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  • Ally Bank v. Neal Wilkins, John Doe, Mary RoeCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ally Bank v. Neal Wilkins, John Doe, Mary RoeCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ally Bank v. Neal Wilkins, John Doe, Mary RoeCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ally Bank v. Neal Wilkins, John Doe, Mary RoeCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ally Bank v. Neal Wilkins, John Doe, Mary RoeCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ally Bank v. Neal Wilkins, John Doe, Mary RoeCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ally Bank v. Neal Wilkins, John Doe, Mary RoeCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Ally Bank v. Neal Wilkins, John Doe, Mary RoeCommercial - Contract document preview


FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 08/15/2018 03:22 PM INDEX NO. EF008635-2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/15/2018 "A" EXHIBIT TO COMPLAINT FiledinOrange County 08/15/2018 03:22:51 PM $0.00 Bk: 5132 Pg: 922 Index: # EF008635-2Ó18 Clerk: KP FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 08/15/2018 03:22 PM INDEX NO. EF008635-2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/15/2018 NJ-102 10/10/2015 Retail Installment Contract and Security Agreement Seber Name and Address Buyer(s)Ndme(s) and Address(es) Summary ROMAN CHARIOT AUTO SALES NEAL WILKINS No. 346 US HIGHWAY 9 4 UNDERHILL RD Data 04/26/2017 MANALAPAN, NJ 07726 MIDDLETOWN, NY 10940 O Business commercial or agricufteral purpose Contract. Truth-In-Lending Disclosure . Annual Persentage FinanceCharge Assount Fmanned Totalof Payments Total SalePrice Rate; · The·total cost of your as The cost of your credit The doUar amount the The ampunt of credit The amount you wiB have a yearly rate. wiD cost you. credit providedto you or on paid when youhavemade purchaseon credit, your llahalf. all scheduled payments.. your down including payment àf $ 1.3,000.00 7.74 % $ 8,467.00 $ 32,000.00 . .3 . 40,467.00 $ 53,467.00 Payment Schedule.Your payment·scheduÍe is Wo. of Amnunt of Payments When Payments are Due Payments 75 53956 , MONTHLY BEGINNING 5/26/17 Security..You in the Property ars giving us a securityinterest purchased. Late Charge. 10 days late, you wiH be charged 5% of. the unpaid emount If a mors then of the payment that due. except if the Property for personal is primarly family,er hoissehold use and the cash price is $10,000 or less the charge for late paymentwin be $10, Prepayment early, you will not have to pay a penalty. If you pay off this Contract CentractProvisions.You can see the terms of this Contract for any·additionalinformation about nonpayment, any required defairlt, rapeymen) bef oys thq scheduled date, and prepayment refundsand penalties. Year Make . Model Style Vehicläfdentifü:ation Numbgr Odometer MHeage 2015 JAGUAR XF 4DR SAJWJ0FF4FBUS2158 29726 0than O Naw AD llsed O Demo Description of Trade In Gonditional Deliver y . Q Conditional If checked,.you Delivery. the felowing agree that N/A agreement regard c ("Agreement1 ring financing applies: part of this Contract. The The Agreementwill no longer control af tar the assignment is acceptedIf there are any conflicts between the terms of the Agreement.and the terms·of the Contract. this Contract.Will apply. II Ces J Motforugaintransin½nsesswadbr.a dwnhp S J1 c/2015 FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 08/15/2018 03:22 PM INDEX NO. EF008635-2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/15/2018 Sales Agreemelst Insûrance Disclosures Payment. You promise to pay ds the principal amount of Creditinsurance.Credit life insurance pays all or part of the amount $ 32,000.00 ph the time price dif farantial you owe·under this Contract pays only the if you die. This insurance 7.74 accruing on the unpaid balance at the rate of . . % per amount you wouldown if you ptideal your paymentson time. Credit year from until maturity, the date at this Contract maturit y, or After ·disability pays all or part of the paymentsdue under this Contract ·after you default and we demand payment,we win eam the time whila you•ara-disabled. Tiiis insurance does not cover any increase in on the unpaid balance at price differentlal 7;74 % per your paymentor in the number of payments. See the polhiies or agree to pay this·Contract certificates from companies f or the details the named insurance of year,You according to the payment shown in the Truth-In-Len&ng schedule and.late charge provisions provida, and for other terms the coverage these types of insurance and comlitions. Credit life and health) laccident disability Disdosure.You elso agras to pay any ad(litional emounts-secording Contract. are not required to obtain creditand are not a f actor in the credit to the terms of this and conditions decision. We will not provide them unless you sign·ami agree to pay the additionalpremium. If you want we win obtain it sych insurance, /temization of Amount for you GI you:qualif y for coveragetWe are quotingbelow enlythe $. 