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  • All Ingredients Plus Inc. v. Pro Star Logistics Inc., Ken Gibson, Matthew Williams, Roadrunner Transportation Services Inc. Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • All Ingredients Plus Inc. v. Pro Star Logistics Inc., Ken Gibson, Matthew Williams, Roadrunner Transportation Services Inc. Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • All Ingredients Plus Inc. v. Pro Star Logistics Inc., Ken Gibson, Matthew Williams, Roadrunner Transportation Services Inc. Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • All Ingredients Plus Inc. v. Pro Star Logistics Inc., Ken Gibson, Matthew Williams, Roadrunner Transportation Services Inc. Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • All Ingredients Plus Inc. v. Pro Star Logistics Inc., Ken Gibson, Matthew Williams, Roadrunner Transportation Services Inc. Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • All Ingredients Plus Inc. v. Pro Star Logistics Inc., Ken Gibson, Matthew Williams, Roadrunner Transportation Services Inc. Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • All Ingredients Plus Inc. v. Pro Star Logistics Inc., Ken Gibson, Matthew Williams, Roadrunner Transportation Services Inc. Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • All Ingredients Plus Inc. v. Pro Star Logistics Inc., Ken Gibson, Matthew Williams, Roadrunner Transportation Services Inc. Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/13/2018 04:08 PM INDEX NO. 151848/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/13/2018 - DATE:1 TIME: U BY: ProCG8s StateWldS S0fV8rs,WestJordan801-809-4133 XI.('>' I:.O' SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF 5 YORK X" I' I,'v' l('' l~r COUNIY 0F NEW YORK ..-.... __..... __....--------------,. __--------- -.. â _______- ..- ____--.._ ____-.. ___-- — €”- — ~h s IndeX No. ALL INGREDIENTS PLUS INC.. Date Purchased I' Plaintiff. Plamtilldesignates (lc.~ion,!(cd Xc«' Ne w Y ork County as the UI' - against - place of trial KEh' PRO STAR LOGISTICS, INC.. KEN GIBSON Ihe basis of the Lll(l(' senue 14 I,-a'I' MATTHEW WILLIAMS and ROADRUNNER plaintitï I)l,'IL'L' 4 place ofbusiness TRANSPURTATION SERVICES, li( .. I Defendants. SOBIONS WITH .'>I..'>1.")1().XS NOTICE --...-----...- -...-----------------------..-----------..,.---..---......-- -----..-- V Plaintiffs business address: .' ' IN'> 150 > East L.Ll>l ~ Street .Apt. .>>I)t. '>t<>. -'S New York. New i»'t.. . iirI York 10003 l ()I' utilHy of New York I Io the above named Defendants It VL' h'RT: .")>RL" J 0L llEICElkh' 9h.' e ..- answer ~ ...« ~I...... I..:. ~ ~'..'......~...... I ~. I YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED . to the coinphunt in this action and to serve CL>p>r of >r'(>(ll' itCOpy your answer. or. if thecomplaint is not served with this suinmons. to sene a notice of .' 20days i appearatice.on the Plaintiffs Attorneys within afteithe ~ serviceofthissunanions.exclusive <>I' t' (t>l' ul the day of service (or within 30 .I()days alter .it«i the senice is complete if this sunmions is not ot' (>(II' (»' perSonIll l) deh Vered to you Within the StiiteofNewL('(YorkJ. snit in .l.'I(t case ofyour liiilureto appettror I I answer. judgment will be taken against you by default for the reliefdemanded in the computint. Dated: Huntington Station. New York March .Xl;>I'cII l. 20!8 ZBBIERMAN LAW, P.C. Ilx: Hw: Robert V.idnais. Of .I(nlii!s, Counsel Ialnlitt'ti.',' itarney s for PlaintilT and P.O. cia .