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(MN SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Document Scanning Lead Sheet Dee-17-2008 12:18 pm Case Number: CGC-08-274972 Filing Date: Dec-17-2008 12:16 Juke Box: 001 Image: 02346902 COMPLAINT }REGORY INCHAUSPE VS. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (B/P)AS REFLECTED ON EXHIBH 001002346902 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned.SUM-100_ SC MMONS FOR COURT USE ONLY (CITA). ON JUDICIAL) (SOLO PARA USO DE LA CORTE) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): : ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (B“P} As Reflected on Exhibits B, B-1, C, H, 1, J, N; and DOES 1-8500; and SEE ATTACHED LIST.” YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): GREGORY INCHAUSPE You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form If you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You ean find these court forms and more Information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, your county taw library, or the courthouse Nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fea watver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may Jose the case by default, and your wages, money, and Property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. if you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free tegal services froma nonprofit legal services Program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (www, the Californta Courts Online Self-Help Center (, or by contacting your local court or county bar association, Tlene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO después de que fe entrequen esta citactén ¥ papeles legales para presentar una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una flamada telefonica no lo Profegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en Ia corte. Es posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios de fa corte y mas Informacién en el Centro de Ayuda de fas Cortes de California (}, en la biblioteca de feyes de su condado o en !a corte que le quede més cerca. Sino puede pagar /a cuota de presentacién, pida al secretario de la corte que fe dé un formulario de exencién de Pago de cvotas, Sino presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el caso por Incumptimiento y la corte fe podrd quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mds advertencia. Hay otros requisites legales. Es recomendable que lame a un abogado Inmediatamente. SI no conoce a un abogada, puede flamar aun servicio de remisién 2 abogados. SI no puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que cumpla con Jos requisitos para obtener servicios Jegales gratuitos de un programa de servicios legates sin fines de lucro, Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de lucro en ef sitio web de California Legal Services, (www,, en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, ( o ponténdose en contacto con ia corte o ef colegio de abogados focales. The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y direccién de la corte es): SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 400 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102 SEU 08 -274970 The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiff's attomey, or plaintiff without an attomey, is: (El nombre, la direccién de teléfono del abogado del demandante, o def demandante que no tien abogado, es) DAVID R. DONADIO, ESQ., STATE BAR NO. 154436 poe Rush landing Fos iN CA 94! 6 (415) 898-15: ue 2 Rush Landing Road, Novato, 948-6169 5) 55, "3 P. NATT VV DATE: + Clerk, b CD ron DEC 172008 Gordon Park-Li Getty sa (For proof of service of this summons, use Proof of Service of Summons (form POS-010).} (Para prueba de entrega de esta citatién use el formulario Proof of Service of Summons, (POS-010)). NOTICE TO PERSON SERVED: You are served 1. oO as an individual defendant. 2. oO as the person sued under the fictitious name of (specify): 3. O on behalf of (specify): under] CCP 416.10 (corporation) oO CCP 416.60(minor) CCP 416.20 (defunct corporation) Occp 416.70 (conservatee) O CCP 416.40 (association of partnership) O CCP 416.90 (authorized person) other (specify): 4 O by personal delivery on (date): Page 1 of t Jusicial Council of California SUMMONS ‘SUM-100 [Rev.fanuay 1, 2004)BRAYTON@PURCELL LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 222 RUSH LANDING ROAD P.O, Box 6169 NOVATO, CALIFORNIA 94948-6169 (415) 898-1555 oon Aun Ft WN et aA Aner WN | OC ALLIS-CHALMERS CORPORATION PRODUCT LIABILITY TRUST ASBESTOS CORPORATION LIMITED GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION BUCYRUS INTERNATIONAL, INC. COLTEC INDUSTRIES, INC. THOMAS DEE ENGINEERING CO., INC. