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POBOX 6169 NOVATO, CALIFORNIA 94948-6169 BRAYTON@®PURCELL LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 222 RUSH LANDING ROAD (435) 898-1555 Co OD eB YW DR A BR RN wR & Bw DAVID R. DONADIO, ESQ., 5.B, #154436 af BRAYTON**PURCELL LLP ELECTRONICALLY Attorneys at Law 23 Rush Landing Road FILED “0. Box 616 Superior Cour of Calfomia, Novato CA 94948-6169 County of San Francisco 415) 898-1555 (415) SEP 03 2009 GORDON PARK-LI, Clerk BY: VANESSA WU Deputy Clerk Attorneys for Plaintiffs SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ANGIE INCHAUSPE, as Wrongful Death ASBESTOS Heir, and as Successor-in-Interest to No. 274972 GREGORY INCHAUSPE, Deceased; and } GREGORY INCHAUSPE, JR., MARIA INCHAUSPE, as Legal Heirs of GREGORY INCHAUSPE, Deceased, } Plaintiffs, FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOS vs. ASBESTOS DEFENDANTS (BP) As Reflected on Exhibits B, B-1, C, E, H, J, J,N; and DOES 1-8500; and SEE ATTACHED LIST. ) 1 GREGORY INCHAUSPE (hereinafter and in the Complaint referred to as “decedent") died on December 26, 2008. 2. ANGIE INCHAUSPE is the Successor-in-Interest to decedent. 3. The heirs-at-law of decedent and their relationships to the decedent are: NAME AGE RELATIONSHL PCEDENT Angie Inchauspe 50 Daughter Gregory Inchauspe, Jr. Over 18 Son Maria Inchauspe Over 18 Daughter 4. Plaintiffs bring this action as specified in Section 377.60 of the Code of Civil Procedure as decedent's legal heirs. Mi K Afjured\0416t\pid\OMP-1AMIND WPS. 1 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSBRAYTON®PURCELL LLP ATTORNEYS ATLAW 222 RUSH LANDING ROAD FO. Box 6169 NOVATO, CALIFORNIA 94948-6169 {415} 898-1555 co D0 we NDR HH BF WN ASBESTOS CORPORATION LIMITED BECHTEL CORPORATION (DE) SEQUOIA VENTURES INC. FOSTER WHEELER LLC (FKA FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION) GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION RILEY POWER INC. WESTERN MACARTHUR COMPANY MACARTHUR COMPANY WESTERN ASBESTOS COMPANY METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY GOODLOE E. MOORE INC ZURN INDUSTRIES, LLC ALLIS-CHALMERS CORPORATION PRODUCT LIABILITY TRUST (Previously sued as Doe 4) COLBERG, INC, (Previously sued as Dee 13) CROWLEY MARITIME CORPORATION D. CUMMINS CORPORATION J.T. THORPE & SON, INC. DEEKER ELECTRIC(Previously sued as Does 8 & 1005) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL, INC, (Previously sued as Does 11 & 1011) SANTA FE BRAUN, INC. AS SUCCESS OR-IN-INTEREST TO C.F. BRAUN, INC. (Previously sued as Does 12 & 1012) iT. THORPE, INC. (Previously sued as Does 14 & 1013) AEROJET-GENERAL CORPORATION (Previously sued as Doe 1008) LR. SIMPLOT COMPANY (Previously sued as Doe 1610) TOSCO REFINING COMPANY, INC. CROWLEY MARITIME CORPORATION TRINITY INDUSTRIES INC. (Previously sued as Doe 2501) PNEUMO ABEX LLC GATKE CORPORATION GARLOCK SEALING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AMERICAN CONFERENCE OF GOVERNMENTAL INDUSTRIAL HYGIENISTS, INC. UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. and DOES 1-8500, Defendants. Angie Inchaugpe, et al.. vs. Asbestos Defendants (BSP) San Francisco Superior Court No. 274972> OO eo YN DH A & BS HN 5. At all times prior to his death, decedent was a parent to plaintiff children. 6. Plaintiffs’ claims are as set forth in ©BraytonPurcell Master Complaint for [Survival] (Loss of Consortium] Wrongful Death (hereinafter "Master Complaint") - Asbestos No. 828684 filed March 3, 2003, in San Francisco Superior Court. A copy of the Master Complaint and General Order No. 55 may be obtained upon request from Brayton*Purcell, and designated portions of the Master Complaint are incorporated by reference herein pursuant to the authority conferred by General Order No. 55. Plaintiffs’ claims are as set forth in said Master Complaint against defendants herein as follows: Mt Mt ip K Alnjureditod 16 NpIh CMP DSI FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR IL DEATH = OSDEFENDANTS* ON EXHIBITS: Cause of Action B B-l C E F G H I J K L M N Olle o First (Negligence-Survival) x Second i (Products Liability-Survival) Third (False Representation) I Fourth (Loss of Consortium) Fifth (Negligence- Wane ‘Death) Xl Wooneat Death) ¥ wy Seventh (Premises Owner/ Contractor Liability) Eighth, Ninth, Tenth O Inseaworthiness, Negligence tones Act],Maintenance and Cure) xX HR ROR RW O C] O CO Eleventh (Longshore and Harbor Workers X Compensation Act [LHWCA]) Twelfth, Thirteenth (FE.L.A) O Fourteenth, Fifteenth (Respiratory Safety Devices) Sixteenth, Seventeenth (Brake Shoe Grinding) Eighteenth (Concert of Action) Nineteenth (Fraud, Deceit/Negligent Misrepresentation) Twentieth (Fraud and Deceit/Concealment) Twenty-First (Fraud and Deceit/Intentional Misrepresentation) Twenty-Second (Fraud/Deceit - Kent) Twenty-Third (Aiding/Abetting Battery - Met Life) Twenty-Fourth & XK oO &X oO (Civil Battery as Against All Defendants) Ol OO C OO O O | + O O loCm ND wr FF YN Qak GBH = S 7. Decedent's asbestos-related injury, date of diagnosis, employment status, and history of exposure to asbestos are as stated on Exhibit A. 8. Paragraph 9 of the Master Complaint is amended to add the following sentence: In part, and without limitation as to other defendants, defendant TRINITY INDUSTRIES INC., and COLBERG, INC., manufactured, modified, serviced and/or repaired asbestos-containing ships and vessels. 9. Plaintiffs’ clams against defendant FOSTER WHEELER LLC (FKA FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION) exclude decedent’s asbestos exposure at military and federal government jobsites and aboard U.S. Navy vessels. 