37,573.00 chosen to purchase. ..coverages ydu.have a. Cash Priceof VehicTe b. Trade·ln a owatce $ N/A .Credit Life c. Less: Amountowing,paid to Gncludes U: O Single O Joint 121 None N/A Premium $ N/A Term d. enter 40 Net Trade-In (b-c: if negative, Inswed here and enter the amount on lina l) $ 0.00 CreditDisability e. Cash payment $ 13,000.00 N/A O Single O JointE None f. Manufacturer's rebate. $ Premhnn $ N/A Ternt g. Otherdown payment (describe) Insured $ . N/A h. Bown Payment (d+e +.f+g) $ 13,000.00 . L Adjusted Cash Pdes (a·h) $ 24,573.00 have declined 1. Sales Tax troduced as required due to the coverage we offered . value,of like trade•in) $ 2,928.00 .. k. of Cash Price (i+j) Unpaid balanta $ 27,S01.00 L Financed trade-in balance (seelina.d)$ N/A - N/A filing fees m. Paid to public officials $ - supplemental DOS n. .Paid to public officials title fee . $ 200±00 c. - other than filing Psid to public officials fe $ . N/A By: DOB p. Insurance prgmiums paid to insurance companylies) $ N/A q. Service Gontract, paid to: AI.LSTATE 4,000.00 By: D0B. r. ToÏDealer,Service Fee 299.00 s. To: $ N/A PropertyInsurance.You must Insura the.Property. You may t. To: $ N/A purchase or provide the insurance through any msurance company . u. To: N/A reasonably us. The collisibn coverage deductible may To- g N/A not exceed $ N/A If yed get insurance from v. w. To: $ N/A or ydu win pay $ N/A fof x. To:. $ N/A N/A of coveraire. y. Tb: $ N/A . This premium is calculated as fonows: A O $ N/A +Deductible, CoHision Cav. $ N/A, O . .N/A .Deductibia, Comp. Cov._$.N/A bb Total 0ther G thru ma)$ ChargaslamisPald 4,499.00 O Fire-Thef t.and Combined Additional Cov. $ N/A cc.Principal Balance (.k+bb) $ 32.000.00 O N N/A dd.Time PrIsa Differential 8,467.00 se.Thne Balance (cc+dd) $ 40,467.00 THIS DOES N.DT INCLUDE INSURANCE DN YOIIR LIABILITYFOR it.Prepaid Finance Charge $ N/A BOD.ILY IRJURY WITHollT ORPROPERTY DAMAGE SUCil gg.Amannt Financed.(it+bb-ffl $ 32,000.00 YOU MAY NOT GPERATE THIS . INSURANCE, VEllICLliSN . hh.Time Sale Price (h+e8) $ 53,467.00 pggggg;1UGHWAYS. . We may retain of any amounts paid to others. or raceive a portion a.ran r,carga na w w e. ananors C2016 WoltureKluwerAnanoidServices Pa0s2 ef B a FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 08/15/2018 03:22 PM INDEX NO. EF008635-2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: , 08/15/2018 . O Single-interest Insurance.You must purchase single.-interestPerchase You agree to purchase the Property·lrom of Property. of ties sale transaction. insurance as part You may purchase the to the terms anil conditlons Seller, subject Seller will of this Contract. acceptable a company of your choice, reasonably net repairs or additions tp the Vehicle except es noted in coverage from tg make:any the Descetza of Prgertysection. us. If you buy the coverage framer-throughus, you will pay $ N/A for You have been given the opportunity and to purchase the·Property of coverage, descrhed Cash Price er the Tote) Sale Price. The services forthe "TotalSak price-of the total Price'Is if you buy it over the Property tune. Additional Protections General Tenna.The TotalSale Price·shown in the Truilt-la-Lendirrg You may buy any of thefellowingvoluntary plans. protection Disclosure assumes thatall payments will be scheduled. The They arenet requiredtoobtaincredit,aranote fasterinthe ectuakamountyou wiR pay Will'bé more if you pay fate and less if oreditdecision,andare nota factorin the terme·of thecreditor You Pey early. the sale of the·Vehicle. related The voluntaryprotectionewillnot be providedunlessyou signand agree to pay the additional coat. We do notintendto charge or collect. and you do not agree to pay, any time price dif ferential or fee that is more than.the'maximum Your signature belowmeans thatyou wantthe-described and itant . smount.permitted for this sale by state er federal law If ymi pay a that you have received and reviewed>a copy of the :=tr=t(s)·for the time price dif ferentiator fee that exceeds that maximuni emount, we II'ne coverage product(s). you have or charge is given for an item, wilfirst to reduca the principarbalance apply the excess amount anB, declined any such coverage we offered. when the principal has been paid in ful, refund amount any-remaining to you. You utiderstand and·ggree.that sofne paymentsto third as a pgrtier Te rm . 36 MONTHS OR MILES 60 , 000 part.ot this Contract may mvolve money retained by us or paid back Price $ 4.000.00 . tollsas commissions or other remuneration. Coverage JEFER TO SERVICE CONTRACT You agree that wiR not he.used as a dwelling.. the Property Prepayn)ent.You may prepay in full or in·part this Contract at any O Gap Weiver er Gap Coverage time without penalty. not excuse any will Any partial.prepayment Te m If we get a iiifund later scheduled payments. of any unearned . Phce $ N/A insurance premiums that you paid, you agree that we may subtract Coverage the refund from the amount you owe, unless otherwise provided by rew. O IIeturnedPayment Charge. If you make any payment required by Term this Contract thatis returbed to insuf ficient uhcollected.due funits