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY RILEY POWER INC. GOODLOE E. MOORE INC. SMITH RICE COMPANY DEEKER ELECTRIC MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTORS INC. H & H DECKING COMPANY AEROJET-GENERAL CORPORATION J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION CONTINENTAL MARINE, INC. and DOES 1-8500, Defendants. Gregory Inchauspe vs, Asbestos Defendants ‘San Francisco Superior CourtATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, state bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY DAVID R, DONADIO, ESQ., STATE BAR NO. 154436 BRAYTON*“*PURCELL LLP 222 Rush Landing Road Novato, California 94948-6169 TELEPHONENO: (415) 898-1555 FAXNO: (415) 898-1247 ATTORNEY FOR (NAME):_ Plaintiffs) SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO STREET ADDRESS: 400 McAllister Street MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Francisco, CA 94102 BRANCH NAME: CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Complex Case Designation Rluntimited D1 Limited OC counter D Joinder G Amount Filed with first appearance by defendant o lemanded is ¢Cal. Rules of Court, rute 3.402) exceeds $25,000) $25,000 or less) . Jtems 1-6 below must he completed (see instructions on 1. Check one box below of the case type that best describes this case: Auto Tort Contract Provisionally Complex Civil Litigation Cawo @2) LJ Breach of contracewarramty (06) cl Rules of Court, rules 3.400-3.403) JUninsured motoris (46) Ei) Rate 3.750 cottectons (00) Antitrus/Trade regulation (03) Other PI/PDAVD (Personal Injury/Property ‘Other Collections (09) Construction defect (10) amage/Wrongful Death) Tort Insurance coverage (18) ‘Mass tort (40) Asbestos (04) Cl oiner contract (37) Securities litigation (28) Product Liability (24) Real Property Environmental / Toxic tort (30) OO) Medical matpractice (45) JEminent domainnverse Insurance coverage claims arising from the Other PLPDAWD (23) ‘condemnation (14) above listed provisionally complex case types (41) Non-PIPDAVD (Other) Tort 1 wrongfi eviction (33) Enforcement of Judgment Business torvanfair business practice (07) Cotter reat property(26) Enforcement of judgment (20) Civil rights (08) Unlawful Detainer Miscetlancous Civil Complaint Defamation (13) Commercial (31) Fraud (16) Residentiat (32) A one en sain ( ovey (42 Intetlectual property (19) Ciorugs a8) complaiot (nor specified above) (42) Professional negligence(25) Judicial Review Miscellaneous Civil Petition DD other non-PLPDAWD tort (35) LD Asset forteirare (05) 1 Pannership and corporate governance (21) Employment [1 petition rec arbitration award (11) Other petition (nor specified above) (43) ‘Wrongful termination (36) Writ of mandate (02) Other employment (15) other jusictal review (39) 2. This case C1 is & isnot complex under rule 3.400 of the Califomia Rules of Court. If the case is complex, mark the factors requiring exceptional judicial management: a Large number of separately represented parties a Large number of witnesses b. FD Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel e. LJ Coordination and related actions pending in one or more courts issues that will be time-consuming to resolve in other counties, states or countries, or in a federal court c. L) Substantial amount of documentary evidence £. 1 Substantial post-judgment judicial supervision 3. Remedies sought (check all that apply): a. monetary 0 nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief c & punitive 4, Number of causes ye (specify): 9 5. Thiscase Dis isnot aclass action suit. 6. If there are any known related cases, file and serve a notice of related case. (You may.use form CM-015.) Date: o (hye 8 R. Donadio > (CTYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY FOR PARTY) NOTICE + Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first filed in the action or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases filed under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Codey (Cal. Rules of Court, nile 3.220.) Failure to file may result in sanctions. + File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court ute, + If this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. of the California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover shect on all other parties to the action or proceeding. + Unless this is a collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex case, this cover sheet shall be used for statistical purposes only, Ferm Adopted for Mandatory Use CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET (Cad Rakes of Cour, exes 23 3 200, 3 400-3 409, 3740 Inticial Comme of Califia (Cal Standards of hoScial Adminiaraion, a 310 ew coario ca gov (CMON0 [Rew ly 1, 7007] LariaNeris Asomated California Deiat Councit Formswo woe NY A HwW kh WwW DN & a ae Aw BB wWwNH = Oo POBOX 6169 NOVATO, CALIFORNIA 94948-6169 (415) 898-1555 a ATTORNEYS AT LAW 222 RUSH LANDING ROAD. BRAYTON@PURCELL LLP NN YY NN NNN SE = on AN fF YUN = CHK WwW C C DAVID R. DONADIO, ESQ., S.B. #154436 BRAYTON**PURCELL LLP Attomeys at Law Road SUMMONS ISSUED 222 Rush Landing Roa i PO. Box 6169 5 ou9 San Francisco County Superior Court lovato, California = (415) 898-1555 e8c6 LAR aGeMENT CONFERENCE SET DEC 17 2008 sti GORDUN PARK-L, Clerk Attorneys for Plaintiff * DEC 17 2009 1PM tefl DEPARTMENT 206 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO GREGORY INCHAUSPE, ASBESTOS Plaintiff, o =CGC-08-274972 VS. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (B“*P) As Reflected on Exhibits B, B-1, C, H, I, J, N; and DOES 1-8500; and SEE ATTACHED LIST. COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INJURY - ASBESTOS ee 1. Plaintiff GREGORY INCHAUSPE was born December 11, 1926. 2. The ©BraytonPurcell Master Complaint for Personal Injury {and Loss of Consortium]- Asbestos (hereinafter "Master Complaint") was filed January 2, 2003, in San Francisco Superior Court. A copy of the Master Complaint and General Order No. 55 may be obtained upon request from Brayton“Purcell, and designated portions of the Master Complaint are incorporated by reference herein pursuant to the authority conferred by General Order No. 55, Plaintiff's claims are as set forth in said Master Complaint against defendants herein as follows: Wl W THIS GASE IS SUBJECT TO m MANDATORY ELECTRONIC FILING PURSUANT TO AMENDED G.0. 