10. Plaintiffs hereby amend the Master Complaint on file herein, to incorporate a new Twenty-Third Cause of Action, set forth below, specially plead against the defendant listed on Exhibit N, namely METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. (Plaintiffs are in the process of amending the Master Complaint herein and will include this new Cause of Action in said amendment.) “TWENTY-THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION [Against Motegstitar bite hesurance Company and Does 7501-7900, Inclusive] AS AND FOR A FURTHER, TWENTY-THIRD, SEPARATE AND DISTINCT CAUSE OF ACTION FOR AIDING AND ABETTING BATTERY, PLAINTIFF(S) COMPLAINS OF DEFENDANTS METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, DEFENDANTS ON EXHIBIT N, DOES 7501-7900, THEIR ALTERNATE ENTITIES AND EACH OF THEM, AND ALLEGES AS FOLLOWS: 239. Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference, as though fully set forth hereat, each and every allegation of the First through Third and Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Causes of Action as though fully set forth herein. (As used throughout this cause of action, ‘plaintiff refers to all named plaintiffs and/or all named decedents from whom the named plaintiffs’ injuries may derive.) KaAlnjured\04161\plXCMP-1, AMD WDSIL wad 4 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH-ASBESTOS——SOS™SoD ew RK Oh BR OY ON 12 240, This cause of action is for the aiding and abetting of battery by METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (“MET LIFE”), primarily through its assistant medical director Anthony Lanza, M.D., of a breach of duty committed by Johns-Manville Corporation (“J-M”). 241. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that at all times herein mentioned defendant MET LIFE was and is a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New York or the laws of some other state or foreign jurisdiction, and that this defendant was and is authorized to do and/or was and is doing business in the State of California, and regularly conducted or conducts business in the County of San Francisco, State of California. At times relevant to this cause of action, MET LIFE was an insurer of J-M. 242. Plaintiff, was exposed to asbestos-containing dust created by the use of the asbestos products manufactured, distributed and/or supplied by J-M. This exposure to the asbestos or asbestos-related products supplied by J-M caused Plaintiffs asbestos-related disease and injuries. 243. Starting in 1928, MET LIFE sponsored studies of asbestos dust and asbestos- related disease in Canadian mines and mills, including those of ]-M. Those studies revealed that miners and mill workers were contracting asbestosis at relatively low levels of dust. McGill University, which conducted the studies, sought permission from: MET LIFE to publish the results but they were never published. MET LIFE prepared its own report of these studies. 244. Between 1929 and 1931, MET LIFE studied dust levels and disease at five U.S. : plants manufacturing asbestos-containing products, including a J-M plant. Those studies showed that workers in substantial numbers were contracting asbestosis, at levels less than what became the Threshold Limit Value (TLV") of Smppcf. The MET LIFE report was never published or disseminated except to plant owners, including J-M. 245, In 1932, MET LIFE studied dust levels and disease at the J-M plant at Manville, New Jersey. Results were consistent with those of the Canadian and previous U.S. plant studies. They were never published. K AInjured\104161\pl\CMP-1AMND WDSII.1 5 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOS246. In 1934, J-M and others whose plants MET LIFE had studied agreed with MET , LIFE that it should issue a report of its studies. 247. MET LIFE submitted a draft of its report to J-M. J-M requested, for legal and business reasons, that certain critical parts of the draft be changed. MET LIFE’s official in charge was Lanza. MET LIFE through Lanza did make changes that J-M requested, including: (a) Deletion of MET LIFE’s conclusion that the permissible dust level for asbestos should be less than that for silica; (b) —_ Addition of the phrase that asbestosis clinically appeared to be milder than silicosis. The report, thus altered, was published in 1935. It was misleading, and intentionally so, because it conveyed the incorrect propositions that asbestosis was a less serious disease process than silicosis and that higher levels of asbestos dust could be tolerated without contracting diseases than was the case for silica dust. 248. MET LIFE had a close relationship with J-M. It invested money in J-M. It provided group health and life insurance to J-M. MET LIFE IN 1934 agreed to supply industrial hygiene services to J-M, including dust counts, training employees te monitor dust levels, examining employees, and recommending protective equipment. MET LIFE and Lanza were viewed as experts on industrial dusts. 249. In 1933, MET LIFE through Lanza issued the following advices to J-M: (a) Disagreeing with the recommendation of a J-M plant physician, MET LIFE advised against warning workers of the fact that asbestos dust is hazardous to their health, basing its advice in view of the extraordinary legal situation; (b) When the plant physician judged the best disposition of an employee with asbestosis was to remove him from the dust, MET LIFE advised instead that disposition should depend on his age, nature of work and other factors and to leave him alone if he is old and showing no disability, for, MET LIFE stated, economic and production factors must be balanced against medical factors, if Kojuredt0416 glCMP-1AMND WDSIL 6 F AMENDED COMP a NT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSCo em NAH BBN = WN RN NY NN KR Ne we SS meme CTIA HW BUS KF GO we IY DH BF YW HY SF SD 250. J-M followed the MET LIFE advices and did not warn its workers, including plaintiff, of the hazards of asbestos dust, and J-M also intentionally refrained from notifying workers of their disease, 251. In 1936, MET LIFE, J-M and others founded the Air Hygiene Foundation (“AHF”). One of the AHF purposes was to develop standards for dust levels that would serve as a defense in lawsuits and workers’ compensation claims. 