszaton potion tthe ‘ri they suppor. Tha includes Navy Telning and Adminisratin of he Resarves (TARs), Marna Corps Activa Raserve (ARs) and Case Guard Reserve Program Adminsratc (RPA). Acdve Dury alas alsa eppis to a Untorriod Service member wha tan activa Guy commisslaned oer of the U.S. Padilc Hostn Sarce or te National Qceanle and Aumoschode Adminlartion {NOAA Commissioned Corp). Coverage Undar the SCRA is Broader in Some Cases Coveragi under the SCRA Is broader Ie sore cases and includes tome calayores of parsons on acive dy for purpares of he SCRA who would not be ‘reported ax on Active Duty under ihe ceniiata. SCRA protections ar for Tide 10 and Tito 4 active duty record lor sth Uritomed Sarces periods. ‘Te 32 pevids of Activa Duty are ot covered by SCRA. a8 detnedin accordance wih 10 USC § 1011638). ‘Many times order are amended to extend he period of active dy, which would etand SCRA protections. Persons seeking to ely On this wobsiin = ‘criicaon should chect 1 make aure fhe orders on which SCRA protections ama bated hava rol ban amended to exend the hese dalea of parce, Furthermore, some protectors ofthe SCRA may extend o parson who havacecched vor a report fot activ cy of oe leucid, tn wa Rave not ectualy begun active duty oF actualy reported for induction. The Lest Date an Active Duty ent f important because a numberof protections f fo SCRA ‘extend beyond to tos dates of activa duly. ‘Thove who cous rolyon tis canieats ara urged to soek quated legal counsel ansure ina righ guaranieed lo Service members under the SCRA ae protected WARNING: This cofeate was provided based on 2 311 name, SSNidst of bit, and active dty stats data provided by the sequester. Proving ‘erenecusilormation wil eaute an erroneous certcate fo be provided. Cerificate ID: 66$11086U35FO30