158 KMohured 104161 1 INT FOR P’ NAL It oAoc oN AW WN — = me ee ew R= So P.O. Box 6169 vu NOVATO, CALIFORNIA 94948-6169 (415) 898-1555 ATTORNEYS ATLAW 222 RUSH LANDING ROAD ~ n BRAYTON@PURCELL LLP YRBRRBRLYS ss Nv 08 ALLIS-CHALMERS CORPORATION PRODUCT LIABILITY TRUST ASBESTOS CORPORATION LIMITED GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION BUCYRUS INTERNATIONAL, INC, COLTEC INDUSTRIES, INC. THOMAS DEE ENGINEERING CO., INC. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY RILEY POWER INC. GOODLOE E. MOORE INC. SMITH RICE COMPANY DEEKER ELECTRIC MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTORS INC. H & H DECKING COMPANY AEROJET-GENERAL CORPORATION .R. SIMPLOT COMPANY EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION CONTINENTAL MARINE, INC. and DOES 1-8500, Defendants. Gregory Inchauspe vs. tos Defendants (BYP San Francisco Superior CourtCause of Action First (Negligence) wr Ob Oo Oo 8 BOW BB Second (Strict Liability) Third (False Representation) Fourth (Loss of Consortium) Hawt (Premises Owner/ Contractor Liability) Sixth, Seventh, Eighth O Conca Maint Negligence Jones Act],Maintenance and Cure) O O Oo Ninth (Longshore and Harbor Workers 0 Compensation Act [LHWCA]) Tenth, Eleventh (F.E.L.A.) 0 Twelfth, Thirteenth (Respiratory Safety Devices) O Fourteenth, Fifteenth fRrake Shoe Grinding) Sicenth (Concert of Action) Seventeenth, Eighteenth (Fraud, Deceit/Negligent Misrepresentation/Concealment) Nineteenth (Fraud/Deceit/ Intentional Misrepresentation) Oo Twentieth (Fraud/Deceit - Kent) Twenty-First (Aiding/Abetting Battery - Met Life) *and their alternate entities as set forth in the Master Complaint or on any Exhibit. Oo nor OOF Oo OoC C 3. Plaintiff's asbestos-related injury, date of diagnosis, employment status, and _ history of exposure to asbestos are as stated on Exhibit A. 4. Plaintiffs hereby amend the Master Complaint on file herein, to incorporate a new Twenty-First Cause of Action, set forth below, specially plead against the defendant listed on Exhibit N, namely METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. (Plaintiffs are in the process of amending the Master Complaint herein and will include this new Cause of Action in said amendment.) TWENTY-FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION Aiding and Abetting Battery [Against Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and Does 7501-7900, Inclusive] Dp ont A nA F&F WwW N AS AND FOR A FURTHER, TWENTY-FIRST, SEPARATE AND DISTINCT CAUSE OF ACTION FOR AIDING AND ABETTING BATTERY, PLAINTIFF COMPLAINS OF DEFENDANTS METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, DEFENDANTS ON EXHIBIT N, DOES 7501-7900, THEIR ALTERNATE ENTITIES AND EACH OF THEM, AND ALLEGES AS FOLLOWS: 225. Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference, as though fully set forth hereat, each and every allegation of the First through Third and Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Causes of Action as though fully set forth herein. (As used throughout this cause of action, ‘plaintiff’ refers to all named plaintiffs and/or all named decedents from whom the named plaintiffs’ injuries may derive.) 226. This cause of action is for the aiding and abetting of battery by METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (“MET LIFE”), primarily through its assistant medical director Anthony Lanza, M.D., of a breach of duty committed by Johns-Manville Corporation (‘3-M”). 227. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that at all times herein mentioned defendant MET LIFE was and is a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New York or the laws of some other state or foreign jurisdiction, and that this defendant was and is authorized to do and/or was and is doing Kes y00160 a 3 IT FOR A :wo OA A WwW FF YW NH tN NN NOR Ri i i ei C C business in the State of California, and regularly conducted or conducts business in the County of San Francisco, State of California. At times relevant to this cause of action, MET LIFE was an insurer of J-M. : 228. Plaintiff, was exposed to asbestos-containing dust created by the use of the asbestos products manufactured, distributed and/or supplied by J-M. This exposure to the asbestos or asbestos-related products supplied by J-M caused Plaintiff's asbestos-related disease and injuries. . 229. Starting in 1928, MET LIFE sponsored studies of asbestos dust and asbestos- related disease in Canadian mines and mills, including those of J-M. Those studies revealed that miners and mill workers were contracting asbestosis at relatively low levels of dust. McGill University, which conducted the studies, sought permission from MET LIFE to publish the results but they were never published. MET LIFE prepared its own report of these studies. 230. Between 1929 and 1931, MET LIFE studied dust levels and disease at five U.S. plants manufacturing asbestos-containing products, including a J-M plant. Those studies showed that workers in substantial numbers were contracting asbestosis, at levels less than what became the Threshold Limit Value (‘TLV”) of Smppcf. The MET LIFE report was never published or disseminated except to plant owners, including J-M. 231. In 1932, MET LIFE studied dust levels and disease at the J-M plant at Manville, New Jersey. Results were consistent with those of the Canadian and previous U.S. plant studies. They were never published. 