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  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Shelley ConsoliniOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Shelley ConsoliniOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Shelley ConsoliniOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Shelley ConsoliniOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


FILED: ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY CLERK 02/04/2021 02:09 PMINDEX NO. EFCV-19-157227 NYSCEF DOC. NO.. 10 AMNI.)EX RECEIVED NO . E FCV-19-1572 NYSCEF: 02/04/2021 04/19/202127 IFILED : $T 14MRENCE COUNTY CLERK 01/06/2020 10:35 NYSCEF DOC. No. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/06/2020 IN THE SUPREME COURT 0F THE 8TATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SAINT LAWRENCE LVNV FUNDING LLC Hearing Date: Plaintilr/Petitioner INDEX NO: EFCV•10-167227 vs. inde x Date: 12/2T/2019 8HELLEY CONSOLINI AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE OF: Defendant/Respondent summons; complaint Received by Randall Montour. on the31st day ofDecember. 2019 at 11:47 AM tobe served upon SHELLEY CONSOLINI et 23 MAIN 87 APT 3, WADDINGTON, BaInt Lawrence County, NY 13984, The undersigned, being first duly swom, on oath deposes and says:That s(he) is now and atall timeshereinmentioned was a citizen of theUnited States.over the age of eighteen,notan omcar ofa plaintificorporation, not a partyto norInterestedin theabove entiged ection,end is competent to bea witness therein. On the31st day of Daemmher, 2010 at 1:48 PM at theaddress of 23MAIN ST APT 3, WADDINGTON, Saint Lawrence County, NY 13694, thisaffiant served the above described documents Upon SHELLEY CONBOI_INI in themanner described below: PERSONAL SERVICE, by personally delivering1 trueend correctcopy(les) of theabove described documents, with thedate end hour of serviceendorsed therecn by thla to the affiarit, named defendant. THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PERSON WITH WHOM THE COPY(IES) OF THIS PROCESS WAS LEFT IS AS FOLLOWS: SHELLEY CONSOLINI, Who accepted meryloe, with Identityconfirmed by subject stating theirnegne. a whNo female appron. II'4"-8'8" with 36-46 years of age, tall, weighing 1d0-160 lbs brown hair. Deponent asked the Ineneated person whether the defendant andfor pnneant occupant was presen8y in Bee militaryservlee of the United Statee Goverrununt orIn ac8ve duty In the servies agilitary of due 3tate of New Yosk or a dependent of anybody in the and unllitary defendant and/or present occupant refused toIndleets. Executed on ..3C40 . 20h. . Randall Montour, NY ABC L.egal Services. Inc. OCA t,k 81380819 Exp. 02/28f20 147 PrinceSt. Suite 44, arooMyn. NY 11201 SUSSCRIBED D S R to beforeme this day of - /h aWr .20h ARY I f the of New York PAMELA A. Ptegic,$16ta oINew Nolary P•ee * of 8 # 0047926534 Tracking FOR: Pressler, Felt & Wefshaw, LLP n REF: C307140 1 o f 1 1 of 2 FILED: ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY CLERK 02/04/2021 02:09 PMINDEX NO. EFCV-19-157227 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 10 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/04/2021 04/19/2021 Invoice Pay now at | ABC Legal Services, LLC | 633 Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98104 | 206-521-9000 | | Tax ID: 84-2147344 BILL TO: INVOICE# 6531011.100 DATE Jan 03, 2020 ACCOUNT# 110198 Pressler, Felt & Warshaw, LLP ATTENTION 7 Entin Rd Parsippany, NJ 07054 REFERENCE# C307140 AMOUNT DUE $ 58.50 CASE # EFCV-19-157227 CASE TITLE LVNV FUNDING LLC v. SHELLEY CONSOLINI COURT NY Supreme Court of Saint Lawrence County SERVICES PERFORMED DESCRIPTION NOTE AMOUNT Effect Service of Process Service of Process 58.50 Subject: SHELLEY CONSOLINI Address: 23 MAIN ST APT 3, WADDINGTON, NY 13694 Result: Served Date Served: 12/31/2019 Photo: Yes Prepare Suit 24 Hour Locate 0.00 Subject: SHELLEY CONSOLINI Date: 12/18/2019 # of Addresses found: 29 SUBTOTAL $ 58.50 SALES TAX $ 0.00 AMOUNT DUE $ 58.50 OFFICIAL PROCESS SERVER TO U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT Page 1 of 1 2 of 2