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  • BANK AMERICA NA vs Tammy Machuga document preview
  • BANK AMERICA NA vs Tammy Machuga document preview


FILED: STEUBEN COUNTY CLERK 01/22/2021 04:25 PM INDEX NO. E2021-0041CV NYSCEF DOC.SUPREME NO. 4 COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/22/2021 COUNTY OF STEUBEN AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE Index #:E2021-0041CV Date purchased:01/13/2021 Plaintiff(s): BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Defendant(s): TAMMY MACHUGA Stateof New York, County of Steuben ss.: Andrew Falco, theundersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and says thatI was at the time of serviceover theage of cighteca and not a party tothisaction.I resideinthe Stateof New York. On 01/15/2021 at 2:50PM, I servedthe within NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILING AND SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT to TAMMY MACHUGA at 4332 COUNTRY ROUTE 1, CAMPBELL, NY 14821 inthe manner indicatedbelow: PERSONAL SERVICE: By deliveringa truecopy ofsaid documents to theindividual personally.The individualserved confirmed their identityat thetime ofservice.An approximate description ofTAMMY MACHUGA is as follows: Sex: Female colorof skin/race: White Color of hair: Black Age: 56Height: 5 ft 6 inWeight:180 lbs. The deponent asked whether TAMMY MACHUGA was in active military in any capacity or if they are fmancially service of the United States or theState of New York and received a negative reply. The source of my information dependent on anyone in the military and the grounds of my belief are the conversations and Obscivadons above narrated. Upon infnemadm' and belief I aver that TAMMY MACHUGA dependent on someone in active military and is not financially is not in the military service of the United States or the State of New York Relief Act. of the Federal Soldiers and Sailors Civil as that term is defined in the statutes of New York S Sworn toand subscribed before me on Ê /b X Andrew Falco Rita Hoover Notary Public # 01HO6069614 Steuben County Stateof New York Commission Expires Mar 11,2022 MULLOOLY, JEFFREY, ROONEY & FLYNN LLP ProVest, LLC (02074323) (5977477) (4532380) 111111|l11l|ll|1111011 *131773* 1 of 1