232. In 1934, J-M and others whose plants MET LIFE had studied agreed with MET LIFE that it should issue a report of its studies. 233. MET LIFE submitted a draft of its report to J-M. J-M requested, for legal and business reasons, that certain critical parts of the draft be changed. MET LIFE’s official in charge was Lanza. MET LIFE through Lanza did make changes that J-M requested, including: (a) Deletion of MET LIFE’s conclusion that the permissible dust level for asbestos should be less than that for silica; MW igure 1041 6Yemp riper 4 MPLAINT A TKSo ON DAH bw N 10 C C (b) Addition of the phrase that asbestosis clinically appeared to be milder than silicosis. The report, thus altered, was published in 1935. It was misleading, and intentionally so, because it conveyed the incorrect propositions that asbestosis was a less serious disease process than silicosis and that higher levels of asbestos dust could be tolerated without contracting diseases than was the case for silica dust. 234, MET LIFE had a close relationship with J-M. It invested money in J-M, It provided group health and life insurance to J-M. MET LIFE IN 1934 agreed to supply industrial hygiene services to J-M, including dust counts, training employees to monitor dust levels, examining employees, and recommending protective equipment. MET LIFE and Lanza were viewed as experts on industrial dusts. 235. In 1933, MET LIFE through Lanza issued the following advices to J-M: (a) _ Disagreeing with the recommendation of a J-M plant physician, MET LIFE advised against warning workers of the fact that asbestos dust is hazardous to their health, basing its advice in view of the extraordinary legal situation; (b) When the plant physician judged the best disposition of an employee with asbestosis was to remove him from the dust, MET LIFE advised instead that disposition should depend on his age, nature of work and other factors and to leave him alone if he is old and showing no disability, for, MET LIFE stated, economic and production factors must be balanced against medical factors. 236. J-M followed the MET LIFE advices and did not warn its workers, including plaintiff, of the hazards of asbestos dust, and J-M also intentionally refrained from notifying workers of their disease. 237. In 1936, MET LIFE, J-M and others founded the Air Hygiene Foundation (“AHF”). One of the AHF purposes was to develop standards for dust levels that would serve as a defense in lawsuits and workers’ compensation claims. 238. MET LIFE funded partially another study that tentatively recommended in 1938 a TLV for asbestos dust of Smpecf, the same as for silica dust. MET LIFE was aware of dataOw w7wrnaunkh YW NY from its own, unpublished reports that showed that level was too high for asbestos dust. MET LIFE nonetheless promoted that TLV as proper. 239. In June 1947, the Industrial Hygiene Foundation (“THF”) which succeeded to the AHF, issued a report of studies by Dr. Hemeon of U.S. asbestos plants, including a J-M plant. That report showed that workers exposed to less than the recommended maximum levels of dust were developing disease. MET LIFE was a member of the IHF and Lanza was on its medical committee. The Hemeon report, which was supplied to J-M and other owners, never was published. 240. In 1936, J-M and other asbestos companies agreed with a leading medical research facility, Saranac Laboratories, that Saranac would research asbestos disease, but J-M and the others retained control over publication of the results. In 1943 Saranac’s Dr. Leroy Gardner, in charge of the research, sent a draft to J-M that revealed that 81.8% of mice exposed to long fiber asbestos contracted cancer. 241. Dr. Gardner died in 1946. J-M and other companies wanted parts of the Saranac results published and enlisted the assistance of MET LIFE’s Lanza. J-M and other companies decided that Saranac’s findings of cancer caused by asbestos in mice must be deleted, as well as Saranac’s critique of existing dust standards. Lanza directed Saranac to delete the offending materials. Saranac did so, and the altered report was published in 1951 by Saranac’s Dr. Vorwald, in the AMA Archives of Industrial Hygiene. 242, Lanza left MET LIFE at the end of 1948, and took a position at New York University, funded by MET LIFE. He continued to misrepresent that asbestos does not cause cancer into the 1 950s. 243. The IHF (formerly AHF), of which MET LIFE was a member and MET LIFE official was on its medical committee, through Drs. Braun and Truan conducted a study of Canadian miners. The original report, in 1957, found an increased incidence of lung cancer in persons exposed to asbestos. The sponsors, including J-M, caused those findings to be stricken, and the report published in 1958 contained the false conclusion that asbestos exposure alone did not increase the risk of lung cancer.yp eat AWA FF WwW YY Re ee ei BNSRREBRBBRBRSSRAVABESTEAS 244. The false and misleading reports that a link between asbestos exposure and cancer ‘was not proven influenced the TLV, for if a substance causes cancer the TLV must be very low or zero. 245. J-M not later than 1933 was inflicting asbestos dust on its workers in its plants knowing that the dust was hazardous and was causing workers to contract disease that could and would disable and kill them. As MET LIFE advised, J-M did not warn its workers of the hazard. J-M committed battery on workers in its plants, including plaintiffs’ decedent, by that conduct. 