252. MET LIFE funded partially another study that tentatively recommended in 1938 a TLV for asbestos dust of Smpccf, the same as for silica dust. MET LIFE was aware of data from its own, unpublished reports that showed that level was too high for asbestos dust. MET LIFE nonetheless promoted that TLV as proper. 253. In June 1947, the Industrial Hygiene Foundation (“IHF”) which succeeded to the AHF, issued a report of studies by Dr. Hemeon of U.S. asbestos plants, including a J-M plant. That report showed that workers exposed to less than the recommended maximum levels of dust were developing disease. MET LIFE was a member of the IHF and Lanza was on its medical committee. The Hemeon report, which was supplied to J-M and other owners, never was published. 254. In 1936, J-M and other asbestos companies agreed with a leading medical research facility, Saranac Laboratories, that Saranac would research asbestos disease, but J-M and the others retained comtrol over publication of the results. In 1943 Saranac’s Dr. Leroy Gardner, in charge of the research, sent a draft to J-M that revealed that 81.8% of mice exposed to long fiber asbestos contracted cancer. 255, Dr. Gardner died in 1946. J-M and other companies wanted parts of the Saranac results published and enlisted the assistance of MET LIFE’s Lanza. J-M and other companies decided that Saranac’s findings of cancer caused by asbestos in mice must be deleted, as well as Saranac’s critique of existing dust standards. Lanza directed Saranac to delete the offending materials, Saranac did so, and the altered report was published in 1951 by Saranac’s Dr. Vorwald, in the 4\44 Archives of Industrial Hygiene. ut su -LAMo WOOL 1 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSCoD MND Oh BF WY 256. Lanza left MET LIFE at the end of 1948, and took a position at New York University, funded by MET LIFE. He continued to misrepresent that asbestos does not cause cancer into the 1950s. 257. The LHF (formerly AHF), of which MET LIFE was a member and MET LIFE official was on its medical committee, through Drs. Braun and Truan conducted a study of Canadian miners. The original report, in 1957, found an increased incidence of lung cancer in persons exposed to asbestos. The sponsors, including J-M, caused those findings to be stricken, and the report published in 1958 contained the false conclusion that asbestos exposure alone did not increase the risk of lung cancer. 258. The false and misleading reports that a link between asbestos exposure and cancer was not proven influenced the TLV, for if a substance causes cancer the TLV must be very low or zero. 259. J-M not later than 1933 was inflicting asbestos dust on its workers in its plants knowing that the dust was hazardous and was causing workers to contract disease that could and would disable and kill them. As MET LIFE advised, J-M did not warn its workers of the hazard. J-M committed battery on workers in its plants, including plaintiffs’ decedent, by that conduct, 260, MET LIFE knew that J-M’s conduct constituted a breach of its duties to its workers. MET LIFE gave substantial assistance to J-M in committing batteries on its workers, including plaintiff's decedent, through MET LIFE’s conduct described above, including by: (a) Affirmatively urging J-M not to warn workers of the hazards of asbestos dust, in view of the extraordinary legal situation, such that J-M did not warn its workers, including plaintiff's decedent; (b) Deleting the findings of its own draft report that the allowable limits for asbestos dust should be less than those for silica dust, and promoting a false and unsafe TLV which specified maximum levels of silica dust, and promoting a false and unsafe TLV which specified maximum levels of dust for workers, including plaintiffs’ decedent, which MET LIFE knew was wrong through its own studies; K:lljured\t03161 9-1 AMND WDSIL 8 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSoe NY DH BF WH B= S (c) Advising J-M to keep certain workers continuing to work at dusty areas in the plant even after J-M.was aware that their lungs showed asbestos-induced changes, lest other workers including plaintiffs’ decedent be alerted to the dangers of working in the dust. WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays judgment as is hereinafter set forth.” li. Plaintiffs hereby amend the Master Complaint on file herein, to incorporate a new Twenty-Fourth Cause of Action as set forth below: “TWENTY-FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION FOR CIVIL BATTERY AS AGAINST ALL DEFENDANTS AND EACH OF THEM AS AND FOR A FURTHER, TWENTY-FOURTH, SEPARATE, AND DISTINCT CAUSE OF ACTION FOR CIVIL BATTERY, PLAINTIFFS COMPLAIN OF ALL DEFENDANTS HEREIN, DOES 8001-8500, AND EACH OF THEM AND ALLEGES: 261. Plaintiffs incorporate herein by reference, as though fully set forth hereat, each and every allegation contained in the Second, Fourth and Seventh Causes of Action of the Master Complaint for Wrongful Death. 