()..X(l«l 115 \\ ,tIt Whitman Road Ste .ite2) 5 l!uniington 5tation. New York 1 1746 (ri' I tI 4l to.'I i-(«)I)II 0 ', s-tt)Oi) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/13/2018 04:08 PM INDEX NO. 151848/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/13/2018 .' Defendants< <.';c'i)' I1:')))' .: SERVICES, INC. 4900 -j~)tj(f South >' Pennsylvania <'it Avenue P.O. 13ox S903 Cudah . Wl531 10-8903 <>tli'c'' >1..'III('I)l» ~c'l))l»ts this Complaint ci»b', therton, I<)I I. :I(.'ll()11. :)Ct FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/13/2018 04:08 PM INDEX NO. 151848/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/13/2018 6'()i.le'I' (')I' A' SUPREME COURT OF l HE STATE OF NEW YORK I' XI'1'I' NL'Vv' COUNTY OF NEW YORK II:.3' Ii<. ALI .Xi.l. INGREDIENTS PLUS INC.. Inde.s No. 151848 (4 113 PlaintifE AMENDED :Ir. ..h .I) -against- I.:Y14'1' -'1'?(ILil1Sl-l- VERIFIED COMPLAINT 4' PRO STAR LOGISTICS. INC.,..KEN GI13SON. A'I" I'rh' 4'' 1.'v' MATTHFW WILLl/\MS and ROADRUNN1 '.R TRANSPURTATION SERVICES. INC.. .. Defendants. t.'! r.'I i. I..(' Plaintiff. ALL INGREDIENTS PLUS INC....b /immerman P.C.. .,<.;«'tt'tel' RE' s INGREDIENTS"), ..) . was and stillisi r u domestic corporation . duly organi/.ed r and ' existing under<.' and 13't' he>L' by virtue of the laws of the State of New York. SECOND: ,.>I'.(.ONI): That upon information i))1(l and belieE at alltimes ol' foreign corporation duly organized and existing under and by v irtueof the laws .'i of the . >I;Ite State .>1;1teof (Itah. TillRD: That upon information and helieE at alltimes .herein mentioned. the defendants. KEN GlBSON and MATTHEW WII.I .'>''I.'>L'I"I'll . IAMS . nere . and stillare principal owners of defendant. PRO ilcI'ctiLI;tilt. i!efe11(!;)I) STAR. FOURTH: That upon information and belieE..'llat all .>11 times .>!! herein mentioned. the ' (le! I> Llctelltlittlts. e)i(la)it~. IiI'.'>I< (>113SOX I'.'.(s113S()% iillLI .')))(l .'('I II I I':() I' ">'I 'k'I'I'I A'I'I L> 6 0 I I.l1.( I '>I. 1>.'>IN > ice! ii t) ll;)I'(' <.'I'(','()1(l c iii>LI ~till 1'c~tilcttt~ .>t'e t~ I'e~iIthe I FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/13/2018 04:08 PM INDEX NO. 151848/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/13/2018 State of t tah. 1 ' FIFTH: That upon crt'>»„,>t>r information and an .»«'« times herein mentioned. the %hi'()le'I' R'(' In'11>c). defendant, ROADRUNNER TRANSPORTATION .) SERVICES, INC. .! (hereinafter "ROADRL was is . corporation Llndoi' NNER"), and stiH a li>reign Jub (Jul oruani ed and existine under and by „ «' of (..!irtue LJ1(.' !I>«' laws . the of /I>«' State the of Wiscon.sin. ~>IX SlXTll: That upon information > and belief. . and all ,>li ,>:lr.: at times and ,» i)!;>t.'i' places . occI' herein mentioned. the defendant. KEN GlBSON exercised dominion (lonlulion and control over ' .' ," / defendant. ..PRO STAR li>rpersonal . gain ,, and .: .:,to the Jeirimen: .. . . of ,X 1.1.1NG REDIENTS. . Il«' SEVENTH: I That upon inli>rmation and behel. :n all .IJJ .'