246, MET LIFE knew that J-M’s conduct constituted a breach of its duties to its workers. MET LIFE gave substantial assistance to J-M in committing batteries on its workers, including plaintiff's decedent, through MET LIFE’s conduct described above, including by: (a) Affirmatively urging J-M not to war workers of the hazards of asbestos dust, in view of the extraordinary legal situation, such that J-M did not wam its workers, including plaintiff's decedent; (b) Deleting the findings of its own draft report that the allowable limits for asbestos dust should be less than those for silica dust, and promoting a false and unsafe TLV which specified maximum levels of silica dust, and promoting a false and unsafe TLV which specified maximum levels of dust for workers, including plaintiffs’ decedent, which MET LIFE knew was wrong through its own studies; (c) Advising J-M to keep certain workers continuing to work at dusty areas in the plant even after J-M was aware that their lungs showed asbestos-induced changes, lest other workers including plaintiffs’ decedent be alerted to the dangers of working in the dust. WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays judgment as is hereinafter set forth.” Dated: \rUlele z BRAYTON**PURCELL LLP » UR y: David R. Donadio Attomeys for PlaintiffEXHIBIT ADo eA UH F&F WN — nN Roe se ee ee a EXHIBIT A Plaintiff's exposure to asbestos and asbestos-containing products occurred at various locations both inside and outside the State of California, including but not limited to: Employer Frank Avinzano Olympic Company, Inc. Hotel Boise 8 & Bannock Sts. Boise, ID Freeman Estes, Co. Freeman Estes, Co. Freeman Estes, Co. Freeman Estes, Co. Owens Corning Fiberglas Freeman Estes, Co. Armstrong Cork Owens Coming Fibergtas San Francisco, CA Owens Corning Fiberglas San Francisco. CA ere B&B Engineering & Supply Co., Inc. Box 2531 Houston, TX Owens Coming Fiberglas San Francisco, CA KAlnjured 10416 Norp-pip Met MPLAINT FOR PER’ Al Location of Exposure Job Title Frank Avinzano Plasterer Tafalla Navarra, Spain Hotel Boise Insulator Boise, ID US Air Force Mountain Insulator Home Air Force Base, (apprentice) Mountain Home, Idaho Bishop Kelly High School Insulator Boise, Idaho (apprentice) Mountain Home High Insulator School (apprentice) Mountain Home, Idaho Missle Base, Mountain Insulator Home, ID (apprentice) Missile Base, Bruneau, ID Insulator (apprentice) Missile Base, Insulator Orcha, ID Brewery . Insulator Salt Lake City, UT Four Comers Powerhouse Insulator (Arizona Public Service Co.), AZ PG&E, Moss Landing, CA Insulator unknown refinery Insulator Galveston, TX Chevron Refinery Insulator Richmond, CA 9 RY - ASB Exposure Dates 1944-1946 1958 1958-1959 1958-1959 1958-1959 1958-1959 1958-1959 1958-1959 1960 1960s 1960s for one week 1962; 1967 1965 EXHIBIT A1 wo arn an & YY DN Employer AC &S§, Inc. P.O. Box 1268 Lancaster, PA Associated Insulation o California . 238 S. 24th Street Richmond, CA Owens Coming Fiberglas San Francisco.CA Owens Coming Fiberglas San Francisco, CA Owens Coming Fiberglas San Francisco, CA Plant Asbestos Owens Coming Fiberglas San Francisco, CA Western MacArthur Central Valley Insulation Co. P.O. Box E New Martinsville, WV B&B Engineering & Supply Co. of Louisiana, Inc. Box 2531 Houston, TX. Plant Insulation Owens Corning Fiberglas San Francisco, CA Plant Insulation Company 2271 California Street San Francisco, CA Mu KAinjured\ 30416 Norn. pipMer i IN HIB nt'd. Location of Exposure unknown chemical plant, Standard Oil Richmond, CA Exxon Refinery Baytown, TX Standard Oil, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Exxon (Humble Oil) Refinery, Benicia, CA Fibreboard Antioch, CA Alon USA Refinery Big Spring, TX PG&E San Francisco, CA (Hunters Point) unknown refinery, CA unknown refinery Galveston, TX PG&E, Pittsburg, CA Humble Oil Refinery, Benicia, CA PG&E Pittsburg, CA PG&E Geysers 10 Job Title Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Exposure Dates 1965; 1984-1986 1965-1967 1966 1966 1966 1966-1972 1966 1966, 2 weeks 1967 1967 1967, 2 days 1967-1968 1967; 1979; 1983- 1985 EXHIBIT ACD oN Aw Fw NN nN wy Nee ee ese ee se Se Se EXHIBIT A (cont'd,) Location of Employer Exposure Mare Island Naval Shipyard Mare Island Naval Vallejo, CA Shipyard Vallejo, CA Norther California Aerojet General Insulation, Inc. Rancho Cordova, CA 1500 Silica Ave. Sacramento, CA Western MacArthur California & Hawaiian Sugar Refinery, Crockett, CA Western MacArthur Shell Oil, Martinez, CA Owens Coming Fiberglass Tempco Contracting & J.R. Simplot Supply, Inc. Boise, ID P.O. Box 8305 Boise, ID Owens Coming Fiberglas National Steel & San Francisco, CA Shipbuilding, San Diego, 7 Westem MacArthur Co., Guittard Chocolate Co., San Francisco, CA Burlingame, CA; Hershey’s Plant, Oakland, CA; Hilts Brothers Coffee, San Francisco, CA; Golden Grain, San Leandro, CA; Colgate Palmolive, Emeryville, CA; IBM, South San Jose, CA Westem MacArthur Co., Western MacArthur Co. San Francisco, CA 3150 3rd St., San Francisco, CA Owens-Corning Fiberglas, Naval Air Station San Francisco, CA Alameda, CA USS_HANCOCK (CV-19; CVA-19) Westem MacArthur Co., Union Oil San Francisco, CA Rodeo, CA Western MacArthur Co., Tosco Oil Refinery/Phillips San Francisco, CA Refinery, Avon, CA 1 Job Title Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Exposure Dates 1967-1970 1968 1968-1969 1968-1969 1970 6/5/70-9/30/70 1974-1977 1974-1980 9N1974-12/1974 Approx. 