in Price $ N/A to pay a fee of -$20. your account, you·agree Coverage Severning andInterpretatión. This Contract is govemed by - and applicable.federal - the few of NewJersey law and regulations. If any section dr provision of this Contract is not enforceable, the 04/26/20t7 other terms win remain.part of this,Contract. us to You authorite By: NEAL W. I Data correct error or emissions in this Cotttract any clinical or in any refited document. Name andlocation. this. Your name and address set f orthin Centractare your exact and.your principal residence.You By: Date wiU provide us with at:least 30 days notice before you change your name·or principal residence. N/A Telephone Monitéringand Calling. You agree that we inay from time to.time monitorand record telephona calls made or received by es.or our agents regardihg your accountto assure the qualit y of our the eccount service..In order for us to service or to conect eny Additional Terms of the Sales amounts you may owe, and subject to agiplicable law, you agree-that Tontract" we may from time to time make calls and send text messages to you Definitions. refers to this Retail Installment Contractend "your" camg.prerecorded/artificial voice messages or througli the use of an SecurityAgreement.The pronouns"you"and teler to each Buyer signing this Contract,·and any guarantors, and jointly automatic telephone number you prov.ide to us dialing any The p.ronouns be","es"and individually. to the Seller "our"refer . in connection with ysut a mobile telephone account,.including number "IQkiefe" thatcoukf result in>charges to you. to which and·any entity it may transferthis Contract. means each motor vehicle described in theDescriptien of Property section."Property' Defeult.You win be in default on this Contract lexceptes prohibited means the Vehicle.and all otherproperty bylaw)ifyou feD to perfo:m that any obligation you have undertaken and MditionaiProtections described in the Descriptionofl¾pertr sections. In'this Contract. . . 10tf0/26tB WskstsKluwerMnancM $a,vkanD 2015 pagg3 erg FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 08/15/2018 03:22 PM INDEX NO. EF008635-2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/15/2018 If the Property for personal, family, is primarily or household use, and + If we give up any of our rights,itwig your duty not effect to pay the cash price is $10,000 or.less, if you default yoü agres tir pay . this Contract. atterneys' fees of 20% of the first $500and 10% on anyexcess of + If we-extend new credit or renewthis Contract·, it will not affect the emost due and payable under this Contract, for if.referred . your duty to pay this.Contract coBection attorneynot a salaried employee of ours. For other Warranty. Warrantyinformationis provided to you separately. if we hire an attomey transactions, whats·nota salaried employee to conect whatyou.owe,you will reasonable fee and pay the attorney's Securit y Agree jnent . the law permits. court.costs Security.To secure your payment and performance under the terms If an event of default occurs as to any of you, we may exercise our of this you giva us a security Contract, interest in the Vehicle, all shy or all remedies against accessions, attachments, add equipment accessories, placed in or on Remedles. If ypu default on this Centract, we have al.of the the Vehicle and in all otherProperty,You also assign to us and give us remedies provided by law and this Contract. Those remediesinclude: a security in proceeds interest and premium refunds el any insurance + end service contracts pay us, subject to any refund We may require you to immediately purchased with thisContract. the remaining uggeid·balance of the amount requhed by law, DetiesTowapIProperty. By giving us a security interest In the time price.differential financed, and an other agreed charges. represent end agree to the followingr • assessments, or other liens.or make repairs We may pay taxes, • You will defend mir interests in the Property againstclaims made to the Prope if.youhave not dondso. We are not required to amount by anyone else. You wiG:keep our.claim to the Property shead of do.:o.You w reliny us that immediately. That emount the clenn of anyone.else, You wdl not do anything to change our wig earn the time price differential from the date we It:at - the Property. rate described in the Paymenrsection the contract untd aidin fuU. • You win keep the Property in your possession and in good condition andrepair.You willuse for its intended the Property + We may require available to us at a malie the Property anilawfufpurposes. pieca we designate.that is reasonably convenient to yetiandus. + You agree not to remove the Property from tite U.S. without our • We·may immediately by legal take possession of the.Property pnor wnttenconsent. process or, but Jn doing so we'may not breach the + You willinot.attempt to sell the Property, transfer any rights m peace or unlawfugy enter onto your premises. pr grant the Property, anotherlien on the Proper ty without our + We may then sell the Property we receive as and spply what prior consent.