262. In and by the acts, omissions and other conduct herein set forth, defendants, and each of them, intended the conduct, acts, omissions, consequences and results, did what they intended to do and thereby caused the unlawful, harmful and dangerous injurious physical non- consented to touching of and contact with decedent and his person with asbestos, asbestos fibers, dust, and other particulates, to include, but not be limited to, decedent's mucosciliary escalator, gastrointestinal tract, upper and lower respiratory tract, lungs, bronchioles, alveoli; alveolar macrophages, fibroblasts, cells, pleura, serosal membranes, lymphatics, organs and other aspects of decedent’s body. 263. In and by the acts, omissions and other conduct herein set forth, decedent was harmed as herein set forth, which physical touching was offensive to decedent and a reasonable person in decedent’s circumstances as herein set forth. Mi Mf “ K Mnjured\10¢16tpttCMP. AMID WDSIL 9 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAIN UU » UL DEATH - ASBESTOSCoD mw NIKO Oh BR BW ON RON RB MRM NY NN ND RQ mee ae ey AM RF ON FS 6b we BDA B® WY 264. Asa result of the tortious conduct herein set forth, and defendant’s civil battery on decedent, plaintiffs have suffered the injuries, damages, losses and harms set forth herein, WHEREFORE, plaintiffs pray judgment as is hereinafter set forth.” | Dated: { sls BRAYTON%PURCELL LLP By: David R. Donadio Attorneys for Plaintiffs jure 04 aca |AMND WDSIL vp 10 FIRS T ‘A ID! =D COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSEXHIBIT AEXHIBIT A 2 Decedent's exposure to asbestos and asbestos-containing products occurred at various 3 || locations both inside and outside the State of California, including but not limited to: 4] Employer Location of Exposure Job Title Exposure Dates §|) FH Estes Company, US Air Foree Mountain Insulator 1958-1959 1200 Borah St. Home Air Force Base, (apprentice) 6] Boise, ID 83706 Mountain Home, Idaho 7|| FH Estes Company, Bishop Kelly High School —_ Insulator 958-1959 1200 Borah St. Boise, Idaho (apprentice) (Approx 10 8]| Boise, ID 83706 days) 911 FH Estes Company, Mountain Home High Insulator 958-1959 1200 Borah St. School, {apprentice) (Approx.15 101 Boise, ID 83706 Mountain Home, Idaho lays) 11] FH Estes Company, Elementary school, Insulator 958-1959 1200 Borah St. Mountain Home, Idaho (apprentice) (Approx. 12] Boise, ID 83706 5 days) 13 || Owens Corning Fiberglas Four Corners Powerhouse _ Insulator 960's San Francisco, CA (Arizona Public Service (Approx. 1 14 Co.), AZ, week) 15 || Owens Corning Fiberglas PG&E, Moss Landing, CA Insulator 960's San Francisco, CA (Approx. 1 16 week) 17]| Frits Hansen Circle M. Bar Unknown 1961 Circle M. Bar 3603 Chinden Bld. 18 || 3603 Chinden Bld. Boise, ID Boise, ID 19 B&B Engineering & Supply Unknown refinery, Insulator 1962; 1967 20} Co., Inc, Galveston, TX Box 2531 21) Houston, TX 22 |) ployer Location of Exposure 4 Exposure Job Title Dates FH Estes Company, Missile Base, Mountain Insulator 1963 - 1965] 24 |) Centerville Route Home, ID; (apprentice) {A total of Idaho City, ID; Missile Base, Bruneau, ID; approx. 1 25 Missile Base, year) 26 Owens Corning Fiberglas Orcha, ID Owens Corning Fiberglas Standard Oil Insulator 1965 271) San Francisco, CA Richmond, CA (Approx. 7 months) 28 EXHIBIT A K.sjwred 10416 gIACMP-1AMND WDSHLwod 12 FIRST AMENDED COM PLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSOo Oo NT KD ww RF BW NY NN NY NY DW MB ND NR Rm met od aA A KF ON fF SF BC wm INADA BR YW NY S| Employer AC &S, Inc. P.O. Box 1268 Lancaster, PA Associated Insulation of California 238 S, 24th Street Richmond, CA Owens Corning Fiberglas San Francisco, CA Owens Corning Fiberglas San Francisco, CA Owens Corning Fiberglas San Francisco, CA Owens Corning Fiberglas San Francisco, CA Plant Insulation Company Central Valley Insulation Co. P.O. Box E New Martinsville, WV B&B Engineering & Supply Co. of Louisiana, Inc. Box 2531 Houston, TX Plant Insulation Company 2271 California Street San Francisco, CA Mare Island Naval Shipyard Vallejo, CA KAbniuredioaten FIRST Al {P-|AMND WDSiLwpd ‘D) COMPLAT EXHIBIT A (Cont'd Location of Exposure Unknown chemical plant, CA Standard Oil Richmond, CA Exxon Refinery, Baytown, TX Standard Oil, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Exxon (Humble Oil) Refinery, Benicia, CA Alon USA Refinery Big Spring, TX Fibreboard, Antioch, CA Unknown refinery, CA Unknown refinery Galveston, TX PG&E Pittsburg, CA Mare Island Naval Shipyard Vallejo, CA 13 SURVIVAL, WRON! Job Title Exposure Dates Insulator 1965; 1984-1986 Insulator 1965-1967 Insulator 1966 (Approx 4 days) insulator 1966 (Approx. 3 months) Insulator 1966 (Approx, 6 months) Insulator 1966 Insulator 1967 Insulator 1967 Insulator 1967 Insulator 1967 Insulator t 267 5 TOX.. weeks ; 1968 (Approx. 5 months); 1969 (Approx. 6 months); 1970 (Approx. 1 month EXHIBIT A ~A ‘SToC OH UM DA BR WN Employer Western MacArthut, 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 Western MacArthur, 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 (Cont'd) Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 9460: Mt » HMinjurod 102161 -LAMND WRSIL wad AMEND: EXHIBIT A (Cont'd) Location of Exposure Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, San Francisco, A Job Title Insulator CORAL SEA (CVA-43, CVB 43) ENTERPRISE (CVAN-65) EXXON NEW ORLEANS (1965) Hunters Point Naval Insulator Shipyard, San Francisco, CA HAWAIIAN ESS (1970) KANSAS CITY (AOR-3) MAUI (ARG-8) MIDWAY (CVB-41; CVA-41) MOUNT HOOD (AE-29) PRESIDENT FILLMORE (1968) YORK COUNTY (LST- 1175) Bethlehem Shipyard, San Francisco, CA CARPENTER (1)D-825) CHEVRON CALIFORNIA (1972) CHICAGO (GID CIMARRON (A0-22) FAIRSEA (1955) EXHIBIT A (Cont'd) Insulator Exposure Dates 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1979-1986 1979-1986 1968-1969 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1979-1986 EXHIBIT A 14 IRVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSCeo WN A MR WY NH A BN BN NY YW RD RD Rm meet eI AA FF YW NY |= GC oO mW Ia HH Bw NY SF Employer Western MacArthur