1974- 1976 1975-1976 EXHIBIT A Ktinjured tne y6 Temp. pi COMPLAINT FOR PERSON IAL INJURY - ASBESTOSEmployer Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA Western MacArthur Co., 10|| San Francisco, CA; Owens Corning Fiberglas Western MacArthur Co., 12 || San Francisco, CA 13 || Wester MacArthur Co. San Francisco, CA 27) itt 28] xg 104161 let MPLAINT FOR PER: Al EXHIBIT A (cont'd.) Location of Exposure Sealand Services Oakland, CA AMERICAN PIONEER (1979) PG&E (Potrero Station) San Francisco, CA PG&E, The Geysers, CA Exposure Dates 1975-1980 Iob Title Insulator Insulator 1975-1976 Insulator 1976 Standard Oil " Insulator Sept. 1976 Richmond, CA US Steel Union City, CA Triple A Machine Shop, Pier 64, San Francisco, CA; Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding, San Francisco, CA; Todd Shipyard, Alameda, CA; American President Lines, Ltd., Oakland, CA; Matson Navigation, Oakland Piers, Oakland, CA; Service Engineering Co., Pier 38, San Francisco, CA; Continental Marine, San Francisco, CA; Pacific Drydock & Repair Co., Oakland, CA; Naval Supply Center, Oakland, CA; Willamette Iron & Steel, Richmond, CA; Coast Guard Station, Alameda, CA; ANEO GLORY CALIFORNIAN (1946); USS CAMDEN (AOE-2) 1977 Insulator Insulator 1977-1986 EXHIBIT A 12yp ant AM ke WYN 10 Employer Wester MacArthur Co. San Francisco, CA (cont'd.) 28] MW KUlrjured toate MP} Met NAI HIB nt'd. Location of Exposure USS CARPENTER (DD-825), Bethfehem Steel Shipbuil ing, San Francisco, CA CHEVRON HAWAII (1973) CLEVELAND (LPD-7) USS CORAL SEA (CVA- 43, CVB 43) EKA USS ENTERPRISE (CVAN-65); EQUIP ASSOCIATED USS EXCEL (AM-439, MSO-439), Naval Station, Treasure Island, San Francisco, CA EXXON NEWARK (1952) EXXON NEW ORLEANS (1965) FAIR SEA USS FLINT (AE-32) USS GALLANT (AM-489, MSO-489), Naval Station, Treasure stand, San Francisco, CA GOLDEN BEAR (1955) USS HALEAKALA (AE- 25) Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding, San Francisco, CA USS HANCOCK (CV19, CVAI9) 13 Exposure Dates 1977-1986 1975-1976 1977-1986 1975-1976 1977 EXHIBIT AEmployer Western MacArthur Co. San Francisco, CA (cont'd.) EXHIBIT A (cont'd. Location of : Exposure Exposure Job Title Dates HASSAYAMPA (AO-145) Insulator 1977-1986 HAWAIIAN (1946); HAWAIIAN PROGRESS (1970) HILLYER BROWN (1953) IDAHO (1969) USS KANSAS CITY (AOR-3) KAWISHIWI (T-AO-146) USS KILAUEA (AE-26) KISKA (AE-35) LION OF CALIFORNIA (1954) LONG BEACH (CGN-9) LURLINE (1973) Matson Navigation, San Francisco, CA (piers 32 and 35) USS MAI KE. (AE-22) MARIPOSA (1953); MARS (AES-1) MATSONIA (1973) METEOR (T-AKR-9) MIDWAY (CVB-41; CVA-41) MICHIGAN (1969) MIDGET. EXHIBIT A_ yuo Aan A UM kh WY NSN 27 Employer Western MacArthur Co. San Francisco, CA (cont'd.) 28 | i KAfniured tate emp pp Met OMPLAINT FOR PERSONA’ EXHIBIT A (cont'd.) Location of Exposure MONTANA (1969) Job Title Insulator MOUNT HOOD (AE-29) USS NIAGARA FALLS (AFS-3) PACIFIC BEAR (1971) PACIFIC PRINCE: (1971) PANAMA (1966) PRESIDENT EISENHOWER (1962) PRESIDENT FIL Ri (1968) PRESIDENT JEFFERSON (1973) PRESIDENT LINCOLN (1961); PRESIDENT MADISON (1973) PRESIDENT McKINLEY 1968), Triple A Machine hop, San Francisco, CA PRESIDENT MONROE (1966) PRESIDENT TAFT (1967) PRESIDENT TYLER (1972) RICE QUEEN (1944); ROANOKE (AOR-7) RUSH (1927) SACRAMENTO (TUG) 15 -ASB Exposure Dates 1977-1986 EXHIBIT AEmployer Western MacArthur Co. San Francisco, CA (cont'd.) oO ayn A UH F&F WN —_— ee Bw N= Oo Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA RDN NN Nee me eB Se RRPBORPSSGERAAAR 27 28 || K.Alniured 10416 emp pip Mer | INAI EXHIBIT A (cont'd.) Location of Exposure USS SAN JOSE (AFS-7) Exposure Dates 1977-1986 Job Title Insulator SAN PEDRO (1945); SANSINENA II (1971) ARIANA (1963) TRANSONEIDA (1945) USS TULARE (LKA-112) USS TALUGA (AO-62) v EM (YTB-785) Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding, San Francisco, CA USS CIMARRON (AO- 177) Insulator 1977-1986 USS CHICAGO (CG-11) CHEVRON CALIFORNIA (1972) FAIR SEA; USS FAIRW) GOLDEN BEAR (1955) USS HALEAKALA (AE-25) USS KANSAS CITY (AOR-3) USS KISKA (AE-35) MAUNA LEI (1944) EXHIBIT A 16. 7A iye ent A wN kW NY ND ee a a a a Employer Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA (cont'd.) Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA Wester MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA “ C EXHIBIT A (cont'd.) Location of Exposure - Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding, San Francisco, CA PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND (1975) SANTA MARIANA (1963) lob Title Insulator Service Engineering Co., _ Insulator Pier 38, San Francisco, CA CHEVRON MISSISSIPPI (1972) S CLEVELAND (LPD-7) EXXON NEW ORLEANS (1965) USS FLINT (AE-32) USS MOUNT HOOD (AE-29) USS NIAGARA FALLS (AFS-3) . USS SHASTA (AE-33) LN IDA (1945) Triple A Machine Shop, Pier 64, San Francisco, CA AMERICAN SPIRIT (1977) AMERICAN TRADER (1971) USS CALIFORNIA (CGN- 36) USS CARL VINSON (CVN-70) Insulator Exposure Dates 1977-1986 1977-1986 1977-1986 EXHIBIT A Rite osterepi ct oped 17 — MP! TFOR P| iS “AEmployer Wester MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA (cont'd.) Co Arn DH UW BR WwW WN RYN HY KR NN NS ee em ee Be Se Re ee aA vA Bw nN |§ ODO BH A A FF YW H&K SS C EXHIBIT A (cont'd. Location of Exposure Triple A Machine Shop, Pier 64, San Francisco, CA USS COOK (DE-1083; FF-1083) USS DUTTON (T-AGS-22) USS ENTERPRISE (CVAN-65) EXXON NEW. (1965) EXXON PHILADELPHIA (1970) USS FANNING (DE-1076; FF-1076) USS FLINT (AE-32) FORT FISHER (LSD-40) GENERAL HUGH J, GAFFEY (T-AP-121) GOLDEN BEAR (1955) KAUAI (1980) KOPAA (1944) LURLINE (1973) MANHATTAN (1962) MAUI(1978) USS MISSISSIPPI (CGN-40) NARAGANZA USS NIAGARA FALLS (AFS-3) Exposure Dates 1977-1986 Job Title Insulator 1978 LEAN. 1978 EXHIBIT Aeo oN DA HM BwWHK = nN RRs B&B ee Be ee ee oe RBRRPBRRESZFRAURREBHR AS 27 Employer Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA (cont'd.) Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA 28 EXHIBIT A (cont'd. Location of Exposure Triple A Machine Shop, Pier 64, San Francisco, CA PRESIDE! (1968) PRESIDENT LINCOLN (1961) PRESIDENT MCKINLEY (1968) PRESIDENT TAFT (1967) PRESIDENT TRUMAN (1962) PRESIDENT TYLER (1972) SANTA MARIA (1963) TRANSONEIDA (1945) USS WICHITA (AOR-1) Naval Air Station, Alameda, CA USS ARKANSAS (CGN-41) USS ASHTABUL, (AO-51) CALIFORNIA (1946) USS CARL VINSON (CVN-70) USS CLEVELA (EPD-7) USS CORAL SEA (CVB-43; CVA-43) Job Title Insulator TLLMORE Insulator Insulator Exposure Dates 1977-1986 1983; 1984 1983; 1984 1977-1986 EXHIBIT A Steet storm Met wed 19 ee _ it FOR P, ih 7AC C BIT A (cont'd. Location of Employer Exposure ob Title Westem MacArthur Co., Naval Air Station, Insulator San Francisco, CA (cont'd.) Alameda, CA USS ENTERPRISE (CVAN-65) USS FANNIN (DE-1076; FF-1076) USS HECTOR (AR-7) USS KANSAS CITY (AOR-3) USS MARS (AFS-1) USS ORISKANY (CVA-34) PACIFIC ENTERPRISE (1945) USS ROANOKE (AOR-7) USS SAN JOSE (AFS-7) USS SHASTA (AE-33) FORREST SHERMAN (DD-931) USS WABASH (AOR-5) USS WICHITA (AOR-1) 214] Western MacArthur Co., Pacific Drydock & Repair Insulator San Francisco, CA Co., Oakland, CA BLACK HAWK (1969) wv ont A uM FwWK = Rema ka a a i oc Ue NA A Rh WwW NY KS Oo . CARIBBEAN STAR 25 TANS: M8489) 26 HARBOR PRINCESS 27 USS PHOENIX (SSN-702) 28] K Majed 1041 6terppipMer 20 i INT PI AL INJORY= S Exposure Dates 1977-1986 1977-1986 EXHIBIT Awe ont A UN FW NH 10 Employer Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA (cont'd.) Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA Babcock & Wilcox Co. 20S. Van Buren Ave. Barberton, OH Douglass Insulation Co., Inc. 3990 Ralston Ave. Hillsborough, CA Westem MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA Western MacArthur Co. 2855 Mandella Pky. Oakland, CA 94608-4011 Alrite Insulation Co., Inc. 10176 Bella Vista Apple Valley, CA Wt Ke Mnjarech104 161 Met MPLAINT P iN EXHIBIT A (cont'd.) Location of Exposure Pacific Drydock & Repair Co., akin CA ? USS SEA WOLF (SSN-575) American President Lines, Ltd., Oakland, CA PRESIDENT MONROE (1966) PRESIDENT PIERCE (1973) PRESIDENT TAFT (1967) PRESIDENT VAN BUREN (1967) Dow Chemical, Pittsburg Babcock & Wilcox Co. unknown location unknown telephone company building, CA Merritt Ship Repair Oakland, CA USS EXCEL (AM-439) Exxon(Humble Oil) Refinery Benicia, CA Chevron Research and Technolo: Richmond, CA Alrite Insulation Co., Inc. unknown location 21 Igb Title Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Exposure Dates 1977-1986 1977-1986 1977-1986 1979 1979 1979-1986 1979 1979 1980; 1986 EXHIBITADo Oot A WwW FW N RN NN NN KR KN KN B&B Se Se Se ee ee oT A A BY ND S&§ DOD we NIN DAH Fw HN HH Employer Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA Metalclad Insulation Corp. of California P.O. Box 61024 Anaheim, CA Westem MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA ut ut a“ KNinhured 10416 temp. ) IT FOR P. C EXHIBIT A (cont'd.) Location of Exposure Naval Supply Center Oakland, CA USS BLAND (APA-134) USS DUTTON (T-AGS-22) USS HALEAKALA (AE-25) USS HECTOR (AR-7) USS MAUNA KEA (AE-22) USS MARS (AFS-1) USS MOUNT HOOD (AE-29) Job Title Insulator (T-A0-148) USS PYRO (AE-24) RUSH (1927) USS TALUGA (A0-62) USS WABASH (AOR-5) Ford Aerospace Sunnyvale, CA Insulator Todd Shipyard Insulator Alameda, CA MONTEREY (1952) PRESIDENT TRUMAN (1962) Insulator + ASB Ss Exposure Dates 1982-1986 1983-1984 1985-1986 1985-1986 EXHIBIT AC Cc EXHIBIT A (cont'd.) re Plaintiff's exposure to asbestos and asbestos-containing products caused severe and permanent injury to the plaintiff, including, but not limited to breathing difficulties, asbestosis, lung and/or other cancer, mesothelioma, and/or other lung damage, Plaintiff was diagnosed with esophageal cancer on or about October 2008, and with asbestosis and asbestos-related pleural disease on or about September 2005, Plaintiff retired from his last place of employment as a result of becoming disabled due Oo PI AH kw WN to an injury not related to asbestos. He has therefore suffered no disability from his asbestos- 3 related disease as "disability" is defined in California Code of Civil Procedure § 340.2. tb NNN Ne mas BSRREBRRRBSSEBREEGEG EXHIBIT A Kitnjoredttoat6 Mat 23 MP! RY - SsEXHIBIT BoS Om AW RF WH NRywoN ON Qe Be Be Be ee ee eH EXHIBITR DEFENDANTS, ALLIS-CHALMERS CORPORATION PRODUCT THOMAS DEE ENGINEERING CO., INC. LIABILITY TRUST METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE ASBESTOS CORPORATION LIMITED COMPANY GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION RILEY POWER INC, BUCYRUS INTERNATIONAL, INC. GOODLOE E. MOORE INC. COLTEC INDUSTRIES, INC. DOES 1-800 ALTERNATE ENTITY ALLIS-CHALMERS CORPORATION BUDA ENGINE CO. PRODUCT LIABILITY TRUST ASBESTOS CORPORATION LIMITED GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION BUCYRUS INTERNATIONAL, INC. COLTEC INDUSTRIES, INC. RILEY POWER, INC. GOODLOE E. MOORE INC GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION CONVAIR VULTEE AIRCRAFT INC, CONSOLIDATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT CORPORATION ASBESTOS CORPORATION LIMITED BUCYRUS-ERIE MARION POWER SHOVEL COMPANY, THE OSGOOD COMPANY GENERAL EXCAVATOR COMPANY FAIRBANKS-MORSE LOCOMOTIVES COLT INDUSTRIES GARLOCK, INC, GARLOCK SEALING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC THE ANCHOR PACKING COMPANY BELMONT PACKING ANCHOR PACKING COMPANY, THE. BABCOCK BORSIG POWER, INC. UNION BOILER COMPANY UNION IRON WORKS, INC, DB RILEY, INC. RILEY STOKER CORPORATION BADENHAUSEN UNION IRON WORKS UNION IRON WORKS OF SPOKANE, WA GEMCO INSULATION EXHIBIT B ‘sea rsa wr 25 MPLAL PI INALTS Al TOSEXHIBIT B-1ve eons A wn FW NY = 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXIIBITB-1 DEFENDANTS SMITH RICE COMPANY DEEKER ELECTRIC MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTORS INC. H&H DECKING COMPANY THOMAS DEE ENGINEERING CO., INC. DOES 1-800; DOES 1001-2000 EXHIBIT B-1 K Anjere 104161 a 27 COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INJORY- ASBESTOS.EXHIBIT Cvp wnt anu ks wn NON me ae ae BRAERRPEBREBSSGR2EWTRRZEBSRAS DEFENDANTS AEROJET-GENERAL CORPORATION JR. SIMPLOT COMPANY EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION CONTINENTAL MARINE, INC. SMITH RICE COMPANY J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION PREMISES OWNER DEFENDANTS_ AEROJET-GENERAL CORPORATION 3.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION CONTINENTAL MARINE, INC, CONTRACTOR DEFENDANTS SMITH RICE COMPANY DEEKER ELECTRIC; MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTORS INC.; H & H DECKING COMPANY THOMAS DEE ENGINEERING CO., INC. K Minjored 104161 ce iN TF INA] - EXHIBIT DEEKER ELECTRIC MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTORS INC. H& 1 DECKING COMPANY THOMAS DEE ENGINEERING CO., INC. DOES 1001-2000 LTERNATE ENTITY VALLEY NITROGEN PRODUCERS, INC, SIMCAL CHEMICAL COMPANY EXXON CORPORATION HUMBLE OIL AND REFINING COMPANY STANDARD OIL OF NEW JERSEY ENCO GENERAL PETROLEUM COMPANY GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION OF CALIFORNIA LOCATION Aerojet General Rancho Cordova, CA IR. Simplot Boise, ID Exxon (Humble Oil) Refinery Benicia, CA Continental Marine San Francisco, CA TION Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding San Francisco, CA USS NIAGARA FALLS (AFS-3) USS CLEVELAND (LPD-7) Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding San Francisco, CA Various 29 TIME PERIOD 1968 1970 1966; 1979; 1967-1968 1977-1986 TIME PERIOD 1977-1986 1977-1986 Various EXHIBIT CEXHIBIT HoO eA aN AUN kW NY — Noe Be Be Be ee ee ee ov Om NAW HR WY NY = OS 22 EXHIBITH DEFENDANTS METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PNEUMO ABEX LLC BORGWARNER MORSE TEC, INC. HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL, INC. (successor-in- interest to ALLIEDSIGNAL, INC.) THE BUDD COMPANY DAIMLERCHRYSLER CORPORATION DANA COMPANIES, LLC (FKA DANA CORPORATION) FORD MOTOR COMPANY GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION BRIDGESTONE/FIRESTONE NORTH AMERICAN TIRE, LLC LEAR SIEGLER DIVERSIFIED HOLDINGS CORP. MAREMONT CORPORATION MORTON INTERNATIONAL, INC. PARKER-HANNIFIN CORPORATION STANDARD MOTOR PRODUCTS, INC. GATKE CORPORATION GARLOCK SEALING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC BRASSBESTOS BRAKE LINING COMPANY H. KRASNE MANUFACTURING COMPANY AUTO SPECIALTIES MANUFACTURING COMPANY STUART-WESTERN, INC. RITESET MANUFACTURING COMPANY ASBESTOS MANUFACTURING COMPANY FIBRE & METAL PRODUCTS COMPANY LASCO BRAKE PRODUCTS L.J. MILEY COMPANY ROSSENDALE-RUBOIL COMPANY SOUTHERN FRICTION MATERIALS COMPANY U.S, SPRING & BUMPER COMPANY AUTO FRICTION CORPORATION EMSCO ASBESTOS COMPANY FORCEE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION MOLDED INDUSTRIAL FRICTION CORPORATION NATIONAL TRANSPORT SUPPLY, INC. SILVER LINE PRODUCTS, INC. STANDCO, INC. UNIVERSAL FRICTION MATERIALS COMPANY WHEELING BRAKE BLOCK MANUFACTURING COMPANY OWENS-ILLINOIS, INC, BELL ASBESTOS MINES LTD. DOESS000-8000 ALTERNATE ENTITY DANA COMPANIES, LLC (FKA DANA CORPORATION) DANA CORPORATION VICTOR MANUFACTURING AND GASKET COMPANY SMITH AND KANZLER CO., INC. SMITH AND KANZLER CORPORATION SPRAYED INSULATION, INC. S.K. INSULROCK CORPORATION SPRAYON RESEARCH CORPORATION SPRAYON INSULATION & ACOUSTICS, INC. SPRAYED INSULATION INC. WARNER ELECTRIC BRAKE & CLUTCH CO. GARLOCK SEALING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC GARLOCK, INC. COLTEC INDUSTRIES, INC. FAIRBANKS-MORSE FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES BELMONT PACKING & RUBBER CO. GARLOCK PACKING CO. U.S, GASKET CO. GOODRICH CORPORATION ENPRO INDUSTRIES, INC. EXHIBIT HE 31EXHIBIT Ioe Ant A wA Bw PLP = Ny YN PN NNN ee ewe ew ew ee ew Bw BRSRRROREBRBSRERTRGESH oS EXHIBIT! DEFENDANTS METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OWENS-ILLINOIS, INC. PNEUMO ABEX LLC GATKE CORPORATION GARLOCK SEALING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AMERICAN CONFERENCE OF GOVERNMENTAL INDUSTRIAL HYGIENISTS, INC, UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. DOESS000-7500 EXHIBIT ITEXHIBIT JEXHIBITS DEFENDANTS METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DOES 7400-7500 Keira 104t6r\erp pipet 35 NN “OR PI Ys 7A EXHIBIT JEXHIBIT N1 EXHIBITN 2|| DEFENDANTS 3 | METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DOES 7501-7900 ow won nanan EXHIBIT N