.:umes herein I'!» mentioned, the I' .!r.'i «'t defendant. KEN GlBSON treated. recognized,/'Cr «';'itr.'Il. and used .».i', «','. the . funds...I assets. lacilities. bank accounts and allother assets ,'!of PRO STAR .) .'..'...','' interchangeably. .» mov .''. ed fund s and ' a,3ct3 .: ~ inand .» . out of the PRO [Jlc;lite)' illtci' i(>l' lil' STAR as .>i .(sthe alter ego of each othei. and ..>nit ..(n(J toed the aoen .>»ci .un! .cn>tici laedit;es wr the benetit of KEN (' GlBSON. EIGHTH: That all of the transfers, assignments business iillll and dealings between or <>thcl' among PRO STAR .0 rkl( and KEN GlBSON were 'designed and intended to benefit each other and lie;iltc)' tcl' tl'<' I' were the alter egos of each other. treating the 3ame totany jocreaneeably. (!!)I)uc! .! . regardless of the origin i>i' L)l' ol' iul'('>>'funds or source of any or assets L .'NINTil: That upon inli)rmation and beliel. the detendant. clclcn>l'Int.KEN GlBSON ( arrogated to himselfeomplete control and management of PRO . STAR. . manipulated the books. Ihcic;>ItcI' accounts. credits and records and <>slii deposits .'Illat of PRO NTAR. and theicaller n ronglully and deliberately entered into a shipping agreement with All ING .>(I.l.. .Xl.l. REDIENTS for the transportation Dict;ti(' lntlilitl'»' oJ (>Icert')in cei tilln cxt>';tcts cxtl'atcLs(Illd tnd p()N'(lcf'4 po(cdcrs u:e(J ti.'icil in illthc c f)Ict;tl . >Ilppl>.nlcnt Suppl »)cnt Jn(lu.t)i ti> to pl;iintilt phnntl II is coll!Il~<>nce. consi nee, FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/13/2018 04:08 PM INDEX NO. 151848/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/13/2018 tc>' r,' Global 1lealing Center l.P (hereinaller Global Ilealine . r./ located at .» 19 t 7I t nix i,'ersitylr' Drive. Phoenix. r! Ari/.ona 85034. TENTH: That upon inli>rmation and belief, . and ,!.,Iat all ,II. tintes and places .ri:r! ,1« I:.Q' herein mentioned. the defendant. MATTIiEW Wll 1.1AMS .,«'1.. exercised i!ri'».»!rrt. dominion and control over rl PRO > .'%le STAll .' . '.:,' defendant, forpersonal gain and to the Jetrunent ~ ~ of All rl.l. 1NGREDIENTS. r( ElIVENTil: r,'.I upon 1hat . information 'i!, r and r .'. hehef. at alltimes herein ' mentioned. the I" <1Al"I'HL'>>>>>' i' >>i/ recognized and .. used the 'funds. ... assets. lacilities. ll' <)I' 'i'.'>ss't.' bank accounts and all other assets of rri!1."!,!iii'1 PRO STAR ..:..!: .>>.Ie interchangeably. ..moved ,'.!, funds ., and assets in and >t' out.1 ofthe PRO STAR .> as the alter .lri ego of each other. ane u 1 the ...' .1ssets and lacilities . li>rthe I' >>,'I" A'I" I'.M' >»>' O' benefit of MATTllEW .1 .'> W1111AMs. > i>i' TWELFTH: . That all of the transfers. assignment.s .>s~>~~»»>co>i .»»«.:',i..! and business dealings between or .. ->' .!»i.rri..: ,''>nlo»I' among PRO STAR.'.>and MATT11EW ½ IlllAMS ~ were ... " Jesigned and...' intended to benefit each other alld Were the alter egos of each othei. treatine tlie sune!yinterchangeably. regardless i' ui' ' ' ' of the origin or .'< source of any funds or assets TlilRTEENTH: That upon inti>rmation and belief. the defendant. MATTllEW 'll' iiti' ittr' Wil.1.1AMS arrogated to himselfcomplete control .ii and management o1 PRO .i.'i STAR. ' I' ' ' i' ">It<>' manipulated the books. .;ice accounts. credits .n> and records and i,* .tepasis it 1 PRO S1AR. and thereafter 1 i' '1" I' wrongfully and .'