Co. (Contd) Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 (Cont'd) tit Mf KNulured oars ighACMP-1 AMND WDSH 1 ‘OMPLAINT Location of Exposure Job Title OLDEN BEAR (1955) EAKALA (AE-25) KANSAS CITY (AOR-3) KISKA (AE-35) MAUNA LEI (1944) PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND (1975) SANTA MARIANA (1963) ‘Service Engineering Co., Pier 38, San Francisco, CA Insulator CHEVRON MISSISSIPPI (1972) VELAND (LPD-7) EXXON NEW ORLEANS (1965) Service Engineering Co., Pier 38, San Francisco, CA Insulator FLINT (AE-32)1979-1986 MOUNT HOOD (AE-29) NIAGARA FALLS (AFS-3) SHASTA (AE-33) TRANSONEIDA (1945) Exposure Dates 1968-1969 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1979-1986 1979-1986 1979-1986, 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 EXHIBIT A 15 AL, WRONGFUL DEATH ~ ASBESTOSPe ND AR WH BB BY ND om wN RM RN BR RR ee me me ee Se Re Se ea ARH BR YH Se |= SF Oo we a DH BY HH SK SD EXHIBIT A (Cont'd Employer Location of Exposure Job Title Western MacArthur Co., Triple A Machine Shop, 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Pier 64, San Francisco, CA Oakland, CA 9460 AMERICAN SPIRIT (1977) AMERICAN TRADER (1971) CALIFORNIA (CGN-36) CARL VINSON (EVN-70), : COOK (DE-1083; PF-1083) DUTTON (T-AGS-22) ENTERPRISE (CVAN-65) EXXON NEW ORLEANS (1965) Triple A Machine Shop, Pier 64, San Francisco, CA EXXON PHILADELPHIA (1970) FANNING (DE-1076; FF-1076) FLINT (AE-32) FORT FISHER (LSD-40) ENERAL HUGH J. aay (T-AP-I21} GOLDEN BEAR (1955) KAUAI (1980) KOPAA (1944) Mt Insulator Insulator Exposure Dates 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1979-1986 1979-1986 979-1986 981-1986 979-1986 1968-1969; 979-1986 968-1969; 1979-1986 979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 979-1986 1979-1986 1979-1986 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1980-1986 1979-1986 EXHIBIT A KAlrjured\106161\glAACMP-1AMND WDSII wpd 16 F) RST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSDP CN Dn BR WY Lm te Rae BNSF &ESBR TS Ske UAaESHR AS Employer Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 (Cont’d) Mt ti EXHIBIT A (Cont'd) Location of Exposure Job Title Exposure Dates LURLINE (1973) 1979-1986 MANHATTAN (1962) 1968-1969; 1979-1986 MAUI (1978) 1979-1986 MISSISSIPPI 1979-1986 (CGN-40) NARRAGANSETT (1979) 1979-1986 NIAGARA FALLS 1968-1969; (AFS-3) 1979-1986 Triple A Machine Shop, Insulator 1968-1969; Pier 64, San Francisco, CA 1979-1986 PRESID) LLUMORE 1968-1969; (1968) 1979-1986 PRESIDENT LINCOLN 1968-1969; (1961) 1979-1986 PRESIDENT MCKINLEY 1968-1969; (1968) 1979-1986 PRESIDENT TAFT 1968-1969, (1967) 1979-1986 PRESIDENT TRUMAN 1968-1969; (1962) 1979-1986 PRESIDENT TYLER 1979-1986 (1972) SANTA MARIA 1968-1969; (1963) 1979-1986 TRANSONEIDA (1945) 1968-1969; 1979-1986 WICHITA (AOR-1) 1979-1986 EXHIBIT A fev eran ed 17 ‘T AMENDED COM! OR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSCe ND A wm Fw Employer Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 9460: ut EXHIBIT A (Cont’d) Location of Exposure Job Title Exposure Dates Naval Air Station, Insulator 968-1969; Alameda, CA; 979-1986 Todd Shipyard, Alameda, CA ARKANSAS 979-1986 (CGN-41) ASHTABULA 968-1969; (AO-51) 979-1986 CALIFORNIA (1946) 979-1986 CARL VINSON 1981-1986 (CVN-70) Naval Air Station, Insulator 968-1969; Alameda, CA; 979-1986 Todd Shipyard, Alameda, CA CLEVELAND 1968-1969; (LPD-7) 1979-1986 CORAL SEA 1968-1969; (CVB-43; CVA-43) 1979-1986 ENTERPRISE 1968-1969; {CVAN-65) 1979-1986 FANNING 1979-1986 (DE-1076; FF-1076) FORREST SHERMAN 1968-1969; (DD-931} 1979-1986 HAWAIIAN (1946) 1968-1969 HECTOR (AR-7) 1968-1969; 1979-1986 IDAHO (1969) 1979-1986 KANSAS CITY 1968-1969; (AOR-3) 1979-1986 KISKA (AE-35) 1968-1969; 1979-1986 EXHIBIT A K AUnjuroeti9416)\g1\CMP-LAMND WDSIL worl 18 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSoO eM A HW BR WN = ° Employer Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 (Cont'd) it Hf it Mt EXHIBIT A (Cont'd) Location of Exposure Job Title Exposure Dates KOPAA (1944) 1968-1969; 979-1986 MARS (AFS8-1) 968-1969; 1979-1986 Naval Air Station, Insulator 1968-1969; Alameda, CA; 979-1986 Todd Shipyard, Alameda, CA MAUNA KEA 968-1969; (AE-22) 1979-1986 ORISKANY 968-1969; (CVA-34) 979-1986 PACIFIC ENTERPRISE 1968-1969 (1945) PRESIDENT 1979-1983 EISENHOWER (1962) ROANOKE (AOR-7) 1979-1986 SAN JOSE (AFS-7) 1968-1969; ‘ 1979-1986 SAN PEDRO (1945) 1968-1969; 1979-1986 SHASTA (AE-33) 1968-1969; 1979-1986 TALUGA (AO-62) 1968-1969, 1979-1986 WABASH (AOR-5) 1979-1986 WICHITA (AOR-1) 1968-1969; 1979-1986 EXHIBIT A Alsen d)}04161\g.CMP-1AMIND W310 19 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOS _Oo OM NAH BW N VN MY NY N NN HN Be Be ee ee ee ee od AA BF YW NH = SO we MU DH BW NY = Oo Employer Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 9460: Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 it Mt EXHIBIT A (Cont'd) Location of Exposure Job Title Pacific Drydock & Repair Insulator Co., Oakland, CA BLACK HAWK (1969) CARIBBEAN (1942) GALLANT (AM-489; MSO-489) HARBOR PRINCESS (1959) PHOENIX (SSN-702) SEA WOLF (SSN-575) American President Lines, Insulator Ltd,, Oakland, CA PRESIDENT MONROE (1966) PRESIDENT PIERCE 0973) PRESIDENT TAFT 1967) RESIDENT VAN BUREN (1967) ¥ Alnjured\40416)\plihCMP-1AMND WDSIL Exposure Dates 1968-1969; 1979-1986 972-1986 1968-1969; 979-1986 968-1969; 979-1986 979-1986 1968-1969; 979-1986 968-1969; 1979-1986 968-1969; 979-1986 1968-1969 1979-1986 (Approx. 2 days) 1968-1969; 1979-1986 EXHIBIT A i 20 D COMPLAINT TOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOS ~OD OY A WA Fw NY Employer Western MacArthur Co, 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 9460! Mt EXHIBIT A (Cont’d) Location of Exposure Job Title Triple A Machine Shop, Insulator Pier 64, San Francisco, CA; Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding, San Francisco, CA; todd Shipyard, Alameda, A: Pacific Drydock & Repair Co., Oakland, CA; American President Lines, Ltd., Oakland, CA; Matson Navigation, Oakland Piers, Oakland, CA; Service Engineering Co., Pier 38, San Francisco, CA; Continental Marine, San Francisco, CA; Naval Supply Center,Oakland, CA; Willamette Iron & Steel, Richmond, CA; Coast Guard Station, Alameda, CA; CALIFORNIAN (1946); CAMDEN (AQE-2) CHEVRON (1945) HEVRON ‘ALL (1973) DERAURY (YTM/YTB- Insulator USS EXCEL (AM-439, MSO-439), EXXON NEWARK (1952) HASSAYAMPA (AO-145) HILLYER BROWN (1953) Exposure Dates 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1968-1969 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1968-1969 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1979-1986 1968-1969 1968-1969; 1979-1986 EXHIBIT A KMrjuredt04161\pldCMP-LAMND WDSIL wed 24 FIRST AMENDED ‘OMPLAINT SURVIVAL, IGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSOo Om UY A HW & WL Employer Western MacArthur Co. 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 (Cont'd) Western MacArthur Co, 2855 Mandela Phy Oakland, CA 94608 (Cont’d) KAlsjuredti0s1 81g FIRST Al -AMND WDSII.wpd OMPLAIN’ EXHIBIT A (Cont'd) Location of Exposure Job Title Exposure Dates KAWISHIWI (T-AO-146) KILAUEA (AE-26) OF CALIFORNIA (1954) LONG BEACH (CGN-9) MARIPOSA (1953); MATSONIA (1973) METEOR (T-AKR-9) MICHIGAN (1969) MIDGETT (WHEC-276) MONTANA (1969) PACIFIC PRINCESS (1971) Insulator PANAMA (1966) PRESIDENT JEFFERSON (1973) PRESIDENT MADISON (1973) RICE QUEEN (1944); SANSINENA II (1971) TULARE (LKA-112) WINNEMUCCA (YTB- 785) 22 TVAL, ‘ATH - ASBESTOS 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 968-1969; 979-1986 979-1986 968-1969; 979-1986 979-1981 1979-1986 979-1981 1979-1986 968-1969; 979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1979-1986 1968-1969 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 1968-1969; 1979-1986 EXHIBIT A2 Oo wm IN AH BF WN Employer Western MacArthur 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 Northern California Insulation, Inc, 1500 Silica Ave. Sacramento, CA Western MacArthur, 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 Owens Corning Fiberglass Western MacArthur, 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 Tempco Contracting & Supply, Inc. P.O. Box 8305 Boise, ID Owens Corning Fiberglas San Francisco, CA Owens-Corning Fiberglas, San Francisco, CA Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pk: Oakland, CA 9460: Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 tit KMInjured\ 10418] \pld\CMP-1 AMND WDSILwpd EXHIBIT A (Cont’d) Location of Exposure Job Title PG&E Hunters Point, Insulator San Francisco, CA Aerojet General insulator Rancho Cordova, CA California & Hawaiian Insulator Sugar Refinery, Crockett, CA Shell Oil, Martinez, CA Insulator Shell Oil, Martinez, CA Insulator J.R. Simplot Insulator Boise, E National Steel & Insulator Shipbuilding, San Diego, CA, Military supply ship Naval Air Station Insulator Alameda, CA USS HANCOCK (CV-19; CVA-19) Hills Brothers Coffee, San ‘Insulator Francisco, CA; Various manufacturing Insulator sites, including Guittard Chocolate Co., Burlingame, CA; Hershey's Plant, Oakland, + Exposure Dates Late 1960s, (Approx. 2 weeks) 1968 1968-1969 Approx. 3 lays) 1968-1969 (Approx. 3 months) 1968-1969 (Approx. 7 months) 1970 6/5/70- 9/30/70 (Approx. 2 months) 9/1974- 12/1974 1979 (Approx. 5 days) 1979-1986 EXHIBIT A 23 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSCe YA HW FB NY MN NY NR YN NY KB De em Se Se Se ee SIA BH HO =F SO wed DAH Be NY H&S Employer Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pen Oakland, CA 94608 (Cont'd) Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 34608. Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 9460 Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA Wester MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 9460: Western MacArthur, 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 54608 ae KMnjured\ 0416 NgihCMR. 3 FIRST AMENDED EXHIBIT A (Cont'd) Location of Exposure Various manufacturing sites, inchiding Golden Grain, San Leandro, CA; Colgate Palmolive, Emeryville, CA Western MacArthur Co. 3150 3rd St., San Francisco, CA IBM, South San Jose, CA Union Oil Rodeo, CA Tosco Oil Refinery/Phillips Refinery, Avon, CA Pier 65, San Francisco, CA MONTEREY (1952) PRESIDENT PIERCE (1973) Sealand Services Oakland, CA AMERICAN PIONEER (1979) Mare Island, Naval Shipyard Vallejo, CA Job Title Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator Insulator NIAGARA FALLS (AFS-3) Exposure Dates 1979-1986 1979-1980 (On and off) 1979-1986 (On and off) Approx. 1979-1986 1979-1986 (Approx, 2 % months) 1979-1986 1979-1986 1979-1986 EXHIBIT A 24 IMPLATNT FOR SUR’ TVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSCO OD WD RR RB WN YN NN YN NY KD NB em a a ed A A BF ON =F SF Oo me IY AR A BRB WN = Ss Em er Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 9460: Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608; Owens Corning Fiberglas Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 Babcock & Wilcox Co. 20S. Van Buren Ave. Barberton, OH Douglass Insulation Co., Inc. 3990 Ralston Ave. Hillsborough, CA ‘Western MacArthur Co., San Francisco, CA Unknown Western MacArthur Co. 2855 Mandelia Pky. Oakland, CA 94608-4011 Western MacArthur Co. 2855 Mandella Pky., Oakland, CA 94608-4011 Alrite Insulation Co., Inc. 10176 Bella Vista Apple Valley, CA “il tif KAlnjgresh 6416 ipiNCMP. LAMINES WB: EXHIBIT A (Cont'd) Location of Exposure ‘PG&E (Portrero Station) San Francisco, CA. PG&E, The Geysers, near Calistoga, CA Standard Oil Richmond, CA US Steel Union City, CA Babcock & Wilcox Co. unknown location Unknown telephone company building, CA Merritt Ship Repair Oakland, CA EXCEL (MSO-439) Exxon(Humble Oil) Refinery Benicia, CA Chevron Research and Technolo Richmond, CA Matson Navigation, San Francisco, CA, Piers 32 and 38 LURLINE (1973) Unknown Job Title Exposure Dates Insulator 1979 Insulator 1979 Insulator 1979 (Approx. 