>»(I deliberatelyentered into a shipping agreement with . Al 1 INGREDIENTS ~ for I>alt>str»' the transportation ofcertain extracts and powders used in the Dietary Supplement Industry to plaintif fs consignee. Global Ilealing Center I P thereinalter Global l1leahng7 >li>l~,>l located at 1917 li Uniser.sity <»' <'>i>t'r1)rive. Phoenis. \rizona 850.i4 ~N.<>].t-t iN~t).>A I ()l k II''I.b J'OL'RTL'KXTll: II: h tl>c,>tore.",>i tl>u,>tt>ri's;»il 'onit> «.i.. I i(>nil>tet 't«,>. 1>'l l '1 »[>i>i> ~>c>put>".>!i'it )I'i ti> tlic >in>it'I'hi bi J>l,>t>tt>ll pl I I ji,it it 'ti".>t iip 1 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/13/2018 04:08 PM INDEX NO. 151848/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/13/2018 NIA'I"I'kll'.>>'>' .%1.>'I' the defendants. . PRO STAR, KEN GIHSON and MATTHEW Wil.LIAMS..jointly and tll(.' Cr' 1>ever' severally. with the wrongful intention of profiting trom the .! alivresaid shipment w hite never l)11(I('I' itl>del' .' intending to fulfillitsobligations under said contract <»! (I<,hired and engaged the defendant, i,' I'I<(),' ROADRUNNER. at the direction. and instruction of PRO STAR, 1 pick up and deliver the ,>J<>l'cr>1cr)tr(>l)('>I aforementioned extracts and powders to ~ consignee. Plaintiffs < . Global l lealing. SIXTEENTH: That upon information and belief.the shipment at issue in thisaction (1.'>I SE OF ACTION AGAINSI .>((.~J ->((,'AIXS'I PRO STAR AND .kb .>(I< MR .'t XX I' ("I' (' (llREACH OF CONTRACT) i' SEVENTEENT11: Plaintiffs repeat. reiterate and reallege .;i each and ev ery allegation i" · heretoli3re had herein contained in paragraphs FIRST through SlXTEENTil", inclusive, of 1'till(' the Complaint with the same force and .indefleet as it fullyset li>rthherein at length t'1' EIGHTEENTH: On or about April 12.. 2017 the Jefendants. .I PRO .i'I STAR, KEN III'.0' .'>'IAT'I'ILI'.Q) i' ' GillSON and MATTHEW Wil.1.1AMS ~ entered ' into a il>ll>pill" shipping agreement .i''iccnlcnt with 11.I. .i> ()I' t.?I' I24207.' INDGREDIENTS, pursuant 1 a Bill Of 1.ading No.: .: I "'.t:l', '-t.), .;>»>1 annexed hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit .xhlhlt A".. for the transportation of certain extracts and powders to plaintilFs.> consignee. Global Healing. . NINETEENTH: . Pursuant to the terms of tlleAgreement the .'v:!>«cl)!cliri extracts .>I>d powders and were to he shipped pursuant to a Bill 01 Lading (see Exhibit „s . r ). ol' .? Ar Agreement @cement I'v>>iLr!NTIETII: I'A>EXTIE'I'Il: hat 'I'l h ithet'clot()l llerel(>t'ulc c ilnil a>1d oil ol> or 'th()ut >>ho(lt it .april pl lI 2. 2t) « «rhilc I 7, 21117, hilc the 'I FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/13/2018 04:08 PM INDEX NO. 151848/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/13/2018 '' '' Was l!l llÌlli)lCeand effect. .c, . the(' 1.'. eNlraels :ind . ponders were ditmaµed. Itst or n1iss ol' TWENTUFIRST: t hatthe aereed price and Uir .uld J reasonable .i!'>.I value of the extracts !>„I" (>' (' and ponders was $20.050.50. no part of which balance has>.. been paid or credited. ahhough pa.s ment hasi (' been Jemanded. .! .'> (I.! duly I'I' IWEN ( I - USE( >I'.(OND: > .)1 the 'II hat .I;c Pla 1tiffl as~ fo its ~ hilmiticni > .!.: J;if..:',,I «I I'ill» er the terms oi' of' tlic»Agrccn1»i)t ,u).I anLI ( (>'.r:c! other«isc )i, r l(c»;cit:) peri'ortn»(l p .!