9 months) Insulator 1979 Insulator 1979 Insulator 1979 Insulator 1979-1986 Insulator 1979 Insulator 1979 Insulator 1979 Insulator 1980; 1986 EXHIBIT A Sih 25 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH ASBESTOS ——_~Co eI DH BW NY NV RM RM DR RD ND Rm mas eu Am BOM =F SF Ba NAA BE wHH Se S E er Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 94608 (Cont’d) Metalclad Insulation Corp. of California P.O. Box 61024 Anaheim, CA Western MacArthur Co., 2855 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland, CA 9460) Mit EXHIBIT A (Cont’d) Location of Exposure Job Title Exposure Dates © Naval Supply Center Insulator Oakland, CA BLAND (APA-134) CrAGS22) HALE, LA (AE-25) HECTOR (AR-7) MAUNA KEA {AE-22) Naval Supply Center Insulator Oakland, CA MARS (AFS-1) MOUNT HOOD (AE-29) PONCHATOULA (T-AQ-148) PYRO (AE-24) RUSH (1927) TALUGA (AG-62) WABASH (AOR-5) Ford Aerospace, Insulator Sunnyvale, CA Todd Shipyard Insulator Alameda, CA. MONTEREY (1952) PRESIDE! MAN (1962) 1982-1986 1982-1986 1983-1984 1985-1986 EXHIBIT A KAlsived04461,1CMP-LAMND WOSHL 26 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSCo oe WN A mH &B YN BN YN NY NR DN KR wm me mm Re Se eB ee con A A Fk BD SP KH GS Db Be KY DH He BF WN KF DS EXHIBIT A (Cont'd Decedent's exposure to asbestos and asbestos-containing products caused severe and permanent injury to the decedent, including, but not limited to breathing difficulties, asbestosis, jung and/or other cancer, mesothelioma, and/or other lung damage. Decedent was diagnosed with asbestosis and asbestos-related pleural disease on or about September 2005 and esophageal canicer on or about October 2008. Decedent retired from his last place of employment as a result of becoming disabled due to an injury not related to asbestos. He had therefore suffered no disability from his asbestos- related disease as "disability" is defined in California Code of Civil Procedure §340.2. Ht Mi EXHIBIT A Knjured\iostertoitic Mp 1AMND WOSt. 27 ERS AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSEXHIBIT BCc OD eC NI RO DH ee BH LY EXHIBIT B DEFENDANTS ASBESTOS CORPORATION LIMITED BECHTEL CORPORATION (DE) SEQUOIA VENTURES INC. FOSTER WHEELER LLC (FKA FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION) GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION RILEY POWER INC. WESTERN MACARTHUR COMPANY MACARTHUR COMPANY WESTERN ASBESTOS COMPANY METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY GOODLOE E. MOORE INC ZURN INDUSTRIES, LLC ALLIS-CHALMERS CORPORATION PRODUCT LIABILITY TRUST (Previously sued as Doe 4) COLBERG, ENC. (Previously sued as Doe 13) DOES 1-800 ALTERNATE ENTITY ALLIS-CHALMERS CORPORATION BUDA ENGINE CO. PRODUCT LIABILITY TRUST ASBESTOS CORPORATION LIMITED GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION CONVAIR VULTEE AIRCRAFT INC. CONSOLIDATED VULTEE AIRCRAFT CORPORATION ASBESTOS CORPORATION LIMITED RILEY POWER, INC. BABCOCK BORSIG POWER, INC, UNION BOILER COMPANY UNION IRON WORKS, INC. DB RILEY, INC, RILEY STOKER CORPORATION BADENHAUSEN UNION IRON WORKS UNION IRON WORKS OF SPOKANE, WA GOODLOE E. MOORE INC GEMCO INSULATION SEQUOIA VENTURES, INC, BECHTEL CORPORATION (DE) FOSTER WHEELER LLC FOSTER WHEELER CORPORATION We ii EXHIBIT B K Mnjurad\04181\p14\CMP-1AMOND WISE wo 29 T AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR VIVAL, WRO! IL DEATH - ASBESTOSEXHIBIT B-1cw Oe ND A PB RN OH RM RP BRB NON NR ON Nem mea eo Ah FB Yb NM = Swe we I DH B® YN EXHIBIT B-1 DEFENDANTS CROWLEY MARITIME CORPORATION ZURN INDUSTRIES, INC. D. CUMMINS CORPORATION J.T, THORPE & SON, INC, DEEKER ELECTRIC(Previously sued as Does 8 & 1005) HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL, ENC. (Previously sued as Does 1] & 1011) SANTA FE BRAUN, INC. AS SUCCESS OR-IN-INTEREST TO C.F, BRAUN, INC. (Previously sued as Does 12 & 1012) LT. THORPE, INC. (Previously sued as Does 14 & 1013) DOES 1-800; DOES 1001-2000 ALTERNATE ENTITY J.T. THORPE & SON, INC, THE THORPE COMPANY THORPE PRODUCTS CO. LT. THORPE NORTHWEST CROWLEY MARITIME CORPORATION PUGET SOUND TUG & BARGE COMPANY RED AND WHITE FLEET CROWLEY AMERICAN TRANSPORT CROWLEY MARTINI TUGBOAT HARBOR CARRIERS, INCORPORATED PACIFIC DRY DOCK & REPAIR CO. MERRITT SHIPBUILDING CO. DELTA STEAMSHIP LINES, INC. DELTA LINES MISSISSIPPI SHIPPING CO. BEERS & MINNIS, INC. MARINE TRANSPORT LINES, INC. MARINE TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT, INC. GENERAL MARINE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES, INC. aE ut EXHIBIT B-1 A tnjred10516 igh CMP-1 AMD WDSIL wp 31 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSEXHIBIT CEXHIBIT C DEFENDANTS TOSCO REFINING COMPANY, INC. AEROJET-GENERAL CORPORATION (Previously sued CROWLEY MARITIME CORPORATION as Doe 1008} ZURN INDUSTRIES, INC, JR. SIMPLOT COMPANY (Previously sued as Doe 1010) BECHTEL CORPORATION (DE) DEEKER ELECTRIC(Previously sued as Does 8 & 1005) © SEQUOIA VENTURES, INC. HONEY WELL INTERNATIONAL, INC. J.T. THORPE & SON, INC. (Previously sued as Does 1] & 1011) WESTERN MacARTHUR COMPANY SANTA FE BRAUN, INC. AS SUCCESS MacARTHUR COMPANY OR-IN-INTEREST TO C.F, BRAUN, INC. WESTERN ASBESTOS COMPANY {Previously sued as Does 12 & 1012) DOES 1001-2000 4.7. THORPE, INC. (Previously sued as Does 14 & 1013) eC wm WA HW fh HY WY TOSCO REFINING COMPANY, INC. ALTERNATE ENTITY TOSCO CORPORATION THE OIL SHALE CORPORATION DIABLO SERVICES CORPORATION LION OIL COMPANY TIME PERIOD PREMISES OWNER DEFENDANTS. LOCATION AEROJET-GENERAL CORPORATION Aerojet General 1968 Rancho Cordova, CA JR. SIMPLOT COMPANY LR, Simplot 1970 Boise, ID TOSCO REFINING COMPANY, INC. Tosco Refinery, Avon, CA 1976 CROWLEY MARITIME CORPORATION _ Pacific Drydock & Repair Co., 1977-1986 Oakland, CA CONTRACTOR DEFENDANTS. ‘ATL TIME PERIOD DEEKER ELECTRIC Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding 1977-1986 San Francisco, CA ZURN INDUSTRIES, INC. National Steel & Shipbuilding, 1970 San Diego, CA; Dow Chemical, Pittsburg, CA; 1977-1986 i“ i Kabjures\iosteaigisieMP-1AMND WDSH wpe 33 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT , - Naval Air Station, Alameda, CA; Naval Supply Center, Oakland, CA; Triple A Machine Shop, San Francisco, CA (Pier 64) EXHIBIT CCw ON HH BF YN CONTRACTOR DEFENDANTS BECHTEL CORPORATION (DEYSEQUOIA VENTURES, INC. J.T. THORPE & SON, INC, WESTERN MacARTHUR COMPANY/MacARTHUR, COMPANY/WESTERN ASBESTOS COMPANY/HONEY WELL, INTERNATIONAL, INC./SANTA FE BRAUN, INC. AS SUCCESS OR-IN- INTEREST TO C.F. BRAUN, INC..T. THORPE, INC. ti uy K.Ninjuredt104161'yidXCMP-1AMND WDStt EXHIBIT C (Cont'd LOCATION PG&E, Moss Landing, CA; Shell Oil, Martinez, CA. California & Hawaiian Sugar, Crockett, CA, Standard Of], Richmond, CA Chevron Research and Technology, Richmond, CA; Exxon Refinery, Benicia, CA; IBM, San Jose; CA; Colgate Palmolive, Berkeley, CA; Hills Brothers Coffee, San Francisco, CA Union Oil, Rodeo, CA Tosco Oil, Avon; CA. Fibreboard, Antioch, CA Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding, San Francisco, CA; Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, San Francisco, CA; Matson Navigation, San Francisco, CA; Naval Air Station, Alameda, CA; Todd Shipyards, Alameda, CA; Triple A Machine Shop, San Francisco, CA (Pier 64); Willametie Shipyard, Richmond, CA. Various Various TIME PERIOD 1960's 1966-1967 1967-1968 971976 1979 1974-1977 1974-1976 1975-1976 1966-1972, 1977-1986 Various Various EXHIBIT C 34 2 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSEXHIBIT ECoe MR DAA RY NY NON WY NY NN NN Ye Se Be Se Om oe me Oe eS ST HRA FF YW YN &—§ SBD we NY DH &F WHY YK S EXHIBIT E DEFENDANTS TRINITY INDUSTRIES INC. (Previously sued as Doe 2501) DOES 2501-3000 MW iif EXHIBIT E XK. Mnjured\104161)psCMP-LAMND WSU! wpd ge FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, DEATH - TtEXHIBIT HoC Oe NDR A he Ye Dm NM YR NN NN Ne Be ee Re ew ee me od AA RO Nh =e SO wm IY HH BB HN EXHIBIT H DEFENDANTS METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PNEUMO ABEX LLC BORGWARNER MORSE TEC, INC. HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL, INC. (successor- in-interest to ALLIEDSIGNAL, INC.) THE BUDD COMPANY DAIMLERCHRYSLER CORPORATION DANA COMPANIES, LLC (FKA DANA CORPORATION) FORD MOTOR COMPANY GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION BRIDGESTONE/FIRESTONE NORTH AMERICAN TIRE, LLC LEAR SIEGLER DIVERSIFIED HOLDINGS CORP. MAREMONT CORPORATION MORTON INTERNATIONAL, INC. PARKER-HANNIFIN CORPORATION STANDARD MOTOR PRODUCTS, INC. GATKE CORPORATION GARLOCK SEALING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC BRASSBESTOS BRAKE LINING COMPANY H. KRASNE MANUFACTURING COMPANY AUTO SPECIALTIES MANUFACTURING COMPANY STUART- WESTERN, INC. RITESET MANUFACTURING COMPANY ASBESTOS MANUFACTURING COMPANY FIBRE & METAL PRODUCTS COMPANY LASCO BRAKE PRODUCTS Ld. MILEY COMPANY ROSSENDALE-RUBOIL COMPANY SOUTHERN FRICTION MATERIALS COMPANY U.S. SPRING & BUMPER COMPANY AUTO FRICTION CORPORATION EMSCO ASBESTOS COMPANY FORCEE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION MOLDED INDUSTRIAL FRICTION CORPORATION NATIONAL TRANSPORT SUPPLY, INC. SILVER LINE PRODUCTS, INC. STANDCO, INC. UNIVERSAL FRICTION MATERIALS COMPANY WHEELING BRAKE BLOCK MANUFACTURING COMPANY BELL ASBESTOS MINES LTD. OWENS-ILLINOIS, INC. DOES5000-8000 ALTERNATE ENTITY DANA COMPANIES, LLC (FKA DANA CORPORATION) DANA CORPORATION VICTOR MANUFACTURING AND GASKET COMPANY SMITH AND KANZLER CO., INC. SMITH AND KANZLER CORPORATION SPRAYED INSULATION, INC. S.K. INSULROCK CORPORATION SPRAYON RESEARCH CORPORATION SPRAYON INSULATION & ACOUSTICS, INC. SPRAYED INSULATION INC. WARNER ELECTRIC BRAKE & CLUTCH CO. SPICER CLUTCH DIVISION VICTOR WISCONSIN GASKET REINZ WISCONSIN GASKET CO. GARLOCK SEALING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC GARLOCK, INC. COLTEC INDUSTRIES, INC. FAIRBANKS-MORSE FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES BELMONT PACKING & RUBBER CO, GARLOCK PACKING CO. U.S. GASKET CO. GOODRICH CORPORATION ENPRO INDUSTRIES, INC. “ EXHIBIT H KSbajured\ 0416 liphhCMP-1 AMD WDSIL 38 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOSEXHIBIT IoY OWN Dw Pw NH Oo mY Hw BY NH YN NNR YW NY NY NM NY eS TA A BF HON = SS EXUIBITT DEFENDANTS METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OWENS-ILLINOIS, INC, PNEUMO ABEX LLC GATKE CORPORATION GARLOCK SEALING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC AMERICAN CONFERENCE OF GOVERNMENTAL INDUSTRIAL HYGIENISTS, INC. UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. DOESS006-7500 it | iit EXHIBIT I KNinjused\10416,p16\OMP-1 AMND WDSIL.wpd 40 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH ~ ASBESTOSEXHIBIT JCoe IN AH Bw DY ll EXHIBIT J DEFENDANTS METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DOES 7400-7500 . Wt Mt EXHIBIT J KNnjured\104161\pidiCMP-1 AMND WDSIL wpd 42 FIRST AMEN: IMPLAINT FOR SURVIVAL, WRONGFUL DEATH - ASBESTOS' EXHIBIT NOo Oe NM OB HH BR YH Nm wWoNM MY MR RN RM RQ ee meee ew QU AA SF OH — So we R AH BB wWw NH S EXHIBIT N DEFENDANTS METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DOES 7501-7900 ii HW KAlnjuresi 104 16Told\CMP-} AMND WDSIL EXHIBIT N 44 RST AMENDED Ci AINT Fi » WRONGFUL DEATH ~ ASBESTO: